An autonomous or semi-autonomous quadcopter designed to fly through
a maze, recon (inside) buildings, sewers, subway, or observe streets, and
roof tops.
It is an old idea, but they still have contests for similar tasks.
An open source i/o platform that is expandable to suit any
type of project.
A box or case could hold a P2 mother board with many (2/4/8)
open source perpendicular or horizontal expansion boards and
and their connectors.
The expansion boards basic dimensions and bus connections would
all be open source, and the boards could be any custom smd, or
through-hole design.
A couple examples:
(1) I like engine dyno's:
Expansion boards could facilitate a vga or hdmi monitor, a human
input board, weather station, a tachometer, a load cell, multiple
thermocouples, a multi purpose engine sensor board, and data
connectivity (wifi) or storage board.
(2) Another possibility is a robotic arm or cnc controller for a mill,
laser cutter, 3D printer, plotter, etc. Expansion boards could be
independently designed for servo motor control, sensors, a control
input panel, a vga or hdmi monitor, a human input board, USB
connectivity, etc.
(3) Open source expansion boards for basic functions like a monitor,
keyboard and mouse, short or long distance data buses, wifi, usb, or
lan could be designed by Parallax or the P2 community.
(4) Short or long distance data bus boards could support remote
data collection modules like 8 type k thermocouples mounted on an
I play Pedal Steel Guitar , Bass Guitar and Rhythm Guitar. On a normal weekend I have the option of playing live at some event or just jam with my friends at our homes. However, wIth all of this Coronavirus isolation my friends and I can't play music together. We need a Internet based video/audio interface so that we can Jam over the internet in real-time. We require low-latency interaction of the various instruments. Too bad it's impossible LOL
You "just" need an AI algorithm that predicts when a string is about to be plucked, based on P2 capacitive sensing of where you fingers are, and their velocity and trajectory. To compensate out the latency...
You myght can use the goezel demo to catch your fingers earlier.
But I remember there was some Internet based MIDI thing doing exactly that. The latency is basically not so bad once the connection is there. But audio streams? You might need to hack the priority levels in IPV6, heck they do live operations over the net,...
If you're close enough, I wonder if there are any radio frequencies on which you could legally transmit MIDI? You're not going to get any lower latency than point-to-point radio.
"Having been a Registered Respiratory Therapist for the past 28 years, this is not a DIY task. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. There are plenty of “old school” pieces of equipment that would fill the void here. The Bird Mark 7 and Puritan Bennette PR 2 are both perfectly capable of delivering Time Cycled, Pressure limited ventilation to a patient. There are other “plastic vents” made for transport that can be mass produced and rapidly deployed that work on the same principles as the afore mentioned machines. The problem is they do not have any kind of alarms or monitoring capabilities. This makes the use of them not possible because a nurse or RT would have to remain at the bedside 24/7. It would be better served if you could DIY something that could be put inline with these devices providing feed back on Rate, Tidal Volume, Minute ventilation, and Peak Pressure. Also provide Alarm Limits for High and Low Pressure, High and Low PEEP, High and Low Rate. With these things being able to monitor and alarm when needed it frees the nurses and RT’s to care for more than one patient at a time as we do with existing ventilators. Just my two cents here, but if you want to help? That’s what we need……."
THis comment sums up the problem:
"The problem is they do not have any kind of alarms or monitoring capabilities. This makes the use of them not possible because a nurse or RT would have to remain at the bedside 24/7. It would be better served if you could DIY something that could be put inline with these devices providing feed back on Rate, Tidal Volume, Minute ventilation, and Peak Pressure."
Sure. I wonder if there are any modules which are slated to exist for a very long time, which have simple comms and handle the wireless. That would be something to write objects for.
Sure. I wonder if there are any modules which are slated to exist for a very long time, which have simple comms and handle the wireless. That would be something to write objects for.
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers (and that's just out of the box)! The ESP8266 module is an extremely cost effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.
Sure. I wonder if there are any modules which are slated to exist for a very long time, which have simple comms and handle the wireless. That would be something to write objects for.
The ESP is well established and though it can do stand-alone work, it's frequently used as a WiFi bridge. The ESP32 is bigger than the ESP8266 and related devices, but also offers SPI for high-speed coms. The ESP32 also does BLE and Bluetooth classic which opens up more wireless communications capabilities.
The CC3135MOD is an FCC, IC/ISED, ETSI/CE, MIC, and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ module that dramatically simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity. This dual-band Wi-Fi® network processor module can be added to any low-cost, low-power microcontroller unit (MCU); it integrates all protocols for Wi-Fi® and Internet, which greatly minimize host MCU software requirements.
This ROM-based subsystem includes an 802.11 a/b/g/n dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio, baseband, and MAC with powerful hardware cryptographic engine. With built-in security protocols, the CC3135MOD solution provides a robust and simple security experience. The CC3135MOD is available in an LGA package that is easy to lay out with all required components including serial Flash, RF filters, diplexer, crystal, and passive components that are fully
An interesting little niche project you found there Andy.
Definitely agree the P2 is a good match there. After seeing what can be done with HyperRAM and frame buffers recently, I think applications like this could certainly be achieved with the P2 at pretty decent resolutions.
I just bought some stepmania dance pads for the kids (to maybe get them a bit active...).
StepMania is open source... If could port to P2, could make a little box devoted to this.
Perhaps could also make your own dance pads with P2 as well...
Or, maybe a big Goertzel pad and find some metal socks Wait... You don't need metal socks, I remember now...
Wow, what a great idea. First time I've heard of it. Sure would keep all the kids occupied for a while and possibly tire them out. P2 would be perfect for that, and for many other games.
I guess you can use the pad as a general purpose input device... Looks like a keyboard apparently...
Maybe I'll try @ozpropdev's invaders with floor pad
a maze, recon (inside) buildings, sewers, subway, or observe streets, and
roof tops.
It is an old idea, but they still have contests for similar tasks.
Bill M.
type of project.
A box or case could hold a P2 mother board with many (2/4/8)
open source perpendicular or horizontal expansion boards and
and their connectors.
The expansion boards basic dimensions and bus connections would
all be open source, and the boards could be any custom smd, or
through-hole design.
A couple examples:
(1) I like engine dyno's:
Expansion boards could facilitate a vga or hdmi monitor, a human
input board, weather station, a tachometer, a load cell, multiple
thermocouples, a multi purpose engine sensor board, and data
connectivity (wifi) or storage board.
(2) Another possibility is a robotic arm or cnc controller for a mill,
laser cutter, 3D printer, plotter, etc. Expansion boards could be
independently designed for servo motor control, sensors, a control
input panel, a vga or hdmi monitor, a human input board, USB
connectivity, etc.
(3) Open source expansion boards for basic functions like a monitor,
keyboard and mouse, short or long distance data buses, wifi, usb, or
lan could be designed by Parallax or the P2 community.
(4) Short or long distance data bus boards could support remote
data collection modules like 8 type k thermocouples mounted on an
Bill M.
But I remember there was some Internet based MIDI thing doing exactly that. The latency is basically not so bad once the connection is there. But audio streams? You might need to hack the priority levels in IPV6, heck they do live operations over the net,...
From this comment (if it is correct) :
"Having been a Registered Respiratory Therapist for the past 28 years, this is not a DIY task. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. There are plenty of “old school” pieces of equipment that would fill the void here. The Bird Mark 7 and Puritan Bennette PR 2 are both perfectly capable of delivering Time Cycled, Pressure limited ventilation to a patient. There are other “plastic vents” made for transport that can be mass produced and rapidly deployed that work on the same principles as the afore mentioned machines. The problem is they do not have any kind of alarms or monitoring capabilities. This makes the use of them not possible because a nurse or RT would have to remain at the bedside 24/7. It would be better served if you could DIY something that could be put inline with these devices providing feed back on Rate, Tidal Volume, Minute ventilation, and Peak Pressure. Also provide Alarm Limits for High and Low Pressure, High and Low PEEP, High and Low Rate. With these things being able to monitor and alarm when needed it frees the nurses and RT’s to care for more than one patient at a time as we do with existing ventilators. Just my two cents here, but if you want to help? That’s what we need……."
THis comment sums up the problem:
"The problem is they do not have any kind of alarms or monitoring capabilities. This makes the use of them not possible because a nurse or RT would have to remain at the bedside 24/7. It would be better served if you could DIY something that could be put inline with these devices providing feed back on Rate, Tidal Volume, Minute ventilation, and Peak Pressure."
It would be a easy task for a P2
Edited to add this open source project from MIT:
I believe they are related
Yes , a ventilator-real-time-monitoring-system would need it for sure.
Ok thanks. I started a new thread on this topic
How about a SPI link to a small ESP32 module?
Is the P2 capable of controlling a swarm of 4 - 6 small
Bill M.
How about controlled robotic balloons, which take much less energy to keep aloft?
Mount mirrors on them, and bounce lasers off them. Don't miss with your laser beam, or you'll be in big trouble!
Sure. It could do hundreds.
Sure. I wonder if there are any modules which are slated to exist for a very long time, which have simple comms and handle the wireless. That would be something to write objects for.
WiFi Module - ESP8266
Something like this ? :
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers (and that's just out of the box)! The ESP8266 module is an extremely cost effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.
Here's an example of the ESP32 used as a WiFi bridge for a RISC-V processor.
The CC3135MOD is an FCC, IC/ISED, ETSI/CE, MIC, and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ module that dramatically simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity. This dual-band Wi-Fi® network processor module can be added to any low-cost, low-power microcontroller unit (MCU); it integrates all protocols for Wi-Fi® and Internet, which greatly minimize host MCU software requirements.
This ROM-based subsystem includes an 802.11 a/b/g/n dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio, baseband, and MAC with powerful hardware cryptographic engine. With built-in security protocols, the CC3135MOD solution provides a robust and simple security experience. The CC3135MOD is available in an LGA package that is easy to lay out with all required components including serial Flash, RF filters, diplexer, crystal, and passive components that are fully
I know. I should have added a
There are loaders supporting it for P1
Definitely agree the P2 is a good match there. After seeing what can be done with HyperRAM and frame buffers recently, I think applications like this could certainly be achieved with the P2 at pretty decent resolutions.
StepMania is open source... If could port to P2, could make a little box devoted to this.
Perhaps could also make your own dance pads with P2 as well...
Or, maybe a big Goertzel pad and find some metal socks
Maybe I'll try @ozpropdev's invaders with floor pad