Another day, another opportunity to make some more compiler mischief for @ERSmith to noodle on!
I'm working with a stock FLIP module, a Dell laptop running Win10, and Fastspin Version 3.9.29
Access to the BASIC getcnt() function isn't being allowed by the compiler even though getcnt() appears in the docs as a supported feature (and is used in several examples).
x = getcnt() '<-- compiler doesn't like this
The error thown is "error: Symbol getcnt is of a type not handled by PASM output yet". There is a second part of this bug too. The above warning message is issued without a line number.
Edit #1
A "phantom" variable named cnt is apparently already defined somewhere. In other words, there is no need to define it before you use it. This even occurs with OPTION EXPLICIT enabled. The variable seems to be global in scope, and references to this variable can be made anywhere (main body, functions, subs, etc). That being said, you can explicitly define it and the compiler seems fine with it. None of these DIMs cause any problem even though it seems "pre-defined as a phantom" somewhere else:
dim cnt as integer <-- no problem
dim cnt as long <-- no problem
dim cnt as string <-- no problem
Edit #2
This isn't a bug, but it was interesting so I'm posting it. If you are trying to toggle pins, there is a huge speed difference depending on the methodology. The PINTOGGLE() function is *really* slow compared to direct programmatic manipulation of the pin. Check this out:
The code above results in a toggle speed of 192.310 Khz on the scope. The code below results in a 5 Mhz toggle speed, ie, a 26x speed improvement.
const pin = 17
direction(pin) = output
output(pin) = not output(pin) '<-- 5.000 Mhz
Edit #3
There seems to be some mischief happening with versioning. I thought I was using the most recent version of Fastspin (3.9.30), but the editor (Help -> About) says I'm actually using 3.9.29. When I downloaded this from ERSmith's Patreon page ( a couple of days ago, the download link said "3.9.30" with a release date of Sept 6, but it seems like it is the 3.9.29 code. To eliminate any DFO error, I just went to Github and downloaded it from there, but the editor (Help -> About) still shows it as version 3.9.29. UPDATE: The compiler reports its version as 3.9.30, but the editor (Help -> About) reports 3.9.29. Looks like the (Help -> About) text just needs to be changed.
Edit #4
String handling definitely has some monkey-business happening. In addition to the failure mode that @Whicker posted on the previous page, this code below fails after the 6th iteration of the loop:
for a = 1 to 10
print "This is line " + str$(a)
next a
Here is the output on the serial terminal:
[ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5
This is line 6
!!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!!
!!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!!
The failure happens at the same point regardless of the value of the HEAPSIZE constant. BTW: I put the 500 mS delay in there because I wondered if this was a garbage collection timing issue. No such luck. The timing seems to have nothing to do with the "out of memory" error.
const HEAPSIZE = 8192
dim R$ as string
dim A as integer
print "Hi"
INPUT "Enter a string"; R$
PRINT "You typed:"; R$
That's 240 A's. It only takes 2 of these to cause the weirdness (printing only the 1st character).
At the bottom, it's only printing "Y" instead of "You typed:", and only "A" instead of the 240 A's, and then "E" instead of "Enter a string".
Hmmm, I'm not seeing that. I can force an "!!! out of memory !!!" message if I type enough characters, but I don't see the printing of just the first character of the prompts. Do you get "!!! out of memory !!!" after a while? If not, then probably you have an older version of fastspin -- versions before 3.9.30 have some very nasty memory management bugs which could definitely produce weird errors like this.
One other thing, and I think it was previously reported and you fixed it, but it seems to be back: in an IF THEN ELSE construct, if all you have is a comment between the IF and ELSE, the compiler it throws an error. I’ll post sample code and the actual error when I get home tonight.
Actually it used to be the other way around, I think -- it would sometimes lose track of the first statement after the IF THEN. But trying to fix that I seem to have introduced another bug . Ugh. Anyway, thanks for the bug report, I'll look into it.
EDIT #4:
There is an odd bug in the "Commodore C64 Compatibility Feature". (ducking!)
dim a$ as string '<-- works fine
dim b% as integer '<-- works fine
dim c! as single '<-- throws "error: syntax error, unexpected !, expecting $end or end of line or end or ':'"
The character for a float is "#" rather than "!"; "!" isn't recognized at all. Is that a QBasic thing? I could probably make it a synonym for "#".
I am using a slightly older version, so this might be fixed already, but
case 1..9
just does 1..8
and CASE "A".."Z"
does not work at all.
The CASE "A" TO "Z" issue was fixed a while back (you are referring to BASIC, aren't you?). There does seem to still be an off-by-one bug in the case ranges, though... thanks for reporting this!
Access to the BASIC getcnt() function isn't being allowed by the compiler even though getcnt() appears in the docs as a supported feature (and is used in several examples).
Yes, that accidentally got broken in the last release. It should be fixed in github now. In the meantime you can use _getcnt() instead.
UPDATE: The compiler reports its version as 3.9.30, but the editor (Help -> About) reports 3.9.29. Looks like the (Help -> About) text just needs to be changed.
Yes, this is exactly it. Conceptually spin2gui and fastspin could have independent version numbers, but I try to keep them in sync. I failed this time .
Edit #4
String handling definitely has some monkey-business happening. In addition to the failure mode that @Whicker posted on the previous page, this code below fails after the 6th iteration of the loop:
for a = 1 to 10
print "This is line " + str$(a)
next a
Here is the output on the serial terminal:
[ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5
This is line 6
!!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!!
!!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!! !!! out of memory !!!
The failure happens at the same point regardless of the value of the HEAPSIZE constant. BTW: I put the 500 mS delay in there because I wondered if this was a garbage collection timing issue. No such luck. The timing seems to have nothing to do with the "out of memory" error.
I can't reproduce this -- with the default HEAPSIZE I get out of memory after two iterations, with "const HEAPSIZE=8192" all 10 iterations work fine. Are you sure it was recompiled correctly with the HEAPSIZE change?
@JRoark: If you're feeling adventurous I've attached an updated GUI for spin2gui. To use it just replace the src/gui.tcl file in your spin2gui folder with this one. It's got a right click menu, adjustable command output window size, and improved font selector.
@JRoark: If you're feeling adventurous I've attached an updated GUI for spin2gui. To use it just replace the src/gui.tcl file in your spin2gui folder with this one. It's got a right click menu, adjustable command output window size, and improved font selector.
Sweet!!! I’ll tee this up just as soon as I can get rid of a couple of clients. Thanks!
@ersmith Boy... those editor changes make all the difference in the world. Very nice! And you wedged the compile date/time/machine id in the compiler output too.
Was the bottom pane (compiler msg output) supposed to be adjustable vertically? If so, it seems stuck on my machine... or I’m being obtuse. I’ll put odds on the latter. Lol.
BTW: ALL of the font dialogue box issues are now resolved.
Here I go again making mischief with the new & improved FastSpin. Same dev environment except for the new gui.tcl file that Eric posted on this thread a couple of post ago. The target language is BASIC.
This function is present and works just fine, but it isnt listed in the doc. (I found this out by accident when I went to write my own MID$ function and the compiler got grumpy at me).
It appears that the preprocessor directive PRAGMA is supported, but it isn't listed in the doc.
It appears the predefined constants TRUE and FALSE are present, but they are not listed in the doc. You can use TRUE and FALSE in statements without defining them, but at the same time if you want to explicitly define TRUE and/or FALSE to any legal value, the compiler seems fine with that.
Was the bottom pane (compiler msg output) supposed to be adjustable vertically? If so, it seems stuck on my machine... or I’m being obtuse. I’ll put odds on the latter. Lol.
Just above the grey "Compiler Output" bar there's a slightly darker line. The cursor should change when you mouse over that (at least it does on my machine) and you can drag to resize.
This function is present and works just fine, but it isnt listed in the doc. (I found this out by accident when I went to write my own MID$ function and the compiler got grumpy at me).
Whoops, missed that one. Thanks.
It appears that the preprocessor directive PRAGMA is supported, but it isn't listed in the doc.
PRAGMA doesn't do anything yet, it's just ignored.
It appears the predefined constants TRUE and FALSE are present, but they are not listed in the doc. You can use TRUE and FALSE in statements without defining them, but at the same time if you want to explicitly define TRUE and/or FALSE to any legal value, the compiler seems fine with that.
Hmmm, yes, I forgot to document those. For many of the built in variables (like these and CNT) it's OK to redefine them if you want, since they're just ordinary variables. But it's probably not always a good idea -- it'll be confusing to the reader.
Was the bottom pane (compiler msg output) supposed to be adjustable vertically? If so, it seems stuck on my machine... or I’m being obtuse. I’ll put odds on the latter. Lol.
Just above the grey "Compiler Output" bar there's a slightly darker line. The cursor should change when you mouse over that (at least it does on my machine) and you can drag to resize.
Laptops with small, high resolution screens, when combined with tri-focals, truly are the "Instant Breakfast" of self-humiliation.
The process of creating a variable with DIM and attempting to simultaneously cast it as a type and assigning a value seems to be a bit wonky. If you use DIM with the SHARED attribute, it works fine as shown in the first two lines. But if you don't want a SHARED variable, you're out of luck.
dim shared as integer r(5) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } '<-- works fine
dim shared as integer r = 100 '<-- works fine
dim as integer r = 100 '<-- "error: initialization is not supported for member variable r"
dim as integer ptr r = __builtin_alloca(256) '<-- "error: initialization is not supported for member variable r"
That last line is a cut-and-copy from the manual, so I suspect this used to work and got bumped somewhere along the way.
Apparently declaring a CONST within a SUB or FUNCTION isn't supported.
FUNCTION DoStuff(x as integer) as integer
const outPin = 17 '<-- "error: syntax error, unexpected identifier `outPin'"
return x
It would be really handy to be able to define a CONST from within a SUB or FUNCTION that has scope that is local to the SUB or FUNCTION in which it is defined.
Apparently, creating a SUB or FUNCTION without any code in it isn't supported.
FUNCTION DoStuff(x as integer) as integer
' I will put something here in the future. '<-- "error: syntax error, unexpected end"
Allowing empty SUBs and FUNCTIONs would be handy. I tend to map-out my code by initially defining "stubs" for SUBs and FUNCTIONs, and then I go back and fill-in the blanks with code to flesh it out. This keeps the program structured and keeps me on task. I also recommend this approach to students.
$ cat asdds.bas
dim shared as integer r = 100
dim shared as integer ptr p = __builtin_alloca(256)
sub notMainProgram
dim as integer rr = 100
dim as integer ptr pp = __builtin_alloca(256)
end sub
$ fastspin asdds.bas
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 3.9.31-beta-362be4d7 Compiled on: Sep 11 2019
Program size is 576 bytes
The reason is a little obscure: an ordinary "dim" declares a member variable, which will be different in each instance of a class (even the top level program is really embedded in a class). These cannot be initialized because they're not in a fixed place in memory and there are many copies. "shared" variables though *can* be initialized because there is only one copy.
@yeti Thanks! That makes more sense now. It's seems a little odd to me as I'm coming at this from MS BASICs, (VB6, PDS, QB, etc), but hey... live and learn! Thanks for catching that.
Trying to figure out how to convert a pure ASM spin2 file into a Spin2+ASM spin2 file...
See attached for a simple VGA example program that works without any Spin, but doesn't work when a Spin method is added to start the ASM.
What am I doing wrong?
Oops... I swear the pure ASM version was working... But, now it's not...
@Rayman: I think you're running into the problem we saw before, that the "x" and "y" variables (declared with "res 1") are uninitialized but the code expects them to start with 0 in them. That's a bug in the assembly code. If you change them both to "long 0" then I don't think you'll need to insert the dummy bytes.
Doesn’t that make res worthless?
Doesn’t the booter clear ram?
res has always just reserved space for variables, it's never put an initial value in them. So if you do:
org 0
x res 1
long $deadbeef
then x will start with $deadbeef in it. Similarly if you do
x res 1
file "bitmap.bmp"
then x will start with the first 4 bytes of the bitmap.bmp file in it.
Clearing the boot RAM is irrelevant in both of the above situations, because the x is explicitly followed by real data that the booter cannot possibly clear.
Basically one should only ever use "res" for variables where the initial value doesn't matter -- values that get calculated, read from outside, or are otherwise explicitly initialized by the program. In those cases it's quite useful, because it lets you declare COG space that doesn't require any HUB space.
In the VGA program, unfortunately, the initial value of some of those "res" values does matter (if you look it's assumed to be 0). It was a harmless error in the original demo, since the res was followed by an orgh which inserted 0 padding so the values did end up 0, but if the data is moved around that may no longer be the case.
You, also, should never have any non-res data after the res entries, unless you know what you are doing (and comment the Smile out of it, since it will look like a bug).
This is the same as it's always been for P1... no different for P2.
Another way to fix the VGA problem is to look at the beginning of the PASM code, which looks like:
rdfast #0,##@BitmapFile-$400+$436'##$1000-$400 'load .bmp palette into lut
rep @.end,#$100
rflong y
shl y,#8
wrlut y,x
add x,#1
The variable x is being used as an index into the LUT, but it is never initialized. If you put a
mov x, #0
somewhere before there it will fix the problem.
(As an aside, this code could use an alternative method of setq2 + rdlong to read the data directly into LUT without needing to do the rep loop at all. That would be both faster and smaller, and not require the use of x and y.)
Doesn’t that make res worthless?
Doesn’t the booter clear ram?
res has always just reserved space for variables, it's never put an initial value in them. So if you do:
org 0
x res 1
long $deadbeef
then x will start with $deadbeef in it. Similarly if you do
x res 1
file "bitmap.bmp"
then x will start with the first 4 bytes of the bitmap.bmp file in it.
Clearing the boot RAM is irrelevant in both of the above situations, because the x is explicitly followed by real data that the booter cannot possibly clear.
Basically one should only ever use "res" for variables where the initial value doesn't matter -- values that get calculated, read from outside, or are otherwise explicitly initialized by the program. In those cases it's quite useful, because it lets you declare COG space that doesn't require any HUB space.
In the VGA program, unfortunately, the initial value of some of those "res" values does matter (if you look it's assumed to be 0). It was a harmless error in the original demo, since the res was followed by an orgh which inserted 0 padding so the values did end up 0, but if the data is moved around that may no longer be the case.
Huh? In what sense is res *reserving* space for x if $deadbeef ends up being stored at that location. Isn't that a bug?
No it's the way it works.
You are supposed to put your RES stuff last normally, but you could also use RES lines to "define" a header, then specify a file after them, and use the res labels to access the beginning of the file data.
Regular DAT data takes up space in HUB as well as in COG, but RES doesn't consume HUB space, so it's handy for setting up buffers and temp vars and whatnot for use only in COG memory, but you need to make sure it's initialized properly yourself.
Also Spin code can access the regular DAT data in HUB space, which is handy for setting things before starting the COG.
case 1..9
just does 1..8
and CASE "A".."Z"
does not work at all.
I'm working with a stock FLIP module, a Dell laptop running Win10, and Fastspin Version 3.9.29
Access to the BASIC getcnt() function isn't being allowed by the compiler even though getcnt() appears in the docs as a supported feature (and is used in several examples). The error thown is "error: Symbol getcnt is of a type not handled by PASM output yet". There is a second part of this bug too. The above warning message is issued without a line number.
Edit #1
A "phantom" variable named cnt is apparently already defined somewhere. In other words, there is no need to define it before you use it. This even occurs with OPTION EXPLICIT enabled. The variable seems to be global in scope, and references to this variable can be made anywhere (main body, functions, subs, etc). That being said, you can explicitly define it and the compiler seems fine with it. None of these DIMs cause any problem even though it seems "pre-defined as a phantom" somewhere else:
Edit #2
This isn't a bug, but it was interesting so I'm posting it. If you are trying to toggle pins, there is a huge speed difference depending on the methodology. The PINTOGGLE() function is *really* slow compared to direct programmatic manipulation of the pin. Check this out:
The code above results in a toggle speed of 192.310 Khz on the scope. The code below results in a 5 Mhz toggle speed, ie, a 26x speed improvement.
Edit #3
There seems to be some mischief happening with versioning. I thought I was using the most recent version of Fastspin (3.9.30), but the editor (Help -> About) says I'm actually using 3.9.29. When I downloaded this from ERSmith's Patreon page ( a couple of days ago, the download link said "3.9.30" with a release date of Sept 6, but it seems like it is the 3.9.29 code. To eliminate any DFO error, I just went to Github and downloaded it from there, but the editor (Help -> About) still shows it as version 3.9.29.
UPDATE: The compiler reports its version as 3.9.30, but the editor (Help -> About) reports 3.9.29. Looks like the (Help -> About) text just needs to be changed.
Edit #4
String handling definitely has some monkey-business happening. In addition to the failure mode that @Whicker posted on the previous page, this code below fails after the 6th iteration of the loop: Here is the output on the serial terminal: The failure happens at the same point regardless of the value of the HEAPSIZE constant. BTW: I put the 500 mS delay in there because I wondered if this was a garbage collection timing issue. No such luck. The timing seems to have nothing to do with the "out of memory" error.
Hmmm, I'm not seeing that. I can force an "!!! out of memory !!!" message if I type enough characters, but I don't see the printing of just the first character of the prompts. Do you get "!!! out of memory !!!" after a while? If not, then probably you have an older version of fastspin -- versions before 3.9.30 have some very nasty memory management bugs which could definitely produce weird errors like this.
Thanks for testing this!
EDIT #4:
There is an odd bug in the "Commodore C64 Compatibility Feature".
The character for a float is "#" rather than "!"; "!" isn't recognized at all. Is that a QBasic thing? I could probably make it a synonym for "#".
The CASE "A" TO "Z" issue was fixed a while back (you are referring to BASIC, aren't you?). There does seem to still be an off-by-one bug in the case ranges, though... thanks for reporting this!
Yes, this is exactly it. Conceptually spin2gui and fastspin could have independent version numbers, but I try to keep them in sync. I failed this time
I can't reproduce this -- with the default HEAPSIZE I get out of memory after two iterations, with "const HEAPSIZE=8192" all 10 iterations work fine. Are you sure it was recompiled correctly with the HEAPSIZE change?
Thanks for your bug reports and suggestions!
No, I was building for Propeller 1.
Sweet!!! I’ll tee this up just as soon as I can get rid of a couple of clients. Thanks!
Was the bottom pane (compiler msg output) supposed to be adjustable vertically? If so, it seems stuck on my machine... or I’m being obtuse. I’ll put odds on the latter. Lol.
BTW: ALL of the font dialogue box issues are now resolved.
Good stuff!!!
This function is present and works just fine, but it isnt listed in the doc. (I found this out by accident when I went to write my own MID$ function and the compiler got grumpy at me).
It appears that the preprocessor directive PRAGMA is supported, but it isn't listed in the doc.
It appears the predefined constants TRUE and FALSE are present, but they are not listed in the doc. You can use TRUE and FALSE in statements without defining them, but at the same time if you want to explicitly define TRUE and/or FALSE to any legal value, the compiler seems fine with that.
Whoops, missed that one. Thanks.
PRAGMA doesn't do anything yet, it's just ignored.
Hmmm, yes, I forgot to document those. For many of the built in variables (like these and CNT) it's OK to redefine them if you want, since they're just ordinary variables. But it's probably not always a good idea -- it'll be confusing to the reader.
Laptops with small, high resolution screens, when combined with tri-focals, truly are the "Instant Breakfast" of self-humiliation.
It works flawlessly.
The process of creating a variable with DIM and attempting to simultaneously cast it as a type and assigning a value seems to be a bit wonky. If you use DIM with the SHARED attribute, it works fine as shown in the first two lines. But if you don't want a SHARED variable, you're out of luck.
That last line is a cut-and-copy from the manual, so I suspect this used to work and got bumped somewhere along the way.
Apparently declaring a CONST within a SUB or FUNCTION isn't supported. It would be really handy to be able to define a CONST from within a SUB or FUNCTION that has scope that is local to the SUB or FUNCTION in which it is defined.
Apparently, creating a SUB or FUNCTION without any code in it isn't supported. Allowing empty SUBs and FUNCTIONs would be handy. I tend to map-out my code by initially defining "stubs" for SUBs and FUNCTIONs, and then I go back and fill-in the blanks with code to flesh it out. This keeps the program structured and keeps me on task. I also recommend this approach to students.
Probably this still applies:
See attached for a simple VGA example program that works without any Spin, but doesn't work when a Spin method is added to start the ASM.
What am I doing wrong?
Oops... I swear the pure ASM version was working... But, now it's not...
When I add in some dummy bytes, it works:
The attached works with or without the Spin part
Doesn’t the booter clear ram?
res has always just reserved space for variables, it's never put an initial value in them. So if you do: then x will start with $deadbeef in it. Similarly if you do then x will start with the first 4 bytes of the bitmap.bmp file in it.
Clearing the boot RAM is irrelevant in both of the above situations, because the x is explicitly followed by real data that the booter cannot possibly clear.
Basically one should only ever use "res" for variables where the initial value doesn't matter -- values that get calculated, read from outside, or are otherwise explicitly initialized by the program. In those cases it's quite useful, because it lets you declare COG space that doesn't require any HUB space.
In the VGA program, unfortunately, the initial value of some of those "res" values does matter (if you look it's assumed to be 0). It was a harmless error in the original demo, since the res was followed by an orgh which inserted 0 padding so the values did end up 0, but if the data is moved around that may no longer be the case.
This is the same as it's always been for P1... no different for P2.
(As an aside, this code could use an alternative method of setq2 + rdlong to read the data directly into LUT without needing to do the rep loop at all. That would be both faster and smaller, and not require the use of x and y.)
You are supposed to put your RES stuff last normally, but you could also use RES lines to "define" a header, then specify a file after them, and use the res labels to access the beginning of the file data.
Regular DAT data takes up space in HUB as well as in COG, but RES doesn't consume HUB space, so it's handy for setting up buffers and temp vars and whatnot for use only in COG memory, but you need to make sure it's initialized properly yourself.
Also Spin code can access the regular DAT data in HUB space, which is handy for setting things before starting the COG.
This is how it has worked on P1 forever.