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P2 - SD Boot Code (rev 2 silicon)

Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
edited 2021-01-16 10:44 in Propeller 2
Update 16-Jan-2021: fix "_BOOT_P2.BIX" & "_BOOT_P2.BIY" was "BOOT_P2.BIX" & "BOOT_P2.BIY"

Thought I would start a new thread for the docs I just sent Chip in case there are suggestions/questions (to the docs, not the code).
The Monitor/Debugger will be in a separate thread.

After power-up or hardware reset, the P2 loads 16KB of P2 Boot Code from an internal serial ROM into the top 16KB of HUB RAM ($FC000-$FFFFF) ?? or maybe slightly less ??
COG #0 then executes this “booter program code”. This code has been published, and contains the following code sections:
•	Boot code (ROM_Booter.spin2): 
This code sets RC FAST ??? clock mode and then tests for external pullup and/or pulldown resistors on Pins P59, P60 & P61 (see table). This code uses the resistor settings to determine which section of code will execute next.
•	Serial code with autobaud:
This section waits for the two character sequence “> “ on the serial input pin P63, and utilised this sequence to determine the current baud, and sets the SmartPins for Asynchronous Serial mode (P63 input & P62 output). Timeouts to try FLASH or SD ???
•	FLASH Boot Code:
This code uses P61=#CS, P60=CLK, P59=DI(out), P58=DO(in).
Note: these pins are shared with the SD Card if present. 
?? Description of checksum/load/run sequence ?? 
•	SD Card Boot Code:
This code uses P61=CLK, P60=#CS, P59=DI(out), P58=DO(in).
Note: these pins are shared with the FLASH if present.
The conditions for SD booting are described in more detail below.
•	Monitor/Debug Code:
This code provides a Monitor and a number of support routines for debugging COG/LUT/HUB memory.
This code can be called in a number of ways…
o	From the Boot code with the sequence ?? “ >Ctl-D”
o	From TAQOZ with “Ctl-D” ?? Does this still work ??
o	From the user’s program. These routines execute in HUBEXEC mode using COG register space $1E0-$1EF for parameters and variables. The Monitor and its’ routines can be called as subroutines from the user’s program.
The Monitor/Debug operation is described in more detail below.
This code provides a standalone Forth test environment for the P2. 
This code can be called in a number of ways…
o	From the Boot code with the sequence 
o	From the Monitor/Debugger prompt by the 2 character sequence “Ctl-D<cr>”. 
TAQOZ is described in more detail below.

SD Boot Code
Provided a pull-up is sensed on P61=#CS (provided by the SD Card itself) and the other conditions are met, then the Booter code will pass control to the SD Boot Code. The SD code performs the following steps…
•	Initialise the SD Card (in SPI mode). This is often referred to as “Mounting” the card.
•	If successful, read the MBR Sector $0000_0000 (512 bytes) into HUB RAM starting at HUB $00000.
•	Check if the 4 signature bytes at MBR offset $17C (now in HUB) contain “Prop” ($706F7250). If valid, then the MBR sector now residing at HUB $00000-$001FF (128 longs) is copied into COG RAM $000 and then a JMP $020 is executed. This has the effect of COG #0 executing the code loaded from the MBR starting at byte offset $080. Note the whole 512 byte (128 longs) sector is loaded into COG, so while the code starts at $080 (COG $020), this code can use code below this address if that code is valid and executable. Note that certain parts of the MBR are required by FAT32, etc. Any P2 code written into the MBR must maintain any required fields that the SD card format requires.
•	If the MBR does not contain “Prop” at $17C, then this location is checked for the signature “ProP” ($506F7250). If this is found, then $174 (4 bytes) is used as the raw SD Sector to start loading from, and $178 (4 bytes) is used as the length (in bytes). The program then reads code from the card beginning at the start sector for the length into HUB RAM beginning at HUB $00000. Upon completion of the load, 496 longs from HUB $00000 are copied into COG $0 and a JMP #$000 is executed to run the loaded code in COG.
•	If the MBR does not contain either signature, then the MBR is validated as follows:
o	$1BE[16] is the Ptn0 Table
o	$1BE+0[1] AND $7F must equal $00
o	$1BE+4[1] must be $0C or $0B
o	$1BE+8[4] is used as the Vol_Begin sector
o	$1BE+C[4] is used at the Ptn Size
o	$1FE[2] must be $55AA
If these checks are met, then continue, else go back to Serial boot code.
•	The VOL sector is now read into HUB $00000, and it is checked for the signature “Prop” or “ProP” at offset $17C. If either is found, then the operation will continue the same as described above for the signature found in the MBR sector. 
•	If the VOL does not contain either signature, then the VOL is validated as follows:
o	$00B[2] must be 512
o	$00D[1] is used at the clustershift
o	$00E[1] used to calculate FAT begin
o	$010[1] must be 2 (number of FAT tables)
o	$020[4] used to calculate PTN size (not checked)
o	$024[4] used to calculate DIR begin
o	$030[2] used to calculate FSI begin
o	$1FE[2] must be $55AA 
If these checks are met, then continue, else go back to Serial boot code.
•	The FSI sector is read and validated as follows:
o	$000[4] must be $RRaA
o	$1E4[4] must be $rrAa
o	$1FE[2] must be $55AA
If these checks are met, then continue, else go back to Serial boot code.
•	The FAT DIRectory is now searched for the file “_BOOT_P2.BIX”. If it is found, it is read into HUB $00000 for a maximum length of (512-16)*1024 which is 512-16KB such that it will not overwrite the top 16KB of HUB RAM. Then the first 496 longs will be copied into COG $000 and a JMP #$000 will execute.
WARNING: This file must be contiguous on the SD Card! This is not checked!!
•	If the above file is not found, then the FAT DIRectory is searched for the file “_BOOT_P2.BIY”. If it is found, then it will be read and executed in the same process as the previous step.
•	If neither file is found, the code returns to the Serial boot code.


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-08-04 12:54
    Update 16-Jan-2021: fix "_BOOT_P2.BIX" & "_BOOT_P2.BIY" was "BOOT_P2.BIX" & "BOOT_P2.BIY"

    Why the option to boot from the MBR or VOL sectors?

    If the card is not formatted with FAT32 (eg exFAT) then the boot code is unable to search the DIRectory to find a file. This is limited because of ROM space and the exFAT license from Microsoft). To overcome this limitation, the MBR is used to store either
    * P2 boot code (max 512 bytes = 128 longs)
    * Raw SD sector start and Length in bytes (trimmed max 496KB).

    The first option loads this sector (512 bytes = 128 longs) into COG at $000 and jumps to COG $020 (ie offset byte $080 in the sector data). Formatting on SD requires the use of some of this space on MBR/VOL. The middle section seems to be available on most (all?) unformatted/formatted SD cards these days. This is the best option for future proofing the P2 ROM SD boot code. Anything on this sector that is free can be used - you are only limited to the code start being at byte $080, and the signature "Prop" at bytes $17C-$17F. The code stored here could be a tiny booter that uses the SD ROM routines in HUB to load more code at fixed locations, or to support exFAT and locate a file. It's use is entirely up to you.

    This second option uses the signature "Prop" at bytes $17C-$17F, plus a sector start pointer at bytes $174-$177 and a length at bytes $178-$17B. The max length is trimmed to 496KB in order to not overwrite the top 16KB in HUB that currently stores the ROM Boot Code, and which is actually doing this loading. The sector(s) used must be contiguous as no checks are done. This sector+length may be a pointer to a file residing on the SD, or it could be in the reserved sectors, or even in its' own partition. It's all up to you. Again, this provides the most flexibility into the future.

    FAT32 Files
    If the SD card is formatted with FAT32, then the boot code looks for the files "_BOOT_P2.BIX" and if not found, then "_BOOT_P2.BIY". Note the uppercase. If either of these are found, then they will be read into HUB starting at $00000, for the length of the file which is trimmed to a maximum of 496KB to prevent overwriting the HUB ROM code currently executing. Note the file sectors must be contiguous as no checks are done.

    SD Cards
    SD, SDHC and SDXC cards are supported in the boot code. BUT you should use the later SDHC or SDXC cards that use sector addressing as sectors which permits cards up to 1TB. The older SD and SDHC cards used sector addressing in bytes which limited their maximum to 2GB or 4GB? (seem to think they were limited to 31 bits). They haven't been produced in many years.
    Note: I will be releasing an SD Driver shortly for use in a separate COG and it will not support these older SD cards. I should have removed it from the ROM to save some valuable space. Ain't hindsight wonderful :)

    Using the SD ROM Routines
    Firstly, note that there is no Write routine as it was removed due to limited ROM space.
    These routines may be called to Initialise (mount) the card, read the CSD/CID, read a sector(s), search the DIRectory for a filename, and optionally read that file into your designated HUB location. These routines require the use of COG $1C0-$1DF for variables.
    WARNING: There are code differences between Rev 1 silicon and Rev 2 silicon !!!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2019-12-16 08:12
    SD Boot Code - Callable Routines (Rev2 silicon)
                       ''##    SD Card - HUBEXEC code...                                                               ##
    fc560                              orgh
                       '+-------[ SD: Initialise/Locate/Load/Run a file from SD ]---------------------+ <--- SD: init/locate/load/run a file --->
                       '+ On Entry:                                                                   +
                       '+      fname[3]:       filename[11] 8+3 without "."  (will be $0 terminated)  +
                       '+ Call Format:                                                                +
                       '+              CALL    #@_Run_SDfile                   '                      + < call: init/locate/load/run a file >
                       '+ On Return:                                                                  +
                       '+      "NZ" if error, else does not return                                    +
    fc560     f6079a00 _Start_SDcard   mov     skiprun,          #0            ' load/run MBR/VOL code                         \ --tweek2--
    fc564     fdb00050                 call    #@_SDcard_Init0                 ' Init/CSD/CID/MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT (skiprun=0)      | --tweek2--
    fc568     adb00290         if_e    call    #@_readDIR                      ' read directory for filenames
                       ''              mov     skiprun,          #0            ' load/run <file>              (already 0)
    fc56c     adb00378         if_e    call    #@_readFILE                     ' read/load/run the file
    fc570     fdb004ec                 call    #@_releaseDO                    ' /CS=1, send CLKs, tristate CS/CK/DI/DO        | --tweek2--
    fc574     fd800100                 JMP     #try_serial                     ' failed: so go back and try serial
    fc578     fdb00020 _Run_SDfile     call    #@_SDcard_Init1                 ' Init/CSD/CID/MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT (skiprun=1)      | --tweek2--
    fc57c     adb002ac         if_e    call    #@_searchDIR                    ' search dir for <fname>
    fc580     f6079a00                 mov     skiprun,          #0            ' load/run <file>              (skiprun=0)
    fc584              _Loadit                                                 '                                               \ {{ tweek }}
    fc584     adb00360         if_e    call    #@_readFILE                     ' read/load/[run] the file                      / {{ tweek }}
    fc588     fdb004d4                 call    #@_releaseDO                    ' /CS=1, send CLKs, tristate CS/CK/DI/DO        | --tweek2--
    fc58c     fd64002d                 RET                                     ' return "NZ" = failed, "Z" if loaded ok
    fc590     fdb00008 _Load_SDfile    call    #@_SDcard_Init1                 ' Init/CSD/CID/MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT (skiprun=1)      | --tweek2--
    fc594     adb00294         if_e    call    #@_searchDIR                    ' search dir for <fname>
                       ''              mov     skiprun,          #1            ' load, do not run <file>      (already 1)
    fc598     fd9fffe8                 jmp     #@_Loadit                       ' if Z go read/load file                        ] {{ tweek }}

    SD Boot Code - SD Routines (HUBEXEC) Rev 1 silicon
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ''   P2 ROM SD ROUTINES (HUBEXEC)  Rev 1 silicon
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      _Start_SDcard    = $fc560     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _Run_SDfile      = $fc578     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _Load_SDfile     = $fc590     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _SDcard_Init     = $fc5a4     ' init hub data ptr=$0
      _readMBR1        = $fc6dc     ' do not load/run MBR/VOL code
      _readMBR         = $fc6e0     ' VBR/MBR = SECTOR 0
      _readDIR         = $fc810     ' copy _fname1 -> fname
      _searchDIR       = $fc840     ' 12th char must be $00
      _readFILE        = $fc900     ' DAT SECTOR#
      _readnxtSECTOR   = $fc944     ' next sector#
      _readnxtSLOT     = $fc948     ' next data slot
      _readSECTOR      = $fc950     ' sector#
      _readREG         = $fc974     ' CMD9,10: CSD,CID register
      _readBLOCK       = $fc97c     ' CMD17: PAR=sector, 512 bytes
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      _HUBROM       = $FC000        ' ROM $FC000
      _HUBBUF       = $FC000        ' overwrite Booter
      _HUBBUFSIZE   = 80            ' RxString default size for _HUBBUF
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    SD Boot Code - SD Routines (HUBEXEC) Rev 2 silicon
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ''   P2 ROM SD ROUTINES (HUBEXEC)  Rev 2 silicon
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      _Start_SDcard    = $fc560     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _Run_SDfile      = $fc578     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _Load_SDfile     = $fc590     ' initialise & read CSD/CID
      _SDcard_Init     = $fc59c     ' init hub data ptr=$0
      _searchDIR       = $fc82c     ' 12th char must be $00
      _readFILE        = $fc8e8     ' DAT SECTOR#
      _readnxtSECTOR   = $fc930     ' next sector#
      _readnxtSLOT     = $fc934     ' next data slot
      _readSECTOR      = $fc93c     ' sector#
      _readREG         = $fc960     ' CMD9,10: CSD,CID register
      _readBLOCK       = $fc968     ' CMD17: PAR=sector, 512 bytes
      _releaseDO       = $fca60     ' sends $FF (8 clocks) to SD card with /CS=1, tristates P58-61
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      _HUBROM       = $FC000        ' ROM $FC000
      _HUBBUF       = $FC000        ' overwrite Booter
      _HUBBUFSIZE   = 80            ' RxString default size for _HUBBUF
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    SD Boot Code - COG Variables
    ''============[ COG VARIABLES - SD BOOT]========================================
                    org     $1C0              ' place the variables in cog $1C0-$1DF
    cmdout          res     1                       ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
    cmdpar          res     1                       ' The 32b parameters
    cmdcrc          res     1                       ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
    cmdpar2         res     1                       ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
    cmdtype         res     1                       ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
    reply           res     1                       ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
    replyR1         res     1                       ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
    dataout         res     1                       ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
    bytescnt        res     1                       ' #bytes to send/recv
    bitscnt         res     1                       ' #bits to be shifted in/out
    ctr1            res     1
    timeout         res     1                       ' = starttime + delay
    _AA55           res     1                       ' used to store $AA55 to validate MBR/VOL/FSI
    skiprun         res     1                       ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
                                                    '\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
    blocksh         res     1                       '/ block shift 0/9 bits
    clustersh       res     1                       ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
    vol_begin       res     1 '$0000_2000           ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
    fsi_begin       res     1 '$0000_2001           ' Ptn0:       sector of file system info
    fat_begin       res     1 '$0000_3122           ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
    dir_begin       res     1 '$0000_4000           ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
    dat_begin       res     1 '$0000_4580           ' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
    ptn_size        res     1 '$0008_0000           '       file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
    _bufad          res     1
    _blocknr        res     1
    _sectors        res     1
    _entries        res     1
    bufad           res     1                       ' ptr sector buffer
    blocknr         res     1                       ' sector#
    fname           res     3                       ' 8+3+1
    _hubdata        res     1
                    fit     $1E0
    ''============[ COG VARIABLES $1CO-$1DF - SD BOOT]=============================
      cmdout        = $1c0          ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
      cmdpar        = $1c1          ' The 32b parameters
      cmdcrc        = $1c2          ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
      cmdpar2       = $1c3          ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
      cmdtype       = $1c4          ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
      reply         = $1c5          ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
      replyR1       = $1c6          ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
      dataout       = $1c7          ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
      bytescnt      = $1c8          ' #bytes to send/recv
      bitscnt       = $1c9          ' #bits to be shifted in/out
      ctr1          = $1ca        
      timeout       = $1cb          ' = starttime + delay
      spare         = $1cc        
      skiprun       = $1cd          ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
                                    '\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
      blocksh       = $1ce          '/ block shift 0/9 bits
      clustersh     = $1cf          ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
      vol_begin     = $1d0          ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
      fsi_begin     = $1d1          ' Ptn0:       sector of file system info
      fat_begin     = $1d2          ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
      dir_begin     = $1d3          ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
      dat_begin     = $1d4          ' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
      ptn_size      = $1d5          '       file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
      _bufad        = $1d6        
      _blocknr      = $1d7        
      _sectors      = $1d8        
      _entries      = $1d9        
      bufad         = $1da          ' ptr sector buffer
      blocknr       = $1db          ' sector#
      fname         = $1dc'[3]      ' 8+3+1
      _hubdata      = $1df        
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    reserved for additional SD code comments and routines
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2019-10-19 10:37
    To supplement Cluso's documentation in regards to raw sector boot code, this is what how the full RAM version of TAQOZ is saved by default, in sector 1 onwards. In this case only $F000 bytes are needed. On a factory formatted SD card there are hidden sectors before the start of the partition, and in the case of the 8GB card there is about 4MB hidden, so plenty of room for storing your code etc.
    TAQOZ# $170 $10 SD DUMPW --- 
    00170: 0000 0000 0001 0000  F000 0000 7250 506F     '............ProP' ok

    TAQOZ in RAM includes a proper SD formatter and reporting tool that can format cards >32GB to FAT32. Here is the report for an 8GB SanDisk.
    TAQOZ# .DISK ---  CARD: SANDISK   SD SL08G REV$80 #1561170528 DATE:2016/2
                       *** OCR *** 
        VALUE........................... $C0FF_8000
        RANGE........................... 2.7V to 3.6V
                       *** CSD *** 
        CARD TYPE....................... SDHC
        LATENCY......................... 1ms+1400 clocks 
        SPEED........................... 50Mbps 
        CLASSES......................... 010110110101
        BLKLEN.......................... 512
        SIZE............................ 7,761MB
        Iread Vmin...................... 100ma
        Iread Vmax...................... 25ma
        Iwrite Vmin..................... 1ma
        Iwrite Vmax..................... 45ma
                     *** SPEEDS *** 
        SECTOR.......................... 478us,624us,555us,552us,552us,554us,588us,559us,
        BLOCKS.......................... 2,015kB/s @192MHz
                       *** MBR *** 
        PARTITION....................... 0 00 INACTIVE
        FILE SYSTEM..................... FAT32 LBA
        CHS START....................... 1023,254,63
        CHS END......................... 0,0,0
        FIRST SECTOR.................... $0000_2000
        TOTAL SECTORS................... 15,515,648 = 7,944MB
    00170: 0000_0000 0000_0001 0000_F000 506F_7250     '............ProP'
                      *** FAT32 *** 
        OEM............................. TAQOZ P2
        Byte/Sect....................... 512
        Sect/Clust...................... 64 = 32kB
        FATs............................ 2
        Media........................... F8
        Sect/Track...................... $003F
        Heads........................... $00FF
        Hidden Sectors.................. 8,192 = 4MB
        Sect/Part....................... 15,515,648 = 7,944MB
        Sect/FAT........................ 1,894 = 969kB
        Flags........................... 0
        Ver............................. 00 00 
        ROOT Cluster.................... $0000_0002 SECTOR: $0000_2EEC
        INFO Sector..................... $0001 = $0000_2001
        Backup Sector................... $0006 = $0000_2006
        res............................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        Drive#.......................... 128
        Ext sig......................... $29 OK!
        Part Serial#.................... $50AD_0021 #1353515041
        Volume Name..................... P2 CARD    FAT32    ok
  • RamonRamon Posts: 484
    edited 2021-01-16 10:14
    On my board (Retroblade2) “BOOT_P2.BIX” didn't worked.
    But "_BOOT_P2.BIX" did.

    (and TAQOZ '.DISK' does not show any output)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Ramon wrote: »
    On my board (Retroblade2) “BOOT_P2.BIX” didn't worked.
    But "_BOOT_P2.BIX" did.

    (and TAQOZ '.DISK' does not show any output)
    Thanks Ramon :smiley: I have corrected the above posts.
  • Thank you!

    About TAQOZ '.DISK' issue: It seems that the original TAQOZ .DISK does not work with my card.

    I loaded a new TAQOZ program (from using P2-Monitor (Ctrl-D) and then I was able to see the SD Card .DISK information.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    @Ramon said:
    Thank you!

    About TAQOZ '.DISK' issue: It seems that the original TAQOZ .DISK does not work with my card.

    I loaded a new TAQOZ program (from using P2-Monitor (Ctrl-D) and then I was able to see the SD Card .DISK information.

    You need to use filenames with uppercase and in 8.3 format Files ending with .DISK will not be found.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2021-03-15 23:36

    @Cluso99 - .DISK is the print disk information function in TAQOZ reloaded. You oughta try it some time mate :)

    TAQOZ# .DISK ---  CARD: SANDISK   SD SC64G REV$80 #35190404 DATE:2018/10               
                       *** OCR ***                                            
        VALUE........................... $C0FF_8000                           
        RANGE........................... 2.7V to 3.6V                         
                       *** CSD ***                                            
        CARD TYPE....................... SDHC                                 
        LATENCY......................... 1ms+1400 clocks                      
        SPEED........................... 50MHz                                
        CLASSES......................... 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1              
        BLKLEN.......................... 512                                  
        SIZE............................ 62,367MB                             
        Iread Vmin...................... 10ma                                 
        Iread Vmax...................... 25ma                                 
        Iwrite Vmin..................... 60ma                                 
        Iwrite Vmax..................... 35ma                                 
                     *** SPEEDS ***                                           
        LATENCY......................... 478us,278us,255us,312us,327us,254us,3
        SECTOR.......................... 286us,337us,315us,316us,337us,315us,3
        BLOCKS.......................... 7,382kB/s @320MHz                    
                       *** MBR ***                                            
        PARTITION....................... 0 00 INACTIVE                        
        FILE SYSTEM..................... FAT32 LBA                            
        CHS START....................... 1023,254,63                          
        CHS END......................... 0,0,0                                
        FIRST SECTOR.................... $0000_8000                           
        TOTAL SECTORS................... 124,702,720 = 63,847MB               
    00170: 0000_0000 0000_0001 0002_0000 506F_7250     '............ProP'     
                      *** FAT32 ***                                           
        OEM............................. TAQOZ P2                             
        Byte/Sect....................... 512                                  
        Sect/Clust...................... 128 = 65KB                           
        FATs............................ 2                                    
        Media........................... F8                                   
        Sect/Track...................... 63                                   
        Heads........................... 255                                  
        Hidden Sectors.................. 32,768 = 16MB                        
        Sect/Part....................... 124,702,720 = 63,847MB               
        Sect/FAT........................ 7,611 = 3MB                          
        Flags........................... 0                                    
        Ver............................. 00 00                                
        ROOT Cluster.................... $0000_0002 SECTOR: $0000_BB96        
        INFO Sector..................... $0001 = $0000_8001                   
        Backup Sector................... $0006 = $0000_8006                   
        res............................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
        Drive#.......................... 128                                  
        Ext sig......................... $29 OK!                              
        Part Serial#.................... $6269_0201 #1651048961               
        Volume Name..................... P2 CARD    FAT32    ok 
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    Thanks Peter.
    I misinterpreted Ramon's post as looking for a ***.DISK file.
    I do use your 1 liners but I have to confess I've not tried the full TAQOZ. Shame it didn't all fit in the ROM :(
    I'm still looking for that elusive time-shifting so I can get more than 24 hours in a day ;)

  • @Cluso99 I hope you don't mind me resurrecting this old thread. I have an SD card that I was prototyping remote updates code on. I have probably moved and deleted the _BOOT_P2.BIX file two dozen times on it. It quit booting. I reformatted it, and it still will not boot _BOOT_P2.BIX. Any pointers as to what the issue may be? Anything I should be looking at on the SD card?


  • Couple things to consider...

    1. Have you tested with another SD card, so you can be certain it's an SD problem and not a dipswitch setting or some other problem.

    2. Grab an SD card lowlevel formatter and reformat again. Windows doesn't always format optimally. Most major SD card suppliers have tools you can download for free.

    Reason for no.2 is that the P2 boot code relies on the filename being early in the index sector on the card. Each resave could have been pushing your index entries down the sector, and finally beyond reach. Lowlevel format will reset the boot sector back to zero (-ish).

  • The extended Taqoz (serial loaded, non the smaller rom taqoz) also has a FAT formatter built-in, that works well

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    @VonSzarvas said:
    Reason for no.2 is that the P2 boot code relies on the filename being early in the index sector on the card. Each resave could have been pushing your index entries down the sector, and finally beyond reach. Lowlevel format will reset the boot sector back to zero (-ish).

    This one has caught me out a few times, particularly if you are using SD cards larger than 8GB (and 8GB cards are in fact difficult to purchase now).

    Is this limitation documented somewhere?


  • @VonSzarvas said:
    Couple things to consider...

    1. Have you tested with another SD card, so you can be certain it's an SD problem and not a dipswitch setting or some other problem.

    100% confident this isn't it. Other SD cards boot no problem. The SD card works just fine.

    @VonSzarvas said:
    2. Grab an SD card lowlevel formatter and reformat again. Windows doesn't always format optimally. Most major SD card suppliers have tools you can download for free.

    Reason for no.2 is that the P2 boot code relies on the filename being early in the index sector on the card. Each resave could have been pushing your index entries down the sector, and finally beyond reach. Lowlevel format will reset the boot sector back to zero (-ish).

    I would like to know the specifics around this. A booting stub may be able to get around this issue, especially since I am replacing the boot image. I could keep the stub in the same place and replace the actual boot image.

    I am going to capture filesystem info with HxD, then reformat using TAQOZ. If that doesn't work, then I will low level the SD card.

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,551
    edited 2023-02-05 17:04

    As I recall, the filename needs to be indexed within the first X bytes of the MBR. Possibly within the first sector- memory a little dusty.

    A stub could totally solve it - boot the same _BOOT_P2.BIX or _BOOT_P2.BIY file, which has your own boot-from-SD routine to load your code from anywhere on the SD card - or from anywhere in the universe if you have an internet connection :)

  • The requirement certainly isn't to be within the first sector, because then it'd have to be within the first 16 files (each entry is 32 bytes, plus some extra dummy entries if VFAT long names are used). More likely it needs to be within the first root directory cluster, which is usually 32k (and thus holds 1024 file entries). If that's the issue then one should be more concerned that the filesystem code isn't re-using deleted slots for new files over growing the directory. Any formatting should completely clear the directory though and dragging a new file on from a PC should certainly re-use deleted slots.

  • ke4pjwke4pjw Posts: 1,180
    edited 2023-02-11 01:48

    The interesting thing is, the filename entry that didn't work was in a FAT at Sector 8,192/Offset ($400000). All of the other ones I have (that work) were above Sector 16,000.

    It was within the first dozen or so files listed, so I don't think that is the issue. I am not an expert and nothing jumped out at me as being wrong. The "deleted slots" was working properly. There were no deleted files in the FAT that I saw (First character set to $E5)

    I formatted that card several times with Windows 10, to no avail. I couldn't find the version of TAQOZ with the formatter easily (it's not the one in the ROM) so I just used the Tuxera SD Card Formater and it fixed it. It also wiped the MBR and I wonder if that plays into this.

    While we are at it, do we know how the P2 determines if a valid MBR exists? I don't think that is documented.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282

    I thought had an issue with deleted long filenames causing a boot fail a couple of times. But, sadly, I wasn't able to replicate the conditions later. Maybe it was moves to the trashcan ... dunno, never quite got to the bottom of it.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282

    Ah, I wonder if you've ended up with EFI partitioning? The first MBR entry would then point to the EFI reserved space instead of a FAT32 partition.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    Just another SD card quirk ...

    I bought an 8Gb SD card from Parallax. Got it yesterday, copied some files to it, inserted it into the SD slot on the Propeller and it booted first time! Yay!

    But this morning - problemo! Power up the Propeller and it won't boot from the new SD card. Huh?

    I tried some old SD cards - Propeller boots ok. Disk checked the new card on Windows and checked the files against the originals - all ok, but won't boot. Reformat the new card using Windows format and copy the same files to it again - still won't boot. Reformat the new card using the official SD Card formatting program from the SD Association and copy the same files to it again - still won't boot.

    To cut a long story short, it took a format with full overwrite (i.e. not a quick format) using the official SD Association formatter before the card could be booted by the Propeller again. I have no idea what I did that made it stop working - and of course it's now too late to find out - or why a low-level format fixed it. But at every step along the way, both the card itself and the files on it all checked out fine under Windows.

    I'd been spending a lot of time reformatting SD cards because the Propeller is so goldarned picky, which is why I bought the 8Gb card from Parallax - I thought it might prove to be more reliable than the cards I had been using. It didn't.

    Can the next revision of the Propeller chip please include some more reliable SD card boot code?


  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2023-02-11 01:21

    And of course repeatedly zeroing of the whole card is a bit rough on the write endurance figures. Or potentially at least. Hard to say how the drive treats a blank write when a block is already erased.

  • Ross: I have a SD card that is completely gronked too. The P2-ES killed it. Want to play with it? Happy to send it to you if interested. PM me.

  • @RossH One thing that can make the SD card boot unreliable is if you have the programming cable plugged in. It sounds stupid, but it can cause problems. Of the dozens I have worked with, the one above is the only one I had issues with. I have had the card nuke itself with some of the versions of sdspi floating around, but a format always fixed it.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    @ke4pjw said:
    @RossH One thing that can make the SD card boot unreliable is if you have the programming cable plugged in. It sounds stupid, but it can cause problems. Of the dozens I have worked with, the one above is the only one I had issues with. I have had the card nuke itself with some of the versions of sdspi floating around, but a format always fixed it.

    Thanks for that. But I am using a P2 EVAL board and the USB programming cable is providing both power and serial interface so I can't unplug it. However, you have just reminded me that someone recommended to always power the P2 EVAL using both USB ports. If it is a power-related problem, that would make sense. I'll try that and see if I have any further problems.

    A quick format usually does fix the problem if it is the one caused by the boot program having to be in the first few directory table entries (but I know the symptoms of that one - i.e. the Propeller can read and write the SD card ok but cannot boot from it). This one was different, and a quick format did not make the SD card bootable. In this case the Propeller could not read the SD card at all (but Windows still could) until I did a complete low-level write of all sectors.


  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    @JRoark said:
    Ross: I have a SD card that is completely gronked too. The P2-ES killed it. Want to play with it? Happy to send it to you if interested. PM me.

    Thanks, but no thanks. I have a box full of unreliable SD cards (or so I thought - now, I am increasingly thinking it is the Propeller that is the problem, not the SD cards).

    I certainly don't want another one! :)

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    @evanh said:
    And of course repeatedly zeroing of the whole card is a bit rough on the write endurance figures. Or potentially at least. Hard to say how the drive treats a blank write when a block is already erased.

    Yes, but perhaps it might be a good idea to do this process once with each new SD card. Perhaps the manufacturing process can leave the card in an indeterminate state. I don't know enough about SD cards to know if this might be a possibility.

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407

    @RossH said:
    Just another SD card quirk ...

    I bought an 8Gb SD card from Parallax. Got it yesterday, copied some files to it, inserted it into the SD slot on the Propeller and it booted first time! Yay!

    But this morning - problemo! Power up the Propeller and it won't boot from the new SD card. Huh?

    I tried some old SD cards - Propeller boots ok. Disk checked the new card on Windows and checked the files against the originals - all ok, but won't boot. Reformat the new card using Windows format and copy the same files to it again - still won't boot. Reformat the new card using the official SD Card formatting program from the SD Association and copy the same files to it again - still won't boot.

    To cut a long story short, it took a format with full overwrite (i.e. not a quick format) using the official SD Association formatter before the card could be booted by the Propeller again. I have no idea what I did that made it stop working - and of course it's now too late to find out - or why a low-level format fixed it. But at every step along the way, both the card itself and the files on it all checked out fine under Windows.

    I'd been spending a lot of time reformatting SD cards because the Propeller is so goldarned picky, which is why I bought the 8Gb card from Parallax - I thought it might prove to be more reliable than the cards I had been using. It didn't.

    Can the next revision of the Propeller chip please include some more reliable SD card boot code?


    Did you access the flash memory from your program while the SD inserted? It can (and it did for me several times) unformat the SD card by erasing sector 0 on it. Normal format doesn't help if doable at all. The card has to be initialized again using a partition manager (gparted in Linux or anything equivalent in Windows) to write the proper content to the sector 0 again.

    The problem is: the SPI mode zero can not be used in P2 systems. Use only mode 3. This prevents the card for being accidentally selected and written to while accessing the flash. All P2 flash libraries used mode 0 until I discover this bad behavior. After this jm_flash was updated and now it uses mode 3, while I wrote my own bitbanging (no smart pin used) flash procedures also using mode 3. No unformatting now.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549

    @pik33 said:
    Did you access the flash memory from your program while the SD inserted?

    No. Just the SD card.

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