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Neuralink Presentation - Live Demo video - Screenshots + P2 Brain Interface — Parallax Forums

Neuralink Presentation - Live Demo video - Screenshots + P2 Brain Interface

Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
edited 2020-09-02 02:31 in Propeller 2
Neuralink Presentation - Live demo with Pigs.

The Video Starts around 48.5
WATCH: Elon Musk's Neuralink Presentation (full working demo)

Products such as Neralink will allow us to interface to products like the P2, iPhones etc.. The neurons in your brain can generate 1's and 0's, what could you use it for ? Also If you built a P2 robot and used a Neuralink intercace you could dump your personal memory to your robot . :) How would you use this type of technolgy with a P2, P3 etc . It may still seem like science fiction today but it will be here long before the P3 :)

Elon Musk wants YOU to build a brain-computer interface

Who wants to start on a Neuralink object for the P2? LOL


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  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-08-29 16:31
    It seems to me that your brain would route a lot of activity towards the sensor if it becomes something that you are depending on, kind of like what happens to roots when you water a tree from one point. What if your subscription gets shut off because they don't like you? I think companies will be stealing your brain data and you won't know the extent of it, plus they'll wind up effectively controlling you. It's probably a very lopsided arrangement. Anyway, when I look at that, I can't separate what it could be, from what it probably is intended to be. It could be a great thing. And, yeah, it would be great to make a P2 interface for it, assuming a connection to third parties wasn't a mandate. I just can't imagine they'd bother developing all that technology and surgical infrastructure without some huge agenda. Turning everyone into slaves would be of sufficient magnitude to warrant their effort. It's like, what is above getting people into mortgages and paying as much for an education? Outright control is the New Frontier. It trumps everything else, as business models go.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2020-08-29 17:24
    I read a book on a flight recently. "Amped" and it was provocative.

    Concern over augmented people quickly escalated into a Supreme Court decision stripping "Amped" people of all rights.

    New hair styles came into vogue making the entry point obvious. Either there is just skin, or some sign of biohackery.

    The story arc from there sees these people retreat into nowhere USA and their struggles from there. It is a quick romp. Fun read. Thought provoking.

    All that said, I think people could make good use of an implant farther from the brain. A two way thing, pick up muscle / nerve signals, and the device sending some sensation back.

    Pretty harmless, but to those willing to learn, it would basically be a command line stream.

    In another book, Bliss "Cities in Space" people spoke "mechanese" and 56k was optimal throughput for a peak human communicator.

    I have seen good HAM ops able to use Morse via blinking lights while having conversations or doing other activities...

    With some software, even very modest throughput, say characters/symbols per second could be very useful. Even just a few.

    Think driving while the nav streams directions to you. Or you control a thing hands free. Even writing code while waiting in line at the grocery store, or maybe this post?

    Use of symbols as words could make for a very potent control and or comms channel. A whole lot can be done.

    To me, Musk is crazy aggressive. If we allow super rich people, I am glad to see one really try stuff. In concept we gain. But, it is real aggression. Dangerous. I think I will wait this one out.

    One EMP type event, and what happens? I shudder to think about that, or even more basic attacks or scenarios. Could end up banned from getting near RF, for example. Or that MRI?
  • Sidebar: hey everyone!

    I am still here reading most days. Crazy busy. Got my flat panel and P2 and get some time with it every so often. Keep up the good work.

    Chip made a monster.
  • Hi,

    usually i never comment off topic discussions but
    all this Transhumanism and Posthumanism, what a gigantic Smile!

    For all German speaking (or reading) people I urgently recommend the following new book
    from Richard D. PRECHT: Künstliche Intelligenz und der Sinn des Lebens
    ( English: Artificial Intelligence and the Meaning of Life)

    I am quite sure this will be also published in English in the next months!
    An excellent book dismantling all this omnipotence fantasies of this
    group of the worlds greatest capitalists which are thinking all this money
    what the stock market is lending them (they haven't earned it)
    make the them also omnipotent.

    In a certain way I can understand, why people are demonstrating against all this, Bezzo's, Musk's, Gate's,
    Page's, etc. They are demonstrating for the wrong reasons, but they are pointing to the right people.

    If this companies / guys would really want to bring the mankind on better level, they should:
    - pay their employees fair,
    - pay taxes where they earn their money,
    - not cooperate with all the ' security agencies' of the world
    - care about the environment
    - not abuse their monopoly.

    Electrodes in a pigs brain, how pitiful.



  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-08-30 17:35
    MGreim wrote: »

    usually i never comment off topic discussions but
    all this Transhumanism and Posthumanism, what a gigantic Smile!

    For all German speaking (or reading) people I urgently recommend the following new book
    from Richard D. PRECHT: Künstliche Intelligenz und der Sinn des Lebens
    ( English: Artificial Intelligence and the Meaning of Life)

    I am quite sure this will be also published in English in the next months!
    An excellent book dismantling all this omnipotence fantasies of this
    group of the worlds greatest capitalists which are thinking all this money
    what the stock market is lending them (they haven't earned it)
    make the them also omnipotent.

    In a certain way I can understand, why people are demonstrating against all this, Bezzo's, Musk's, Gate's,
    Page's, etc. They are demonstrating for the wrong reasons, but they are pointing to the right people.

    If this companies / guys would really want to bring the mankind on better level, they should:
    - pay their employees fair,
    - pay taxes where they earn their money,
    - not cooperate with all the ' security agencies' of the world
    - care about the environment
    - not abuse their monopoly.

    Electrodes in a pigs brain, how pitiful.



    Yes, the notion of uploading yourself into another body or a robot is completely absurd.

    "Okay, sir, we've uploaded your consciousness into the new unit. Now we will retire your old unit."

    "Uh, what do you mean? I'm still here. This is still me."

    "No, sir, Your consciousness will carry on in the new unit. Per our contract, you have agreed to the retirement of your old carbon-positive unit."
  • cgracey wrote: »
    It trumps everything else, as business models go.

    We do not allow political topics on this forum. :):)

  • Here, take this cell phone, its convenient, we will respect your privacy.


    You know where this is all going.
    Go with it, or go away from it all.

    Get a neuralink only to have an E.M.P., FRY YOU, have fun with that.

    Burn your cell phone.
    Grow a garden, be loved by the sun, not the grid.

  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2020-08-31 12:40
    Who here watched Elon Musk Nuralink presentation? The things I took away from it.

    There developing / developed a custom chip specifically for this use. Thousands of input channels.
    The implant machine is used due to the thin fragile wires to be implanted. (input channels)

    So basically they designed a custom chip with thousands of a/d converters and a high speed output. It uses a usb connection. ( Didn't mention the protocol)

    So with my limited use of EMG signals to control my robot arm all this interest me.

    Is anyone here also interested in this?

    Your thoughts?

    ( My profile image is a A/D board is designed for this purpose, Old design and single channel)

  • Smartest group of people I ever came across, make up this community. So many questions I want to ask BUT where does one draw the line when this is sooo closely related to politics?

    5G, for there reason to be concerned? All I know is that everything has a resonant frequency. Ella Fitzgerald (and others) shattering a glass, etc.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-08-31 20:12
    Mickster wrote: »
    Smartest group of people I ever came across, make up this community. So many questions I want to ask BUT where does one draw the line when this is sooo closely related to politics?

    5G, for there reason to be concerned? All I know is that everything has a resonant frequency. Ella Fitzgerald (and others) shattering a glass, etc.

    There's so much to discuss related to our world situation, and so much conflict of opinion about what the truth is, that open discussion would likely cause some of us to suddenly suppose that other people on this forum are our enemies. Then, there goes the neighborhood. I'm kind of thinking that it's a good idea to not gum things up. It's my experience that almost nobody changes their opinions about deeply-contested things, but they certainly take note of others' opinions. I think we've been programmed to react like this. We also live amid a lot of deception, making it hard to know what the truth is.

    A lot of information that we go by is not readily verifiable. Like, does 60 GHz radiation really disrupt O2 chemistry in living organisms? It would be great to do experiments to test out these ideas. That's what's lacking in all this. All someone would have to do is demonstrate this in a YouTube (or Bitchute) video and, if it's true, it would become much harder to deny, although much belief these days is pathological. I remember seeing a video of a guy walking around a part of Silicon Valley with an RF power meter, where some early 5G antennas had been set up. He was reading 1W/m^2 of power at millimeter wavelengths. The "safe" amount is known to be 1mW/m^2. He was just on the sidewalk. So, that doesn't seem good, but few people have the wherewithal to actually investigate anything. It would be great to design equipment that puts this capability into anyone's hands who's interested.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-01 00:42
    cgracey wrote: »
    but few people have the wherewithal to actually investigate anything.

    How Do I enlarge this text so big that it is the only thing EVERYONE can see, EVERYWHERE, I want it to take over facebook, twitter, every website, every billboard, every sign, every freeway sign, every street painting in front of trump (is this a swear word now?)... tower... etc...

    Them: "Its a conspiracy theory."

    Me: Uhh, no sir, I did the math, I ran tests, I ran experiments, I researched the statistical history, I extrapolated into and out of, other sciences very closely related, I even tested it on my self at great peril, sure I didn't die, but I was not ok.

    Them: "so you didn't die? SEE! you are WRONG!"
    Them: "your a conspiracy theoryist..."

    Me: You can't even spell it right. *And its, you're* Please stop talking.

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    cgracey wrote: »
    but few people have the wherewithal to actually investigate anything.

    How Do I enlarge this text so big that it is the only thing EVERYONE can see, EVERYWHERE, I want it to take over facebook, twitter, every website, every billboard, every sign, every freeway sign, every street painting in front of trump (is this a swear word now?)... tower... etc...

    Them: "Its a conspiracy theory."

    Me: Uhh, no sir, I did the math, I ran tests, I ran experiments, I researched the statistical history, I extrapolated into and out of, other sciences very closely related, I even tested it on my self at great peril, sure I didn't die, but I was not ok.

    Them: "so you didn't die? SEE! you are WRONG!"
    Them: "your a conspiracy theoryist..."

    Me: You can't even spell it right. *And its, you're* Please stop talking.

    Wouldn't matter to "them" no matter how how big you make the text, how loud you announce the facts, or how bright and clear you make the pictures and videos. Sad to say, but about a third of the population is so dumb that they think they are very smart. How else could a moron that brags about being a "stable genius" end up as president.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-09-01 03:53
    Oh, boy. This must be why we have that rule.

    I imagine none of us would fully agree on half a dozen such issues with anyone else here. On any single issue, there's maybe only a 50% chance of agreement with another person. Nobody will be changing their mind about anything significant, to the universal consternation of everyone who is concerned. My own mom sees things opposite of how I do, at least because she listens to different news than I do, but maybe it's a function of personality, too. We each think the other is mistaken. These are the times we are living in.
  • Roy ElthamRoy Eltham Posts: 3,000
    edited 2020-09-01 04:19
    There are a lot of things we disagree on, but that doesn't stop me from respecting you as a person and liking you as a good friend.

    If 100% agreement is a requirement for respect and friendship, then no one has any friends nor do they respect anyone, because no one agrees 100%.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-09-01 05:06
    Roy Eltham wrote: »
    There are a lot of things we disagree on, but that doesn't stop me from respecting you as a person and liking you as a good friend.

    If 100% agreement is a requirement for respect and friendship, then no one has any friends nor do they respect anyone, because no one agrees 100%.

    That's all true, but we can get so stirred up that we may threaten to nuke our friendships in exasperation.

    I remember maybe a year ago that you wrote something on Facebook that went about like this: "If any if you have the audacity to call yourselves Christians and support Donald Trump, please unfriend me. I want nothing to do with you, hypocrite!"

    I hope I'm not embarrassing you. I've said ridiculous things to people myself, like, one time, and this is really shameful, I sort of accused Tracy Allen of helping communists by building gas sensors to monitor cooking fire emissions in the third world. How embarrassing! I'm sure he forgave me because he sees past stuff like that, having maturity and magnanimity. I've felt bad about that for a while.

    Anyway, we are probably all inclined to friendship, but the world does its best to divide us over all kinds of things that we really don't have much certainty of and little to no control over. We are not each other's enemies.
  • Going back to the OP.

    Interfacing to the brain? What possible benefit?
    How about curing a few things like cancer and diabetes?
    All I have ever seen is "donate to cancer research" but never "cure".

    What do these people do every day?

    "hey dad, what did you do at work today?"

    "oh I researched some cancer stuff"

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    edited 2020-09-01 09:20
    The moment someone explains the sense of life to me, life will have lost sense to me. I didn't experience the horror Nazism and couldn't understand why my ancestors allowed for it to happen. Now I get a demontration every morning checking a Twitter account. OT: I clearly do not want to know my own thaughts and it would not be good to act accordingly, so why should I be interested what a pig is going to think?
  • so why should I be interested what a pig is going to think?


    I came across this 1967, 3-LP recording.

    Explains a lot. Not only about the wars but also about current events.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    People made similar comments when transplant experiments started. Look what that has brought!
    Similar distrust for hand/arm transplants. Not really proven yet, but give it time. I’d bet if it’s your hand/arm or leg missing, you’ll be hoping for a breakthrough.
    We already have leg prosthetics :)

    Bet those that are blind cannot wait for some breakthroughs in these brain experiments, and what if you’re a paraplegic or quadriplegic?

    Without this research, nothing happens!
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2020-09-01 09:37
    Interfacing to the brain? What possible benefit?

    It is obvious that you diden't take time to watch the presentation before you criticized it. :(

    Some of the things that they are working on are, just to mention a few:

    Cure blindness, paralysis, deafness, and mental illness.

    If they could only do one of these thing it would benifit Millions of people and help improve their lives.

    They may even find a cure for negative thinking people someday LOL

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    We go to the moon because it's hard. No other sense. A good reason because in reaching that goal many enabling technologies will come alight. Nobody had the idea to develop balistic missiles ;-)
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-01 10:40

    They may even find a cure for negative thinking people someday LOL

    Heck, make it the law. Mandatory brain implants at birth.

    Thought police?

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." <--- taboo negative thought.

    Good bye world, its been a good attempt, but the grind of the flesh, is too wrought with desire, demand, and destruction.

    The transition from a world of values to a world of money has already happened.
    It truly is just a matter of time.

    You can't exist (unless you live uneducated on the street) without:
    A social security number, vaccines, an ID, a shirt, shoes, a PHONE, (and now a mask), .....

    You do realize a wireless grid connected brain implant will eventually be the same.

    Because money.


    To put it more appropriate to this forum....
  • @Mickster
    Interfacing to the brain? What possible benefit?

    It is obvious that you diden't take time to watch the presentation before you criticized it. :(

    Some of the things that they are working on are, just to mention a few:

    Cure blindness, paralysis, deafness, and mental illness.

    If they could only do one of these thing it would benifit Millions of people and help improve their lives.

    They may even find a cure for negative thinking people someday LOL

    1996 and Dolly the sheep was cloned. Where are the spare parts for humans that could have saved lives?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Mickster wrote: »
    Interfacing to the brain? What possible benefit?

    It is obvious that you diden't take time to watch the presentation before you criticized it. :(

    Some of the things that they are working on are, just to mention a few:

    Cure blindness, paralysis, deafness, and mental illness.

    If they could only do one of these thing it would benifit Millions of people and help improve their lives.

    They may even find a cure for negative thinking people someday LOL

    1996 and Dolly the sheep was cloned. Where are the spare parts for humans that could have saved lives?
    They are making spare parts. They’re just miniature. And they are being used to test all sorts of chemicals on for all sorts of cures.
    Will the companies that develop the cures make money from it? Sure they will, otherwise why would they do it?
    You cannot have one without the other.

    There are upsides and downsides to everything.

    Just look at computers and the internet. There are hackers launching all sorts of bad viruses that endanger life, and demanding ransom. They are being aided by the researchers who are getting paid lots of cash to find the security flaws, and then publish those flaws to help the hackers. As a result, our computers now run at half speed. Just doesn’t seem right to me.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    There are upsides and downsides to everything.

    But don't talk about it because you will be banned on some, if not all platforms.... eventually.

    Agree with the owner of the local public square, or you loose access to the local public square.

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    getting paid lots of cash

    QUE THE MONEY SONG! It all...always seems to come back to the morals vs money, .... money won long ago. Everyone wants to be "TRUMPIN" (sorry for using the swear word, again.)

  • I don't think the brain will give up its secrets so easily.

    While the chip has the ability to measure many channels human brain has 86 billion neurons.

    Compare to pig 425 million, cat 250 and dog150 nurons.

    Still cool and heck!

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    Read "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy", don't watch the movie. If you are a moron and you could read other peoples thoughts you would realize that all people are morons.
  • @Cluso99

    Yup, it's always a money thing. It was at least 21 years ago that there was talk of curing Type-1 diabetes through stem-cells or something and my Type-1-diabetic son became extremely excited. Then it all went quiet.

    Goldman Sachs....curing patients a sustainable business model?
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