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Interactive 8051 assembler and ICP for P2D2H Busy Bee support micro - work in progress — Parallax Forums

Interactive 8051 assembler and ICP for P2D2H Busy Bee support micro - work in progress

Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
edited 2018-11-26 01:20 in Propeller 2
The new P2D2 was going to have a nice simple PIC chip in an 8-pin MSOP as a support micro for the P2 to monitor brownouts and DTR and serial commands. The other day though I found another micro in 20-pin QFN that is only 3x3mm and costs around 30 cents. The extra I/O will be useful for monitoring various aspects of the P2D2 but also because this is a Silabs micro it can be programmed in-circuit very easily either via a 2-wire C2 interface or via its serial bootloader. Being 8051 based there are plenty of tools available for it but since I have the C2 software working in TAQOZ I thought it would be far more flexible if I wrote an assembler to suit this micro that could run on the P2 itself. Although I have still a ways to go in finishing it off I have made some good progress in a little under two days on and off since last week.

It is a one-pass forward referencing assembler that is also suitable for typing or pasting standard format assembly code into the P2 or loading from the a file on the SD and via the C2 debug interface it can also program the micro in-circuit. It produces a listing as it processes each line but forward references will not be listed correctly although they are resolved through a linked list once the symbol is defined. I might make it handle a 2nd pass for a final listing if it is being loaded from a file.
I don't expect this assembler to be used much but I will do something similar with an assembler for the P2 where you can even test out assembly code interactively.

While the assembler is written in TAQOZ Forth it is also more correct to say that the assembler is written with Forth in that the Forth compiler is enhanced and changes its behavior to suit.
A simple example of defining the JNC operation in TAQOZ where the action of assembling is deferred until the end of the line while the destination parameter is resolved and available, ready to be used.
pub JNC		DEFER: $50 RELOP ;
Whereas the MOV operation tests different addressing modes but all MOV A,Rx or MOV A,@Rx operations are detected and handled with just 4 bytes
and AROP is only about 14 bytes long etc.

Here's a terminal capture of the assembler itself being compiled and then assembling assembler source that has been attached to the end of the source code for the assembler as this lets me check it out quickly.
The assembler includes a whole heap of special function register definitions but at present only takes around 2kB of code space, with another 1.6kB for the dictionary. Don't look too closely as there are a ton of errors in this listing which also includes a debug column but I expect to have most of this working this week as I find time.
TAQOZ# TAQOZ   Parallax P2  .:.:--TAQOZ--:.:.  V1.1--RAM          181110-2300
322 lines and 2,140 bytes compiled,  with 0 errors in 3,091ms  ok
TAQOZ#   ok
        *** TAQOZ ASM51 ASSEMBLER *** 
0000 0000:                                                              00000000
0001 0000: AD                   PID:     equ $AD                        00000000  (1) $00AD
0002 0000: B6                   RID:     equ $B6                        00000000  (1) $00B6
0003 0000: 0C                   RXD0:    equ 12                         00000000  (1) $000C
0004 0000: A5                   K1:      equ $A5                        00000000  (1) $00A5
0005 0000: 40                   VARS:    equ $40                        00000000  (1) $0040
0006 0000:                                                              00000000
0007 0000:                               org $180                       00000000  (1) $0180
0008 0180: D4                   MAIN:    DA                             00000000
0009 0181: 90 D2 04                      MOV DPTR,#1234                 00000010  (1) $04D2
0010 0184: 54 22                         ANL     A,#$34                 10000000  (1) $0022
0011 0186: 54 34                         ANL     C,$34                  00001000  (1) $0034
0012 0188: 5F                            ANL     A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0013 0189: 24 EF                         ADD     A,#$34                 10000000  (1) $0022
0014 018B: 24 EF                         ADD     A,VARS                 10000000  (1) $0040
0015 018D: 85 EF 64                      MOV     A,#$100                10000000  (1) $0064
0016 0190: 02 80 01                      LJMP    MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0017 0193: 40 EB                         JC      MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0018 0195: 20 0C E8                      JB      RXD0,MAIN              00000000  (2) $0180 $000C
0019 0198: 10 80 0A                      JNB     $A5,MAIN               00000000  (2) $00A5 $0180
0020 019B: 10 A5 E2                      JNB     K1,MAIN                00000000  (2) $0180 $00A5
0021 019E: E4                            CLR     A                      10000000
0022 019F: C3                            CLR     C                      00001000
0023 01A0: C2 0C                         CLR     RXD0                   00000000  (1) $000C
0024 01A2: D3                            SETB    C                      00001000
0025 01A3: 20 80 9F                      JB      $45,MAIN               00000000  (2) $0045 $0180
0026 01A6: 12 A7 01                      LCALL   FWD                    00000000  (1) $01A7
0027 01A9: 73                            JMP     @A+DPTR                00000000  (1) $01AA
0028 01AA: 50 D4                         JNC     MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0029 01AC: 70 D2                         JNZ     MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0030 01AE: 60 D0                         JZ      MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0031 01B0: 40 CE                         JC      MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0032 01B2: 80 CC                         SJMP    MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0033 01B4: 02 80 01                      LJMP    MAIN                   00000000  (1) $0180
0034 01B7: D2 0C                         SETB    RXD0                   00000000  (1) $000C
0035 01B9: C3                   FWD:     CLR     C                      00001000
0036 01BA: EF                            MOV     A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0037 01BB: F8                            MOV     R0,A                   01100000  (1) $0008
0038 01BC: F6                            MOV     @R0,A                  01100000  (1) $0006
0039 01BD: F7                            MOV     @R1,A                  01100000  (1) $0007
0040 01BE: E6                            MOV     A,@R0                  10010000  (1) $0006
0041 01BF: E7                            MOV     A,@R1                  10010000  (1) $0007
0042 01C0: E8                            MOV     A,R0                   10010000  (1) $0008
0043 01C1: EF                            MOV     A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0044 01C2: 46                            ORL     A,@R0                  10010000  (1) $0006
0045 01C3: 47                            ORL     A,@R1                  10010000  (1) $0007
0046 01C4: 48                            ORL     A,R0                   10010000  (1) $0008
0047 01C5: 4F                            ORL     A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0048 01C6: 96                            SUBB    A,@R0                  10010000  (1) $0006
0049 01C7: 97                            SUBB    A,@R1                  10010000  (1) $0007
0050 01C8: 98                            SUBB    A,R0                   10010000  (1) $0008
0051 01C9: 9F                            SUBB    A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0052 01CA: 06                            INC     @R0                    00100000  (1) $0006
0053 01CB: 07                            INC     @R1                    00100000  (1) $0007
0054 01CC: 08                            INC     R0                     00100000  (1) $0008
0055 01CD: 0F                            INC     R7                     00100000  (1) $000F
0056 01CE: A3                            INC     DPTR                   00000010
0057 01CF: 04                            INC     A                      10000000
0058 01D0: 05 40                         INC     VARS                   00000000  (1) $0040
0059 01D2: 26                            ADD     A,@R0                  10010000  (1) $0006
0060 01D3: 28                            ADD     A,R0                   10010000  (1) $0008
0061 01D4: 2F                            ADD     A,R7                   10010000  (1) $000F
0062 01D5: 22                            RET                            00000000
0063 01D6:                                                              00000000
0064 01D6: 84                   mycon    equ $84                        00000000  (2) $0084 $01D7
0065 01D6:                                                              00000000
0066 01D6: 22                   PROC5:   ret                            00000000
0067 01D7:                                                              00000000
0068 01D7: B4 FE FC             PROC4:  cjne     A,#0FEh,PROC5          10000000  (2) $00FE $01D6
0069 01DA: 85 DB 82                      mov     DPL,smbdat             00000000  (2) $0082 $01DB
0070 01DD: 85 DE 83                      mov     DPH,smbdir             00000000  (2) $0083 $01DE
0071 01E0: 85 E1 08             RDFL:    mov     r0,#auxbuf      ;      00100000  (2) $0008 $01E1
0072 01E3: 85 E4 09                      mov     r1,#SMBTXSZ2           00100000  (2) $0009 $01E4
0073 01E6: E4                   rdflp:   clr     A                      10000000
0074 01E7: 93                            movc    A,@A+DPTR              10000000  (1) $01A9
0075 01E8: F6                            mov     @r0,A                  01100000  (1) $0006
0076 01E9: 05 82                         inc     DPL                    00000000  (1) $0082
0077 01EB: 08                            inc     r0                     00100000  (1) $0008
0078 01EC: D9 F8 D5 EF 55                djnz    r1,rdflp               00100000  (2) $0009 $01E6
0079 01F1: 85 F2 F3                      mov     smbTxRd,#SMBTXSZ       00000000  (2) $01F3 $01F2
0080 01F4: 22                            ret                            00000000
0081 01F5: B4 FD DF             PROC3:  cjne     A,#0FDh,PROC4          10000000  (2) $00FD $01D7
0082 01F8: 85 F9 82                      mov     DPL,#TITLE      ;      00000000  (2) $0082 $01F9
0083 01FB: 85 F8 83                      mov     DPH,#TITLE      ;      00000000  (2) $0083 $01F8
0084 01FE: 80 E0                         jmp     RDFL                   00000000  (1) $01E0
0085 0200: B4 03 F2             PROC2A: cjne     A,#3,PROC3             10000000  (2) $0003 $01F5
0086 0203: 85 A5 00                      mov     P1MDOUT,#0             00000000  (2) $0000 $00A5
0087 0206: 85 90 FF                      mov     P1,#0FFh               00000000  (2) $00FF $0090
0088 0209: 22                            ret                            00000000
0089 020A: B4 02 F3             PROC2:  cjne     A,#2,PROC2A            10000000  (2) $0002 $0200
0090 020D: 85 DA A5                      mov     P1MDOUT,smbdat         00000000  (2) $00A5 $01DA
0091 0210: 22                            ret                            00000000
0092 0211: B4 01 F6             PROC1:  cjne     A,#1,PROC2             10000000  (2) $0001 $020A
0093 0214: 85 DA 90                      mov     P1,smbdat              00000000  (2) $0090 $01DA
0094 0217: 85 DD A5                      mov     P1MDOUT,smbdir        ;00000000  (2) $00A5 $01DD
0095 021A: 22                            ret                            00000000
0096 021B:                                                              00000000
0097 021B:                      PROCESS_SMB:                            00000000
0098 021B: 85 EF 1C                      mov     A,smbcmd               10000000  (1) $021C
0099 021E: 44 00                         orl     A,#0                   10000000  (1) $0000
0100 0220: 70 EF                         jnz     PROC1                  00000000  (1) $0211
0101 0222: 22                            ret                            00000000
0102 0223:                                                              00000000
0103 0223: 80 F6                         SJMP    PROCESS_SMB            00000000  (1) $021B
0104 0225: 80 F4                         JMP     PROCESS_SMB            00000000  (1) $021B
0105 0227: 02 40 00                      JMP     $40                    00000000  (1) $0040
0106 022A:                                                              00000000
$00AD PID               $00B6 RID               $000C RXD0              $00A5 K1
$0040 VARS              $0180 MAIN              $01A6 FWD               $01A9 @A+DPTR
$0084 MYCON             $01D6 PROC5             $01D7 PROC4             $01DA SMBDAT
$01DD SMBDIR            $01E0 RDFL              $01E0 AUXBUF            $01E3 SMBTXSZ2
$01E6 RDFLP             $01F1 SMBTXRD           $01F1 SMBTXSZ           $01F5 PROC3
$01F8 TITLE             $0200 PROC2A            $020A PROC2             $0211 PROC1
$021B PROCESS_SMB       $021B SMBCMD ok


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    edited 2018-11-26 02:38
    Although I have still a ways to go in finishing it off I have made some good progress in a little under two days on and off since last week.
    Don't look too closely as there are a ton of errors in this listing which also includes a debug column but I expect to have most of this working this week as I find time.

    Quite impressive. To help you with this, I've attached the minor-edited input, and .LST output, from a std 8051 Assembler.

    Finds DA mnemonic should be DA A, and some byte-orders look wrong, and (of course) gives errors on your predefined symbols, but overall very good.
    JC, JB, JC, JZ, JNZ SJMP all look ok,
    JNB uses wrong opcode
    JB.JNB with hex immediate format seems to emit 80h, but when using bit names they look ok ?
    LJMP,LCALL have wrong byte orders
    MOV rn,#i should be 2 byte opcodes
    DJNZ rn,Adr seems to emit 5 bytes

    If you can match those predefined names, to what is in the standard EFM8 include file, the code becomes more portable.
  • Yep, very very early preview, warts & all that I'm very much aware of but I posted it anyway as this sometimes provides more insight into software development than something that is all wrapped up and polished. The point of the post is not how correct it is, just how simple really it is.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,269
    That is great, Peter! I really look forward to doing lots of things on the P2, itself.
  • That's spiffy Peter!
    I don't expect this assembler to be used much but I will do something similar with an assembler for the P2 where you can even test out assembly code interactively.

    Yeah, me too. One of those things is going to be another attempt to get along better with Forth.

    Peter, I am consistently impressed with what you get Tachyon, TAQOS to do. Nice work on explanation and "friendliness" I am able to follow more examples more easily today, than just a year ago.

  • I really like the idea of being able to interactively enter short PASM snippets etc and test it directly on the P2 chip using TAQOZ. This could make trying various things out really simple indeed.
  • Exactly. We are gonna have a snippet collection. Almost like objects. The beauty is we will also have in-line PASM in SPIN, and ersmith's Flex compiler has it right now.

    Type the snippet in, use TAQOS, spin, whatever, and others can use them near directly in many cases.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2018-11-26 05:27
    rogloh wrote: »
    I really like the idea of being able to interactively enter short PASM snippets etc and test it directly on the P2 chip using TAQOZ. This could make trying various things out really simple indeed.

    Yes, so after this little adventure I will look at the P2 assembler and this will also allow us to create CODE words (as well) that work just like other Forth and so you can pass and read parameters on the stack and put the word in a test loop or just put it to work.
  • Sounds good, but hopefully its not too distracting for your P2D2 rev... :smile:
  • rogloh wrote: »
    Sounds good, but hopefully its not too distracting for your P2D2 rev... :smile:

    Slightly distracting but it is pretty close to being usable and so i will probably finish it off while i am testing BB8 on P2D2!
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