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Parallax-ESP Module Latest Hack



  • David Betz wrote: »
    I tried your new flash script with mixed results. First, I had to change "./" to "esptool" because Ubuntu installed the python script in /usr/local/bin with the name "esptool" without the ".py".

    Ok. I never installed it, i just used it from the repo that I git.
    I think most linux systems will be able to run it without .py I probably didn't even try.
    David Betz wrote: »
    Second, I had to remove the --compress option because my ESP8266 board doesn't support that apparently. I have to admit that the board I'm using at the moment is not the Parallax WX module so maybe --compress isn't a problem with that module.

    Thats interesting, I will need to pull out my non-parallax modules and check that out.
    Did you get an actual error?

    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm wondering if we should include with the WX firmware release or if we should just assume that the user has it already installed?
    If you don't tell users to git it, and then also tell them to put it in the release folder, they will not.
    If you want to use the python version instead of the c version, which ever you choose I would include the repository.
    Or even the actual .py / c file, because they seem to like to change esptool without notice and then your old script FAILS.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-05 15:46
    I have been having some curious behavior with the "Command Mode" and telnet terminal and the port that flexgui or simpleide uses to talk to the module.

    When I set command mode ON and then do some
    NOP commands (send 254, and then 13),
    and then switch command mode off, send "SET:,cmd-enable,0" BUG IDENTIFIED INCORRECT SYNTAX correct -->send "SET:cmd-enable,0"

    Sometimes the serial data to the terminal when command mode is OFF, doesn't make it through to the terminal
    and the module will dissappear from flexgui and simpleide, for a moment.

    Am I causing telnet communication conflict by setting command mode?
    Does command mode affect the modules ability to respond to its programming port?

    Im running this program and viewing the output with a proptool of the debug port on the wx module,
    and also viewing the putty terminal connected to the wx module on telnet.
    I also have a 2nd proptool that is used to snoop the tx/rx between the propeller chip and the module.

    I actually had the module crash once.
    This might have been because I was changing in and out of command mode every SECOND.
    Is that too fast?
      _CLKMODE=XTAL1 + PLL16X                   ' The system clock spec
      _XINFREQ = 5_000_000                                  ' Crystal
      Rx        = 31     'serial in from wx device
      Tx        = 30     'serial out to wx device
        ser: "FullDuplexSerial.spin"
        long Stack1[100]
    Pub Main   
    cognew(Comms, @Stack1)
    Pub Comms | CommandMode
      ser.Start(RX, TX, 0, 115200)   'Cog #2 
      waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt)   'wait 1 second fpr serial to start.
        ser.str(string(27))     'Set ansi command mode in putty.
        ser.str(string("[2J"))  'Clear putty telnet screen. 
        If CommandMode == 1    'Turn command mode on in spin.
          ser.str(string(27))      'Set ansi command mode in putty.                 
          ser.str(string("[2;3f")) 'Set Position in putty.      
          ser.str(string("Command Mode is On. ")) 'Tell putty command mode is on.      
          ser.str(string(27))      'Set ansi command mode in putty.      
          ser.str(string("[1;1f")) 'Set Position in putty to put cursor at 0
          waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt)   'wait 1 second for serial to stop.
          ser.Stop              'Turn off serial to send break.
          dira[TX]~~          ' Set direction to output
          outa[TX]:= 0        ' Set TX low.                         
          waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt)   'wait 1 second for command mode to start in the module.
          dira[TX]~           ' Set direction to input  
          ser.Start(RX, TX, 0, 115200)   'Cog #2                                  
          waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt)   'wait 1 second for serial to start.
          Repeat 5
            waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt) 'Wait for 1 s   
            ser.tx(254)     'Begin marker
            ser.tx(13)      'End marker
                            'This is like a NOP, or a Keep alive. 
                            'The Module responds here with a ser.tx(254) then a ser.str(string("=S,0")) and then a ser.tx(13)
                            'This loop runs 5 times.  If you snoop the serial DO line for the WX module, you will see it reply.                        
          ser.tx(254)  'Begin marker
          ser.str(string("SET:,cmd-enable,0"))   'Turn command mode off in the WX module.  BUG BAD SYNTAX --should be  ("SET:cmd-enable,0")
          ser.tx(13)    'End marker
          CommandMode := 0  'Turn command mode off in spin.
          waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt) 'Wait for 1 s  
        ser.str(string(27))      'Set ansi command mode in putty.
        ser.str(string("[2;3f")) 'Set Position in putty.
        ser.str(string("Command Mode is Off."))   'Tell putty command mode is off.                          '                                           
        ser.str(string(27))      'Set ansi command mode in putty.                         '                        
        ser.str(string("[1;1f")) 'Set Position in putty to put cursor at 0
        Repeat 5
          waitcnt(80_000_000 + cnt) 'Wait for 1 s  
        CommandMode := 1   'Turn command mode on in spin.
  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    I have been having some curious behavior with the "Command Mode" and telnet terminal and the port that flexgui or simpleide uses to talk to the module.

    When I set command mode ON and then do some
    NOP commands (send 254, and then 13),
    and then switch command mode off, (send "SET:,cmd-enable,0")
    Is it really necessary to include a comma after the colon in the above command? That is probably a bug.

  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-05 15:41
    David Betz wrote: »
    Is it really necessary to include a comma after the colon in the above command?

    Oh, I didn't even see that I messed that up. lol. Even when you carefully look over code and API manuals, it never fails you don't catch a extra character.
    DOH! Thank you!
    David Betz wrote: »
    That is probably a bug.

    Hey, you are right, technically it should have not responded, right?
    So then it should have stayed in command mode the whole time.
    Interesting that it sometimes did and sometimes didn't.

    Hah, this one also responds. Im not TRYING to mess it up, this was a mistake I just made again.

    When the module acts funny now, I get concerned the new firmware is doing it, instead of my code.
    'Livin on the edge.
  • For accurate testing I would think you would have two modules, one with the new firmware and one with the old.

    Then do a test to each and see if something is different.

  • iseries wrote: »
    For accurate testing I would think you would have two modules, one with the new firmware and one with the old.

    Then do a test to each and see if something is different.


    Agreed. Time to purchase a few more. Along with my relay I forgot for my 5v railroad smoker.
    I have two modules, but one is in the engine, and in DIP format.
  • I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error. I think I have to leave those out of any official scripts until we figure out why they don't work on some modules.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-05 16:57
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error. I think I have to leave those out of any official scripts until we figure out why they don't work on some modules.

    Now im curious. Connecting up my sparkfun esp8266 and my microcenter esp8266 modules to see this, right now.
  • I use the esptool.exe for windows and it works just fine.

  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 09:02
    iseries wrote: »
    I use the esptool.exe for windows and it works just fine.


    Thanks for testing that. That one uses the esptool-ck version. Which does not do verify or compress, fyi.

    Oh, you didn't mean that you tested my attached windows batch which uses that exe file. Nevermind!
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-05 18:31
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error.

    Wait you used a Parallax WX module? Are you connecting the reset line?
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2020-09-05 18:36
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error.

    Wait you used a Parallax WX module? Are you connecting the reset line?
    GPIO0 is tied high during reset.

  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error.

    Wait you used a Parallax WX module? Are you connecting the reset line?

    Does the check flash size feature work for you?
    ./ flash_id
  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm not sure what's going on with the --compress and --verify options. I tried it with a real Parallax WX production module and I still got an error.

    Wait you used a Parallax WX module? Are you connecting the reset line?

    Does the check flash size feature work for you?
    ./ flash_id
    dbetz@dbetz-VirtualBox:~/parallax/Parallax-ESP/release/release$ flash_id v1.2
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016

  • David Betz wrote: »
    :~/parallax/Parallax-ESP/release/release$ flash_id v1.2
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016

    Hmm, they must code the size into the script.
    Ok, ive been finishing the greenhouse floor today, haven't had time to check up on all this, will do tonight.
    Test the generic esp's with verify and compress, and the new changes you put into the repo...

  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    :~/parallax/Parallax-ESP/release/release$ flash_id v1.2
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016

    Hmm, they must code the size into the script.
    Ok, ive been finishing the greenhouse floor today, haven't had time to check up on all this, will do tonight.
    Test the generic esp's with verify and compress, and the new changes you put into the repo...
    I don't really know how to interpret that output. What do you get when you run that on your module? Are you using a real Parallax WX module?

  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 06:28
    David Betz wrote: »
    :~/parallax/Parallax-ESP/release/release$ flash_id v1.2
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016

    Ok now i see, the problem is, you need to git the latest version of v3.0-dev

    That might fix the compress and verify issue you were having earlier too.

    David Betz wrote: »
    Are you using a real Parallax WX module?

    I am using a 100% authentic parallax module, SIP for ALL my tests, accept no less, only the best.
    It really is the best, it has the metal cover, which performs MUCH better in the cold and the heat of my greenhouse.

    Here are the results of my sparkfun esp module. (16MB)
    They are almost identical except the mac and the flash size.
    I changed out my sparkfun module to a 25q128FVSG flash chip.
    It was the same price as the smaller sizes so i just went bigger than the esp8266 can do, it works fine, when I use it with the default WX programming size of 2MB.

    The first result is the parallax module. USB0
    The two results after, are the olimex modules with the 25q128 flash chips. USB1 & USB2
    $ ./ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 flash_id v3.0-dev
    Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
    Detecting chip type... ESP8266
    Chip is ESP8266EX
    Features: WiFi
    Crystal is 26MHz
    MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    Uploading stub...
    Running stub...
    Stub running...
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016
    Detected flash size: 4MB
    Hard resetting via RTS pin...
    $ ./ --port /dev/ttyUSB1 flash_id v3.0-dev
    Serial port /dev/ttyUSB1
    Detecting chip type... ESP8266
    Chip is ESP8266EX
    Features: WiFi
    Crystal is 26MHz
    MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    Uploading stub...
    Running stub...
    Stub running...
    Manufacturer: ef
    Device: 4018
    Detected flash size: 16MB
    Hard resetting via RTS pin...
    $ ./ --port /dev/ttyUSB2 flash_id v3.0-dev
    Serial port /dev/ttyUSB2
    Detecting chip type... ESP8266
    Chip is ESP8266EX
    Features: WiFi
    Crystal is 26MHz
    MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    Uploading stub...
    Running stub...
    Stub running...
    Manufacturer: ef
    Device: 4018
    Detected flash size: 16MB
    Hard resetting via RTS pin...
    1299 x 1019 - 1023K
  • This version has many more options to work with the esp.
    We could probably even have it detect the flash size and use it in the programming...
    ./ --h
    usage: esptool [-h] [--chip {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2}] [--port PORT]
                   [--baud BAUD]
                   [--before {default_reset,no_reset,no_reset_no_sync}]
                   [--after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}] [--no-stub]
                   [--trace] [--override-vddsdio [{1.8V,1.9V,OFF}]]
                   [--connect-attempts CONNECT_ATTEMPTS]
                   ... v3.0-dev - ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility
    positional arguments:
                            Run esptool {command} -h for additional help
        load_ram            Download an image to RAM and execute
        dump_mem            Dump arbitrary memory to disk
        read_mem            Read arbitrary memory location
        write_mem           Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location
        write_flash         Write a binary blob to flash
        run                 Run application code in flash
        image_info          Dump headers from an application image
        make_image          Create an application image from binary files
        elf2image           Create an application image from ELF file
        read_mac            Read MAC address from OTP ROM
        chip_id             Read Chip ID from OTP ROM
        flash_id            Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID
        read_flash_status   Read SPI flash status register
        write_flash_status  Write SPI flash status register
        read_flash          Read SPI flash content
        verify_flash        Verify a binary blob against flash
        erase_flash         Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash
        erase_region        Erase a region of the flash
        version             Print esptool version
        get_security_info   Get some security-related data
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --chip {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2}, -c {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2}
                            Target chip type
      --port PORT, -p PORT  Serial port device
      --baud BAUD, -b BAUD  Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading
      --before {default_reset,no_reset,no_reset_no_sync}
                            What to do before connecting to the chip
      --after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}, -a {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}
                            What to do after is finished
      --no-stub             Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM
                            bootloader. Some features will not be available.
      --trace, -t           Enable trace-level output of interactions.
      --override-vddsdio [{1.8V,1.9V,OFF}]
                            Override ESP32 VDDSDIO internal voltage regulator (use
                            with care)
      --connect-attempts CONNECT_ATTEMPTS
                            Number of attempts to connect, negative or 0 for
                            infinite. Default: 7.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 09:23
    @"David Betz"
    The latest git (as of this post) of Parallax-Esp has a few bugs.

    After running make in the main directory
    1. The required files for the flashing of an esp are now completely missing from the /Parallax-Esp/build folder.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.user1.bin is missing.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.user2.bin is missing.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.ota is also missing.

    They seem to be named improperly.

    Even if they are renamed, and programmed to the ESP, the debug port spits out garbage and the module will not do any kind of wifi, so the format of those files is damaged somehow.

    So something went wrong with this commit. "Fix problem with "make clean" after a fresh checkout."

    2. The /Parallax-ESP/release/
    script is incorrect, it references the wrong file (line 55)
    esp_init_data_default.bin ---> should be ----> esp_init_data_default_v08.bin

    3. The /Parallax-ESP/release/
    script is incorrect, it references the wrong file (line 42)
    esp_init_data_default.bin ---> should be ----> esp_init_data_default_v08.bin

    4. The /Parallax-ESP/esptool-ck/Make is not being run when /Parallax-Esp/Make is run, so the esptool file is missing.

    5. Once the esptool file is made, the esptool file is also not being copied to the /Parallax-Esp/release/release folder when the /Parallax-ESP/release/Makefile is run.

    6. All the scripts that use esptool in the /Parallax-ESP/release/ folder don't execute the esptool properly, it needs ./esptool
    It won't run on my system, Debian10.
  • Ugh. I'll fix this later today. All I did in my most recent push is change the "make clean" recipe so it just deletes the entire build directory. I'm not sure why this would have caused the problem you're describing.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 11:44
    David Betz wrote: »
    Ugh. I'll fix this later today. All I did in my most recent push is change the "make clean" recipe so it just deletes the entire build directory. I'm not sure why this would have caused the problem you're describing.

    lol, the simple ones seem to do the most damage!

    I have more bad news.
    When powering on any of my esp's (they all have the working firmware from the last working commit) and then connecting to them in ap mode.
    When I navigate to the Networks page the module will do a hard crash and restart.
    It will only do this when you first access the network page after it powers on, repeated accessing the page will not crash the module.

    Heres the debug pin output. From power on, you can see where it crashes.
    It has a E:M 2056 and a E:M 2096, I don't normally see those.
    This is the parallax WX esp8266 module.
    When it crashes, my webbrowser times out, my pc immediately reconnects(like it didn't even disconnect to the ap)
    And I then click the esp address bookmark again and then the network page, and it doesn't crash.
       Flash config restore ok
       108> Reset Pin: 13
       109> RX Pullup: 0
       115> DISCOVER: initialized
       115> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       115> Using pin 13 for reset
       116> 2MB flash: base 00100000, size 1048576
       120> Flash filesystem mounted!
       124> Httpd init
       126> Ready
       127> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       131> add if1
       133> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       140> bcn 100
     47679> add 1
     47679> aid 1
     47679> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
     80281> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80283> URL = /
     80286> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80286> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     80291> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80292> URL = /index.html
     80295> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     80323> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80324> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     80427> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80428> URL = /style.css
     80428> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     80474> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80474> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     80477> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80478> URL = /logo.png
     80524> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80524> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     80531> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80532> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
     80532> GET args = name=module-name
     80534> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB1'
     80539> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80542> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     80546> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     80550> URL = /favicon.ico
     80552> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     80563> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     80564> URL = /wx/setting?name=version
     80565> GET args = name=version
     80568> GET 'version' --> 'v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)'
     80576> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
     80578> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     80581> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
     80584> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     82823> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     82824> URL = /wifi/wifi.html
     82825> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     82858> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     82859> URL = /wifi/style.css
     82860> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4home page
     82862> Conn req from, using pool slot 2
     82867> E:M 2056
     82869> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
     82872> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     82877> E:M 2096
     82878> Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause):
     82883> epc1=0x4000df64, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000
     ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,0)
    load 0x40100000, len 2592, room 16
    tail 0
    chksum 0xf3
    load 0x3ffe8000, len 764, room 8
    tail 4
    chksum 0x92home page
    load 0x3ffe82fc, len 676, room 4
    tail 0
    chksum 0x22
    csum 0x22
    2nd boot version : 1.7(5d6f877)
    SPI Speed : 80MHz
    SPI Mode : QIO
    SPI Flash Size & Map: 16Mbit(512KB+512KB)
    jump to run user1 @ 1000
    Flash config restore ok
       112> Reset Pin: 13
       112> RX Pullup: 0
       118> DISCOVER: initialized
       118> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       118> Using pin 13 for reset
       120> 2MB flash: base 00100000, size 1048576
       124> Flash filesystem mounted!
       127> Httpd init
       129> Ready
       131> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       134> add if1
       136> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       144> bcn 100
      5603> add 1
      5603> aid 1
      5603> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:81 join, AID = 1
     10174> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10176> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
     10177> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     10195> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10195> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10202> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10203> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-ssid
     10203> GET args = name=wifi-ssid
     10206> GET 'wifi-ssid' --> ''
     10211> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10212> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     14471> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     14472> URL = /
     14474> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     14474> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     14502> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     14503> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
     14503> GET args = name=module-name
     14505> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB1'
     14511> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     14512> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     14517> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     14521> URL = /wx/setting?name=version
     14524> GET args = name=version
     14527> GET 'version' --> 'v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)'
     14534> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     14536> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     15993> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     15994> URL = /wifi/wifi.html
     15995> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     16034> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     16035> URL = /wifi/style.css
     16036> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     16048> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
     16048> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
     16051> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16052> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16056> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16058> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-ssid
     16061> GET args = name=wifi-ssid
     16065> GET 'wifi-ssid' --> ''
     16069> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16071> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16080> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16081> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
     16083> GET args = name=module-name
     16086> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB1'
     16091> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16093> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16097> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16102> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-mode
     16105> GET args = name=wifi-mode
     16108> GET 'wifi-mode' --> 'AP'
     16112> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16115> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16119> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16124> URL = /wx/setting?name=station-ipaddr
     16127> GET args = name=station-ipaddr
     16130> GET 'station-ipaddr' --> ''
     16135> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16138> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16142> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16147> URL = /wx/setting?name=station-macaddr
     16150> GET args = name=station-macaddr
     16154> GET 'station-macaddr' --> 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
     16160> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16162> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16176> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16177> URL = /wx/setting?name=softap-ipaddr
     16177> GET args = name=softap-ipaddr
     16180> GET 'softap-ipaddr' --> ''
     16185> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16188> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     16192> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     16196> URL = /wx/setting?name=softap-macaddr
     16200> GET args = name=softap-macaddr
     16203> GET 'softap-macaddr' --> 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
     16209> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     16212> Pool slot 0: socket closed.

    This is the olimex esp8266 module, same exact crash output it looks like.
       Flash config restore ok
       116> Reset Pin: 13
       116> RX Pullup: 0
       122> DISCOVER: initialized
       123> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       123> Using pin 13 for reset
       124> 2MB flash: base 00100000, size 1048576
       128> Flash filesystem mounted!
       131> Httpd init
       134> Ready
       135> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       139> add if1
       140> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       148> bcn 100
    238395> add 1
    238395> aid 1
    238395> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
    259860> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    259861> URL = /
    259864> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    259865> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    259870> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    259872> URL = /index.html
    259873> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    259902> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    259902> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    260048> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    260049> URL = /style.css
    260050> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    260097> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    260098> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    260101> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    260102> URL = /logo.png
    260149> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    260149> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    260155> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    260156> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
    260156> GET args = name=module-name
    260159> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB2'
    260164> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    260167> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    260171> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    260175> URL = /favicon.ico
    260177> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    260182> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
    260188> URL = /wx/setting?name=version
    260190> GET args = name=version
    260193> GET 'version' --> 'v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)'
    260204> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
    260205> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
    260212> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    260213> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    261528> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    261530> URL = /wifi/wifi.html
    261531> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    261564> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
    261565> URL = /wifi/style.css
    261566> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    261569> Conn req from, using pool slot 2
    261574> E:M 2056
    261576> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
    261579> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    261583> E:M 2096
    261585> Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause):
    261589> epc1=0x4000df64, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000
     ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,0)
    load 0x40100000, len 2592, room 16
    tail 0
    chksum 0xf3
    load 0x3ffe8000, len 764, room 8
    tail 4
    chksum 0x92
    load 0x3ffe82fc, len 676, room 4
    tail 0
    chksum 0x22
    csum 0x22
    2nd boot version : 1.7(5d6f877)
    SPI Speed : 80MHz
    SPI Mode : QIO
    SPI Flash Size & Map: 16Mbit(512KB+512KB)
    jump to run user1 @ 1000
    Flash config restore ok
       126> Reset Pin: 13
       126> RX Pullup: 0
       132> DISCOVER: initialized
       132> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       132> Using pin 13 for reset
       134> 2MB flash: base 00100000, size 1048576
       138> Flash filesystem mounted!
       141> Httpd init
       143> Ready
       145> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       148> add if1
       150> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       157> bcn 100
       274> add 1
       274> aid 1
       274> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
       784> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
       785> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
       786> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
       804> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
       805> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10116> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10117> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-ssid
     10117> GET args = name=wifi-ssid
     10119> GET 'wifi-ssid' --> ''
     10124> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10126> Pool slot 0: socket closed.

    I can try and flash an earlier firmware to see if it does the same.
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 13:04
    I did just that, I flashed using an old build I saved of commit (a5bcb63)

    Because i cannot get the old commit from github to build properly (wtf?)

    I flashed it to the parallax WX module, and I cannot get it to crash at first boot on the wifi page no matter what I try.
    The older firmware seems to choke a bit in ap mode when you join it.
       Flash config restore ok
       121> Reset Pin: 13
       121> RX Pullup: 0
       127> DISCOVER: initialized
       127> Version v1.0 (2020-09-03 02:47:12 29-xxxxxxxx)
       127> Using pin 13 for reset
       128> 4MB flash: base 00100000, size 3145728
       133> Flash filesystem mounted!
       136> Httpd init
       138> Ready
       140> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       143> add if1
       145> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       153> bcn 100
     30819> add 1
     30819> aid 1
     30819> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
     75740> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx leave, AID = 1
     75740> rm 1
     89843> add 1
     89843> aid 1
     89843> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
    134742> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx leave, AID = 1
    134742> rm 1
    144825> add 1
    144825> aid 1
    144825> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
    170114> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170116> URL = /
    170119> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170119> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    170125> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170127> URL = /index.html
    170128> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    170156> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170156> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    170295> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170296> URL = /style.css
    170296> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    170341> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170341> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    170345> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170346> URL = /logo.png
    170390> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170390> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    170395> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170396> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
    170397> GET args = name=module-name
    170400> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB1'
    170405> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170408> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    170411> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    170416> URL = /favicon.ico
    170418> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    170423> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
    170429> URL = /wx/setting?name=version
    170431> GET args = name=version
    170434> GET 'version' --> 'v1.0 (2020-09-03 02:47:12 29-xxxxxxxx)'
    170445> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
    170446> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
    170454> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    170454> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171780> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171781> URL = /wifi/wifi.html
    171782> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    171813> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
    171815> URL = /wifi/style.css
    171815> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    171818> Conn req from, using pool slot 2
    171824> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
    171827> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
    171838> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171838> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
    171838> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171841> Pool slot 2 is done. Closing.
    171845> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
    171848> Pool slot 2: socket closed.
    171856> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171857> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-ssid
    171860> GET args = name=wifi-ssid
    171863> GET 'wifi-ssid' --> ''
    171866> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171869> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171876> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171878> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
    171881> GET args = name=module-name
    171884> GET 'module-name' --> 'PCB1'
    171890> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171891> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171899> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171900> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-mode
    171903> GET args = name=wifi-mode
    171906> GET 'wifi-mode' --> 'AP'
    171910> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171913> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171917> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171922> URL = /wx/setting?name=station-ipaddr
    171925> GET args = name=station-ipaddr
    171929> GET 'station-ipaddr' --> ''
    171933> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171936> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171940> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171945> URL = /wx/setting?name=station-macaddr
    171948> GET args = name=station-macaddr
    171952> GET 'station-macaddr' --> 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    171958> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171961> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171964> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171969> URL = /wx/setting?name=softap-ipaddr
    171973> GET args = name=softap-ipaddr
    171976> GET 'softap-ipaddr' --> ''
    171981> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    171984> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
    171989> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
    171993> URL = /wx/setting?name=softap-macaddr
    171996> GET args = name=softap-macaddr
    172000> GET 'softap-macaddr' --> 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    172005> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
    172008> Pool slot 0: socket closed.

    I am now going to try to flash the NEW firmware with the new instead of the old c version, to see if the new firmware still crashes.

    It could be the new boot v1.7, I can try using the older 1.6 after I test with the newer
  • I can confirm that the new firmware is causing this crash issue, and it is not on the old firmware, or I cannot re-create it on the old firmware.

    I even set the new to use 4MB for the flash (instead of 2MB)

    I don't see the exact same error/crash output though.
    I only see 49711> E:M 2096
    So programming with the full 4MB flash, stoped one of the E:M errors?
       Flash config restore ok
       118> Reset Pin: 12
       119> RX Pullup: 0
       125> DISCOVER: initialized
       125> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       125> Using pin 12 for reset
       126> 4MB flash: base 00100000, size 3145728
       130> Flash filesystem mounted!
       134> Httpd init
       136> Ready
       137> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       141> add if1
       143> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       150> bcn 100
     11776> add 1
     11776> aid 1
     11776> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
     13794> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx leave, AID = 1
     13795> rm 1
     36991> add 1
     36991> aid 1
     36991> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
     47317> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47318> URL = /
     47321> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47321> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     47331> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47333> URL = /index.html
     47334> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     47360> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47361> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     47506> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47507> URL = /style.css
     47508> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     47553> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47553> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     47556> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47557> URL = /logo.png
     47603> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47604> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     47609> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47610> URL = /favicon.ico
     47611> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     47620> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     47621> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
     47623> GET args = name=module-name
     47626> GET 'module-name' --> 'wx-xxxxxx'
     47632> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
     47634> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47637> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
     47640> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     47644> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     47649> URL = /wx/setting?name=version
     47652> GET args = name=version
     47655> GET 'version' --> 'v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)'
     47662> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     47664> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     49657> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     49659> URL = /wifi/wifi.html
     49660> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     49694> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     49695> URL = /wifi/style.css
     49696> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     49699> Conn req from, using pool slot 2
     49704> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
     49707> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     49711> E:M 2096 49711> E:M 2096
     49714> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,0)
    load 0x40100000, len 2592, room 16
    tail 0
    chksum 0xf3
    load 0x3ffe8000, len 764, room 8
    tail 4
    chksum 0x92
    load 0x3ffe82fc, len 676, room 4
    tail 0
    chksum 0x22
    csum 0x22
    2nd boot version : 1.7(5d6f877)
    SPI Speed : 80MHz
    SPI Mode : QIO
    SPI Flash Size & Map: 32Mbit(512KB+512KB)
    jump to run user1 @ 1000
    Flash config restore ok
       124> Reset Pin: 12
       124> RX Pullup: 0
       131> DISCOVER: initialized
       131> Version v1.0 (2020-09-06 03:18:16 37-xxxxxxxx)
       131> Using pin 12 for reset
       132> 4MB flash: base 00100000, size 3145728
       136> Flash filesystem mounted!
       140> Httpd init
       142> Ready
       143> mode : softAP(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
       147> add if1
       149> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
       156> bcn 100
       747> add 1
       748> aid 1
       748> station: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx join, AID = 1
     10110> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10112> URL = /wifi/style.css
     10113> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     10115> Conn req from, using pool slot 1
     10121> URL = /wifi/140medley.min.js
     10124> Heatshrink compressed file; decode parms = b4
     10133> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10134> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10138> Pool slot 1 is done. Closing.
     10139> Pool slot 1: socket closed.
     10149> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10150> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-ssid
     10151> GET args = name=wifi-ssid
     10153> GET 'wifi-ssid' --> ''
     10157> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10159> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10172> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10173> URL = /wx/setting?name=module-name
     10173> GET args = name=module-name
     10176> GET 'module-name' --> 'wx-xxxxxx'
     10181> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10183> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10191> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10192> URL = /wx/setting?name=wifi-mode
     10195> GET args = name=wifi-mode
     10198> GET 'wifi-mode' --> 'AP'
     10203> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10204> Pool slot 0: socket closed.
     10209> Conn req from, using pool slot 0
     10213> URL = /wx/setting?name=station-ipaddr
     10217> GET args = name=station-ipaddr
     10220> GET 'station-ipaddr' --> ''
     10226> Pool slot 0 is done. Closing.
     10228> Pool slot 0: socket closed.

    @"David Betz"

    Could this be related to your ram space concern or what you had called it.

  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    After running make in the main directory
    1. The required files for the flashing of an esp are now completely missing from the /Parallax-Esp/build folder.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.user1.bin is missing.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.user2.bin is missing.
    File: /Parallax-ESP/build/httpd.ota is also missing.

    They seem to be named improperly.

    Even if they are renamed, and programmed to the ESP, the debug port spits out garbage and the module will not do any kind of wifi, so the format of those files is damaged somehow.

    So something went wrong with this commit. "Fix problem with "make clean" after a fresh checkout."

    I fixed this bug. I neglected to notice that the variable FW_BASE was used by the sub makefiles like Makefile.ota. Sorry about that!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2020-09-06 14:38
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    2. The /Parallax-ESP/release/
    script is incorrect, it references the wrong file (line 55)
    esp_init_data_default.bin ---> should be ----> esp_init_data_default_v08.bin

    3. The /Parallax-ESP/release/
    script is incorrect, it references the wrong file (line 42)
    esp_init_data_default.bin ---> should be ----> esp_init_data_default_v08.bin
    These are now fixed as well as the corresponding line in

  • Clock Loop wrote: »
    4. The /Parallax-ESP/esptool-ck/Make is not being run when /Parallax-Esp/Make is run, so the esptool file is missing.

    5. Once the esptool file is made, the esptool file is also not being copied to the /Parallax-Esp/release/release folder when the /Parallax-ESP/release/Makefile is run.

    6. All the scripts that use esptool in the /Parallax-ESP/release/ folder don't execute the esptool properly, it needs ./esptool
    It won't run on my system, Debian10.
    I'm not done with integrating esptool-ck into the Makefile but at least the sources are available. I think most people will know how to run "make" in that directory and copy the resulting executable into some directory that is in their PATH.

  • @"Clock Loop" Thanks for helping to debug the move to the new ESP SDK!
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2020-09-06 15:02
    David Betz wrote: »
    @"Clock Loop" Thanks for helping to debug the move to the new ESP SDK!

    Glad to help, with all the work you and other people here have done with open source, its the least I can do..!

    I just compiled it all, and it looks good, I just flashed it, going to see if that reboot bug at first power up when accessing the wifi page, is still there, (im guessing so)

    Yea, that reboot bug on first access of the wifi page after powerup is still there...

    Im going to see if boot v1.6 does it.

    Hmm, boot v1.6 won't work with this new ESP SDK.
    It just constantly blinks the TX led, never makes an AP.

    I guess I don't know what else to test for this reboot bug.
    I leave it up to you @"David Betz" and @iseries to figure out what its doing and if it matters.

  • David Betz wrote: »
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    4. The /Parallax-ESP/esptool-ck/Make is not being run when /Parallax-Esp/Make is run, so the esptool file is missing.

    5. Once the esptool file is made, the esptool file is also not being copied to the /Parallax-Esp/release/release folder when the /Parallax-ESP/release/Makefile is run.

    6. All the scripts that use esptool in the /Parallax-ESP/release/ folder don't execute the esptool properly, it needs ./esptool
    It won't run on my system, Debian10.
    I'm not done with integrating esptool-ck into the Makefile but at least the sources are available. I think most people will know how to run "make" in that directory and copy the resulting executable into some directory that is in their PATH.
    @"Clock Loop" I just pushed changes to build esptool-ck, add it to the release folder, and use it in the flash scripts. Please check to see if this works for you. However, this probably isn't an optimal solution because it is only compiled for one architecture. If you run this build process on a Raspberry Pi it certainly won't create an executable that can be used on an x86-based Linux system and there is no executable for Windows or the Mac either. Fixing that is beyond what I have time for now.

  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2020-09-06 15:08
    Clock Loop wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    :~/parallax/Parallax-ESP/release/release$ flash_id v1.2
    Manufacturer: a1
    Device: 4016

    Ok now i see, the problem is, you need to git the latest version of v3.0-dev

    That might fix the compress and verify issue you were having earlier too.
    I'm just using the one that came from the latest Ubuntu repositories. I guess we could just include the version you mentioned with our releases but then it might not work if the user doesn't have the right versions of the other Python libraries installed like pyserial. It seems safer just to use esptool-ck since we have the sources for that and it just links with standard C libraries.

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