USB3.bs2 is my main program, all the rest are me trying to get things to work.
I'm still working out my subroutines and then I will tackle the rest. My program is increasing in size and is becoming harder for me to manage. I was doing much better when I was writing code to do just ONE thing at a time, but now I'm struggling.
I will look into your suggestion if my idea doesn't pan out. You can look at my finished (partially finished) code USB3.bs2 to see where I'm trying to go.
Right now I'm having an issue getting my EMIC2 to work within my program, It works fine otherwise.
When my children were young I had ALL the patience in the world. Now my children are all grown and I think it's possible they took my patience with them when they left because I couldn't find any if my life depended on it, and then comes PBASIC, SPIN, BlocklyProp, and only GOD knows what language I'm going to attempt to learn in the distant future.
I was on a short hiatus, but now I have returned to finish this project. Sorry that this has taken as long as it has I should have been finished long ago.
When my children were young I had ALL the patience in the world. Now my children are all grown and I think it's possible they took my patience with them when they left because I couldn't find any if my life depended on it, and then comes PBASIC, SPIN, BlocklyProp, and only GOD knows what language I'm going to attempt to learn in the distant future.
There's a punch line in there somewhere about kids taking things.
I forget which comedian said, "When I was sixteen, my father was the stupidest man on the planet, but he learned a whole lot every year after that."
Please explain.
On USB3.bs2 I'm getting an error EEPROM full, does this mean my program is too big?
What commands am I using that are for BS1???
The BS2 only has 2K of EEPROM which gets eaten up quickly if you repeat the same code over and over again.
All those servo movements should be in separate subroutines since they are the same. Same with the LEDs.
Use DO...LOOP instead of Start and GOTO Start if you want an endless loop.
Since you defined PIN variables for the I/O pins you should change all the pin numbers to their pin variable name. For example the LED on and off code.
By the way I/O pins use a PIN variable type. CON was the old way of doing it.
Constants should be mixed case, such as EmicBaud while variables should be lowercase, as in temp.
SYMBOL is a BS1 command for assigning a variable, and B2 is one of the system variables of the BS1.
Since foc goes from 1 to 12 it will fit into a BS2 NIB variable.
foc VAR NIB ' A NIB variable holds a 4-bit value which can range from 0 to 15.
Oh and speaking of the LEDs, there needs to be a PAUSE between the HIGH and LOW to make it blink, otherwise you won't see anything.
And servos need 20 ms between pulses, not 2.
Also, you only need 1 Initialization routine at the start of the program.
If you need that call that code more than once then put it into a subroutine.
' Move servo from 90 to 180 degrees
FOR temp = 500 TO 1200 ' 1000 to 2400 us = 1 to 2.4 ms ---> 90 to 180
PULSOUT Servo2_pin,temp
PAUSE 20 ' Pause 20 ms between servo pulses
RETURN ' Return back to main program when done
' Move the other servo from about 120 to 180 degrees
FOR temp = 800 TO 1200 ' 1600 to 2400 us = 1.6 to 2.4 ms ---> 120? to 180
PULSOUT Servo_pin,temp
' Move other servo from 180 to 90 degrees
FOR temp = 1200 TO 500 ' 2400 to 1000 is = 2.4 to 1 ms ---> 180 to 90
PULSOUT Servo2_pin,temp
' Move servo from 180 to about 120 degrees
FOR temp = 1200 TO 800 ' 2400 to 1600 us = 2.4 to 1.6 ms ---> 180 to 120?
PULSOUT Servo_pin,temp
You could add the servo position values to the constants so that you can tweak them.
Servo1Start CON 500 ' 90 degrees
Servo1Stop CON 1200 ' 180 degrees
Servo2Start CON 800 ' 120 degrees
Servo2End CON 1200 ' 180 degrees
I rewrote your program;
- retyped the pin variables from CON to PIN,
- deleted the BS1 command (SYMBOL),
- put the duplicate servo code in subroutines,
- deleted most of the the LOW-HIGH command pairs as those do not have any effect,
- used unique label names,
- used declared pin name variables instead of absolute pin numbers.
The code now compiles without errors but what it does is completely unclear to me... :-)
(Use my earlier program snippet for the random number, and the SELECT .. CASE structure to execute tasks.)
'File.......USB3.bs2 [Useless Senseless Box Version 4]
'Purpose....UselessBox Demonstration
'Author.....Paul Muzyka @ []
'Updated....15 FEB 2018
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
'This program was written to control a Useless Box with two standard servo's, two LEDs, one vibration device, and one EMIC2.
'This code will be WELL documented for any NEW Programers with little to NO experience.....
'---------------------------[I/O PINS]------------------------------------------------------------------------
'Under [I/O PINS] you can change the pin numbers to meet your needs.
Servo1_pin PIN 12 'I/O Head/standard servo
Servo2_pin PIN 13 'I/O foot/standard servo
Buttn_pin PIN 10 'I/O button/switch BLUE/begining of program when switch is pressed
Move_pin PIN 11 'I/O for vibrating device
Lite1_pin PIN 14 'I/O for LED to light up angry bird
Lite2_pin PIN 7 'I/O for LED to light up angry bird
Ping_pin PIN 15 'I/O for ping sensor
Emictx_pin PIN 8 'I/O Tx for sending data to the EMIC2
Emicrx_pin PIN 9 'I/O Rx for receiving data from the EMIC2
t9600 CON 84 'EMIC2/???
emicbaud CON t9600 'EMIC2/sets baud rate for EMIC2
Temp VAR Word 'Work space for FOR NEXT/SERVO_PIN/SERVO2_PIN/controls both servo's Work space for NEXT
Btnspc VAR Byte 'work space for BUTTON command.
LOW buttn_pin 'sends pin low for the BUTTON command to function correctly.
INPUT buttn_pin 'sets pin as an input for the BUTTON command.
BUTTON buttn_pin, 1, 0, 0, Btnspc, 1, main '[Brnchcom] is a label where the program goes when switch is pressed/this will be where the
' REAL program code starts, ENJOY.
'------------------[PROGRAM CODE]------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG "foc: ", B2, " "
BRANCH B2, [Task_0, Task_1, Task_2, Task_3, Task_4, Task_5, Task_6, Task_7, Task_8, Task_9, Task_10, Task_11] ' branch to task
DEBUG "BRANCH target error..." ' ... unless out of range
B2 = B2 + 1 // 12 ' force foc to be 0..11
GOTO start
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
Task_0: ' -----[ Program Code below ]-------[Head & foot up]----------------------------------------
HIGH Lite1_pin
HIGH Lite2_pin
HIGH Move_pin
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, [CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, 5000, no_response, [WAIT(":")]
'----------------------------------[program code]------------------------------------------------
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["V", "18", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["D", "1", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
'________[Program Code below]___________________________[Head & foot down]_______________________________________
LOW Move_pin
LOW Lite2_pin
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swipeleft
GOSUB swiperight
DEBUG "no response", CR, CR
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_0", CR
GOTO Next_Task
' -----[ Program Code below ]-------[Head & foot up]---------------------------------------------
start2:'GET RID OF THIS start WHEN ADDED TO PROGRAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOSUB swipeleft
GOSUB swiperight
HIGH Lite1_pin
HIGH Lite2_pin
HIGH Move_pin
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, [CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, 5000, no_response, [WAIT(":")]
'----------------------------------[program code]------------------------------------------------
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["V", "18", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["N", "1", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "hello, Flap Jack. thank you for comming, but please do not touch my switch", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["N", "8", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "I hope you can tell by the sound of my voice I'm not kidding", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
'________[Program Code below]___________________________[Head & foot down]_______________________________________
LOW Move_pin
LOW Lite2_pin
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swipeleft
GOSUB swiperight
DEBUG "no response", CR, CR
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_1", CR
GOTO Next_Task
GOSUB swipeleft
HIGH Lite2_pin
HIGH Lite1_pin
PAUSE 1000
LOW Lite2_pin
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swiperight
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_2", CR
GOTO Next_Task
'----------------------------------[program code]------------------------------------------------
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "helllloooooooooo?, Do NOT touch this switch or else,", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["L2", "S", "mary had a little lamb made of cheese and roe.", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
GOSUB swiperight
GOSUB swipeleft
DEBUG "no response", CR, CR
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_0", CR
GOTO Next_Task
' ---------------------------
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "hellllo YYY,", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["L2", "S", "mary .....", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
GOSUB swiperight
PAUSE 6000 ' do nothing for 6 sec
GOSUB swipeleft
HIGH Lite2_pin ' lights on
HIGH Lite1_pin
PAUSE 8000 ' do nothing for 8 sec
DEBUG "no response", CR, CR
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_1", CR
GOTO Next_Task
' --------------------------
swipeleft: ' swipe servo left
FOR temp = 200 TO 1200
PULSOUT Servo1_pin,temp
swiperight: ' swipe servo right
FOR temp = 1200 TO 200
PULSOUT Servo1_pin,temp
' ------------------------------
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_2", CR
GOTO Next_Task:
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_1", CR
GOTO Next_Task
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_2", CR
GOTO Next_Task
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_0", CR
GOTO Next_Task
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_1", CR
GOTO Next_Task
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_2", CR
GOTO Next_Task
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task_0", CR
GOTO Next_Task
Yes, among other flaws...
OK, 2nd edit, rewrite the emic parts yourself and add other tasks as you please...
'File.......USB3.bs2 [Useless Senseless Box Version 5]
'Updated....15 FEB 2018
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' ------------------------------ [ declarations ] ------------------------------
Servo1_pin PIN 12 'I/O Head/standard servo
Servo2_pin PIN 13 'I/O foot/standard servo
Buttn_pin PIN 10 'I/O button/switch BLUE/begining of program when switch is pressed
Move_pin PIN 11 'I/O for vibrating device
Lite1_pin PIN 14 'I/O for LED to light up angry bird
Lite2_pin PIN 7 'I/O for LED to light up angry bird
Ping_pin PIN 15 'I/O for ping sensor
Emictx_pin PIN 8 'I/O Tx for sending data to the EMIC2
Emicrx_pin PIN 9 'I/O Rx for receiving data from the EMIC2
t9600 CON 84 'EMIC2/???
emicbaud CON t9600 'EMIC2/sets baud rate for EMIC2
Temp VAR Word 'Work space for FOR NEXT/SERVO_PIN/SERVO2_PIN/controls both servo's Work space for NEXT
Btnspc VAR Byte 'work space for BUTTON command.
task VAR Word 'task based on a random number 0..65535
LOW buttn_pin 'sends pin low for the BUTTON command to function correctly.
INPUT buttn_pin 'sets pin as an input for the BUTTON command.
task = 32000 'init task seed
'------------------------------------------[MAIN PROGRAM]----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG CLS, "Press button to start"
RANDOM task ' randomize a number 0..65353 while waiting for button pressed
BUTTON buttn_pin,0,250,100,btnspc,0,selecttask ' on button pressed jump to task
selecttask: ' task = 0..65535
SELECT task // 10 ' task MOD 10 = 0..9
CASE 0 ' Statement(s) to execute task 0
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 0", CR
HIGH Lite1_pin ' turn led1 on
HIGH Lite2_pin ' turn led2 on
HIGH Move_pin ' vibrator on
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, [CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, 5000, no_response0, [WAIT(":")]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["V", "18", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["D", "1", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
CASE 1 ' Statement(s) to execute task 1
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 1", CR
' more statements
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 2", CR
GOSUB swipeleft ' move servo 1 left
HIGH Lite2_pin ' lights on
HIGH Lite1_pin
PAUSE 1000 ' wait 1 sec
LOW Lite2_pin ' lights off
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swiperight ' move servo 1 right
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 3", CR
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "helllloooooooooo?, Do NOT touch this switch or else,", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["L2", "S", "mary had a little lamb made of cheese and roe.", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
GOSUB swiperight ' swipe servo 1 right
GOSUB swipeleft ' swipe servo 1 left
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 4", CR
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "hellllo YYY,", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
SEROUT Emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["L2", "S", "mary .....", CR]
SERIN Emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT(":")]
GOSUB swiperight ' swipe servo 1 right
PAUSE 6000 ' do nothing for 6 sec
GOSUB swipeleft ' swipe servo 1 left
HIGH Lite2_pin ' lights on
HIGH Lite1_pin
PAUSE 8000 ' do nothing for 8 sec
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 5", CR
LOW Move_pin ' vibrator off
LOW Lite2_pin ' lights off
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swipeup ' move servo up
GOSUB swipedown ' move servo down
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 6", CR
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["V", "18", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["N", "1", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "hello, Flap Jack. thank you for comming, but please do not touch my switch", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["N", "8", CR]
SEROUT emictx_pin, emicbaud, ["S", "I hope you can tell by the sound of my voice I'm not kidding", CR]
SERIN emicrx_pin, emicbaud, [WAIT (":")]
LOW Move_pin
LOW Lite2_pin
LOW Lite1_pin
GOSUB swipeup
GOSUB swiperight
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 7", CR
' more statements
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 8", CR
' more statements
DEBUG "BRANCHed to Task 9", CR
' more statements
DEBUG "BRANCHed to unknown task...", CR
' Statement(s) to execute all other tasks
LOOP ' forever
' ====================================== [ end main program ] ====================
'----------------------------------------- [ Subroutines ] ----------------------
swipeleft: ' swipe servo 1 left
FOR temp = 200 TO 1200 ' adjust values to each servo
PULSOUT Servo1_pin,temp
' -------------------------------------------------
swiperight: ' swipe servo 1 right
FOR temp = 1200 TO 200
PULSOUT Servo1_pin,temp
' -------------------------------------------------
swipeup: ' swipe servo 2 up
FOR temp = 200 TO 1200
PULSOUT Servo2_pin,temp
' -------------------------------------------------
swipedown: ' swipe servo 2 down
FOR temp = 1200 TO 200
PULSOUT Servo2_pin,temp
' =================================== [ program end ] ==============================
I do not like how the BUTTON command jumps out of the loop, it is like a hidden GOTO. I prefer code like this:
RANDOM task ' randomize a number 0..65535 while waiting for button pressed
LOOP UNTIL (buttn_pin = 1)
SELECT task // 10 ' task MOD 10 = 0..9
Thanks to ALL for the help. I was able to compile my code but it definitely was not doing what I intended.
I did finally see where I was using BS1 code, my mistake.
I feel like I've spent so much time coding and I completely fouled it up.
I recently had a life changing event (layed off) and am trying to recoup, but it shouldn't be too long before I'm back on my feet making more coding mistakes.
Once again. Thank you for all of your help..
I wanted to take a moment to thank all the people that were nice enough to share their knowledge openly, with no charge, and asking for nothing in return.
To teach is a Noble profession and all of you if not teachers already should be.
I have attempted to learn both PBasic and SPIN and for all the work I put into this project I failed miserably but throughout it all I learned more then I
thought I would and owe allot to each and everyone of you for your assistance throughout this project. I also owe a tremendous amount to Parallax, Inc. and it's employees, including but not limited to Ken Gracey, Jeff Martin, Andy Lindsay, and Kenneth Glass.
In closing I would like to add that as soon as I return from a well deserved vacation I will be completing my UseLess Box and placing it into a real box and post the results on YouTube.
Once again thank you to everyone for your help, but I seem to be having a problem with the code that was written recently by 72sonett.
Unfortunately that code does not work at all as in my code was working, but it was not working as intended.
I'm going to reinstall my code and see if it's still working and all the connections are working properly and then I'll reinstall the code that 72sonett wrote and try to figure out why it's not doing anything.
My first assessment was wrong, I claimed that 76sonett's code did not work at all, but upon further inspection it's I who is not working. 5v supply was disconnected.
Your program is doing exactly the same as mine was doing it is just running through each different scenario one after the other regardless of whether the button is pushed or not. It's almost like the button command is not working, any suggestions?
Here's a guess...check your wiring on the button. His code checks to see if the button is pressed - if you have a short then it might see the button as being pressed all the time, so it would just keep looping.
How did you wire the button switch? With a pull up resistor switching to gnd or with a pull down resistor switching to V+ ?
See schematic in BASIC Stamp Help on the BUTTON command.
The first snippet assumes 'active low', switch to gnd (DownState parameter = 0):
That's funny my first guess was the switch. I disconnected the switch and used a pull down resistor connected to ground through the I/O pin because I knew the program was looking for a low and when that didn't work I change the button command parameter so that the program would look for a high instead of a low. I'm positive it's something I'm doing wrong that's causing this problem so today I will look into it again and try to figure this one out, but thank you for all the help.
As long as it does not bother you that the result is no longer random. Even if the input really was random. There will be a bias in the output.
That bias may or may not matter depending on your application and how you feel about throwing away precious randomness.
Agreed, risk sized to fit the useless box application. I should have mentioned that, though.
Like this;
I'm still working out my subroutines and then I will tackle the rest. My program is increasing in size and is becoming harder for me to manage. I was doing much better when I was writing code to do just ONE thing at a time, but now I'm struggling.
I will look into your suggestion if my idea doesn't pan out. You can look at my finished (partially finished) code USB3.bs2 to see where I'm trying to go.
Right now I'm having an issue getting my EMIC2 to work within my program, It works fine otherwise.
When my children were young I had ALL the patience in the world. Now my children are all grown and I think it's possible they took my patience with them when they left because I couldn't find any if my life depended on it, and then comes PBASIC, SPIN, BlocklyProp, and only GOD knows what language I'm going to attempt to learn in the distant future.
There's a punch line in there somewhere about kids taking things.
I forget which comedian said, "When I was sixteen, my father was the stupidest man on the planet, but he learned a whole lot every year after that."
First get some structure in the program and with the right syntax. Now you are using BS1 commands for a BS2 chip... that will not compile.
Please explain.
On USB3.bs2 I'm getting an error EEPROM full, does this mean my program is too big?
What commands am I using that are for BS1???
The BS2 only has 2K of EEPROM which gets eaten up quickly if you repeat the same code over and over again.
All those servo movements should be in separate subroutines since they are the same. Same with the LEDs.
Use DO...LOOP instead of Start and GOTO Start if you want an endless loop.
Since you defined PIN variables for the I/O pins you should change all the pin numbers to their pin variable name. For example the LED on and off code.
By the way I/O pins use a PIN variable type. CON was the old way of doing it.
Constants should be mixed case, such as EmicBaud while variables should be lowercase, as in temp.
SYMBOL is a BS1 command for assigning a variable, and B2 is one of the system variables of the BS1.
Since foc goes from 1 to 12 it will fit into a BS2 NIB variable.
Oh and speaking of the LEDs, there needs to be a PAUSE between the HIGH and LOW to make it blink, otherwise you won't see anything.
And servos need 20 ms between pulses, not 2.
Also, you only need 1 Initialization routine at the start of the program.
If you need that call that code more than once then put it into a subroutine. You could add the servo position values to the constants so that you can tweak them.
- retyped the pin variables from CON to PIN,
- deleted the BS1 command (SYMBOL),
- put the duplicate servo code in subroutines,
- deleted most of the the LOW-HIGH command pairs as those do not have any effect,
- used unique label names,
- used declared pin name variables instead of absolute pin numbers.
The code now compiles without errors but what it does is completely unclear to me... :-)
(Use my earlier program snippet for the random number, and the SELECT .. CASE structure to execute tasks.)
OK, 2nd edit, rewrite the emic parts yourself and add other tasks as you please...
I do not like how the BUTTON command jumps out of the loop, it is like a hidden GOTO. I prefer code like this:
I did finally see where I was using BS1 code, my mistake.
I feel like I've spent so much time coding and I completely fouled it up.
I recently had a life changing event (layed off) and am trying to recoup, but it shouldn't be too long before I'm back on my feet making more coding mistakes.
Once again. Thank you for all of your help..
To teach is a Noble profession and all of you if not teachers already should be.
I have attempted to learn both PBasic and SPIN and for all the work I put into this project I failed miserably but throughout it all I learned more then I
thought I would and owe allot to each and everyone of you for your assistance throughout this project. I also owe a tremendous amount to Parallax, Inc. and it's employees, including but not limited to Ken Gracey, Jeff Martin, Andy Lindsay, and Kenneth Glass.
In closing I would like to add that as soon as I return from a well deserved vacation I will be completing my UseLess Box and placing it into a real box and post the results on YouTube.
Unfortunately that code does not work at all as in my code was working, but it was not working as intended.
I'm going to reinstall my code and see if it's still working and all the connections are working properly and then I'll reinstall the code that 72sonett wrote and try to figure out why it's not doing anything.
Any help would be much appreciated.
My first assessment was wrong, I claimed that 76sonett's code did not work at all, but upon further inspection it's I who is not working. 5v supply was disconnected.
Your program is doing exactly the same as mine was doing it is just running through each different scenario one after the other regardless of whether the button is pushed or not. It's almost like the button command is not working, any suggestions?
See schematic in BASIC Stamp Help on the BUTTON command.
The first snippet assumes 'active low', switch to gnd (DownState parameter = 0):
This assumes 'active high', switch to V+: