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Neuralink Presentation - Live Demo video - Screenshots + P2 Brain Interface



  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Mickster wrote: »

    Yup, it's always a money thing. It was at least 21 years ago that there was talk of curing Type-1 diabetes through stem-cells or something and my Type-1-diabetic son became extremely excited. Then it all went quiet.

    Goldman Sachs....curing patients a sustainable business model?

    Which is why such research should be funded by the government. Then researchers at universities and hospitals will have the funds to do so.
  • @kwinn

    Where would be the incentive? To cure their way out of a job that they spent years specializing in?
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    If you have no time and if you are not funded, create a propeller and get money and time! Chip, continue doing great things! And have some rest. The rest of us will help you, the one way or the other, depending on gusto ;-)
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Mickster wrote: »

    Where would be the incentive? To cure their way out of a job that they spent years specializing in?

    Mickster, you must be a pessimist. Believe it or not, there are people in the world who help others without expecting a monetary or other reward.

    What makes you think that everything learned in finding a cure for one affliction would not be applicable in finding the cure for another? Knowledge is cumulative. Learning one thing makes it easier to to acquire other knowledge.
  • MicksterMickster Posts: 2,750
    edited 2020-09-01 19:52

    Nope. I'm a realist and if I were the individual who discovered a cure for a disease that would put a massive industry out of business, I could tell the world and be ridiculed and subsequently suicided/heart attacked or I could keep my mouth shut and live my life.
  • Almost 19 years ago, the vast majority were convinced, by the media, that a couple of relatively puny aluminum tubes (with wings), simply sliced through steel-reinforced concrete.
    Those with an understanding of basic physics/ballistics were labelled "conspiracy theorists" for stating that this was impossible. And so it goes.
  • Already posted in the wrong place. It should be moved here.
  • This should be in the General Discussion forum.
  • @ TonyB
    This should be in the General Discussion forum.

    I starteds the discussion to discuss a P2 Brain Interface. I adjusted the title


  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    To invent the wheel needs some kind of genius. If you do not know the wheel, what discriminates an invention from reinvention? So if you are excited about new technology: check if the technology is peer reviewed. If yes, it's no longer new, but known by some. If no, it could be olds wine in new bottles. A quick google and, could have looked in WikiPedia first... Why should I be interested what the deep thoughts of an Pig are, even when they come up enumerated and in numbers, big numbers, numbers nobody even can count to (Of those geniuses, stable or not, I know)?
    200 x 218 - 6K

  • 1: I am not trained enough to give a serious opinion.
    2: the sf roman permutation city deals with this topic
    3: The P2 is a great processor, but I don't think it has the capacity to do this.
  • Roy Eltham wrote: »
    There are a lot of things we disagree on, but that doesn't stop me from respecting you as a person and liking you as a good friend.

    If 100% agreement is a requirement for respect and friendship, then no one has any friends nor do they respect anyone, because no one agrees 100%.


    I don't care what your politics are. I do appreciate understanding others better.

  • cgracey wrote: »

    Yes, the notion of uploading yourself into another body or a robot is completely absurd.

    "Okay, sir, we've uploaded your consciousness into the new unit. Now we will retire your old unit."

    "Uh, what do you mean? I'm still here. This is still me."

    "No, sir, Your consciousness will carry on in the new unit. Per our contract, you have agreed to the retirement of your old carbon-positive unit."

    If you don't think preserving the state of your brain in a really good computer is a continuation of your consciousness, consider that experts also don't consider that our consciousness is preserved in our OWN body on even a second-by-second basis.

    Every single second, you die and another soul inherits the structure and state of your brain. Only he doesn't know it. He thinks he is you and he has lived for years. Because he inherited your memory.

    Once you think about it this way, it's easy to see how it WILL work to upload our consciousness into a machine. We just have to reorient what we think consciousness actually is.

    This is just what the mind-uploading experts say. Forgive me if you guys already know all this.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I am waiting for head transplants. I need a new body, mine’s been used way too much ;)
  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114
    The science required to produce a workable, non-invasive, neural links was publicly demonstrated more than 20 years ago, by a Canadian scientist, whose name I can't recall for some reason.

    what he showed was that 4 well placed solenoids were sufficient to elicit all kinds of experiences... including the mental impression of being in the presence of an alien... or someone dressed up like an alien.

    The electromagnetic fields of the solenoids could easily be the product of transmitted fields...assuming that you could tune the transmitted field well enough.

    I once employed an engineer, whose name I also can't recall. His expertise was crafting radio fields that would be the shape of various letters, when they fell on the retina .... a square area no more than an inch.

    So... that stuff has been around forever too.

    It wasn't clear where the solenoid fields came from... I would guess that they were derived from advanced processing of EEGs under various conditions.

    whoever gave him the green lite on this absurdity should rethink it

  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114
    The P2 could be used for such a link... at least experimentally. I would encourage Parallax to contact this particular genius and tell him to stop. The science required has been available for a long time.

    If it could have happened, it probably did.
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