I am getting this error. Attempted to change com ports and that did not work. I cannot find this error on the internet. I just started to work with this board
today. What is wrong.
I found this on the internet:
Error Message: The system cannot find the specified device
1. Ensure that the right modem has been selected
2. If it does not respond, try to reinstall it
3. You can also try to reinstall NCP/DUN/RAS
Error #71
or this???
Error #71
Error Message: No more connections are allowed
1. Someone else might have connected under your account
2. If you have been ghosted on the server, your Internet Service Provider can bump the ghost program off
I get a green led at the usb. Then the leds blink. Using spin2gui to load a program pins 60 and 61 leds blink. The serial terminal blinks out.
Compared it to to rev A board, and all works.
The message is telling you that it found a rev G (ASCII 71) chip, which is the latest revision. Publison is suggesting that you are using an older version of pnut that doesn't know about the latest revision. Are you using the version he referenced above?
(edit: btw, since it's reporting that value back, it means you are definitely talking to the chip. so it's likely just a software/hardware version mismatch.)
I am getting this error. Attempted to change com ports and that did not work. I cannot find this error on the internet. I just started to work with this board
today. What is wrong.
I found this on the internet:
Error Message: The system cannot find the specified device
1. Ensure that the right modem has been selected
2. If it does not respond, try to reinstall it
3. You can also try to reinstall NCP/DUN/RAS
Error #71
or this???
Error #71
Error Message: No more connections are allowed
1. Someone else might have connected under your account
2. If you have been ghosted on the server, your Internet Service Provider can bump the ghost program off
I get a green led at the usb. Then the leds blink. Using spin2gui to load a program pins 60 and 61 leds blink. The serial terminal blinks out.
Compared it to to rev A board, and all works.
Thanks I will try that.
(edit: btw, since it's reporting that value back, it means you are definitely talking to the chip. so it's likely just a software/hardware version mismatch.)
That did it. Thanks. Did not see anything in the documentation regarding ver 33.
Publison fixed the problem.
Thanks again to @Publison