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P2D2 with P2-revB - taking orders! - Page 6 — Parallax Forums

P2D2 with P2-revB - taking orders!



  • I'm shipping to @Publison and you can PayPal me direct $75 USD which includes shipping. You can PayPal me via my sig or my email as "sending money" in US dollars (don't let PayPal convert it). At present I am treating this as non-commercial especially since it is for forum members and shipped via a volunteer member but if I get into some regular production I will work out something better.

    Thanks, Peter. Done.
  • Twyyx wrote: »
    I'd like one of these boards with all the options.

    Welcome to the forum Twyyx,

    I'm just going over all the orders at present and making sure I have the details and shipping information correct for all those who have paid. If you are in the US I can ship via @publison here on the forum for only $5 on top of the $70 USD price. If that is the case then just click on my PayPal Me in my sig and send $75 USD as "sending money" (no fees), but make sure it stays in US dollars as PayPal likes to make money from converting currencies (fair enough).

    Make sure you include your shipping address.

  • gpick wrote: »
    If these are still available I would love to get one will all the bells and whistles.

    California location.

    Thank you!

    Welcome to the forum gpick,

    I'm just going over all the orders at present and making sure I have the details and shipping information correct for all those who have paid. If you are in the US I can ship via @publison here on the forum for only $5 on top of the $70 USD price. If that is the case then just click on my PayPal Me in my sig and send $75 USD as "sending money" (no fees), but make sure it stays in US dollars as PayPal likes to make money from converting currencies (fair enough).

    Make sure you include your shipping address.


  • Not sure if you've had a chance to read it yet Peter, but I PM'd you with some questions prior to my order.
  • Hi Peter,

    Any status update on the boards? When do they ship to @Publison if you can share that info.

  • I had some holdups last week with getting these boards assembled and then when I did, I was embarrassingly short of a very very common component. The rest are being assembled this week and local orders are going out today (or maybe tomorrow), and the US shipment this week.

    If you are making a payment bear in mind that unless you do it right, that there are fees deducted. While I'm not trying to make money as this is only advertised on the forum, I am also not trying to make a loss. or more correctly, too much of a loss. There is no way I can avoid making a loss at this early stage, just like Parallax would still make a loss even if they sold P2s for $500 each. In the same manner I'm not too concerned about being short paid due to these fees etc.

    When you PayPay avoid any currency conversion and transfer fees by sending it this way (this is a not for profit venture, so it's "personal").
    Go to send money > select the personal tab > gift or family and friends option. NOW its free if you FUND that paypal payment via instant bank transfer or from funds in your paypal balance. You still pay a fee if you fund that payment via a debit or credit card.

    Feel free to pm me (use the message button, not the big big activity box) so that I will be notified if you have any questions or changes.
    You can even WhatsApp or phone me - I've included my number as an image in my sig.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2019-11-25 07:19
    If you are contacting Peter,
    Just be careful of the time difference. Peter is in Queensland which is not on daylight saving time, so they are 1 hour behind Sydney.

    Peter has done a great job with the P2D2 and its' revisions. Remember, this was the first pcb running the P2 :smiley:
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2019-11-25 17:54
    I am waiting for a P2D2 until the Dev-Board is available ...
    and hope then will be another shipment to EU
  • Hi Peter, I remember that I didn't had the option of 'personal' transfer when I paid through link. I have made many transfers before (other persons) and always select that option, but this time this option was not available. Don't know if this was because link. I hope the extra money compensate the fee loss.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2019-11-26 13:46
  • I've been trying to send off some pcbs this week but I've been having trouble with the RTC backup circuit, it just didn't seem to work. At first I thought it was the chip configuration etc. Then I thought the caps were failing during reflow soldering etc. I replaced cap after cap after cap, man, they are sensitive I thought. Or maybe the chip was trying to output a high signal during power-down. But when I connected one of the tiny chip caps up with short lengths of wire the circuit would work. Took me a while and I don't know why I didn't see it sooner but have a look at the final artwork and the final final pcb :)

    One of the outcomes of all this is that I decided that the RTC should be on the same side as all the other components and also that the tiny chip cap does a really excellent job. There is room for it if I move the optional oscillator option (since I have so many options) to the bottom of the PCB and that way I can even allow for the larger oscillator footprints that jmg likes :)

    I can fix the current ones with just a few millimeters of tiny fine wire and send them out locally but how does everyone feel about holding off another week (sorry) so we can have pcbs where the RTC is out of the way rather than on the bottom? I will also have less problems with manufacturing them too.

    1277 x 1174 - 673K
    738 x 1600 - 139K
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2019-11-27 07:36
    I could certainly wait for your RTC fix if it alleviates assembly headaches but first I think it needs to be made clear what exactly people will be getting, especially with this talk of extra side Pi headers on new P2D2 designs etc. In my case I'd need to know what this new board really looks like so I can check if whether or not I'd hit mechanical issues, but I am happy to wait for more information from you to decide this. Having all your SMD parts on the same side should help construction costs if you do end up outsourcing the assembly one day. I feel sympathetic if you are doing it all yourself.
  • rogloh wrote: »
    I could certainly wait for your RTC fix if it alleviates assembly headaches but first I think it needs to be made clear what exactly people will be getting, especially with this talk of extra side Pi headers on new P2D2 designs etc. In my case I'd need to know what this new board really looks like so I can check if whether or not I'd hit mechanical issues, but I am happy to wait for more information from you to decide this. Having all your SMD parts on the same side should help construction costs if you do end up outsourcing the assembly one day. I feel sympathetic if you are doing it all yourself.

    Absolutely no problem either way. The r4 version has been posted in the P2D2 thread and it's identical mechanically except for the extra width of a RPi header on the P0..P31 side. You can order these without or grind or cut it off yourself, or if it doesn't get in the way you can always plug a hat into it!

    Here is the r4 pcb although it will have the rtc in the top right corner and no components on the bottom. It does allow for an additional 11mF chip cap underneath though as well as the larger button cap, but these are not standard.

    1830 x 1034 - 1M
  • I have no problem with waiting an extra week.
  • Ok, looks good Peter. I can wait and I guess I get the added bonus of the Pi Header for future testing. I think it should fit as is and if not I can trim it off or factor in my next respin.
  • Peter,

    I am good waiting for the new pcb. We have all have waited a long time for the P2. What's another week or so? Thanks for your diligence in these matters!
  • I can wait, no problem. Thanks! for all your efforts, it's awesome!
  • No problem waiting here, either
  • I’m okay waiting and the Pi connector is a nice bonus!
  • I can definitely wait for the r4 version!

    Thank you for all the effort your'e putting in on this!

  • RamonRamon Posts: 484
    edited 2019-11-27 14:33
    No problem to wait. Board is great now, will be even better! Thank you.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Happy to wait. Looking forward to playing with the P2D2/RPi combo. Thanks for all the great work.
  • Same here, no problem waiting.
  • Also happy to wait.
  • Happy to wait.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    .... Took me a while and I don't know why I didn't see it sooner but have a look at the final artwork and the final final pcb :)

    Wow, how is that even possible ?
    Did it render correct, but drop thermals during gerber plot ?
    One of the outcomes of all this is that I decided that the RTC should be on the same side as all the other components and also that the tiny chip cap does a really excellent job. There is room for it if I move the optional oscillator option (since I have so many options) to the bottom of the PCB and that way I can even allow for the larger oscillator footprints that jmg likes :)

    I can fix the current ones with just a few millimeters of tiny fine wire and send them out locally but how does everyone feel about holding off another week (sorry) so we can have pcbs where the RTC is out of the way rather than on the bottom? I will also have less problems with manufacturing them too.

    If the RTC is a default part, it makes sense to move user-optional bigger packages for Oscillators to rear. Up to 5032 is what I decided cover most high stability needs.

    Anyone chasing more, can run a wire to their atomic clock of choice ;)

    - but it's nice to keep at least one (smaller) Oscillator package on the component side.
    If there is only room for one, I'd support an oscillator ahead of a crystal, as the incremental cost (sub 20c) for a significant gain in precision is well worth it.
    I have a jumper from Osc.1 to Si5351A.XB, to make the layout nominally Xtal tolerant - they need to have Xtal.2 & Xtal.4 not connected.
    That effectively merges X1 & XO1, into a universal layout.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    .... Took me a while and I don't know why I didn't see it sooner but have a look at the final artwork and the final final pcb :)

    Wow, how is that even possible ?
    Did it render correct, but drop thermals during gerber plot ?
    One of the outcomes of all this is that I decided that the RTC should be on the same side as all the other components and also that the tiny chip cap does a really excellent job. There is room for it if I move the optional oscillator option (since I have so many options) to the bottom of the PCB and that way I can even allow for the larger oscillator footprints that jmg likes :)

    If the RTC is a default part, it makes sense to move optional packages for Oscillators to rear.
    Up to 5032 is what I decided covers most high stability needs.
    Anyone chasing more, can run a wire to their atomic clock of choice ;)
    - but it's nice to keep at least one Oscillator package on the component side.
    If there is only room for only one, I'd select an oscillator ahead of a crystal, as the incremental cost (sub 20c) for a significant gain in precision, is well worth it.
    I have a jumper from XO.1 to Si5351A.XB, to make the layout nominally Xtal tolerant (XO.3 goes to XA via series 1nF cap, as now )
    - Isolate XO.4 with a jumper and it is xtal compatible.
    (ie someone may want to qualify a crystal, or select a special Xtal - Chroma Carrier x4 or x8 is a common one, I could see a niche for.)

  • I'm fine waiting @"Peter Jakacki" as it gives me an excuse to not rush the board I'm working on right now. I quite like the idea of the raspi pinout, even if I have to modify my design a little. As impatient as I am for REV B silicon I have a REV A chip I've barely scratched the surface with!
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,542
    Happy to wait.
  • I'm fine waiting. Thanks.
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