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Principe for Discrete Fouriertransform using cordic — Parallax Forums

Principe for Discrete Fouriertransform using cordic

I am an absolute P2 beginner and learn by myself with concrete examples the p2asm language.
some of them I like to share.
	simple demo for a 8point DFT 
	show only the princip to do it with cordic
	remember DFT
	X[k] = sum (x[n] * exp(-j * 360° * n*k/N))  0 <= k <= N-1
	testcase: x[n(0...7)]= 100  0   0   0   0   0   0   0
	expected: X[k(0...7)]= 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 
	proof: ok
	metric: test with spinsim and analyse logfile       

	orgh	200
	samples		res 8*2			
	org 0
	mov		ptra,##$200			'this is a testsignal (impuls)
	wrword	#100,ptra++			'8 samples a 16 bit
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'normaly this input is from an adc
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'impuls, because this has an 
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'known dft response (FT)
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'make it easier to test w/o hardware	
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'if pulse	| . . . . . . .
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'the FT is  | | | | | | | | 
	wrword	#0,ptra++			'the DC component is not calculated
								'in this example
								'because it is the simple sum
								'of the input samples

	mov	s,#0					'at begin the shift operator is zero
	mov	k,#7					'calculate 7 frequency components
								'btw. 3 was enough for real app
								'4,5,6,7 are mirror or negative freq.
	nop							'the DC component is not calculated
LP	mov	ptra,##$200				'point to first sample
	mov	arg,#0					'the twiddle factor starts at 0 degree
	mov	arg2,#0					'needed for temporary calculations		
	mov	n,#8					'8 samples
	mov	sum_real,#0
	mov	sum_imag,#0

l1	rdword	xn,ptra++			'get next sample
	qrotate	xn,arg				'calculate x[n] * exp(-j * arg)		
	getqx	x					'get real part
	getqy	y					'get imaginary part
	add		sum_real,x			'sum real
	add		sum_imag,y			'sum imaginary	
	add		arg2,##$2000_0000	'increment the phase 45°  360/8
	mov		arg,arg2			'(8 point dft)
	shl		arg,s				'adjust the speed of rotation
	djnz	n,#l1				'all samples done ?
								'(sum_real,sum_imag) can here go for
								'further processing
								'i.e. out to dac or serial or ... 
								'... build abs/arg with qvector
	add		s,#1				'increment the speed of rotation
	djnz	k,#LP				'all frequency components done?


	sum_real	res	1
	sum_imag	res	1
	arg		res	1
	arg2	res	1
	xn		res	1
	x		res	1
	y		res	1
	n		res	1
	s		res	1
	k		res	1


  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Yes, CORDIC lets you do two things at once: generate a pre-scaled sine and cosine, all ready for addition into the accumulators. No need to post-scale sine and cosine values.

    Eventually, that can be recoded to feed the CORDIC every 8 clocks with scaled sine/cosine commands.
  • cgracey wrote: »
    Eventually, that can be recoded to feed the CORDIC every 8 clocks with scaled sine/cosine commands.

    Yes, next I 'll try to interleave the cordic feed for performance.
    But first I fixed a bug in my code and expand it to 256point DFT.
    ORG        0           					'cog code
    	mov			ptra,##$02000			'fill sample buffer
    	wrword		#100,ptra++
    	rep			#1,#256					
    	'wrword		#0,ptra++				'puls  ok
    	wrword		#100,ptra++				'step  ok
    	mov			ptra,##$02000
    	rep			#2,#256
    	rdword		xn,ptra++
    	add			sum_real,xn
    	wrlong		sum_real,##$3000
    	mov		k,#255
    	mov		s,#1
    	mov		n,#256
    	mov		arg,#0
    	mov		arg2,#0
    	mov		sum_real,#0
    	mov		sum_imag,#0
    	mov		ptra,##$02000
    	rdword		xn,ptra++
    	qrotate		xn,arg			'calculate x[n] * exp(-j * arg)	
    	getqx	x					'get real part
    	getqy	y					'get imaginary part
    	add		arg2,dphi
    	mov		arg,arg2	
    	mul 	arg,s
    	shl		arg,#16
    	sumc	sum_real,x			'sum real
    	sumc	sum_imag,y			'sum imaginary	
    	djnz 	n,#L0
    	wrlong	sum_real,##$3000	'write result to somewhere
    	wrlong	sum_imag,##$3004
    	add		s,#1
    	djnz 	k,#L1
    '    		  END DFT
    	jmp	$
    dphi	long	$100		'($100 << 16) * 256 = $1_0000_0000 = 360°
    k		res		1
    arg		res		1
    arg2	res		1 
    s		res		1
    n		res		1
    sum_real	res	1	
    sum_imag	res	1
    xn		res	1
    x		res	1
    y		res	1
    ORGH       $02000      						'hub code
  • the bug was
    	mov		arg,arg2			'(8 point dft)
    	shl		arg,s		
    right is
             mov		arg,arg2	
    	mul 	               arg,s
    	shl		     arg,#16
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