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Stamp Stack 2P Experimenter's Board — Parallax Forums

Stamp Stack 2P Experimenter's Board

microcontrollerusermicrocontrolleruser Posts: 1,194
edited 2017-01-13 17:35 in BASIC Stamp

How do you place this on breadboard?

If I put it on bottom right the 2 pair of 2pin headers on bottom seem to

be a grounding hazard.

It's a Parallax medium breadboard. 660 tie point as far as I can tell. Kind of an oddball size.



  • That is not a Parallax Board, so you would have to get support from Soloarbotics. stack 2p v2.3.pdf
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2017-01-13 19:37

    How do you place this on breadboard?

    If I put it on bottom right the 2 pair of 2pin headers on bottom seem to

    be a grounding hazard.

    It's a Parallax medium breadboard. 660 tie point as far as I can tell. Kind of an oddball size.


    Got a picture of what does not line up? Parallax only sold standard breadboards.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2017-01-13 19:59
    It looks like there are 20 pins in a row: digital I/O pins 0 to 15, then the four analog pins. The +5 and ground pins are marked as #9 on figure 1. Presumably this plugs into a breadboard of at least 20 pins with a separate +5 and ground bus on the sides. The two 2-pin headers plug into the power bus on the side. They don't just hang down.

    Look at this breadboard from SparkFun. It has the power bus, but only has 30 rows of contacts, enough to use with this board, but not too useful otherwise. Get a bigger breadboard or 2 or 3 of these.

  • Publison, Mike

    This breadboard.

    When you put power pins in side power rail the

    pins end up in the IC 'ditch'.

    When you hang it off side (signal pins in far right column) the

    power pins are just out there.

    You would have to connect 2 pin extension cable from bottom.

  • Publison

    P24 does not line up on breadboard with power connectors

    in power rail. Period.

    Get it done solution is to use two breadboards.

    One for I/O pins and one for power output.

    Board can actually just be tested on top of anti-static bag.

    I want to protect it though.

    This is a great board!

  • Mike Green

    I don't know if your saying connect power pins to

    separete power rail breadboards.

    Anyhow we're just going to power it up and

    make sure Stamp Editor identifies it first.

    Be fun selecting P24 micro and 2.5 language!

  • If you're unsure about your setup, you might want to post a picture of it here before powering it on and potentially damaging something.
  • microcontrollerusermicrocontrolleruser Posts: 1,194
    edited 2017-01-14 23:23

    Picture is in manual that Publison posted above.

    It's kind of beyond a module.

    Guess the idea was popular for awhile and

    now it isn't.

    Guess they figure the technically savvy can just build the

    whole thing from scratch on a breadboard.

    I like my little 'PCB on a breadbord' p24.

  • This is very odd. How could they be selling this for only $4? Did they somehow clone Parallax's OEM p24 chip?
  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,759
    edited 2017-01-15 06:41

    Save yourself the grief and get one of Parallax's kits which have everything you need and are ready to use out of the box.
    The BASIC Stamp Activity Kit is the best bang for the buck at $80.
    The BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit costs twice as much but it comes with the BASIC Stamp Manual and the Board of Education can also be powered from an AC adapter and the BS2 module can be changed.


    The breadboard is $5.
  • Genetix wrote: »

    The breadboard is $5.
    The PDF says it includes the BS2p24 chip.

  • Genetix

    This is totally different kind of board,

    It doesn't come with training wheels.

    It's for hard core techy's.

    It's from back when Parallax catered to that crowd.

    Mr Betz

    This Stamp Stack is a very very old board.

    Solarbotics got tired of looking at them on their shelf and clearanced them.

    At one time HVW had a relationship with Parallax.

    Kind of like the Neurve outfit.

    By the way Neurve site has some interesting stuff on it.

  • Developers

    Okay. Back to business.

    Battery they included for on board clock has 3 volts.

    This takes an old D type usb cable.

    There is barrel jack power only, no battery.

    It has a serial port, rj45 and provision for additional Ram.

    512 memory can be added as is, if you want one megabyte you

    have to break a soldering bridge.

  • Mr Betz

    This Stamp Stack is a very very old board.

    Solarbotics got tired of looking at them on their shelf and clearanced them.

    At one time HVW had a relationship with Parallax.

    Kind of like the Neurve outfit.

    By the way Neurve site has some interesting stuff on it.


    Okay, thanks for clarifying. I guess this board has an actual Parallax chip on it. No cloning involved.
  • David Betz wrote: »
    Mr Betz

    This Stamp Stack is a very very old board.

    Solarbotics got tired of looking at them on their shelf and clearanced them.

    At one time HVW had a relationship with Parallax.

    Kind of like the Neurve outfit.

    By the way Neurve site has some interesting stuff on it.


    Okay, thanks for clarifying. I guess this board has an actual Parallax chip on it. No cloning involved.

    Looks like a BS2P24 Interpreter chip.

    Just ordered a couple. Let's see if they are in stock. Not bad for the price.

  • David Publison

    When I connected it it did a Windows 7 'installing drivers' popup window.

    Long story short, did not identify in Stamp Editor.

    Will contact HVW monday about location of drivers.

    They've morphed into Avorobot.

  • Try these drivers:

    Reboot computer after installing.

  • Publison

    Thought they were already on there.

    Will double check with a regular stamp board.

    Solarbotics p24 page has drivers down the bottom.

    Board may take a driver too.

    Hardware wise the green led lit up after plugging 12v power supply in.

  • Publison

    Thought they were already on there.

    Will double check with a regular stamp board.

    Solarbotics p24 page has drivers down the bottom.

    Board may take a driver too.

    Hardware wise the green led lit up after plugging 12v power supply in.


    The driver I linked on the Parallax site are the latest FTDI drivers. (FTDI USB is used on the Solarbotics board). The Solarbotics drivers are from 2004 and supported Win98 and Win2000. The Parallax drivers may be a better choice.

    The only driver the board needs is the FTDI USB drivers.

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Word of advice re updating/reinstalling drivers. It's good practice to uninstall the old drivers before installing the new ones. Had several occasions where installing a new driver over the old one created intermittent problems. I suspect some leftover from the old driver was the cause. At that point it was too late to uninstall the old driver, and uninstalling/reinstalling the new one did not help.
  • kwinn wrote: »
    Word of advice re updating/reinstalling drivers. It's good practice to uninstall the old drivers before installing the new ones. Had several occasions where installing a new driver over the old one created intermittent problems. I suspect some leftover from the old driver was the cause. At that point it was too late to uninstall the old driver, and uninstalling/reinstalling the new one did not help.

    Good point. Always uninstall FTDI drivers, even though you are installing the same. You just never know what's left over.
  • Developers

    Thank you for tips!

    Give it another shot tomorrow.


  • Developers

    This board has an RJxx, serial and USB connector on it.

    Can the RJxx and serial connectors be used for programming?

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406

  • Chris

    Can't find the little manual that came with it right now.

    These two say 'Programming' in your pic there:



    The RJxx says 'I wire interface'.

    Interface usually means communication so it

    is not for programming?

    Don't want to fry board.

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2017-02-06 22:20
    Many BS2p-based development boards used to have the RJ-11 connector for the popular 1-Wire interfaces of the day, such as the one shown below (Blue Dot Receptor/iButton):


    P.S. - The manual was a Google Search away. :innocent:

  • Chris

    PIC or AVR uses some kind of RJxx for programming but I think that's a

    recent change.

    Okay, got it.

    Appreciate it.

  • Chris

    Can't find the little manual that came with it right now.

    These two say 'Programming' in your pic there:



    The RJxx says 'I wire interface'.

    Interface usually means communication so it

    is not for programming?

    Don't want to fry board.


    The full manual in in post #2 of this thread.

    Thanks for resurrecting this thread because I was wondering where my product was. Well, low and behold, it just put in my mail box!

    I'll break it out tomorrow and see if I can answer some questions.

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2017-02-06 23:11

    Can't find the little manual that came with it right now.

    These two say 'Programming' in your pic there:



    The RJxx says 'I wire interface'.

    Interface usually means communication so it

    is not for programming?

    Don't want to fry board.


    One Wire is for a class of peripherals:

    You can use a USB connection or Serial Connection to program the Basics Stamp, per the instructions. I will check both interfaces tomorrow.

    Remember, this is not a Parallax product, so support is through forum members, if they can help .

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