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My stupid questions thread



  • pilot0315 wrote: »
    A couple of you told me that ptra is the equivalent of par in p1. I have a simple thing that I want to do which is just to take a value and transfer it to another variable and print. Not working here is the simple code from spin2 code. I am not an engineer. Please tell me what I am missing. This is my jump start.


    That's a binary (compiled) not source. The source would be more helpful :smile:
  • So I'm going through the new instructions and I just want to make sure I understand these right.. if I start a cog (fastspin)
    PUB start_explicit( DO, CLK, DI, CS ) : card_type
      long[@cmd] := "i"                         'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
      long[@cmd][1] := do | (clk << 8) |( di << 16) | (cs << 24)
      long[@cmd][2] := clkfreq
      cog := cognew(@_asm_start,@cmd) + 1
      if cog
        repeat until long[@cmd] <> "i"  ' wait until cog is done reading parameter
       card_type := long[@cmd][1]       ' arg1 returns card type or aborts with ptr to error from low level driver
      else                                  ' we don't have a cog?  
        return @nocogmsg                    ' probably not a problem so waste of bytes
    DAT   org
    _asm_start      mov     ptr_to_mbox,    ptra        ' save mbox address for later??
    '                call    #do_pasm_init               ' and do all inits 
    do_pasm_init    '' decode pins from first par, 1s from 2nd for init or pin change / clkset
                    mov     ptra,           ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox    
                    rdlong  tmp1,           ptra++      ' dummy read, already have ptr to mbox and this won't change                
                    rdlong  tmp1,           ptra++      ' get pins because these might                
                    mov     ptrb,0                      ' pins 0 -3
                    altgb   ptrb++, #tmp1               ' set next S field to s+d[10:2], next N to d[1:0] 
                    getbyte pinDO                       'get byte into value ('GETBYTE D' = 'GETBYTE D,0,#0')                                  
                    altgb   ptrb++, #tmp1               ' set next S field to s+d[10:2], next N to d[1:0] 
                    getbyte pinCLK                      'get byte into value ('GETBYTE D' = 'GETBYTE D,0,#0') 
                    altgb   ptrb++, #tmp1               ' set next S field to s+d[10:2], next N to d[1:0] 
                    getbyte pinDI                       'get byte into value ('GETBYTE D' = 'GETBYTE D,0,#0') 
                    altgb   ptrb++, #tmp1               ' set next S field to s+d[10:2], next N to d[1:0] 
                    getbyte pinCS                       'get byte into value ('GETBYTE D' = 'GETBYTE D,0,#0') 
                    rdlong  delay1s,        ptra++      ' get 1s because this might change
                    '' got 1 more par
                    drvh    pinCS
                    drvh    pinDI
                    drvh    pinCK
                    'call   #do_card_init                       
    getcmd          rdlong  cmd_in,     ptra    wz  '
    if_z            jmp     #getcmd                 'no cmd so handle time               
                    rdlong  arg1_in,    ++ptra      ' 
                    rdlong  arg2_in,    ++ptra      ' 
                    rdlong  arg3_in,    ++ptra      '
                    mov     cmd_in,     #0
                    wrlong  cmd_in,     ptr_to_mbox
                    jmp     #getcmd           

    Is there something i'm missing?? The getbyte example seems messy but I'm rewriting it to use a pointer anyway. Just trying to get some theory on the new instructions.

    Thanks as always!
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,253
    That's an intuitive idea with PTRA++ but I don't think it's valid. I've just tried it out and am getting assembly errors. Those operations like ++ are exclusive to hubRAM accesses, eg: RDLONG/WRLONG. I'll guess Chip has considered the viability of what you've tried - Presumably the timing of cogRAM accesses will preclude having it without significant redesign of the processor pipeline.

    What I've done for the equivalent is to use DJNZ/IJNZ and the likes on the indexing variable. Here's my hexadecimal print routine:
    		mov	bcdi, #7		'most significant nibble first (zero extended)
    		altgn	bcdi, #pa		'(instruction prefix)
    		getnib	pb			'retrieve next hex digit from pa register:  pb = pa[bcdi]
    		cmp 	pb, #10		wcz	'test if below 10, C = borrow of (D - S)
    if_c		add	pb, #"0"		'ASCII encode 0-9
    if_nc		add	pb, #"a"-10		'ASCII encode a-f
    		call	#putch
    		djnf	bcdi, #.emit
    		ret			wcz	'restore C/Z flags of calling routine
  • evanh wrote: »
    That's an intuitive idea with PTRA++ but I don't think it's valid.

    You mean PRTB right? I'm pretty sure all the PTRA's are right, other than the MOV... I couldn't find any examples of presetting the ptr registers, but since they're just cog ram the move should be valid right? Here's where I'm at now.
    PUB start_explicit( DO, CLK, DI, CS ) : card_type
      long[@cmd] := "i"                         'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
      long[@cmd][1] := @DO
      long[@cmd][2] := clkfreq
      cog := cognew(@_asm_start,@cmd) + 1
      if cog
        repeat until long[@cmd] <> "i"  ' wait until cog is done reading parameter
       card_type := long[@cmd][1]       ' arg1 returns card type or aborts with ptr to error from low level driver
      else                                  ' we don't have a cog?  
        return @nocogmsg                    ' probably not a problem so waste of bytes
    DAT   org
    _asm_start      mov     ptr_to_mbox,    ptra        ' save mbox address for later
    '                call    #do_pasm_init               ' and do all inits 
    do_pasm_init    '' decode pins from first par, 1s from 2nd for init or pin change / clkset
                    mov     ptra,       ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox    
                    rdlong  ptrb,       ptra++      ' dummy read, already have ptr to mbox and this won't change                
                    rdlong  tmp1,       ptrb++      ' get pins because these might                
                    mov     pinDO,      tmp1        
                    rdlong  tmp1,       ptrb++      ' get pins because these might                
                    mov     pinCLK,     tmp1        
                    rdlong  tmp1,       ptrb++      ' get pins because these might                
                    mov     pinDI,      tmp1        
                    rdlong  tmp1,       ptrb++      ' get pins because these might                
                    mov     pinCS,      tmp1        
                    rdlong  delay1s,    ptra++      ' get 1s because this might change
                    '' got 1 more par
                    drvh    pinCS
                    drvh    pinDI
                    drvh    pinCLK                
    '        ret                

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,253
    Err, yep, I should have said PTRB, I hadn't even noticed you'd used both.
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