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VGA 1920x1080x4bpp @148.5MHz - Rock Stable and 240 chars x 135 lines :) - Page 3 — Parallax Forums

VGA 1920x1080x4bpp @148.5MHz - Rock Stable and 240 chars x 135 lines :)



  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    BTW I am fairly sure I posted the correct code. Did you check the CON section and not comments? Sorry cannot check on my phone.

    it has
    _XTALFREQ = 12_000_000 ' crystal frequency
    _XDIV = 12 ' crystal divider to give 1MHz
    _XMUL = 180 ' crystal / div * mul
    _XDIVP = 1 ' crystal / div * mul /divp to give _CLKFREQ (1,2,4..30)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Is that the _003a1.spin code?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Is that the _003a1.spin code?

    ahh... too many copies here...

    That says
    _XTALFREQ = 12_000_000 ' crystal frequency
    _XDIV = 4 ''''12 * 2 ' crystal divider to give 0.5MHz
    _XMUL = 99 ''''297 '148.5MHz '168 * 2 ' crystal / div * mul
    _XDIVP = 2 ''''1 ' crystal / div * mul /divp to give _CLKFREQ (1,2,4..30)

    which has 3MHz PFD and 297MHz VCO
    Another reference point, is XDIV 8, XMUL 99 and XDIVP of 1 for PFD of 1.5MHz and VCO of 148.5MHz
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    When the chip got too hot the pic started to break up..
    Hmm... That must be a lot of jitter to do that. I wonder how much shift is actually needed on those 1080P monitors ? A scope is needed....

    Does not really sound like PFD gain alone could do that, but it is sounding like a PLL issue.

    There is another PLL flaw mechanism, which is deadband in the phase detector - detectors that seek to zero, on floating balance can end up with a flat spot/deadband, where small changes in phase give neither + or - pulses.
    Because that is a timing difference, and around a null, it could be quite temperature dependent.
    - but to be bad enough to lose sync, I don't know.... ?

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Those are the setting Chip asked me to try and they worked nicely!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2018-11-22 04:57
    Here is sample code that draws concentric single pixel rectangles on the screen at 1920x1080 @ 4bpp 148MHz.
    I have adjusted the monitors x & y position to display all pixels.
    The buffer is 506.25KB and is 1920x540 and is repeated on the display twice for a full screen.
    This runs with a 12MHz ocsillator with /4, *99, /2 as suggested by Chip.
    Very stable with little shimmering that I believe is the monitor display. The pixels are rock-steady. The board/chip does run quite hot, but runs fine without cooling. Ambient here is ~22C currently.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    This runs with a 12MHz ocsillator with /4, *99, /2 as suggested by Chip.
    Very stable with little shimmering that I believe is the monitor display. The pixels are rock-steady. The board/chip does run quite hot, but runs fine without cooling. Ambient here is ~22C currently.

    Now it is looking more stable, can you try the other solution of /8 , *99, /1 ?
    Curious how much PFD frequency change affects this.
  • I would try /3, *37, /1 based on what I have seen so far
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2018-11-22 12:08
    Been too busy drawing clock lines on the display. 8 4 pixels per complete clock cycle display. 480 clocks per line :smiley:
    Rock steady. Quite tiny on my 23" display but I can read it. Put markers every 10 clocks with additional every 50.
    I am using 2bpp with 4 colours white, blue, green, red. Currently using white on red background.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Here is my 1920x1080 logic analyser plus text.

    The clocks use 2 pixels per sample. The traces are ports P0-7 and the streamer is sampling this
                    rep     @.rep,#sample_length/2
                    add     outa,#1

    If you look closely, the P0 sample is not 50/50 probably due to some internal P2 timing differences on when it samples the pin. ie +/-a bit.

    The characters displayed are an 8x8 font with 240 characters/line and 135 lines on the 1920x1080 24" Acer monitor.

    3264 x 2448 - 2M
    3264 x 2448 - 3M
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Thought I would post how the VGA streamer is working, and how to synchronise changing line colors on the fly.

    I have the foreground & background color pairs changing every 135 lines (8*135=1080) with proper sync :smiley:
    ''+ DAC Streamer: VGA out with streamer (from hub on every clock cycle...)     +
    ''              setxfrq ##$8000_0000                    ' sysclk sample rate
    ''              rdfast  ##long_length/16,##@buffer      ' rdfast to wrap on xxKB bitmap (longs/16)
    '+-------[ Setup Streamer ]----------------------------------------------------+ 
                     loc     ptra,#\@palette_pairs          ' set 1st color palette   
                     setq2   #2-1                           ' (only need 2)
                     rdlong  lut_start,ptra                 ' set next palette color
                     mov     ctr1,#135                      ' & set row ctr
                    setxfrq ##fset                  'set transfer frequency to xxxMHz
                    dirh    #vsync                  'make vsync pin output
                    'the next 4 lines may be commented out to bypass level scaling
                    setcy   ##intensity << 24       '\ r      set colorspace for rgb
                    setci   ##intensity << 16       '| g
                    setcq   ##intensity << 08       '| b
                    setcmod #%01_0_000_0            '/ enable colorspace conversion
                    wrpin   dacmode_s,#0            '\ enable dac modes in pins 0..3
                    wrpin   dacmode_c,#1            '|
                    wrpin   dacmode_c,#2            '|
                    wrpin   dacmode_c,#3            '|
                    setnib  dira,#$f,#0             '/ & enable output
                    rdfast  ##w*h*bpp/32/16,##@video_buffer ' wraps ~253KB bitmap (longs/16) 
    '+-------[ Display Screen ]----------------------------------------------------+ 
    ' Field loop
    field           outnot  #vsync                  '\ vsync on
                    mov     x,#sync_blanks          '|
                    call    #blank                  '|
                    outnot  #vsync                  '/ vsync off
                    mov     x,#top_blanks
                    call    #blank
    ' display visible screen 1bpp
                    mov     x,##h                   'set visible lines
                     loc     ptra,#\@palette_pairs           ' set 1st color palette   
                     mov     ctr1,#1                         ' & force new load below
    .visible        xcont   m_bs,#0                 'horizontal sync (before sync)
                    xcont   m_sn,#1                 'horizontal sync (sync)
                     djnz    ctr1,#.skip                     ' set new palette?
                     setq2   #2-1                            ' (only need 2)
                     rdlong  lut_start,ptra                  ' set next palette color
                     add     ptra,#2*4                       ' next color pair
                     mov     ctr1,#135                       ' & set row ctr
    .skip           xcont   m_bv,#0                 'horizontal sync (before visible)
                    xcont   m_rf,#0                 'visible line                   
                    djnz    x,#.visible             'another line?
                    mov     x,##bottom_blanks
                    call    #blank
                    jmp     #field                  'loop
    ' display blank lines
    blank           xcont   m_bs,#0                 'horizontal sync (before sync)
                    xcont   m_sn,#1                 'horizontal sync (sync)
                    xcont   m_bv,#0                 'horizontal sync (before visible)
                    xcont   m_vi,#0                 'blank visible
            _RET_   djnz    x,#blank
    ' Initialized data
    dacmode_s       long    %0000_0000_000_1011000000000_01_00000_0         'hsync is 123-ohm, 3.3V
    dacmode_c       long    %0000_0000_000_1011100000000_01_00000_0         'R/G/B are 75-ohm, 2.0V
    m_bs            long    $CF000000+before_sync
    m_sn            long    $CF000000+sync
    m_bv            long    $CF000000+before_visible
    m_vi            long    $CF000000+w             'visible
    'm_rf            long    $6F000000+w             '4bit RFLONG LUT
    'm_rf            long    $5F000000+w             '2bit RFLONG LUT
    m_rf            long    $4F000000+w             '1bit RFLONG LUT
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,253
    edited 2018-12-08 06:21
    How to enable SETDACS on the P123 FPGA board?

    I'm trying to output copied ADC readings onto DAC0 RCA socket to watch on my oscilloscope. It's electrically the same signal as VGA0 Blue pin.

    PS: I've tried using
    wrpin   ##%1010000000000_01_00000_0, #0
    that I've seen done in other code, but that messed with Prop Pin0 digital input that I am using. And it didn't give me any DAC signal anyway.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I am not sure what you are asking Evan.
    I don't have a P123 FPGA board but I seem to recall you need an external circuit to convert.

    I am using the P2D2
    This is the setup for 148.5MHz VGA 1920x1080 1bpp
      _XTALFREQ     = 12_000_000                                    ' crystal frequency
    ''_XDIV         = 12  * 2       '\                              ' crystal divider to give 0.5MHz
    ''_XMUL         = 297           '| 148.5MHz                     ' crystal / div * mul
    ''_XDIVP        = 1             '/                              ' crystal / div * mul /divp to give _CLKFREQ (1,2,4..30)
      _XDIV         = 4             '\                              '\ crystal divider                      to give 3.0MHz
      _XMUL         = 99            '| 148.5MHz                     '| crystal / div * mul                  to give 297MHz
      _XDIVP        = 2             '/                              '/ crystal / div * mul /divp            to give 148.5MHz
      _XOSC         = %01                                   'OSC    ' %00=OFF, %01=OSC, %10=15pF, %11=30pF
      _XSEL         = %11                                   'XI+PLL ' %00=rcfast(20+MHz), %01=rcslow(~20KHz), %10=XI(5ms), %11=XI+PLL(10ms)
      _XPPPP        = ((_XDIVP>>1) + 15) & $F                       ' 1->15, 2->0, 4->1, 6->2...30->14
      _CLOCKFREQ    = _XTALFREQ / _XDIV * _XMUL / _XDIVP            ' internal clock frequency                
      _SETFREQ      = 1<<24 + (_XDIV-1)<<18 + (_XMUL-1)<<8 + _XPPPP<<4 + _XOSC<<2  ' %0000_000e_dddddd_mmmmmmmmmm_pppp_cc_00  ' setup  oscillator
      _ENAFREQ      = _SETFREQ + _XSEL                                             ' %0000_000e_dddddd_mmmmmmmmmm_pppp_cc_ss  ' enable oscillator
    '' 1920x1080 60Hz mode @ 148.5MHz   from
    '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      PIXEL_CLK     = _CLOCKFREQ              '
      H_DISP        = 1920  
      H_FPORCH      = 88    
      H_SYNC        = 44    
      H_BPORCH      = 148   
      V_DISP        = 1080   
      V_FPORCH      = 4      
      V_SYNC        = 5      
      V_BPORCH      = 36     
    '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,253
    No worries. I thought you might have that board too.

    Yes, there is six video rated DACs on the P123 board next to the FPGA. Chip has them configured to work with streamers/SETDACS somehow, but it's not documented in the main doc.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2018-12-24 01:25
    Here is my latest code :smiley:

    It samples P0-7 with the streamer, converts to digital waveforms (bug in P0 samples), then displays as VGA 1920x1080x1bpp @ 148.5MHz using the streamer, all in one cog. I have a builtin character font. Also, I change the foreground & background colors on the fly too.

    It's not a complete debugger yet, but thought you may like to check out the code anyway.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    I'm wondering why this works:
    xcont   m_sn,#1

    in the hsync routine. Looks like this is 32-bit immediate mode.
    Doesn't this make a tiny signal?
    Shouldn't #1 be #$FF ?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I am using the P2D2
    This is the setup for 148.5MHz VGA 1920x1080 1bpp

    Now the P2-Eval board is in the wild, is there a version for that PCB ?

    It could be interesting to check the PLL jitter issues seen on P2D2 PCB, on the P2-Eval design, to see if the same problems are seen ?

    The Xtal choice on the P2-Eval does not 'line up' too well with a high PFD and 148.5MHz ?
    Perhaps 20M/7 is close enough, with a 480ppm error ? (one part in 2080)

    With lower PFD, there are
    20M/26 is 259ppm error
    20M/33 is 102ppm error
    20M/40 is exact, but now PFD is down to 0.5MHz
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    edited 2018-12-25 19:31
    I see now that we have to change:
    _XTALFREQ to 20_000_000
    _XDIV to 40
    _XMUL to 297
    _XOSC to $10

    to work with P2 eval board (values conveniently listed in docs)

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    BTW: p1font.dat is missing, but example works with file commented out.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-12-25 19:38
    Rayman wrote: »
    I see now that we have to change:
    _XTALFREQ to 20_000_000
    _XDIV to 40
    _XMUL to 297
    _XOSC to $10

    to work with P2 eval board (values conveniently listed in docs)
    Rayman wrote: »
    BTW: p1font.dat is missing, but example works with file commented out.

    You have this working with PFD=0.5MHz ? How does that look for jitter effects ?

    What about settings of
    _XDIV to 7
    _XMUL to 52
    for PFD = 2.857MHz
    PLL = 148.5714MHz

    Is that 480 ppm error tolerated by VGA monitors ?
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    edited 2018-12-25 19:59
    I'll try that. I did get it to work with _XDIV=33 and _XMUL=300.

    By "work", I mean monitor reports 1080p with 60 Hz refresh.

    52/7 gives me 49 Hz.

    This monitor (Samsung S24W450) seems to work with anything... Sync from 49 to 72 Hz. There is some shimmer though, best to focus on that...
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Rayman wrote: »
    52/7 gives me 49 Hz.
    This monitor (Samsung S24W450) seems to work with anything... Sync from 49 to 72 Hz. There is some shimmer though, best to focus on that...
    Strange it should jump to 49Hz from 60, especially given that is slightly high at 148.5714 ?

    There is also an opposite sign error of -532ppm
    VCO = 141*(20/19) = 148.4210
    PFD = (20/19) = 1.0526

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    Ok, I think my monitor doesn't like cluso's porch settings...
    Changed them to what's on this page:

    And now, the monitor says 60 Hz with XDIV=40 and XMUL=297, like it should.
    Also, looks like the active area is where it should be.
    But, there's a lot of flicker...
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-12-25 22:16
    Rayman wrote: »
    And now, the monitor says 60 Hz with XDIV=40 and XMUL=297, like it should.
    Also, looks like the active area is where it should be.
    But, there's a lot of flicker...

    Good to have an active area, do any of the higher PFD with 'some ppm' errors, work ? Trying to get a handle on what ppm deviations 148.5 can tolerate

    In order of increasing ppm but also higher PFD, there are :
     XDIV=40; XMUL=297; ppm=(1-148.5M/(XMUL*20M/XDIV))/1u  ppm = 0 - but 0.5MHz PFD
     XDIV=33; XMUL=245; ppm = -102.0408  XDIVP = 1
     XDIV=26; XMUL=193; ppm = -259.0673  XDIVP = 1
     XDIV=7;  XMUL=52;  ppm = 480.76923  XDIVP = 1  PFD = 2.857M
     XDIV=20; XMUL=193; ppm = 0          XDIVP = 2  PFD = 1M
     XDIV=13; XMUL=193; ppm = -259.0673  XDIVP = 2  PFD = 1.538M
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2018-12-25 22:17
    Rayman wrote: »
    Ok, I think my monitor doesn't like cluso's porch settings...
    Changed them to what's on this page:

    And now, the monitor says 60 Hz with XDIV=40 and XMUL=297, like it should.
    Also, looks like the active area is where it should be.
    But, there's a lot of flicker...

    Before the respin, we need to address this PLL issue. It seems that maybe the feedback is too strong or too weak. Need to figure out which.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Rayman, see if you can get a near-frequency setting which doesn't divide the crystal by so much.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    I think I just got stable signal with XDIV=10 and XMUL=75

    (with porch settings changed as described earlier)
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2018-12-25 22:29
    I think I know what the problem is. There is a second order RC filter on the charge pump for the VCO. The first R is proportional to the divisor. The second R is fixed. It needs to be proportional, too, in order to avoid ringing. That flicker is the VCO wandering above and below the reference frequency because the second R is not dampening enough.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    edited 2018-12-25 22:36
    XDIV=10 and XMUL=74 is slightly better as the monitor reports 1080p 60 Hz.

    I only see the flicker on the screen that looks like a pie with a slice missing. Not completely sure why I see it only there... Might be optical illusion?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-12-25 23:14
    cgracey wrote: »
    Rayman wrote: »
    Ok, I think my monitor doesn't like cluso's porch settings...
    Changed them to what's on this page:

    And now, the monitor says 60 Hz with XDIV=40 and XMUL=297, like it should.
    Also, looks like the active area is where it should be.
    But, there's a lot of flicker...

    Before the respin, we need to address this flicker issue. It seems that maybe the feedback is too strong or to weak. Need to figure out which.

    I have seen PLL's that deliberately avoid a perfect-balance situation.
    The ones that have correction pulses vanish to zero, can have dead-bands in the transfer, which can give high jitter.
    Avoiding perfect balance means the correction pulses never go right to zero, so has a small cost of some correction signal on the VCO control, but at the PFD rate.

    Another test point would be to push up PFD to highest-available-xtal points, to confirm what PFD changes do.
    Best I can find so far for that, is 13.5MHz (Higher values are less common)

    XTAL - FL1350008CT-ND Diodes Inc 13.5MHZ 16PF SMD 2,961 stk ±20ppm ±20ppm 16pF 100 Ohms Fundamental -20°C ~ 70°C (3.20mm x 2.50mm)

    Addit: Oscillators come in 37.125MHz and 49.5MHz and 74.25MHz for higher still PFDs ( and 148.5M for no divider needed)
    - so it's a pity the P2-Eval board failed to get the suggested Oscillator footprint.

    Besides that, there is Si5351A clock synthesiser, which I think there are P1 drivers for, that could allow any MHz, right up to 148.5 directly.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,975
    I see there are 148.5000MHz oscillators at Digikey. I presume for this purpose.
    Can you connect one of these to XI?
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