Rocker Bogie Bot
Fry's has this chassis on sale today for $55 reg.$70:
Not much detail there, appears to be all 6 wheels driven by gearmotors. Doesn't appear to be anything you couldn't hand fab yourself from plywood and 6 of these (you'd want 120 ratio):
I think you'd want knobby tires too. Reminds me that I have a design yet to build for a lightweight outdoor all-terrain rover. I can't let xanadu have ALL the fun out there.
Not much detail there, appears to be all 6 wheels driven by gearmotors. Doesn't appear to be anything you couldn't hand fab yourself from plywood and 6 of these (you'd want 120 ratio):
I think you'd want knobby tires too. Reminds me that I have a design yet to build for a lightweight outdoor all-terrain rover. I can't let xanadu have ALL the fun out there.
Any size would be awesome if you could mod it so that all of the wheels can steer. I've been playing around with 6+ wheeled rovers in a game called Space Engineers. You can try different steering techniques, suspension, traction and power, it's neat.
I purchased a bunch of these little motors from Electronic Goldmine a few years ago in hopes of making a rover type vehicle.
The motors are still sitting in a box waiting to be made into an off road exploring vehicle.
I'll need to figure out what sort of wheels to use with these motors.
I also need to figure out if I'm going to try to make the wheels steerable.
Good catch and nice to hear from you again Rich. Everything looks great in black, but I did notice earlier from that photo that those are the cheapie yellow solarbotics gearmotors & wheel hubs with a shot of black paint.
Challenge: As many variations of terrain as possible, climbing on rocks, logs, sand, gravel you name it. I challenge You.
Done! Points are based on the tallest obstacle H they can climb and the vehicle's weight W.
Start your engines!
You have take the size of the robot into consideration, I can climb a boulder, not straddle it.
See also