Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire
I just learned about this event coming up this weekend, near me. A friend forwarded the attached flyer to me, I never would have heard about it otherwise. I'll check it out. Not that I expect anyone else to attend this one, just a heads up that B&N may host similar poorly-advertised events at other locations, so it might be worth inquiring if you have a local store.
Edit: My attachments originally had an ampersand in their file names and the system would't accept them. I deleted the ampersand and they uploaded properly.
Edit: My attachments originally had an ampersand in their file names and the system would't accept them. I deleted the ampersand and they uploaded properly.
That's my Dawg! Thanks Jim!
Mostly disappointment for me last year, mainly promoting their overpriced products. But something to do if you have time this weekend, another good reason to go to a BOOKSTORE!
I'm showing some bots Dec 2 at the Los Angeles MMF:
Considering that this store is literally down the street from where the flagship Maker Faire takes place, it was disappointing. I guess my expectations were set by having actually attended and exhibited at the big Maker Faire. We spent about ten minutes there.
However, I think this is a great opportunity for anyone to exhibit a small tabletop project. Literally anything that does something interesting would be a great fit...robots (of course!j, a weather station, anything with sensors or movement. There must be a bunch of projects already designed in the Parallax teaching materials that would be good to assemble, demonstrate, and explain. Erco would have a ball (but leave the flamethrower ‘bot at would be eye level with many bookstore patrons).
My guess is that B&N is starving for good exhibits. I think I’ll come up with something interesting for next year.
It was a helpful reminder of "How things go" (KISS principle) for me to streamline my offerings for another MMF in LA in December.
That's pretty sweet. The B&N mini maker faire in Ventura looked pretty successful, several tables upstairs and out on the balcony. Even the library had some cool display up with a 3D printer and a laptop programming something. The local MAKE Ventura group was there with some cool 3D printers and laser stuff. And of course, we'll have to go represent the Parallax Propeller (and hopefully? P2!) next year. Hey Erco, did they ever go for the hats? :cool: haha, we're going to need them!
Not AFAIK. Ahem KEN! Swag time. Schwinnng!