Well, the latest FTDI drivers in the download from the website were for Windows 2000.
They will not install on my Win7 64 bit system. The is an Application Note that I need to read later to see if I can get the drivers loaded under Windows 7:
Well, the latest FTDI drivers in the download from the website were for Windows 2000. They will not install on my Win7 64 bit system.
If the USB interface is an FT232-based there's no reason you can't use the newest FTDI VCP drivers from the FTDI website. You don't need the ones that came with it.
Well, the latest FTDI drivers in the download from the website were for Windows 2000. They will not install on my Win7 64 bit system.
If the USB interface is an FT232-based there's no reason you can't use the newest FTDI VCP drivers from the FTDI website. You don't need the ones that came with it.
That's what I thought so I did not install any drivers at first. Came up with "Device Driver not successfully installed". Just tried a second board..same. It's a FT232BM, so it's been made in this century.
Funny, it identifies the "Other Device" as a HVW Tech Stamp Stack 2P, which it is, so it is getting some information from the board.
Do not understand "reset button firmware" . The reset button is hardware on the board. By pushing it, it should run the last loaded program. In my case, I loaded the demo program from the Solarbotics site. Loaded it through Basic Stamp Tool, and select "Run", or F9. If you want to start the program over, hit the reset switch on the board.
You can't be in a hurry when you order from Solarbotics.
It comes through customs from Canada.
Will see if it's recognized using serial port without the FTDI drivers.
Understand. Have ordered from them before.
They will not install on my Win7 64 bit system.
Good news is, the board can be program through good old serial cable. Thank goodness HP still supports serial on some modern day computers.
If the USB interface is an FT232-based there's no reason you can't use the newest FTDI VCP drivers from the FTDI website. You don't need the ones that came with it.
My turtle approach ended up ahead of your hare.
Tested board with serial cable and no go.
Manual has part about terminal window and reset button firmware program.
Going to do that.
That's what I thought so I did not install any drivers at first. Came up with "Device Driver not successfully installed". Just tried a second board..same. It's a FT232BM, so it's been made in this century.
Funny, it identifies the "Other Device" as a HVW Tech Stamp Stack 2P, which it is, so it is getting some information from the board.
Will board be identified if you press F6 in the Basic Stamp Tool?
https://cdn.solarbotics.com/products/documentation/stamp stack 2p v2.3.pdf
Getting Started chapter. Step 7 that starts with 'Open a Terminal Window'.
I get your drift. Might need to Identify so it will work correctly with editor.
Says it's compatible. We'll see.
Yup, agree.
If you are using serial programing, when you connect the cable and use F6, does it find the board?
Per the instructions, if the test program was not loaded at the factory, the reset button will not bring up the program.
If you have a valid connection to the board through a serial connection, load the Stamp Stack Demo program from the Solarbotics website.
Can't do it for an hour. You don't want to know.
Pass the time saying Startech has excellent serial and parallel port expansion card.
Startech technical support is unbelievably good.
This card here is Sybausa. No comment.
How are you doing getting this to connect?
I installed FTDI driver and it looks like it's on com14
Getting 'port in use' in debug
FTDI driver will not work on my Windows 7. I am using serial port to program.
What version windows?
Windows 7.
Serial card worked the other day.
Today I don't see card drivers in device manager.
So did the reset button firmware run in debug?
Do not understand "reset button firmware" . The reset button is hardware on the board. By pushing it, it should run the last loaded program. In my case, I loaded the demo program from the Solarbotics site. Loaded it through Basic Stamp Tool, and select "Run", or F9. If you want to start the program over, hit the reset switch on the board.
It's in there on page 4.
Propellor tool? I'm using Basic Stamp Editor.
When I installed the USB driver I just muddled through it.
Not sure it's the right driver.
Not even sure it's even one of HVW drivers.
Did email HVW which is now something else.
Email got kicked back undeliverable.
Will go at this again tomorrow.
Got my boards working with serial interface. I'm not going to dick with usb, So I'm happy with these boards.
Progress Report.
Connected it up with Startech USB to Serial/parallel cable adapter.
Stack board firmware test will run in Terminal window.
Stamp Editor says 'No stamp found'.
Terminal shows RX or TX or something yes but Echo No.
Stack manual says if that happens it's the serial connection.
Have full on Startech serial/parallel PCIe adapter card on the way so
will see how that works.
Tested Stamp Stack with USB cable.
Solarbotics helped find and install new drivers.
Now project is stalled at 'Com port 3 in use'.
That's what Stamp Editor 'Identify' comes up with.
How do I fix this?
or try another USB port after rebooting.
Can you share the file that Solarbotics sent you. I can try it on my end.
"Reboot computer after installing new driver with the stamp disconnected"
Did that a couple days ago. It has been restarted.
"Can you share the file that Solarbotics sent you. I can try it on my end."
Will look for it. Probably post it later tonight or tomorrow AM.
"r try another USB port after rebooting."
How do you do that?
Stamp Stack driver is using Com port 3 now.
This shouldn't be this hard.
I skimmed posts here.
Looks like Publison gave up on USB drivers and just connected by serial cable.
I will give that a shot again.
Gave up. Could not get USB to work. I have two computers with serial ports, so I didn't go further.
You did get it to work with serial port? Right?
You know what.
I am going to put in other Startech serial adapter card.
I have to evaluate them anyhow.
You would like the one.
Industrial model. Just like the old IBM 8086 boards.
Made to survive a nuclear attack.
Loopback says Yes and Echo says No in Debug terminal.
This is with laptop and Startech USB to Serial adapter cable.
I will try it on midtower system with Startech PCIe adapter card.
Stamp Stack manual says when Loopback and Echo are like this to check power.
Maybe it is finicky about power supply.
Got it working with first Startech serial port adapter card.
Changed cable from COM port 4 that said PCIe to COM port 1 or 2 that don't say anything next to them.
Figure that part out later.