No it's the way it works.
You are supposed to put your RES stuff last normally, but you could also use RES lines to "define" a header, then specify a file after them, and use the res labels to access the beginning of the file data.
Regular DAT data takes up space in HUB as well as in COG, but RES doesn't consume HUB space, so it's handy for setting up buffers and temp vars and whatnot for use only in COG memory, but you need to make sure it's initialized properly yourself.
Also Spin code can access the regular DAT data in HUB space, which is handy for setting things before starting the COG.
This is how it has worked on P1 forever.
Well, just because it's been that way forever doesn't mean it isn't a bug! (in the language design)
Remember how code in the P1 is loaded from HUB into COG?
If you RES some variables after a cog program, ultimately they take up no memory in HUB because they overlay whatever is next in HUB memory (maybe the beginning of another cog program). Unfortunately when the COG starts up, it loads in whatever those RES areas or in general all 512 longs.
And RES is a well used feature, definitely not a design bug. You just need to know how to use it, like anything else. In general, you can avoid it, but when you need it - you need it!!
Yeah I've seen RES sit over the top of one-time initialization code. Makes for difficulty debugging, but makes up for it by allowing something to fit in a COG that ordinarily could not.
Yeah I've seen RES sit over the top of one-time initialization code. Makes for difficulty debugging, but makes up for it by allowing something to fit in a COG that ordinarily could not.
It may be useful but its a non-standard use of a term that has been used forever in assemblers. Maybe the design bug is that it should have been called something else.
It’s not about fitting into cog, but rather not taking up space in hub.
A contrived example is where the total compiled code is over 32KB which is the max hub ram. By using res, it may be possible to reduce the hub load size.
We can of course reuse hub area after it is loaded into cogs. Again, its for serious users.
Ok, I see the problem now, thanks. This was Chip's code. But, after RES, he used
orgh $1000 - $436
To move the bitmap to a later location, so the RES didn't have to be initialized.
Still, I'd say Chip showed us a bad programming style there, right?
Maybe he just forgot the "mov x, #0" at the beginning to initialize x; if that had been in there then the use of "res" would have been perfectly OK. The code is kind of old though. I'm sure that nowadays Chip would use setq2 + rdlong to initialize LUT instead of making a loop.
My problem is that you can't do the orgh $ trick in Spin2, like you can in pure ASM.
Maybe I wish you could? Not sure...
It's not really feasible to do orgh $ in a Spin object. For example, what if two different objects both wanted to do "orgh $1000"? There's also not really any need to, just put a label after the orgh and use that.
Can the compiler warn of RES variables being used without initialization?
Not without quite a lot of work, I'm afraid. (And not completely accurately in any case, getting 100% accuracy would be equivalent to solving the halting problem, which is impossible.)
const HEAPSIZE = 8192
dim R$ as string
dim A as integer
print "Hi"
INPUT "Enter a string"; R$
PRINT "You typed:"; R$
That's 240 A's. It only takes 2 of these to cause the weirdness (printing only the 1st character).
At the bottom, it's only printing "Y" instead of "You typed:", and only "A" instead of the 240 A's, and then "E" instead of "Enter a string".
@whicker: Sorry, I somehow missed that you were testing this on P2 (although you did clearly show that in your first post). Sure enough, there's a bug in the P2 transmit functions that was causing this issue. It's fixed in github now.
Maybe I missed it... Did we get a new version of the example programs with the ES board?
We used to get example programs with all the FPGA releases...
I just looked at V32i, which I think is the latest, and it still has this bad code in it.
Also, Chip includes an "initialized data" comment, but not his usual "uninitialized data" comment before the RES lines.
If that comment were there, maybe this would have been more obvious...
I think it's about time we had some examples like these in Spin2 instead of just ASM that actually work.
Chip is probably waiting for his Spin2 to be ready to do this...
But, I've been wanting to combine garryj's USB code with some VGA code for quite some time.
Problem is having to deal with namespace overlaps...
Want to use Spin2 mostly to avoid this...
No it's the way it works.
You are supposed to put your RES stuff last normally, but you could also use RES lines to "define" a header, then specify a file after them, and use the res labels to access the beginning of the file data.
Regular DAT data takes up space in HUB as well as in COG, but RES doesn't consume HUB space, so it's handy for setting up buffers and temp vars and whatnot for use only in COG memory, but you need to make sure it's initialized properly yourself.
Also Spin code can access the regular DAT data in HUB space, which is handy for setting things before starting the COG.
This is how it has worked on P1 forever.
Well, just because it's been that way forever doesn't mean it isn't a bug! (in the language design)
One persons bug is another persons feature. RES can be a life saver when you are trying to squeeze a lot of code into the hub and cogs.
But, I've been wanting to combine garryj's USB code with some VGA code for quite some time.
Problem is having to deal with namespace overlaps...
Want to use Spin2 mostly to avoid this...
Here's a version of the garryj's OneCogKbM code that has been converted to Spin2. It's the one I used in micropython, and it worked even after being converted to C by spin2cpp. The test program is pretty simple and is probably sensitive to which USB port the keyboard is plugged into (for me it works if plugged into the bottom USB port on the serial host board).
I've published new versions (3.9.31) of fastspin and spin2gui. Note that spin2gui includes fastspin and everything else you need to program a P1 or a P2, so it's probably the easier starting point for development. The URLs are:
New features in spin2gui (the IDE) include:
- Show previously selected font in the font chooser.
- Use panes for the top level window, to allow resizing the command output
- Print compilation time and machine
- Show links to files that have errors in them, and open those files when the links are clicked on
New features in fastspin (the compiler) include:
Version 3.9.31
- Fixed an off-by-one error in SELECT CASE
- Allow slightly longer functions to be inlined (improves pintoggle)
- Fixed getcnt() in BASIC
- Recognize ! as well as # as a suffix to indicate a floating point variable
- Fixed some BASIC parsing problems with empty IF/ELSE conditions and empty subroutines.
- Fixed a problem with printing long strings
- Changed format of error messages to "filename:line: error: stuff" to match the preprocessor's error format and make parsing easier
Version 3.9.30
- Fixed some floating point parsing issues
- Added some missing C stdio functions
- In listing files update the COG address for RES statements
- Reduced use of COG memory in P2
- Fixed some bad formatting in __builtin_printf
- Fixed a bug in BASIC parsing of empty lines
- Fixed return values of some BASIC builtin functions
- Fixed a garbage collector hang
- Added "out of memory" error messages
- Fixed BASIC global multi-dimensional array declarations
I'm not happy with the FQDN after compiles. If I would need to make screenshots, I would need to black out the FQDN.
My favourite environment is the shell and my IDE is EMACS, but for helping digital neighbours I may come in touch with spin2gui and needing some snapshots. Sure I can patch spin2gui's sources to put whatever I want into there so it's not really unsolvable for me. And as long as GIT can rebase my local changes, it really is only a matter of seconds to apply this to newer versions and probably only minutes else.
Am I the only one seeing this feature as potentially being an information leak?
Pizza? Check. Beer? Check. Cat? In lap. So here we go!
Compiler: Version 3.9.31 Compiled on: Sep 12 2019
Editor: 3.9.31-beta
Machine: Dell 7000 running Win10
Processor: FLIP
Language: BASIC
MID$() is missing from the Keyword List (pgs 4/5/6)
None of the math operators are documented. Maybe steal this from FreeBasic?
Request: FRE()
This is where Eric starts throwing things at me. It would be really useful during debugging to have a function that returns the amount of the various types of memory available at runtime. Traditionally this is called FRE().
- FRE(0) returns the free (unused) memory remaining
- FRE(1) returns the total amount of memory
- FRE(2) returns the free (unused) heap remaining
- FRE(3) returns the total heap size
If not instantly, then maybe put this on the To Do list?
Request: ATN() or ATAN2()
There don't appear to be any of the trig functions implemented yet. I understand this might be a big project, but if we could get either ATN() or (preferably) ATAN2(), then things like ACOS() and ASIN() could be quickly derived. That puts a whole lot of mischief into play. Or, if there is something lurking just under the hood like a _ATAN or _ATN, then I can roll my own from there. Another one for the To Do list...
Boy... I feel sorta lost. Nothing is breaking when I bang on it...
Pizza? Check. Beer? Check. Cat? In lap. So here we go!
...Boy... I feel sorta lost. Nothing is breaking when I bang on it...
Yes, I checked my case problem too, and it is resolved.
I still have this weird thing that HUB addresses in PASM seem to be some 52 bytes off when in a included object instead of the main Spin2. I found a way around it to move along, but something is wrong with
I'm not happy with the FQDN after compiles. If I would need to make screenshots, I would need to black out the FQDN.
My favourite environment is the shell and my IDE is EMACS, but for helping digital neighbours I may come in touch with spin2gui and needing some snapshots. Sure I can patch spin2gui's sources to put whatever I want into there so it's not really unsolvable for me. And as long as GIT can rebase my local changes, it really is only a matter of seconds to apply this to newer versions and probably only minutes else.
Am I the only one seeing this feature as potentially being an information leak?
I hadn't thought of the situation where fastspin is being run on a machine that directly connects to the internet -- all of my machines are NAT'd. It sounds like the message to be printed at the end of compilation should be configurable in spin2gui.
For now just delete (or comment out by putting # at the beginning) the line:
MID$() is missing from the Keyword List (pgs 4/5/6)
That's because MID$ (like LEFT$ and RIGHT$) is not a keyword. You are allowed to create your own MID$ function or variable, e.g. something like:
sub foo
dim mid$
mid$ = "hello"
print mid$
end sub
is legal.
Probably a list of predefined functions and variables would be a good thing to add to the docs.
None of the math operators are documented. Maybe steal this from FreeBasic?
Yes, that still needs to be done. I hope to get around to it soon, although if someone else beats me to it I'd be happy to accept contributions (hint, hint ).
Request: ATN() or ATAN2()
There don't appear to be any of the trig functions implemented yet. I understand this might be a big project, but if we could get either ATN() or (preferably) ATAN2(), then things like ACOS() and ASIN() could be quickly derived. That puts a whole lot of mischief into play. Or, if there is something lurking just under the hood like a _ATAN or _ATN, then I can roll my own from there. Another one for the To Do list...
The floating point routines are kind of a work in progress -- I've got SIN and COS done, but the other trig functions and EXP and LOG still need implementations. I actually started with new Prop2 implementations of the basic floating point add, subtract, multiply, divide, which I mostly have working but haven't integrated yet. Soon, I hope .
The FRE() function (or something like it) also sounds like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion.
I still have this weird thing that HUB addresses in PASM seem to be some 52 bytes off when in a included object instead of the main Spin2. I found a way around it to move along, but something is wrong with
when in a object and not the main spin2 file.
instead -- I think that works. There's still a problem with recognizing whether or not something is a hub address when used in an object, but if you prefix it with "@" to force the hub address then most of the cases do work out. I'm still working on fixing the problems when "@" is left off.
I've just downloaded the latest and shiniest spin2gui 3.9.31
I tried to compile a spin1/pasm1 program within spin2gui but no luck.
Is this possible or must I use the command line?
The errors seem to indicate that my xx.spin file is compiling for P2.
Using the command line I've compiled it and looked at the .pasm output file.
I have an error: fit 496 failed: pc is 574
So the cog is full. Any tips for where do I start?
I've just downloaded the latest and shiniest spin2gui 3.9.31
I tried to compile a spin1/pasm1 program within spin2gui but no luck.
Is this possible or must I use the command line?
The errors seem to indicate that my xx.spin file is compiling for P2.
The default is to compile for P2, but you can select P1 by going to the Commands menu, selecting "Configure Commands...", and then pressing "P1 defaults".
Using the command line I've compiled it and looked at the .pasm output file.
I have an error: fit 496 failed: pc is 574
So the cog is full. Any tips for where do I start?
Are you able to share your code? For P1 you can save a lot of COG space by disabling FCACHE. To do that, passing "--fcache=0" on the command line. That's easy if you're using the command line yourself; to do it with spin2gui you'll have to use "Configure Commands..." and add --fache=0 to the compile command.
I turned off fcache and it compiles with a listing too
BUT it's 39KB so overflows hub
I will have to take a good look at what the output looks like to see what I can shrink down. It will be fine for P2 tho
Like your reporting of jumps/calls without # warning. I'll add the +0 to suppress the errors.
I have overlays in the pasm code section to load short code blocks into cog to run.
one nice addition to BASIC and SPIN would be the use of WITH or maybe USING for multiple calls to one object. Say instead of
to write
WITH ser
Tjhat is something I was missing in C# (and still do) after moving away from VB.
Since I’m already scheduled for a good, old fashioned tush-kicking from Eric for my earlier feature requests, I’ll double down and say “I’m with Mike” on this one. That would be handy.
Remember how code in the P1 is loaded from HUB into COG?
If you RES some variables after a cog program, ultimately they take up no memory in HUB because they overlay whatever is next in HUB memory (maybe the beginning of another cog program). Unfortunately when the COG starts up, it loads in whatever those RES areas or in general all 512 longs.
And RES is a well used feature, definitely not a design bug. You just need to know how to use it, like anything else. In general, you can avoid it, but when you need it - you need it!!
A contrived example is where the total compiled code is over 32KB which is the max hub ram. By using res, it may be possible to reduce the hub load size.
We can of course reuse hub area after it is loaded into cogs. Again, its for serious users.
Still, I'd say Chip showed us a bad programming style there, right?
My problem is that you can't do the orgh $ trick in Spin2, like you can in pure ASM.
Maybe I wish you could? Not sure...
Can the compiler warn of RES variables being used without initialization?
It's not really feasible to do orgh $ in a Spin object. For example, what if two different objects both wanted to do "orgh $1000"? There's also not really any need to, just put a label after the orgh and use that.
Not without quite a lot of work, I'm afraid. (And not completely accurately in any case, getting 100% accuracy would be equivalent to solving the halting problem, which is impossible.)
@whicker: Sorry, I somehow missed that you were testing this on P2 (although you did clearly show that in your first post). Sure enough, there's a bug in the P2 transmit functions that was causing this issue. It's fixed in github now.
Thanks for the bug report!
The "x res 1" should probably be replaced by "x long 0" in future updates so this problem doesn't come up again.
BTW, the function of RES is quite simple. "RES n" is essentially the same as "ORG $+n".
We used to get example programs with all the FPGA releases...
I just looked at V32i, which I think is the latest, and it still has this bad code in it.
Also, Chip includes an "initialized data" comment, but not his usual "uninitialized data" comment before the RES lines.
If that comment were there, maybe this would have been more obvious...
I think it's about time we had some examples like these in Spin2 instead of just ASM that actually work.
Chip is probably waiting for his Spin2 to be ready to do this...
But, I've been wanting to combine garryj's USB code with some VGA code for quite some time.
Problem is having to deal with namespace overlaps...
Want to use Spin2 mostly to avoid this...
One persons bug is another persons feature. RES can be a life saver when you are trying to squeeze a lot of code into the hub and cogs.
Here's a version of the garryj's OneCogKbM code that has been converted to Spin2. It's the one I used in micropython, and it worked even after being converted to C by spin2cpp. The test program is pretty simple and is probably sensitive to which USB port the keyboard is plugged into (for me it works if plugged into the bottom USB port on the serial host board).
I might have to switch to that...
Correct, it uses a smartpin for the serial I/O.
spin2gui: or
New features in spin2gui (the IDE) include:
- Show previously selected font in the font chooser.
- Use panes for the top level window, to allow resizing the command output
- Print compilation time and machine
- Show links to files that have errors in them, and open those files when the links are clicked on
New features in fastspin (the compiler) include:
Version 3.9.31
- Fixed an off-by-one error in SELECT CASE
- Allow slightly longer functions to be inlined (improves pintoggle)
- Fixed getcnt() in BASIC
- Recognize ! as well as # as a suffix to indicate a floating point variable
- Fixed some BASIC parsing problems with empty IF/ELSE conditions and empty subroutines.
- Fixed a problem with printing long strings
- Changed format of error messages to "filename:line: error: stuff" to match the preprocessor's error format and make parsing easier
Version 3.9.30
- Fixed some floating point parsing issues
- Added some missing C stdio functions
- In listing files update the COG address for RES statements
- Reduced use of COG memory in P2
- Fixed some bad formatting in __builtin_printf
- Fixed a bug in BASIC parsing of empty lines
- Fixed return values of some BASIC builtin functions
- Fixed a garbage collector hang
- Added "out of memory" error messages
- Fixed BASIC global multi-dimensional array declarations
My favourite environment is the shell and my IDE is EMACS, but for helping digital neighbours I may come in touch with spin2gui and needing some snapshots. Sure I can patch spin2gui's sources to put whatever I want into there so it's not really unsolvable for me. And as long as GIT can rebase my local changes, it really is only a matter of seconds to apply this to newer versions and probably only minutes else.
Am I the only one seeing this feature as potentially being an information leak?
Compiler: Version 3.9.31 Compiled on: Sep 12 2019
Editor: 3.9.31-beta
Machine: Dell 7000 running Win10
Processor: FLIP
Language: BASIC
MID$() is missing from the Keyword List (pgs 4/5/6)
None of the math operators are documented. Maybe steal this from FreeBasic?
Request: FRE()
This is where Eric starts throwing things at me.
- FRE(1) returns the total amount of memory
- FRE(2) returns the free (unused) heap remaining
- FRE(3) returns the total heap size
Request: ATN() or ATAN2()
There don't appear to be any of the trig functions implemented yet. I understand this might be a big project, but if we could get either ATN() or (preferably) ATAN2(), then things like ACOS() and ASIN() could be quickly derived. That puts a whole lot of mischief into play. Or, if there is something lurking just under the hood like a _ATAN or _ATN, then I can roll my own from there. Another one for the To Do list...
Boy... I feel sorta lost. Nothing is breaking when I bang on it...
Yes, I checked my case problem too, and it is resolved.
I still have this weird thing that HUB addresses in PASM seem to be some 52 bytes off when in a included object instead of the main Spin2. I found a way around it to move along, but something is wrong with
when in a object and not the main spin2 file.
FastSpin rocks!
I hadn't thought of the situation where fastspin is being run on a machine that directly connects to the internet -- all of my machines are NAT'd. It sounds like the message to be printed at the end of compilation should be configurable in spin2gui.
For now just delete (or comment out by putting # at the beginning) the line: in spin2gui/src/gui.tcl.
Probably a list of predefined functions and variables would be a good thing to add to the docs.
Yes, that still needs to be done. I hope to get around to it soon, although if someone else beats me to it I'd be happy to accept contributions (hint, hint
The floating point routines are kind of a work in progress -- I've got SIN and COS done, but the other trig functions and EXP and LOG still need implementations. I actually started with new Prop2 implementations of the basic floating point add, subtract, multiply, divide, which I mostly have working but haven't integrated yet. Soon, I hope
The FRE() function (or something like it) also sounds like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion.
instead -- I think that works. There's still a problem with recognizing whether or not something is a hub address when used in an object, but if you prefix it with "@" to force the hub address then most of the cases do work out. I'm still working on fixing the problems when "@" is left off.
I've just downloaded the latest and shiniest spin2gui 3.9.31
I tried to compile a spin1/pasm1 program within spin2gui but no luck.
Is this possible or must I use the command line?
The errors seem to indicate that my xx.spin file is compiling for P2.
Using the command line I've compiled it and looked at the .pasm output file.
I have an error: fit 496 failed: pc is 574
So the cog is full. Any tips for where do I start?
Are you able to share your code? For P1 you can save a lot of COG space by disabling FCACHE. To do that, passing "--fcache=0" on the command line. That's easy if you're using the command line yourself; to do it with spin2gui you'll have to use "Configure Commands..." and add --fache=0 to the compile command.
I turned off fcache and it compiles with a listing too
BUT it's 39KB so overflows hub
I will have to take a good look at what the output looks like to see what I can shrink down. It will be fine for P2 tho
Like your reporting of jumps/calls without # warning. I'll add the +0 to suppress the errors.
I have overlays in the pasm code section to load short code blocks into cog to run.
Been doing pure ASM for so long...
to write
WITH ser
Tjhat is something I was missing in C# (and still do) after moving away from VB.
Since I’m already scheduled for a good, old fashioned tush-kicking from Eric for my earlier feature requests, I’ll double down and say “I’m with Mike” on this one. That would be handy.