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Possible P2 Logos



  • pjvpjv Posts: 1,903
    The name should be not more than two syllables to keep it "punchy".

    How about OCOR or OCCOR ?

    Peter (pjv)
  • P2Plus

  • P2Quora

    Just having fun LOL
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2018-08-01 01:25
    Back Up
  • Elev8or
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2018-08-01 01:27
    ROCC - Realtime Octal Core Controller (I still think we need to emphasize the realtime I/O nature of the P2).
  • yes, apart from the programming language the i/o flexibility is the unique bit

    Pin relief (pain relief)

    Waveform heaven

    Signal Nirvana

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-08-01 01:46
    ROCC - Realtime Octal Core Controller (I still think we need to emphasize the realtime I/O nature of the P2).

    ROCC a nice ring to it. - be nice to also get the Smart Pins into there too ?
    Google finds a 'ROCC Computers Ltd' in UK, a software company, so Parallax space may be far enough removed from that, to not confuse anyone.

    There is nothing preventing Parallax from pulling P1 into this (re)branding exercise, so you can get something like

    ROCC-1 First generation Realtime Octal Core Controller 32k memory, 80MHz.

    ROCC-2S Second generation Realtime Octal Core Controller 512k memory, 64 x Smart Pin Cells, 160MHz.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2018-08-01 01:55
    At least in English we can make up new words. I realized that in Spanish, to do so offends people's sensibilities. That's why Mexican restaurants and food brands reuse a limited set of words.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    The Signal Whisperer
  • msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
    edited 2018-08-01 03:41
    I still like XBOSS, just for the implied superiority.

    The Signal Whisperer is more a name for a example product, sold by Parallax, not the chip itself.

    The ROCC out of Rocklin, CA has some ring to it, and rebranding the Propeller as ROCC-1 {compatible to and replacing p8x32a-xx} might even get some more new attention for the P1 sorry ROCC-1. Just laser a different logo on the P1 and done.

    Carmakers sell the same car under different names and brands, Parallax could do that also. The ROCC-1 is 100 percent compatible to the P1, Parallax can stand fully behind that statement...

    And Marketing is happy, they can sell a family of "Realtime Octal Core Controller"s, so the customer can choose....

    I still think the smartpins belong in there but using SMART as name calling for more trouble as using XBOSS.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2018-08-01 03:45
    P2 still reigns supreme, IMO. It's simple, concise, and has potential brand recognition, given an adequate marketing effort.

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    cgracey wrote: »
    The Signal Whisperer

    ROFLOL, Honestly, I don't care what it's called as long as I can buy one, and I hope to be buying a lot more than one.
  • Synchro-nous

    but I do like Signal Whisperer... conveys an aura of mystery

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2018-08-01 05:55

    "Vanity of vanities; all is vanity... There is nothing new under the sun... except for this chip, maybe. All your labors will eventually be forgotten, but this might be a good way to spend your time, for now."

    Or, some similarly rousing appeal.

  • Horizon

    ASP (all smart pins)
    CSP (chip's smart pins)
    EXL (exceptional and it excels at what it does)

    SUI (as in- sui generis)

    Solo (unique chip; you only need this one to do everything; smart octal lover of openness)
  • msrobots wrote: »
    "...Marketing should underline and bold claim that Parallax Processors and the different approach, the rethinking, will provide a better, brighter and futureproof solution for all your MC and signal processor needs."
    ReSolution-8 (Re-solution), somewhat similar to ReSpin
    Rev8, Revolt8, Revolution8, (all optionally hyphenated), part of the Revolution Family
    {Combining the words "revolve" (Lazy Susan) with "revolt" (new paradigm)}
    Revelation8, the last word in microcontrollers

    Yeah, I'm stuck in the R-vein. Hmm, "Paradigm" is a nice word and works with P2 (and overlaps with PARAllax).
  • AntoineDoinelAntoineDoinel Posts: 312
    edited 2018-08-01 12:05
    cgracey wrote: »

    PROPER = "PROPeller Exstensively Rethinked" :wink:

    Ok, let's try something exotic:

    TARIKA (tah-ree-kya) = "group; band" (as in "music ensemble")
    MAROSAINA (mah-roo-say-nah) = "many brains"
    VALOMANANA (vah-loo-mah-nah-nah) = "has eight of them" (which incidentally is the last name of 4th President of Madagascar :lol:)

    nah, too long... ok I got it:

    MIRAY (mee-rah-ee) = "to be united; to be of one mind; many to be like one"

    p.s. sorry for the annoying "ah" in phonetics, I don't know how else to transcribe it... it's like A in italian.
  • LR 8C: Logic Reimagined

    So you have a Series of new chip + the variant + tag line.
  • To me, one of the best features of the new design is that it's much easier to share data between cogs.

    In effect, they mesh well.

    Car transmissions have synchromesh.

    Why not call it the Parallax HyperMesh P2?

    Oh wait, someone already trademarked HyperMesh. Ironically a company named Altair.

    Or some other variation of *Mesh, I'm sure someone can some up with something clever and unique.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,008
    edited 2018-08-01 13:57
    You might call it "P2-8", just in case you actually do make them with less (or maybe more) cores...

    Or, maybe "P2*8"...
  • Mesh is often used in networking schemes. It is amazing how many “great ideas” I get for a processor name only to put it in google xxxxx microprocessor and see it already exists as a microprocessor.

  • Here's one you have thought of - PROP - Parallax Realtime Octal Processor :)
  • Here's one you have thought of - PROP - Parallax Realtime Octal Processor :)

    So that would make the 4-core version the PRQP and the sixteen core version the PRHP.
  • Greek and Zodiac names are always good (but over used) - Venus, Apollo, Gemini, Saturn, Pegasus, Delta, Astro, Magnum, Pearl, Obi Wan (!), Zeppelin, Pandora, Cosmo, Olympia, and many more... Initials are OK (just OK) - No one knows what the letters stand for. Made up names are catchy, but not good - They are seen as "cute" so not a good fit for a professional product.
  • Be careful with the use of "8." In the MCU world, that usually implies eight bits.

  • It doesn't matter what name you give it, everyone will always refer to it as the P2.
  • Call it P2, but make it look like P squared. Suggests power, not strictly linear.

    So-what numerology: "P" is the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, squared that is 256. It is the 80th ascii character, squared, 6400.
    580 x 390 - 38K
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Neat idea, Tracy!
  • I think the Phantom Eight Core is appropriate.

    Phantom 832

    Phantom P2
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