How About Some Holiday Weekend Free Shipping Love?

Between the new S3's availability and this enthusiastic new student, I'm surprised that we haven't seen a Labor Day free ship notification.
Seize the (Labor) day (weekend), Parallax!
Seize the (Labor) day (weekend), Parallax!
But if there is no Parallax sugar this Thanksgiving or Christmas, I may have to tap into a large stash of LPC1114 chips that were purchased back when they were $1/ea.
(Or Parallax could reinstate USPS 1st Class as an option.)
Seems like your wish may have been granted.
The internal charging circuit, which is active with USB plugged in, would probably cause a problem if you tried.
Doubt it. IIRC S3 is powered by one massive Li-Po which surely required tooling changes to the old 6xAA battery compartment. Those are two very different 9V/4V power systems. The pennies saved on AA battery connectors went toward the new battery and USB charging system.
Thumbnail shows the actual Batt Pak.
OK, I'll bite. What happens in a week and a half?
You coaxing seems marvelously effective. Are you available -- for a modest fee, of course -- to cajole, wheedle, or inveigle Parallax to do other stuff, as your clients' needs arise? Enquiring minds want to know!
Actually, I'm still gobsmacked by the generosity of the many forumistas who chipped in to bankroll my Toddler recently. Not sure how of IF I deserved that, but clearly miracles do happen right here in the forum!
But if I was really that good, I would have gotten us all free shipping on S3's. Or free S3's, we only pay shipping. Or a Texas twofer. Get one, pay for two.