Great news it all works! I was even able to BACKUP the clock and have it survive thru a reset.
What is the purpose of the LCD EMIT: DROP ; ? and also what determines the $180 value when setting up the the CLOCK?
As always many thanks
Great news indeed. I created a dummy LCD word that sets up the cogs EMIT to do nothing except drop the character. EMIT: is an easier way of setting the uemit vector to point to the code to use to EMIT. The old way required a word that effectively did the LCDEMIT, and then another word LCD to load the address of LCDEMIT into uemit, so as you can see EMIT: DROP ; is much simpler and EMIT: means "EMIT DEFINE" or something like that.
I have the hub registers for COG 0, the CONSOLE cog set for $100 but it only needs 128 bytes however I just realized that $180 is used by COG 0 as its loop stack! So just allocate 128 bytes for your LCD cog likes this:
128 bytes lcdregs
Then substitute the $180 with lcdregs
Phone again.
Ok, get the need to rewrite the buffer. Is the word order clock forget or forget clock?
usually trying helps ;-)
and normally it was
FORGET myword
don't know your code.
but usually a buffer get's cleared by rewriting or filling with whatever you like but not forgotten which removed a word from the dictionary and codespace.
Jim - as MJB remarked, if you wonder about something, then try it out. In this case if you typed "clock forget" it would have reported an error immediately when you type clock. However if you correct the case and type CLOCK it will compile but when you type FORGET it won't compile as it will execute immediately waiting for you to <enter> the word you want to forget from. In this case there would be no prompt and nothing happening until you hit space or enter which would then report "not found" then try to execute CLOCK but that word was designed to accept a cog parameter, so...... Try it out for yourself, you won't hurt anything.
When FORGET finds the word that you supply in the dictionary it will remove all headers from there to the end (latest) as well as reclaiming the code space. If you want to check memory available you can hit ^? (ctrl + ?) which will report code, name, and data memory as well as the stack.
The easiest way though of starting again is to simply add FORGET <mycode> at the start of your source code. It is also a good idea to use the TACHYON directive which will track memory usage and stop the terminal from echoing every character etc until it encounters the END directive. Here is a sample template.
( Sample serial LCD clock using a dummy LCD word )
If the code is already running you can either manually stop the cog or else start up Tachyon in safe mode so after you reset it with a ^C or break just hold down the ^A key until it responds with <aborting startup>. That way you can be sure that nothing is running in the background, not even the timer cog.
@MJB - long time my friend! No time for Tachyon lately?
Hi Peter
had the digger here for more than 6 weeks.
made ~800 meters of terraces
a ~3 million liter water storage bassin.
now needs 200 meters of fence around
pipes, pumps, rainwater capturing ...
80 mango trees already planted and some avocados, oranges ...
4000 grass plants against erosion
many more to come
a complete permaculture / keyline design redesign of the land
this at 33°C in the shade ...
and now a nasty virus knocked me out - overworked
still keeping an eye on Tachyon and the P2 - great progress
and good to see Tachyon/P1 is still evolving
all the best for your health
Markus from Andalucia / Spain
As always, thanks for the feedback. I am getting closer to getting exactly what I want.
In the meantime, have you checked out the Glossery lately? I BIG thanks goes to Jason (THEJ) for his incredible update. A number of the words started making much more sense to me now.
Thanks everyone for all you do.
Edit. I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn. Formatting of Google Docs doesn’t work on iPad. Saw it for first time this AM on the PC.
Encountered a mystery I don't understand. Had my clock running and displaying on LCD. When I terminated Tera Term the clock stopped. Did I get a reset through the prop plug? I guess I need to complete my clock program with an autorun at bootup. tried setting the clock while it was running but the continnuous reading of the RTC by CLOCK would scramble the data. Learning a lot, having a great time, just wish there was more time!
In general I don't design the FT232 onto my boards as although that may be great for the education market, it is not as desirable for industrial applications. I prefer to have a dual row 4-pin header to match the standard Prop Plug plus the other pins for power and I2C so I can directly programming the eeprom. This means I never have phantom power or a false reset. But you can easily make your app auto run at startup although the method is a little different from the earlier versions of Tachyon. Before I used to have the one autorun vector and that would be used by the boot section in EXTEND, but an app would override that and also need to call the boot init and whatever else needed autorun. Now I reserve autorun for the boot section which maintains a table of user vectors to call.
Just use:
Do this before you do a BACKUP (or just do a BACKUP again)
BTW, if autorun were overridden then the RTC won't work properly since the BOOT routine starts up the soft RTC and also synchs it if a real RTC is available.
My face is extreeeemly red. I did the impossible! I crashed Tachyon. I was not running a log file at the time so not sure where it went wrong. When I rebooted I got:
FREE: 6618 bytes
Data Stack (0)
Sun, 31 Dec 206523:45:25 UTC
It stops at that point and will not run any further. I was trying to get my clock routine to run at start up and had rewritten the code so that it would set all the correct parms at startup. Later today, off next 2, I will re-install Tachyon and Extend and start over. I had stopped the clock routine and did try to set the RTC with the TIME! command, but was getting a time read back of 15:45:00 when it was 5:45 AM. My test bed currently is a board with PROP PLUG connection so there is no onboard FT232 chip. when I get it all functioning again I will try the cold boot after unplugging PROP PLUG. At this point, my biggest problem will be figuring out how to set up the the DATA space for CLOCK all as part of the RUN routine. Also will need to figure out how to set the RTC when CLOCK is running.
Thanks for your advice and patience.
Jim, you can always safe start Tachyon by holding down the ^A (control A) key after a reset to talk to the system. If you type ?? it will also display the boot stats including any INITS and perhaps for some reason there is more than one so you can init the INITS with !INITS, do a backup and restart.
However that doesn't explain what's going on with the clock as none of that makes sense. There is no need to stop the clock to set the time since any read of the clock at runtime is from the soft RTC and only the console cog accesses the I2C bus directly at boot time when it reads the hardware RTC to load the soft RTC and also when you set the RTC.
There is no need to setup data space unless you might be referring to any special initializations I guess. Could you post your code and any applicable terminal captures?
BTW, which RTC chip are you using? Have you used SETRTC with the correct address and backed that up?
OK, recovered the prop with a new install of 5r4 and EXTEND. I had not done the SETRTC which I did with ...$D0 SETRTC followed by BACKUP. Correct? next are there commands that actually set the time into the RTC or do I need to write them myself?
This morning was more banging my head against the wall. In one of your earlier post you mentioned the need for the command pub LCD EMIT: DROP ; does that need to be exicuted after every boot or can that be done once and backed up? For some reason this morning I could not get the CLOCK word to exicute properly. I had done 128 bytes lcdregs with a backup then substituted lcdregs in CLOCK like such:
I would get varying results. I would get the clock to update without going back to the home position (12 EMIT) or I would get the clock to write once and never again. Does the 128 bytes lcdregs statement need to be exicuted inside the CLOCK word or does it remain permenent with the BACKUP command? If it needs to be inside the CLOCK word would it be: CLOCK 128 bytes lcdregs RUN: lcdregs 8 COG! SERLCD 17 EMIT 12 EMIT BEGIN etc.? and how does one introduce pub SERLCD EMIT: DROP ; into the equasion?
OK enough rambling for one day. Someday I will get this Tachyon thing partially figured out.
@thej - were you going to help with the documentation? I thought somebody said you had done some work but I can't find it. I did however start updating the glossary to suit V5. If you have some time maybe you could look over it and see what else may need to go in. You will need to request edit access for this document
OK, recovered the prop with a new install of 5r4 and EXTEND. I had not done the SETRTC which I did with ...$D0 SETRTC followed by BACKUP. Correct? next are there commands that actually set the time into the RTC or do I need to write them myself?
This morning was more banging my head against the wall. In one of your earlier post you mentioned the need for the command pub LCD EMIT: DROP ; does that need to be exicuted after every boot or can that be done once and backed up? For some reason this morning I could not get the CLOCK word to exicute properly. I had done 128 bytes lcdregs with a backup then substituted lcdregs in CLOCK like such:
I would get varying results. I would get the clock to update without going back to the home position (12 EMIT) or I would get the clock to write once and never again. Does the 128 bytes lcdregs statement need to be exicuted inside the CLOCK word or does it remain permenent with the BACKUP command? If it needs to be inside the CLOCK word would it be: CLOCK 128 bytes lcdregs RUN: lcdregs 8 COG! SERLCD 17 EMIT 12 EMIT BEGIN etc.? and how does one introduce pub SERLCD EMIT: DROP ; into the equasion?
OK enough rambling for one day. Someday I will get this Tachyon thing partially figured out.
Jim - for my tests WITHOUT an LCD connected I just created a dummy LCD word, that's all. No need for you to use it.
The SETRTC is important and of course do a BACKUP before your next boot. You won't wear out the EEPROM so don't worry about overdoing it.
The expression "128 bytes lcdregs" creates a new word in the dictionary named lcdregs that is a constant that points to the start address in data memory of the 128 bytes that "bytes" had allocated. So this is a defining word that also allocates memory which it only does once at compile time.
RUN: grabs the address of the code that comes after it and passes this to the actual RUN word which will get the specified Tachyon cog to run the code. Don't forget that you need to specify that cog id like this:
That way cog 3 will start to run the code immediately following the RUN: word. This in turn assigns the hub register memory (once), selects the SERLCD device and issues a "clear screen" command with 12 EMIT followed by the 17 EMIT before settling down to an infinite BEGIN AGAIN cycle of printing the time with .TIME, waiting 100ms , learing the screen, then repeating. In this respect I would not clear the screen each time, I would normally just tell it to go home just so the LCD doesn't flicker in-between updates.
Because you tell the system that you have a real RTC at $D0 it will handle any communicate with it when necessary such as synchronizing the soft RTC daily and of course when you set the time and date etc. So there is no need to worry about drivers, it's all taken care of.
Here is an example of setting the time and date for 4th July, 2018 at 2:51PM.
180704 DATE! 145100 TIME!
You can optionally set the day and the timezone if you like:
The time zone is set with a string where the " symbol is actually the Tachyon Forth word for compiling a string of characters terminated by a " so it's important that the first " actually be separated by a space from the actual string. WED is actually a simple constant of 3 (try WED . ) which is passed to DAY which sets this in the RTC.
Do you want to post your code so I can check it?
BTW - if you reload your EEPROM it will have forgotten that you have a hardware RTC, but all you have to do is the SETRTC again, in that case.
@thej - were you going to help with the documentation? I thought somebody said you had done some work but I can't find it. I did however start updating the glossary to suit V5. If you have some time maybe you could look over it and see what else may need to go in. You will need to request edit access for this document
Hi Peter,
Yes, I will be working on the documentation. Time hasn't been on my side for that yet.
I will definitely check out the new additions to the glossary too !!
Hopefully this weekend I will have some time.
As I learn new things, I like to document it so others can follow.
I have plans for many things and I can't wait to carve out some time to make them happen !!! (...with documentation ;-)
Ok, thanks for the updates. I am happy to hear time! Writes to the RTC. With a refresh of once every 100 ms, that is above the 60 Hz refresh rate of TV which is not visible. Also not worried about too many writes to eeprom, not likely to happen in my lifetime. I could make clear screen less visible by putting the 12 emit before the ,TIME cmd. Would also eliminate the need for 1 before the BEGIN. I will try that. I will initiate a log file the next time I work on it.
Ok, thanks for the updates. I am happy to hear time! Writes to the RTC. With a refresh of once every 100 ms, that is above the 60 Hz refresh rate of TV which is not visible. Also not worried about too many writes to eeprom, not likely to happen in my lifetime. I could make clear screen less visible by putting the 12 emit before the ,TIME cmd. Would also eliminate the need for 1 before the BEGIN. I will try that. I will initiate a log file the next time I work on it.
For a character LCD 10 times a second is more than fast enough although the slowest operation is always the clear screen code where the display itself needs over 1 ms and sometimes this is visible as a blink, so I tend to avoid it. Same goes too for terminal updates, once I initially clear the screen the main loop just issues a home command and overwrites the previous screen flicker free. This is what SPLAT does although I must update that too for V5.
In TeraTerm you can go to the "Window setup" under setup and make sure "scroll buffer" is ticked and set it to at least 10000 lines. That way you don't need to do any special logging, just scroll back, select and copy.
@thej - I've removed whole sections from the Glossary as they weren't applicable anymore and updated some others but i also was starting to build up the HELP folder files some time ago, which are small text files related to a particular aspect of Tachyon that could also reside on an SD card or perhaps even in EEPROM. Maybe this might be easier to maintain. Here's a sample of the help file for looping (incomplete with errors).
FOR ( cnt -- )
Enter a FOR NEXT loop which will loop for cnt times.
A default index FROM0and a index step BY 1 is used unless these are overridden before FOR using FROMand/or BY.
Decrement the FOR count and exit if zero
Always increment the FROM index by BY
On exit pop the four loop parameters from the loop stack
A default index FROM0and a index step BY 1 is used unless these are overridden before FOR using FROMand/or BY.
FROM ( start -- )
Set the
--- Display all printable ASCII characters
--- Display all printable ASCII characters in reverse
Loops are standardized in V4.5 using FOR NEXT in that DO LOOP +LOOP and Tachyon variants ADO and FORDO are deprecated.
Even though the traditional FOR NEXT did not maintain an index or allowed variable steps like DO LOOP, these are
still maintained by FOR NEXT in V4.5 by augmenting it with two basic instructions
FROM and BY to both specify the starting index and the step value to increment the index BY
The loop stack is maintained in hub RAM at $180 for COG 0. Any other Tachyon cogs should allocate 12 to 16 bytes typically
for 3 to 4 levels recommended (rarely reaches 4)
Each FOR will push four parameters onto the loop stack being:
FOR The number of times FOR NEXT will loop (not affected by BY)
FROM The value that the index starts FROM (0 if not set)
BY The value to increment the FROM index I by (1 if not set)
BRANCH The address after FOR which is used by NEXT
Today, a disaster have lost communication with LCD, won't print "hello world". I am not sure if issue is hardware or software. Tried a new setup with SERLCD screen powers up and has a curser, but no joy. No time to work on it further as I have an early shift.
edit is the SETRTC "$D0 SETRTC " then aBACKUP?
Today, a disaster have lost communication with LCD, won't print "hello world". I am not sure if issue is hardware or software. Tried a new setup with SERLCD screen powers up and has a curser, but no joy. No time to work on it further as I have an early shift.
edit is the SETRTC "$D0 SETRTC " then aBACKUP?
Today's session is gone. Did have Scroll and 1000 lines checked. Will make a couple of breadboard changes to make sure that is not the problem, then will start anew with controlling the SERLCD and go from there.
Try 10,000 lines or more. Just remember you can manually send characters to the LCD using SEROUT. So if you want to send an 'A' to the LCD on pin 5 you would type:
or you can type the hex value. It's unlikely anything is broken so it's bound to be some tiny little thing in your code.
Jim, remember that all numbers are pushed onto a stack just sitting there ready to use. So if you type $D0 it will be processed as a number and pushed onto the stack. The word SETRTC takes a value from the stack and uses that to set the RTC configuration address. This is the same with all Forth words with the only real exception being when we need to scan the input stream for a word such as when we define a new word ": newword ".
So "$D0 SETRTC" followed sometime by a BACKUP is correct.
Jim - this is only a terminal capture so it is rather hard to see the actual source code you are sending over the terminal? Nonetheless, as MJB points out, you seem to have that dummy SERLCD definition that I simply used for testing still in there.
MJB, Peter,
Thanks, I never did understand the command LCD EMIT: DROP ; I will go back and reinitialize the SERLCD command and see if that works. Slowly, very slowly I am begining to understand. Will be able to try this again tomorrow AM. The screen capture showed you exactly what I entered Today.
To install ROM files, do they (.hex files) get entered before or after EXTEND.FTH. I normally use CoolTerm to send the text files. Shouldn't the ROM files show up in the splash screen when Tachyon is started up. Do I have to do something else? Thanks
Mike - EXTEND has the SAVEROM word defined as well as the EEPROM routines. It is best to think of EXTEND as part of the kernel that is compiled by Tachyon itself.
I just copy and paste those files straight in as I have the line "SAVEROM" added to the start of them. When Tachyon boots or if you type ?? you will see the ROMs listed.
MJB, Peter,
Thanks, I never did understand the command LCD EMIT: DROP ; I will go back and reinitialize the SERLCD command and see if that works. Slowly, very slowly I am begining to understand. Will be able to try this again tomorrow AM. The screen capture showed you exactly what I entered Today.
Hi Jim, I just hooked up one of my serial LCDs, the only real difference is that it is strapped for RS232 polarity (idles low), in which case I use ISEROUT instead of SEROUT, that's all. I tried it out and it works a treat and just runs in the background while I can still talk to Tachyon from the terminal. Of course we could dress this one up a bit more plus I could get it to report temperature and humidity etc.
EDIT: I've fancied it up a bit and added temperature & humidity to the display as well as a small piezo transducer for beeps and melodies etc.
Check out the code and photos etc on this pub doc.
{ run SERIAL LCD CLOCK from cog onto 20x4 LCD with inverted serial data
The date and time string "Mon, 27 Aug 2018 15:02:59 AEST" is offset
by 4 spaces so that it wraps over 2 lines on the LCD
To run in cog 3 ... 3 CLOCK
}pubSERLCD 9600 SERBAUD EMIT: 0 ISEROUT ;128 bytes clkregs
pubCLOCK( cog -- ) RUN: clkregs 8 COG! SERLCD $0C EMIT BEGIN 1 EMIT 4 SPACES .DT 100 ms AGAIN ;
--- add these two lines to make it start up automatically
Great news it all works! I was even able to BACKUP the clock and have it survive thru a reset.
What is the purpose of the LCD EMIT: DROP ; ? and also what determines the $180 value when setting up the the CLOCK?
As always many thanks
I have the hub registers for COG 0, the CONSOLE cog set for $100 but it only needs 128 bytes however I just realized that $180 is used by COG 0 as its loop stack! So just allocate 128 bytes for your LCD cog likes this:
128 bytes lcdregs
Then substitute the $180 with lcdregs
Ok, get the need to rewrite the buffer. Is the word order clock forget or forget clock?
usually trying helps ;-)
and normally it was
FORGET myword
don't know your code.
but usually a buffer get's cleared by rewriting or filling with whatever you like but not forgotten which removed a word from the dictionary and codespace.
When FORGET finds the word that you supply in the dictionary it will remove all headers from there to the end (latest) as well as reclaiming the code space. If you want to check memory available you can hit ^? (ctrl + ?) which will report code, name, and data memory as well as the stack.
CODE:$398C = 14220 bytes NAME:$5E64 = 5532 bytes DATA:$75D9 = 201 bytes FREE: = 9432 bytes Data Stack (0)
The easiest way though of starting again is to simply add FORGET <mycode> at the start of your source code. It is also a good idea to use the TACHYON directive which will track memory usage and stop the terminal from echoing every character etc until it encounters the END directive. Here is a sample template.
FORGET LCD TACHYON ( Sample serial LCD clock using a dummy LCD word ) pub LCD EMIT: DROP ; pub CLOCK RUN: $180 8 COG! LCD $0C EMIT BEGIN 1 EMIT .TIME CR .DATE 100 ms AGAIN ; END
If the code is already running you can either manually stop the cog or else start up Tachyon in safe mode so after you reset it with a ^C or break just hold down the ^A key until it responds with <aborting startup>. That way you can be sure that nothing is running in the background, not even the timer cog.
Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 <aborting startup> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@MJB - long time my friend! No time for Tachyon lately?
had the digger here for more than 6 weeks.
made ~800 meters of terraces
a ~3 million liter water storage bassin.
now needs 200 meters of fence around
pipes, pumps, rainwater capturing ...
80 mango trees already planted and some avocados, oranges ...
4000 grass plants against erosion
many more to come
a complete permaculture / keyline design redesign of the land
this at 33°C in the shade ...
and now a nasty virus knocked me out - overworked
still keeping an eye on Tachyon and the P2 - great progress
and good to see Tachyon/P1 is still evolving
all the best for your health
Markus from Andalucia / Spain
As always, thanks for the feedback. I am getting closer to getting exactly what I want.
In the meantime, have you checked out the Glossery lately? I BIG thanks goes to Jason (THEJ) for his incredible update. A number of the words started making much more sense to me now.
Thanks everyone for all you do.
Edit. I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn. Formatting of Google Docs doesn’t work on iPad. Saw it for first time this AM on the PC.
Just use:
Do this before you do a BACKUP (or just do a BACKUP again)BTW, if autorun were overridden then the RTC won't work properly since the BOOT routine starts up the soft RTC and also synchs it if a real RTC is available.
My face is extreeeemly red. I did the impossible! I crashed Tachyon. I was not running a log file at the time so not sure where it went wrong. When I rebooted I got:
FREE: 6618 bytes Data Stack (0) Sun, 31 Dec 2065 23:45:25 UTC
It stops at that point and will not run any further. I was trying to get my clock routine to run at start up and had rewritten the code so that it would set all the correct parms at startup. Later today, off next 2, I will re-install Tachyon and Extend and start over. I had stopped the clock routine and did try to set the RTC with the TIME! command, but was getting a time read back of 15:45:00 when it was 5:45 AM. My test bed currently is a board with PROP PLUG connection so there is no onboard FT232 chip. when I get it all functioning again I will try the cold boot after unplugging PROP PLUG. At this point, my biggest problem will be figuring out how to set up the the DATA space for CLOCK all as part of the RUN routine. Also will need to figure out how to set the RTC when CLOCK is running.Thanks for your advice and patience.
Jim, you can always safe start Tachyon by holding down the ^A (control A) key after a reset to talk to the system. If you type ?? it will also display the boot stats including any INITS and perhaps for some reason there is more than one so you can init the INITS with !INITS, do a backup and restart.
However that doesn't explain what's going on with the clock as none of that makes sense. There is no need to stop the clock to set the time since any read of the clock at runtime is from the soft RTC and only the console cog accesses the I2C bus directly at boot time when it reads the hardware RTC to load the soft RTC and also when you set the RTC.
There is no need to setup data space unless you might be referring to any special initializations I guess. Could you post your code and any applicable terminal captures?
BTW, which RTC chip are you using? Have you used SETRTC with the correct address and backed that up?
This morning was more banging my head against the wall. In one of your earlier post you mentioned the need for the command pub LCD EMIT: DROP ; does that need to be exicuted after every boot or can that be done once and backed up? For some reason this morning I could not get the CLOCK word to exicute properly. I had done 128 bytes lcdregs with a backup then substituted lcdregs in CLOCK like such:
I would get varying results. I would get the clock to update without going back to the home position (12 EMIT) or I would get the clock to write once and never again. Does the 128 bytes lcdregs statement need to be exicuted inside the CLOCK word or does it remain permenent with the BACKUP command? If it needs to be inside the CLOCK word would it be: CLOCK 128 bytes lcdregs RUN: lcdregs 8 COG! SERLCD 17 EMIT 12 EMIT BEGIN etc.? and how does one introduce pub SERLCD EMIT: DROP ; into the equasion?
OK enough rambling for one day. Someday I will get this Tachyon thing partially figured out.
Jim - for my tests WITHOUT an LCD connected I just created a dummy LCD word, that's all. No need for you to use it.
The SETRTC is important and of course do a BACKUP before your next boot. You won't wear out the EEPROM so don't worry about overdoing it.
The expression "128 bytes lcdregs" creates a new word in the dictionary named lcdregs that is a constant that points to the start address in data memory of the 128 bytes that "bytes" had allocated. So this is a defining word that also allocates memory which it only does once at compile time.
RUN: grabs the address of the code that comes after it and passes this to the actual RUN word which will get the specified Tachyon cog to run the code. Don't forget that you need to specify that cog id like this:
That way cog 3 will start to run the code immediately following the RUN: word. This in turn assigns the hub register memory (once), selects the SERLCD device and issues a "clear screen" command with 12 EMIT followed by the 17 EMIT before settling down to an infinite BEGIN AGAIN cycle of printing the time with .TIME, waiting 100ms , learing the screen, then repeating. In this respect I would not clear the screen each time, I would normally just tell it to go home just so the LCD doesn't flicker in-between updates.Because you tell the system that you have a real RTC at $D0 it will handle any communicate with it when necessary such as synchronizing the soft RTC daily and of course when you set the time and date etc. So there is no need to worry about drivers, it's all taken care of.
Here is an example of setting the time and date for 4th July, 2018 at 2:51PM.
180704 DATE! 145100 TIME!
You can optionally set the day and the timezone if you like:
The time zone is set with a string where the " symbol is actually the Tachyon Forth word for compiling a string of characters terminated by a " so it's important that the first " actually be separated by a space from the actual string. WED is actually a simple constant of 3 (try WED . ) which is passed to DAY which sets this in the RTC.Do you want to post your code so I can check it?
BTW - if you reload your EEPROM it will have forgotten that you have a hardware RTC, but all you have to do is the SETRTC again, in that case.
Hi Peter,
Yes, I will be working on the documentation. Time hasn't been on my side for that yet.
I will definitely check out the new additions to the glossary too !!
Hopefully this weekend I will have some time.
As I learn new things, I like to document it so others can follow.
I have plans for many things and I can't wait to carve out some time to make them happen !!! (...with documentation ;-)
For a character LCD 10 times a second is more than fast enough although the slowest operation is always the clear screen code where the display itself needs over 1 ms and sometimes this is visible as a blink, so I tend to avoid it. Same goes too for terminal updates, once I initially clear the screen the main loop just issues a home command and overwrites the previous screen flicker free. This is what SPLAT does although I must update that too for V5.
In TeraTerm you can go to the "Window setup" under setup and make sure "scroll buffer" is ticked and set it to at least 10000 lines. That way you don't need to do any special logging, just scroll back, select and copy.
@thej - I've removed whole sections from the Glossary as they weren't applicable anymore and updated some others but i also was starting to build up the HELP folder files some time ago, which are small text files related to a particular aspect of Tachyon that could also reside on an SD card or perhaps even in EEPROM. Maybe this might be easier to maintain. Here's a sample of the help file for looping (incomplete with errors).
LOOPS.TXT FOR ( cnt -- ) Enter a FOR NEXT loop which will loop for cnt times. A default index FROM 0 and a index step BY 1 is used unless these are overridden before FOR using FROM and/or BY. NEXT Decrement the FOR count and exit if zero Always increment the FROM index by BY On exit pop the four loop parameters from the loop stack A default index FROM 0 and a index step BY 1 is used unless these are overridden before FOR using FROM and/or BY. FROM ( start -- ) Set the Examples: --- Display all printable ASCII characters $20 FROM 96 FOR I EMIT NEXT --- Display all printable ASCII characters in reverse $7F FROM -1 BY 96 FOR I EMIT NEXT ~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! Details: Loops are standardized in V4.5 using FOR NEXT in that DO LOOP +LOOP and Tachyon variants ADO and FORDO are deprecated. Even though the traditional FOR NEXT did not maintain an index or allowed variable steps like DO LOOP, these are still maintained by FOR NEXT in V4.5 by augmenting it with two basic instructions FROM and BY to both specify the starting index and the step value to increment the index BY The loop stack is maintained in hub RAM at $180 for COG 0. Any other Tachyon cogs should allocate 12 to 16 bytes typically for 3 to 4 levels recommended (rarely reaches 4) Each FOR will push four parameters onto the loop stack being: FOR The number of times FOR NEXT will loop (not affected by BY) FROM The value that the index starts FROM (0 if not set) BY The value to increment the FROM index I by (1 if not set) BRANCH The address after FOR which is used by NEXT Related: NEXT LEAVE I J FOR! FOR@ BY! +LOOP ADO LP!
edit is the SETRTC "$D0 SETRTC " then aBACKUP?
??? Can you post your code?
or you can type the hex value. It's unlikely anything is broken so it's bound to be some tiny little thing in your code.Jim.
So "$D0 SETRTC" followed sometime by a BACKUP is correct.
Can you post your code???
Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 *** MODULES *** Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 31AE: TOOLS DEV TOOLS 1980: EXTEND Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel - 180814-1145 AUTORUN BOOT 3146 FREQ = 80.00MHZ *** INITS *** NO ROMS *** I2C *** $A0 EE/RTC $D0 RTC I/O = 31 :UHU~ 27 :U~~~ 23 :~~~~ 19 :~~~~ 15 :~~~~ 11 :~~~~ 7 :~U~~ 3 :~~~~ INTERCOM: CODE:$39D8 = 14296 bytes NAME:$5E16 = 5610 bytes DATA:$76D9 = 457 bytes FREE: = 9278 bytes Data Stack (0) Sun, 31 Dec 2065 23:45:45 UTC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. FORGET SERLCD .. FORGET SERLCD ... FORGET SERLC not found SERLCD Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 *** MODULES *** Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 31AE: TOOLS DEV TOOLS 1980: EXTEND Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel - 180814-1145 AUTORUN BOOT 3146 FREQ = 80.00MHZ *** INITS *** NO ROMS *** I2C *** $A0 EE/RTC $D0 RTC I/O = 31 :UHU~ 27 :U~~~ 23 :~~~~ 19 :~~~~ 15 :~~~~ 11 :~~~~ 7 :~U~~ 3 :~~~~ INTERCOM: CODE:$39D8 = 14296 bytes NAME:$5E16 = 5610 bytes DATA:$76D9 = 457 bytes FREE: = 9278 bytes Data Stack (0) Sun, 31 Dec 2065 23:45:45 UTC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. FORGET SERLCD ... pub SERLCD 19200 SERVAUD ??? in SERLCD at SERVAUD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... pub SERLCD 19200 SERBAUD 6 SERIAL ; ... SERLCD PRINT" HELLO " CON ok ... pub SERLCD EMIT: DROP ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. 128 bytes lcdregs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... pub CLOCK RUN: lcdregs 8 COG! 17 EMIT BEGIN 12 EMIT .TIME 100 ms AGAIN ; END End of source code, 0001 errors found Load time = 45.1 Code bytes used = 8262 Name bytes used = 2986 CODE:$39C6 = 14278 bytes NAME:$5DF0 = 5648 bytes DATA:$7759 = 585 bytes FREE: = 9258 bytes Data Stack (0) ok .. FORGET CLOCK .. FORGET CLOCK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... pub CLOCK RUN: lcdregs 8 COG! SERLCD 17 EMIT BEGIN 12 EMIT .TIME 100 ms ... AGAIN ; END End of source code, 0000 errors found Load time = 26.9 Code bytes used = 8264 Name bytes used = 2986 CODE:$39C8 = 14280 bytes NAME:$5DF0 = 5648 bytes DATA:$7759 = 585 bytes FREE: = 9256 bytes Data Stack (0) ok ... BACKUP BACKUP ok ... 3 CLOCK ok ... Data Stack (0) HERE 0000.39C8: 8003 39AC 0047 0047 8064 1CF2 39CB 0047 0000.39D8: 27B6 0047 0047 8008 016D 3996 800C 03FA NAMES 0000.5DF0: 05 43 4C 4F 43 4B AC 39 05 43 4C 4F 43 4B AC 39 .CLOCK.9.CLOCK.9 0000.5E00: 47 6C 63 64 72 65 67 73 D9 F6 05 43 4C 4F 43 4B Glcdregs...CLOCK COMMON 0000.0000: B400 04C4 926F 0010 7E54 7E5C 7E34 7E60 0000.0010: 7E44 0002 7E24 0000 814B 2032 0000 7235 0000.0020: 2034 454E 4E4F 0000 02B6 0000 1E1F 0000 0000.0030: 0000 0000 0028 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0050: 2C18 0001 0000 0000 39AE 0001 0000 0000 0000.0060: 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000.0070: 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000.0080: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0090: 0000 7408 0100 0000 699A 5DF0 0000 1980 0000.00A0: 39C8 39C8 5AA5 3146 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.00B0: 0021 0000 0000 0000 7759 39AC 0686 068A 0000.00C0: 068E 0000 0D04 DD00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.00D0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.00E0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.00F0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 REGISTERS 0000.0100: 2220 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0110: 1046 075B 0023 0000 0000 0000 0134 0A0A 0000.0120: 000A 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0135 0000 0000.0130: 0D04 434B 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0140: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0150: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0160: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3332 343A 0000.0170: 3931 3532 0030 0018 0000 0000 0000 0000 ... SERLCD 17 EMIT CON ok ... SERLCD PRINT" HELLO WORLD" CON ok ... Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 *** MODULES *** Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000 31AE: TOOLS DEV TOOLS 1980: EXTEND Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel - 180814-1145 AUTORUN BOOT 3146 FREQ = 80.00MHZ *** INITS *** NO ROMS *** I2C *** $A0 EE/RTC $D0 RTC I/O = 31 :UHU~ 27 :U~~~ 23 :~~~~ 19 :~~~~ 15 :~~~~ 11 :~~~~ 7 :~U~~ 3 :~~~~ INTERCOM: CODE:$39C8 = 14280 bytes NAME:$5DF0 = 5648 bytes DATA:$7759 = 585 bytes FREE: = 9256 bytes Data Stack (0) Sun, 31 Dec 2065 23:45:45 UTC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... SERLCD PRINT" HELLO WORLD " CON ok ...
No Joy after last SERLCD PRINTjIM
here you define it ... then it works
then you redefine it as dummy ... does not do anything
seems it does what you tell it to do ...
Thanks, I never did understand the command LCD EMIT: DROP ; I will go back and reinitialize the SERLCD command and see if that works. Slowly, very slowly I am begining to understand. Will be able to try this again tomorrow AM. The screen capture showed you exactly what I entered Today.
To install ROM files, do they (.hex files) get entered before or after EXTEND.FTH. I normally use CoolTerm to send the text files. Shouldn't the ROM files show up in the splash screen when Tachyon is started up. Do I have to do something else? Thanks
I just copy and paste those files straight in as I have the line "SAVEROM" added to the start of them. When Tachyon boots or if you type ?? you will see the ROMs listed.
Hi Jim, I just hooked up one of my serial LCDs, the only real difference is that it is strapped for RS232 polarity (idles low), in which case I use ISEROUT instead of SEROUT, that's all. I tried it out and it works a treat and just runs in the background while I can still talk to Tachyon from the terminal. Of course we could dress this one up a bit more plus I could get it to report temperature and humidity etc.
EDIT: I've fancied it up a bit and added temperature & humidity to the display as well as a small piezo transducer for beeps and melodies etc.
Check out the code and photos etc on this pub doc.
{ run SERIAL LCD CLOCK from cog onto 20x4 LCD with inverted serial data The date and time string "Mon, 27 Aug 2018 15:02:59 AEST" is offset by 4 spaces so that it wraps over 2 lines on the LCD To run in cog 3 ... 3 CLOCK } pub SERLCD 9600 SERBAUD EMIT: 0 ISEROUT ; 128 bytes clkregs pub CLOCK ( cog -- ) RUN: clkregs 8 COG! SERLCD $0C EMIT BEGIN 1 EMIT 4 SPACES .DT 100 ms AGAIN ; --- add these two lines to make it start up automatically pub !CLOCK 3 CLOCK ; ' !CLOCK +INIT BACKUP