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P2D2 with P2-revB - taking orders! - Page 11 — Parallax Forums

P2D2 with P2-revB - taking orders!



  • Are there any extra P2D2's being shipped to the United States?

    Bill M.

    Yes, there should be some extra but I'm sorting that out today.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Just to let you know that DHL and therefore probably others, I have a DHL parcel on the way to Oz and it's been held up in Hong Kong for 5 days now. Looks like parcel traffic is being delayed probably due to less planes flying.
  • Good to know. Thanks for sharing this
    I was talking to a local board assembler yesterday and they mentioned something about this too
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Just to let you know that DHL and therefore probably others, I have a DHL parcel on the way to Oz and it's been held up in Hong Kong for 5 days now. Looks like parcel traffic is being delayed probably due to less planes flying.

    I wonder is that is also a deliberate and simple virus lifetime thing ? - a parcel that's been in storage for a few days, is less 'active' than a fast delivery parcel.
  • jmg wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Just to let you know that DHL and therefore probably others, I have a DHL parcel on the way to Oz and it's been held up in Hong Kong for 5 days now. Looks like parcel traffic is being delayed probably due to less planes flying.

    I wonder is that is also a deliberate and simple virus lifetime thing ? - a parcel that's been in storage for a few days, is less 'active' than a fast delivery parcel.

    Possibly. My wife had a package from Hong Kong suffer a similar delay about a week ago.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-03-19 09:47
    We know passenger aircraft carry some cargo depending on availability.

    Our national passenger airline Qantas had reduced overseas traffic by 90% tho now it is cancelling ALL overseas flights for the next 2 months. Interstate traffic is way down too.

    Australia and New Zealand have a no fly restriction for overseas travel now. And Tasmania is implementing a no travel restriction with the other states too.
  • Next step secession?
  • Nice time to get a P2, corona fallout in Europe.
    We need some toys to play @home
  • Ltech wrote: »
    Nice time to get a P2, corona fallout in Europe.
    We need some toys to play @home

    As we do in North America! :) Hopefully soon.
  • AJL wrote: »
    Next step secession?

    My family and I spent a week down on the west coast of Tassie in January. Time moves slower there. I can think of worse places to be isolated for 14 days. Good luck to the Tasmanians I hope they can minimise spread

    My brother in law thinks the pub would be the best place to be locked in/isolated for 14 days

  • Are there any extra P2D2 being shipped to Germany / Europe.
    I can't wait for P2 Rev. C available.
  • wummi wrote: »
    Are there any extra P2D2 being shipped to Germany / Europe.
    I can't wait for P2 Rev. C available.
    You can still get this if you're okay with the Rev B silicon:

  • But I prefer the P2D2 Board from Peter.
  • wummi wrote: »
    But I prefer the P2D2 Board from Peter.

    P2D2 will have Rev B chip.
  • wummi wrote: »
    But I prefer the P2D2 Board from Peter.
    Peter's board does seem like it will be nice when it finally ships. I thought you were anxious for something right now though and the Parallax board is the only option at present.

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    Starting to work with the P2 will include a lot of tasks. So even if P2D2 is not perfect, having them in the hands will allow to start the journey and finally come to a result. So PLEASE, Peter, send what you have to those waiting. And we here down over will start production and so help to spread Tachyon! Give us the chance.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    Anybody has a P2D2 available?
  • The only ones you will find are probably in Australia, very few at that. I have not received the North American order yet.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    edited 2020-04-05 12:49
    I'd made different lift-offs with Tachyon but they all failed. Now, that P2 incorporates Tachyon and we all can easily do the one-liners Peter has foreseen, I hope to have the final break-through. Just now, as the world is frozen and we have a little time to focus on what is really important, I'm quite puzzled about Peters absence.
  • I certainly hope he's OK. I had been delaying a long planned project awaiting the P2D2 but fully understand that Peter was having some difficulties and it would be a while longer. In the meantime I have been plonking along on code enhancements and optimizations on my Rev A ES dev board which unfortunately stopped working a couple of weeks ago for no obvious reason. Such is the life of an early adopter, it's all good! I have now received the Rev B ES Dev Board and back at killing boredom.
  • pmrobert wrote: »
    I certainly hope he's OK. I had been delaying a long planned project awaiting the P2D2 but fully understand that Peter was having some difficulties and it would be a while longer. In the meantime I have been plonking along on code enhancements and optimizations on my Rev A ES dev board which unfortunately stopped working a couple of weeks ago for no obvious reason. Such is the life of an early adopter, it's all good! I have now received the Rev B ES Dev Board and back at killing boredom.
    It looks like Peter was online today. I guess he's just being quiet.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-04-11 05:29
    I speak to Peter quite often, and I have just spoken to him. I hope I am not speaking out of turn.

    Peter has all the parts, but has been having a difficult time getting the tiny smt parts, particularly the switching regulator, to stay put during assembly. He intended to have his friend do the assembly but his friend has been sick over an extended period, and then of course has his own work to catch up on. Add to that, Peter lives in Brisbane and his friend lives about 100km south on the Gold Coast, and we have no-movement restrictions in place too.

    Peter has his own health issues which doesn't help in placing the tiny smt parts. And he is a perfectionist, so he doesn't want to send out boards that aren't perfect. I know it's been a while, but he is trying.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2020-04-11 05:57
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I speak to Peter quite often, and I have just spoken to him. I hope I am not speaking out of turn.

    Peter has all the parts, but has been having a difficult time getting the tiny smt parts, particularly the switching regulator, to stay put during assembly. He intended to have his friend do the assembly but his friend has been sick over an extended period, and then of course has his own work to catch up on. Add to that, Peter lives in Brisbane and his friend lives about 100km south on the Gold Coast, and we have no-movement restrictions in place too.

    Peter has his own health issues which doesn't help in placing the tiny smt parts. And he is a perfectionist, so he doesn't want to send out boards that aren't perfect. I know it's been a while, but he is trying.

    Personal health and safety has top priority so I have no qualms about waiting a little longer for my P2D2. I can also understand how a project can end up taking more time and effort than was initially anticipated. Do what is necessary to stay safe and healthy as your first priority.
  • Peter,
    Please do not fret. We all can wait under these extraordinary circumstances. Please take care of yourself.
  • TrapperBob wrote: »
    Please do not fret. We all can wait under these extraordinary circumstances. Please take care of yourself.
    Yes, I agree. I have a P2 Eval board I can use until the P2D2 becomes available.

  • TrapperBob wrote: »
    Please do not fret. We all can wait under these extraordinary circumstances. Please take care of yourself.

    100% with that thought.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    Hi Peter, there are attempts to create a perfect world, but there was a decision to start with a premature version. This is the base of our existence. If for any reason the creation of a perfect world succeeds, we will be obsolete. So my strong opinion, based on the fact that noone else knows more about a perfect world and studied it better, the creator itself was suprized how quickly I got it, is that this perfect world will never be created. So one's again I ask for immediate response, no matter of the current state of perfection. You should focus on Tachyon and anything else noone can do better as I try to focus on applications of the P2 and not about creating pressure or assemble boards. Please, help me and the rest of the world ;-)
  • ErNa wrote: »
    Please, help me and the rest of the world ;-)
    +1 :smile: !

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,772
    edited 2020-04-21 10:51
    When I just thought about perfection: I would never be able to write a comment in this forum, as all my comments are not perfect. And I remembered the story of Achilles and the Turtle the same moment.
    As Peter open sourced the P2D2 files he might await someone to take action and so it only takes a straw to break my back and I could start a first batch. Any orders? (I didn't opt for P2's for now ;-) )
  • here I am! For sure 2 pieces, perhaps more?
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