Hi Jim, I think you've gotten one of the precompiled kernels that is already loaded with EXTEND, and then you are trying to load EXTEND on top of that again. If you load TACHYON5r2.SPIN via your Prop tool it should come up with just the basic kernel:
Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r2 NEON 520180726.1320
Cold start - no user code - setting defaults
After this you can copy and paste EXTEND.FTH and end up with the terminal dump shown at the bottom of this post. But EXTEND also performs a ?BACKUP which checks that there are no errors first before doing a BACKUP into EEPROM. After this EXTEND then does a reboot as this snippet from the dump shows.
BTW, If you ever do need to load a new version of EXTEND over an old version you need to do a COLD first which brings you back to the "Cold Start - no user code - setting defaults" message (If you reset at this point it will return to normal since the EEPROM hasn't been changed). Once you have done the cold start you can then paste the new EXTEND. This only applies for EXTEND itself, all other code just runs on top of EXTEND and uses FORGET etc to replace earlier versions.
Terminal dump for loading EXTEND.FTH (here I enclose terminal dumps in code tags)
... : +LCD : +KEY : +VGA ; ( precede line with \ space to comment and leave out modules )
... TACHYON V5 Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r2 NEON 520180726.1320
0100 ok
0200 ok
0500 ok
0700 ok
0800 ok
1000 ok
1300 ok
1800 ok
1900 ok
2300 ok
2400 ok
2700 ok
2800 ok
2900 ok
3000 ok
3300 ok
3800 ok
4100 ok
4400 ok
4600 ok
4800 ok
6100 ok 12 bytes
6132 ok COPY ROMS from $23B8 for 3848
End of source code, 0000 errors found Load time = 30.6
Code bytes used = 9408
Name bytes used = 4374
CODE:$3E42 = 15426 bytes
NAME:$5880 = 7040 bytes
DATA:$764B = 315 bytes
FREE: = 6718 bytes
Data Stack (0)
Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r2 NEON 520180726.1320
*** MODULES *** Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r2 NEON 520180726.1320
30D6: VGATEXT VGA text driver (minimal) 180218-0000
1982: EXTEND Primary extensions to TACHYON V5.2 kernel - 180322-1300
FREQ = 80.00MHZ
*** INITS ***
*** ROMS ***
E01C: VGA32x15 848
E37C: UART 464
E55C: HSUART 560
E79C: F32 1900
*** I2C ***
I/O = 31 :UHUU 27 :~~~~ 23 :~~~~ 19 :~~~~ 15 :~~~~ 11 :~DUD 7 :~~~~ 3 :~D~D
CODE:$3E42 = 15426 bytes
NAME:$5880 = 7040 bytes
DATA:$764B = 315 bytes
FREE: = 6718 bytes
Data Stack (0)
Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 UTC
Thanks for the quick reply. I attempted to run COLD but no joy. Reloaded 5r2 with spin tool and reloaded extend and now all seems to be working fine. I think that my problem was I had not put the line delay into the Tera Term setup and the extend got corrupted..
Now I am off to learning Forth. I have a project in mind where I am going to build an energy management system that will only allow 1 AC unit to run at one time. Our Prime Time energy cost is based upon the Maximum Use in any one hour during the month. with 3 AC units that could be on at the same time, wow the costs can be deadly.
I am sure that I will have questions as I go along so stay tuned.
Other use control keys are:
^B Block dump all of memory
^C Reset console cog
^D Debug dump
^E Dump cog memory
^P Dump memory using address and count (in case dictionary is corrupted)
^Q Quick dump using address
^S Init data stack
^U Dump user registers
^V Print version
^W LIst words
^X Re execute last line
^Z^Z Cold start
$1B Discard current line
^? Quick stats
A break condition (alt+B in TeraTerm) will always reboot the Prop unless the clock or receive cog has been stopped. If you tap/hold ^A during reset it will also abort any autostart sequence, which may be useful if your software has gone AWOL. So <break>, then ^As are my rescue sequence.
Tried with minicom on Ubuntu 18 with 15ms line delay and I still get the same thing.
gets to line 3055 then stops.
When showing the code, it stops at the end of "errors W@ 0= IF SAVEROMS THEN"
I will try putting a fresh copy of Tachyon 5r2 on the board and then try again.
Booted into Win 7 and used proptool to transfer the latest version of Tachyon 5r2 to the board.
Successful !! The version number was newer.
Opened TeraTerm and transferred the latest version of EXTEND to the board.
I used "Send File".
It stopped at line 3052.
I tried again by copy and pasting the EXTEND file.
Again it stopped at line 3052.
At this point I see two options (I will try both)
1) buy new board. What boards have been proven to work?
2) paste in ONLY the PWM code and see it that works.
I'm assuming that would require more than just the chunk at the end of the file with the PWM words in it. What would I need?
I'll also try commenting out the first line so teh modules don't load. Let's see what happens.
OK. I did a new test.
Everything is pointing the something happening in the SAVEROM code that isn't workign the way it should (for whatever reason).
To see what is happening I added some print statements into the SAVEROM code to see what lines it was or wasn't executing.
Here is my modification:
ep 64 > 0EXIT
\ " ROMS" U@ roms E@ <> 0EXIT
\ roms $1F00 $FF EFILL
--- search for ROMS string between end of kernel at TACHYON and start of dictionary
" ROMS" U@
' TACHYON 2000 + 3 ANDN FROM ( src )
@NAMES 3 ANDN OVER - 2/ 2/ 4 BY ( src lcnt )
FOR I E@ OVER = --- found a match for "ROMS"
." 1 " IF I 8 + E@ OVER = --- Yes but verify for additional ROMS sig
." 2 " CR 20 SPACES PRINT" COPY ROMS from $" I .WORD
." 3 " PRINT" for " I CELL+ E@ DUP .DEC4 SPACE CR
--- Copy ROMs from old EEPROM location to upper EEPROM
." 4 " I roms ROT romsz MIN ECOPY
--- erase original ROMs
\ ." 5 " I 8 4 DOFOR 0 I E! LOOP
You can see that I added code to print 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 at the beginning of the lines.
The result is that it prints "1" endlessly !!
I let it run for 5minutes, maybe more, and it just repeatedly printed "1".
The environment that I am using is as follows:
Board "Propeller Breadboard" by IdleTime Industries (out of TX I think)
64K eprom (Dip) and dip Prop
I loaded 5r2 with a ProPTool under Win7 closed Prop Tool
Next I loaded Extend.fth into OpenOffice and did a Select All and Copy.
Next loaded Tera Term made settings 115,200, Correct Port, 8n1, 15MS line delay and saved setup.
Reset prop verified that basic 5r2 was present and that I could talk to it.
Paisted extend into Tele Term and watched the action. I think it took about 48 seconds.
I could see where it performed the backup and it rebooted with the new headers. I was able to do COLD and it worked as advertised. Next step will be trying to get my I2C device (RTC) to be recognized and start programming it.
I had to blow away my first 5r2 install, but used thae exact same file I had used in the first place. My problems all seemed to stem from the fact that I had loaded extend the first time without the 15MS delay.
Next I will attempt to load V5r2 onto a 32KB QuickStart board or an old Demo Board that already has VGA hardware installed.. Don't know when I will have time though.
Thanks again for your support. Is there some sample code available for connecting to I2C devices (RTC)? Also Converting ASCII to/from BCD?
Well okay, there is a big/bug difference. OpenOffice is not a text editor, but there are hundreds available for free. I happened to use Atom which is a powerful open-source editor.
OpenOffice could be stripping out the CRs and that might be disrupting things a little. Could you try telling TeraTerm to just send the file (I didn't have binary ticked). YEP - just checked using LibreOffice and it strips out the CRs.
Most I2C RTC chips are handled automatically but you can select the DS3231 class which covers most types with slight differences or MCP79410 which I also use. Just BACKUP after that. At boot the RTC is read into a software RTC so all your read accesses are quick but at midnight it refreshes the software RTC from the hardware. Any writes will go to both soft and hard RTCs. The RTC drivers have all the conversion stuff built in.
To set the time and date etc
084500 TIME! ( sets the time - decimal/separators are optional)
180801 DATE! ( sets the data using YYMMDD format )
Some more high level RTC words are .DT TIME@ DATE@ DAY etc
... .DT Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:03 UTC ok
... 084500 TIME! ok
... 180801 DATE! ok
... TUE DAY ok
... .DT Tue, 01 Aug 2018 08:45:13 UTC ok
I was looking through the EXTEND code and found the word "ep" in numerous places.
Is "ep" a valid Tachyon word?
I could not find it in the Glossary and I could not see it defined in EXTEND.
Here is an example snipit from EXTEND:
pub ESAVE ( ram eeprom cnt -- )
--- round up to nearest 64 byte page --- use ram address for loop index, leave eeprom addr on stack
( eeprom )
--- Wait for the EEPROM write cycle
nakI2C@ DROP I2C>
--- Write 64 bytes and check acks
--- console spinner to show it's busy
@thej - ep is simply a variable that holds the EEPROM page size which is sensed and set at compile time with this:
$A55A5AA5 $FFFC E! $FFFC E@ $7FFC E@ <> IF 128 ELSE 64 THEN := ep
Jim has had problems pasting code from OpenOffice because it strips out CRs and this is also a problem with some editors if you make changes and save them. Always check and make sure that line endings are CR or CRLF (preferred). The LFs are ignored but useful for listing correctly but the CR will cause Tachyon to "execute the line of code that has been compiled" if it is not defining a word.
There should not be any problems with Tachyon or the source code. If there are problems, look elsewhere, at your editor or you terminal settings.
If you use TeraTerm make sure your line delay is setup correctly. You can use my teraterm.ini file that I posted. I have used many different terminals and editors and they all work, provided that they are not configured incorrectly.
Could you post your configuration files for TeraTerm and you editor while also mentioning which ones you use.
@thej - ep is simply a variable that holds the EEPROM page size which is sensed and set at compile time with this:
$A55A5AA5 $FFFC E! $FFFC E@ $7FFC E@ <> IF 128 ELSE 64 THEN := ep
Jim has had problems pasting code from OpenOffice because it strips out CRs and this is also a problem with some editors if you make changes and save them. Always check and make sure that line endings are CR or CRLF (preferred). The LFs are ignored but useful for listing correctly but the CR will cause Tachyon to "execute the line of code that has been compiled" if it is not defining a word.
There should not be any problems with Tachyon or the source code. If there are problems, look elsewhere, at your editor or you terminal settings.
I've been testing line ending options in my editor and terminal.
I didn't suspect the code. That has been proven to work. I just needed to know if some character in the code had or had not been mangled by my editor.
Switched to windows and used TeraTerm with your config file.
I changed the COM port, the Baud to 115200 and the msec/line to 15 (b/c it was set to zero in the config).
It gets to line 3052 and then stops with a flashing cursor.
@thej - but are copy&pasting from an editor, and if so, which one? Or are you "sending" the file. Maybe you need to tick the binary option to prevent the terminal from filtering.
I just tried all kinds of methods even with only LFs, but they all worked. I even downloaded the very latest TeraTerm 4.99 and change the line delay to 12ms and used send file. It compiles and completes to line 3066. Can you load one of the precompiled Tachyons onto the board to make sure it works ok. The only time I have ever had real problems with loading on a board was when I eventually found I had a batch of faulty Prop chips as there were certain memory locations that wouldn't work.
EDIT: Here's a precompiled binary of the latest V5.3 that I am working on. It's essentially the same as 5.2 but I'm just playing with optimizations but you should try to load it as a binary and make sure it works. This of course includes EXTEND so there is no need to load it again.
I'm 95% certain that this is a board issue of some kind.
EVERY other aspect of Tachyon that I can test WORKS with all 3 of my setups (Mac, Win, Ubuntu)
I have been using TextEdit in "Plain text" mode on the Mac
-I tried a few variations with the "text" options and the results were clearly mangled vs "Plain Text"
I have been using NotePad in Win
I didn't use any editor in Ubuntu. I just used "send file" from minicom
I tried quite a number of changes in both CoolTerm (Mac) and TeraTerm to see what changed.
Virtually all changes mangled things very obviously.
I don't think this is a terminal problem.
3 Different OSes, 3 different terminals, 2 different computers. There's only one thing the same in all situations; the board.
I'm hoping the binary you provided will step over whatever is the real issue.
I can't wait to get coding (for reals!) in Tachyon :-)
When I did the re-install, I used the same file that I had used in the first installation. Compiled 5r2 with the proptool, downloaded to prop with F11. Next I loaded the same EXTEND file into libre office and did a select all and copy. Opened TeraTerm, corrected my settings to include a 15MS line delay and pasted EXTEND into it. At the completion, I saw NO Errors, and BACKUP it then rebooted and came back with a new header. I exicuted a COLD and it went to the correct start point. I then reset the prop and it came back with the extend header.
Is there some piece of code that uses extend functions that I can run to test that the installation is in fact OK? If I get a chance later this AM, I have a rev A quickstart board that I can load it on for an additional test. I will use the file send function of TeraTerm to load QS board instead of libre office just to make sure I am not introducing any problems.
With the QS board I can perform some quickie LED tests without having to resort to any hardware manipulations.
This is a memory test you can paste into an new new unextended kernel. It will test each bit of each byte of memory that this free and report errors.
HERE 16 + 4 ALIGN $8000 OVER -
I C!
btw, I never use "send file" from minicom since it is a little awkward using its menu system, I simply shift+ctrl+V to paste.
When I did the re-install, I used the same file that I had used in the first installation. Compiled 5r2 with the proptool, downloaded to prop with F11. Next I loaded the same EXTEND file into libre office and did a select all and copy. Opened TeraTerm, corrected my settings to include a 15MS line delay and pasted EXTEND into it. At the completion, I saw NO Errors, and BACKUP it then rebooted and came back with a new header. I exicuted a COLD and it went to the correct start point. I then reset the prop and it came back with the extend header.
Is there some piece of code that uses extend functions that I can run to test that the installation is in fact OK? If I get a chance later this AM, I have a rev A quickstart board that I can load it on for an additional test. I will use the file send function of TeraTerm to load QS board instead of libre office just to make sure I am not introducing any problems.
With the QS board I can perform some quickie LED tests without having to resort to any hardware manipulations.
If it didn't detect any errors during compilation I doubt that there would have been any problems especially when it seems to boot fine.
The fact that it lists the modules, the ROMS, the I2C devices, the I/O etc tells us it is doing its thing. But you can always temporarily do a COLD or ^Z^Z and paste in that memory test to check for a bad Prop, but that is fairly rare and sometimes you never notice depending upon the binary image when bad bits might look ok.
Just the EXTEND boot from 5.3 which is the same as 5.2.
Hi Peter,
This is probably off topic but..
I have the PCF8563 rtc chip on the 28..29 pins.
I can't get neon to find it.
This is a great system for the Propeller!
Can this be made standalone with Tv_text and Keyboard?
Thank you for your help.
I will be using continuous rotation servos which run at 1280–1720 µs with teh dead band around 1500us. Since Tachyon is using Hz rather than micro seconds, that range will be 781Hz to 581Hz with deadband at about 666Hz.
So If I'm understanding this correctly, the code below should move the servo connected to pin 1:
I was sure I change it so that PWM% also called PWM to set it so just say 50 PWM% 1 PWM and in the meantime I will update EXTEND so that 50 1 PWM% will also set it.
Still, there's the mystery of why it wasn't loading EXTEND.
btw, I always make sure the terminal width is wide enough that it shouldn't wrap. Sometimes it's easier to set the auto resize option.
Well, I'm late to the Tachyon party, blind or both. Peter is there an instruction, blog or thread describing what the add-ons and other materials on the download site are / do, and how to use them? I was able to get the base Tachyon V5.3 into the PPDB, but not sure what comes next. Also, the PPDB has an additional RS-232 port, is there a set of instructions related to the PPDB?
You seem relatively new here and there doesn't seem to be any sign of intent on your last remark. There are certain people on the Parallax forums without whom a lot of the rest of us would have a much harder time getting through some of the ins and outs the Propeller and other Parallax products. Your text does not give much of an indication of meaning in these comments without which, I would find quite offensive if I were on the receiving end. Please keep this in mind in the future.
BTW, If you ever do need to load a new version of EXTEND over an old version you need to do a COLD first which brings you back to the "Cold Start - no user code - setting defaults" message (If you reset at this point it will return to normal since the EEPROM hasn't been changed). Once you have done the cold start you can then paste the new EXTEND. This only applies for EXTEND itself, all other code just runs on top of EXTEND and uses FORGET etc to replace earlier versions.
Terminal dump for loading EXTEND.FTH (here I enclose terminal dumps in code tags)
Thanks for the quick reply. I attempted to run COLD but no joy. Reloaded 5r2 with spin tool and reloaded extend and now all seems to be working fine. I think that my problem was I had not put the line delay into the Tera Term setup and the extend got corrupted..
Now I am off to learning Forth. I have a project in mind where I am going to build an energy management system that will only allow 1 AC unit to run at one time. Our Prime Time energy cost is based upon the Maximum Use in any one hour during the month. with 3 AC units that could be on at the same time, wow the costs can be deadly.
I am sure that I will have questions as I go along so stay tuned.
Other use control keys are:
^B Block dump all of memory
^C Reset console cog
^D Debug dump
^E Dump cog memory
^P Dump memory using address and count (in case dictionary is corrupted)
^Q Quick dump using address
^S Init data stack
^U Dump user registers
^V Print version
^W LIst words
^X Re execute last line
^Z^Z Cold start
$1B Discard current line
^? Quick stats
A break condition (alt+B in TeraTerm) will always reboot the Prop unless the clock or receive cog has been stopped. If you tap/hold ^A during reset it will also abort any autostart sequence, which may be useful if your software has gone AWOL. So <break>, then ^As are my rescue sequence.
gets to line 3055 then stops.
When showing the code, it stops at the end of "errors W@ 0= IF SAVEROMS THEN"
I will try putting a fresh copy of Tachyon 5r2 on the board and then try again.
Successful !! The version number was newer.
Opened TeraTerm and transferred the latest version of EXTEND to the board.
I used "Send File".
It stopped at line 3052.
I tried again by copy and pasting the EXTEND file.
Again it stopped at line 3052.
At this point I see two options (I will try both)
1) buy new board. What boards have been proven to work?
2) paste in ONLY the PWM code and see it that works.
I'm assuming that would require more than just the chunk at the end of the file with the PWM words in it. What would I need?
I'll also try commenting out the first line so teh modules don't load. Let's see what happens.
Well that didn't work at all. I got a "structure mismatch error" almost immediately.
I've attached my TERMTERM.INI (rename .TXT to .INI).
EDIT: I found a 32kB EEPROM system since and tried that and it worked. Of course it reports "No ROMs" as it should.
Everything is pointing the something happening in the SAVEROM code that isn't workign the way it should (for whatever reason).
To see what is happening I added some print statements into the SAVEROM code to see what lines it was or wasn't executing.
Here is my modification:
You can see that I added code to print 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 at the beginning of the lines.
The result is that it prints "1" endlessly !!
I let it run for 5minutes, maybe more, and it just repeatedly printed "1".
The environment that I am using is as follows:
Board "Propeller Breadboard" by IdleTime Industries (out of TX I think)
64K eprom (Dip) and dip Prop I loaded 5r2 with a ProPTool under Win7 closed Prop Tool
Next I loaded Extend.fth into OpenOffice and did a Select All and Copy.
Next loaded Tera Term made settings 115,200, Correct Port, 8n1, 15MS line delay and saved setup.
Reset prop verified that basic 5r2 was present and that I could talk to it.
Paisted extend into Tele Term and watched the action. I think it took about 48 seconds.
I could see where it performed the backup and it rebooted with the new headers. I was able to do COLD and it worked as advertised. Next step will be trying to get my I2C device (RTC) to be recognized and start programming it.
I had to blow away my first 5r2 install, but used thae exact same file I had used in the first place. My problems all seemed to stem from the fact that I had loaded extend the first time without the 15MS delay.
Next I will attempt to load V5r2 onto a 32KB QuickStart board or an old Demo Board that already has VGA hardware installed.. Don't know when I will have time though.
Thanks again for your support. Is there some sample code available for connecting to I2C devices (RTC)? Also Converting ASCII to/from BCD?
OpenOffice could be stripping out the CRs and that might be disrupting things a little. Could you try telling TeraTerm to just send the file (I didn't have binary ticked). YEP - just checked using LibreOffice and it strips out the CRs.
Most I2C RTC chips are handled automatically but you can select the DS3231 class which covers most types with slight differences or MCP79410 which I also use. Just BACKUP after that. At boot the RTC is read into a software RTC so all your read accesses are quick but at midnight it refreshes the software RTC from the hardware. Any writes will go to both soft and hard RTCs. The RTC drivers have all the conversion stuff built in.
To set the time and date etc
084500 TIME! ( sets the time - decimal/separators are optional)
180801 DATE! ( sets the data using YYMMDD format )
Some more high level RTC words are .DT TIME@ DATE@ DAY etc ...
Continuing to diagnose my EXTEND issue.
I was looking through the EXTEND code and found the word "ep" in numerous places.
Is "ep" a valid Tachyon word?
I could not find it in the Glossary and I could not see it defined in EXTEND.
Here is an example snipit from EXTEND:
You can see "ep" in many places here.
Jim has had problems pasting code from OpenOffice because it strips out CRs and this is also a problem with some editors if you make changes and save them. Always check and make sure that line endings are CR or CRLF (preferred). The LFs are ignored but useful for listing correctly but the CR will cause Tachyon to "execute the line of code that has been compiled" if it is not defining a word.
There should not be any problems with Tachyon or the source code. If there are problems, look elsewhere, at your editor or you terminal settings.
If you use TeraTerm make sure your line delay is setup correctly. You can use my teraterm.ini file that I posted. I have used many different terminals and editors and they all work, provided that they are not configured incorrectly.
Could you post your configuration files for TeraTerm and you editor while also mentioning which ones you use.
I've been testing line ending options in my editor and terminal.
I didn't suspect the code. That has been proven to work. I just needed to know if some character in the code had or had not been mangled by my editor.
Back to checking configs.
I changed the COM port, the Baud to 115200 and the msec/line to 15 (b/c it was set to zero in the config).
It gets to line 3052 and then stops with a flashing cursor.
I just tried all kinds of methods even with only LFs, but they all worked. I even downloaded the very latest TeraTerm 4.99 and change the line delay to 12ms and used send file. It compiles and completes to line 3066. Can you load one of the precompiled Tachyons onto the board to make sure it works ok. The only time I have ever had real problems with loading on a board was when I eventually found I had a batch of faulty Prop chips as there were certain memory locations that wouldn't work.
EDIT: Here's a precompiled binary of the latest V5.3 that I am working on. It's essentially the same as 5.2 but I'm just playing with optimizations but you should try to load it as a binary and make sure it works. This of course includes EXTEND so there is no need to load it again.
I will try that tonight!
I'm 95% certain that this is a board issue of some kind.
EVERY other aspect of Tachyon that I can test WORKS with all 3 of my setups (Mac, Win, Ubuntu)
I have been using TextEdit in "Plain text" mode on the Mac
-I tried a few variations with the "text" options and the results were clearly mangled vs "Plain Text"
I have been using NotePad in Win
I didn't use any editor in Ubuntu. I just used "send file" from minicom
I tried quite a number of changes in both CoolTerm (Mac) and TeraTerm to see what changed.
Virtually all changes mangled things very obviously.
I don't think this is a terminal problem.
3 Different OSes, 3 different terminals, 2 different computers. There's only one thing the same in all situations; the board.
I'm hoping the binary you provided will step over whatever is the real issue.
I can't wait to get coding (for reals!) in Tachyon :-)
When I did the re-install, I used the same file that I had used in the first installation. Compiled 5r2 with the proptool, downloaded to prop with F11. Next I loaded the same EXTEND file into libre office and did a select all and copy. Opened TeraTerm, corrected my settings to include a 15MS line delay and pasted EXTEND into it. At the completion, I saw NO Errors, and BACKUP it then rebooted and came back with a new header. I exicuted a COLD and it went to the correct start point. I then reset the prop and it came back with the extend header.
Is there some piece of code that uses extend functions that I can run to test that the installation is in fact OK? If I get a chance later this AM, I have a rev A quickstart board that I can load it on for an additional test. I will use the file send function of TeraTerm to load QS board instead of libre office just to make sure I am not introducing any problems.
With the QS board I can perform some quickie LED tests without having to resort to any hardware manipulations.
btw, I never use "send file" from minicom since it is a little awkward using its menu system, I simply shift+ctrl+V to paste.
If it didn't detect any errors during compilation I doubt that there would have been any problems especially when it seems to boot fine.
The fact that it lists the modules, the ROMS, the I2C devices, the I/O etc tells us it is doing its thing. But you can always temporarily do a COLD or ^Z^Z and paste in that memory test to check for a bad Prop, but that is fairly rare and sometimes you never notice depending upon the binary image when bad bits might look ok.
Just the EXTEND boot from 5.3 which is the same as 5.2.
On the QS you can chase the LEDs with: This one is an endless loop but you can send a break to reset it.
Just finished the install on QS board and ran the LED chase code. Works fine!
Thanks for all you do.
This is probably off topic but..
I have the PCF8563 rtc chip on the 28..29 pins.
I can't get neon to find it.
This is a great system for the Propeller!
Can this be made standalone with Tv_text and Keyboard?
Thank you for your help.
Now to get the servo to move.
I will be using continuous rotation servos which run at 1280–1720 µs with teh dead band around 1500us. Since Tachyon is using Hz rather than micro seconds, that range will be 781Hz to 581Hz with deadband at about 666Hz.
So If I'm understanding this correctly, the code below should move the servo connected to pin 1:
Nothing happens.
I connected a micro 180 deg servo that runs in this range but nothing their either.
I probably did something wrong.
Still, there's the mystery of why it wasn't loading EXTEND.
btw, I always make sure the terminal width is wide enough that it shouldn't wrap. Sometimes it's easier to set the auto resize option.
I have a servo that moves !!
Thank you VERY much for your endless support through all this weirdness!!!
This is going to be so much fun :-)
Are you too snooty to talk to common folks?
You seem relatively new here and there doesn't seem to be any sign of intent on your last remark. There are certain people on the Parallax forums without whom a lot of the rest of us would have a much harder time getting through some of the ins and outs the Propeller and other Parallax products. Your text does not give much of an indication of meaning in these comments without which, I would find quite offensive if I were on the receiving end. Please keep this in mind in the future.