@Wuerfel_21 said:
Does that mean there's a problem with signed char in bytecode C, too? That should really work. Though idk, that'd involve messing with, BCCompileMemOpExEx which is the sort of code that should probably be completely trashed and rewritten.
I think signed char usually ends up working because the integer type system (usually) inserts the casts it needs, and if it doesn't then it (usually) doesn't matter because the lower 8 bits come out correctly anyway. There might be a few edge cases where it fails though, probably in comparisons.
signed boolean is an odd beast though because it's really just a 1 bit value, so we can't rely on the lower 8 bits being correct and have to sign extend it on every load/store.
@evanh : Thanks for the tip. In general the longer sequence is necessary because at a low level the compiler doesn't quite know what its going to do later with ptr__dat__, but in many cases it looks like we could probably do a peephole optimization on the final output to convert it to the shorter form you showed.
Apologies, I just cut and pasted that one. The compiler's choice of working registers sometimes seems odd too. I could have used a better example using var01 instead of arg01 to more clearly demonstrate what I was pointing out.
@evanh said:
The compiler's choice of working registers sometimes seems odd too.
That's because of an optimization I added (flag is -Olocal-reuse). It basically tries to re-assign the usual work registers to ones that are lying around unused (argxx being a prime candidate). This often reduces the amount of registers that need to be saved to the stack (and the amount of cogRAM allocated overall)
@evanh said:
Compiler lock-up bug. It don't finish compiling with -O1 or -O2. Compiles with -O0.
You can narrow it down further by disabling individual features - try -O1,~local-reuse or -O1,~cordic-reorder (those two are the candidates for infinite looping passes that come to mind, anyways)
@evanh said:
Compiler lock-up bug. It don't finish compiling with -O1 or -O2. Compiles with -O0.
You can narrow it down further by disabling individual features - try -O1,~local-reuse or -O1,~cordic-reorder (those two are the candidates for infinite looping passes that come to mind, anyways)
Cool, compiles and runs with -O1,~cordic-reorder. Which makes sense because the bug happened the moment I added the _muldiv64();
@evanh said:
Compiler lock-up bug. It don't finish compiling with -O1 or -O2. Compiles with -O0.
You can narrow it down further by disabling individual features - try -O1,~local-reuse or -O1,~cordic-reorder (those two are the candidates for infinite looping passes that come to mind, anyways)
Cool, compiles and runs with -O1,~cordic-reorder. Which makes sense because the bug happened the moment I added the _muldiv64();
Two optimizations where undoing each other (the CORDIC wanted to put a wrlong after a qmul, but that put it next to a rdlong, so another optimization moved it back before the qmul). Fixed now in github.
@ersmith said:
Two optimizations where undoing each other (the CORDIC wanted to put a wrlong after a qmul, but that put it next to a rdlong, so another optimization moved it back before the qmul). Fixed now in github.
That other pass is pretty much pointless on P2 to begin with (and on P1 cogexec (LMM doesn't care) you really want 2+4n other ops inbeteween RDxxxx/WRxxxx, not just 1 (but it's better than 0)).
@ersmith said:
Two optimizations where undoing each other (the CORDIC wanted to put a wrlong after a qmul, but that put it next to a rdlong, so another optimization moved it back before the qmul). Fixed now in github.
That other pass is pretty much pointless on P2 to begin with (and on P1 cogexec (LMM doesn't care) you really want 2+4n other ops inbetween RDxxxx/WRxxxx, not just 1 (but it's better than 0)).
If hub RAM slice is the same, three instructions between RDxxxx and WRxxxx take no more cycles than two, one or none.
After some initial success I end up with this code
giving me this error:
avionic.cpp:29: error: syntax error, unexpected type name `can_id_t'
I'm confused as to what's going on there. Is returning structs in general not supported?
Returning structs is certainly supported, but not all of C++ is supported.
The line in question is:
return can_id_t{0};
which is not valid C code (it probably is valid C++ code, but flexspin only implements a small subset of C++). gcc also complains about that line, although g++ is OK with it.
Thanks, that helped me move further. C++ is in fact my main driver, so I guess I'm not really aware of quite a few of these subtle pitfalls. Maybe this one is similar:
I'm now struggling with a global variable that's used as null-initializer.
superprop -g build
/opt/flexspin/bin/flexcc -2 -Wall -g -o avionic.binary avionic.cpp
../canapi.h:82: error: Redefining symbol can_uref_null
canapi.h:83: error: Previous definition here
I see in the stdlib.h for example that there is some usage of the extern keyword, e.g. in time.h, but I'm not really enlightened what to do here.
So looking a bit more into this I see that canapi.h is included several times, and it appears as if the include guard it clearly has is somehow now working?
Ok, I looked a bit deeper, and this circular dependency is somehow a problem. I also get warnings like
incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_f63c68e300000023 but got pointer to _struct___anon_309768ae00000023
where the same typedef is re-evaluated it appears.
Is there an example of a bigger code base for flexcc I can study? I've read the .md-files a couple of times but haven't found anything.
Or is this __fromfile something reserved for the standard library somehow, and I need to run my compiler invocation differently?
You probably shouldn't be using __fromfile at all, unless you have a very specific need. Normally you'd either use the command line version of flexcc and put all the files on the command line, use a Makefile, or else create a project file (.fpide file) that includes all the files that you want to compile. __fromfile is non-standard and is intended for implementing libraries.
Feature request ...
I've found I can use the LOC instruction, in inline pasm, for embedding an immediate hubRAM reference to variables/arrays/structs, which is nice. But it can't handle me also embedding an offset to that reference. I would love to say I want the address of the second byte of the third longword in array int32_t resp[10];. eg: loc pb,#resp[2]+1. Or, maybe simpler like this: loc pb,#resp+9
While trying to port the EtherCAT slave stack code to the P2 I've stumbled across this... Flexspin seems to not like if all functions in a .c file are completely empty. It exits with error code 1 after compiling P2_HAL.c. As a first step I'm about to remove all calls to PIC32 system libraries until everything compiles without errors. Then I plan to implement all hardware dependant things like interrupts for the P2, again. Please ignore the ugly code, I know it is full of errors. It would just be good if the compiler gave a message where it found a problem instead of just exiting.
@ersmith said:
You probably shouldn't be using __fromfile at all, unless you have a very specific need. Normally you'd either use the command line version of flexcc and put all the files on the command line, use a Makefile, or else create a project file (.fpide file) that includes all the files that you want to compile. __fromfile is non-standard and is intended for implementing libraries.
That did the trick, I have working code now. Thanks. I do get these warnings:
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec000000c9 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f2000000c9
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000126 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000126
avionic.cpp:49: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:52: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:52: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000101 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000101
avionic.cpp:71: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:71: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000111 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000111
I can't observe any immediate negative side-effects so far, but wonder if this is somehow fixable.
The code is difficult to share (at least half a dozen files), but if needed I can of course do that.
@evanh said:
Feature request ...
I've found I can use the LOC instruction, in inline pasm, for embedding an immediate hubRAM reference to variables/arrays/structs, which is nice. But it can't handle me also embedding an offset to that reference. I would love to say I want the address of the second byte of the third longword in array int32_t resp[10];. eg: loc pb,#resp[2]+1. Or, maybe simpler like this: loc pb,#resp+9
loc pb,#resp+9 is supported now
@ManAtWork said:
While trying to port the EtherCAT slave stack code to the P2 I've stumbled across this... Flexspin seems to not like if all functions in a .c file are completely empty. It exits with error code 1 after compiling P2_HAL.c. As a first step I'm about to remove all calls to PIC32 system libraries until everything compiles without errors. Then I plan to implement all hardware dependant things like interrupts for the P2, again. Please ignore the ugly code, I know it is full of errors. It would just be good if the compiler gave a message where it found a problem instead of just exiting.
It was crashing rather than exiting . That crash should be fixed now in 6.9.7, which is on github. Thanks for the bug report.
@ersmith said:
You probably shouldn't be using __fromfile at all, unless you have a very specific need. Normally you'd either use the command line version of flexcc and put all the files on the command line, use a Makefile, or else create a project file (.fpide file) that includes all the files that you want to compile. __fromfile is non-standard and is intended for implementing libraries.
That did the trick, I have working code now. Thanks. I do get these warnings:
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec000000c9 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f2000000c9
avionic.cpp:29: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000126 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000126
avionic.cpp:49: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:52: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:52: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to const _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000101 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000101
avionic.cpp:71: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec0000012c but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f20000012c
avionic.cpp:71: warning: incompatible pointer types in parameter passing: expected pointer to _struct___anon_bb4c68ec00000111 but got pointer to _struct___anon_7b6e68f200000111
I can't observe any immediate negative side-effects so far, but wonder if this is somehow fixable.
Probably using some typedefs or perhaps even putting names on structs (so struct foo { ... instead of struct {) will fix it.
The code is difficult to share (at least half a dozen files), but if needed I can of course do that.
If it's just a matter of figuring out which files to share, flexspin has a --zip file to create a zip of the project. Just compile as you normally would but add a --zip to the command line, and it should produce a .zip file with everything in it.
Thanks again. Funnily, now that I've made it into a function, which it hadn't been prior to posting here, it's become apparent what I've got is a straight forward big-endian byte-swap loading function. The address offset is important too but that kind of goes with the territory of the function interface. End result is I probably won't use the new LOC feature here. It would still save an instruction on each use though.
I think
signed char
usually ends up working because the integer type system (usually) inserts the casts it needs, and if it doesn't then it (usually) doesn't matter because the lower 8 bits come out correctly anyway. There might be a few edge cases where it fails though, probably in comparisons.signed boolean
is an odd beast though because it's really just a 1 bit value, so we can't rely on the lower 8 bits being correct and have to sign extend it on every load/store.I'm seeing an opportunity for a small but recurring optimisation. There is lots of the following type sequence in the compiled code:
It seems to me the following would do the job better:
@evanh ,
I don't know, but to me that code looks right. arg01 is variable in your function and you're passing an array to it.
In this case the arg01 is a pointer to the array and not an element in the array so instead of a Load it's doing a Mov.
Changing that stack behavior could lead to other optimization issues.
@evanh : Thanks for the tip. In general the longer sequence is necessary because at a low level the compiler doesn't quite know what its going to do later with
, but in many cases it looks like we could probably do a peephole optimization on the final output to convert it to the shorter form you showed.Thanks Eric.
Apologies, I just cut and pasted that one. The compiler's choice of working registers sometimes seems odd too. I could have used a better example using
instead ofarg01
to more clearly demonstrate what I was pointing out.That's because of an optimization I added (flag is -Olocal-reuse). It basically tries to re-assign the usual work registers to ones that are lying around unused (argxx being a prime candidate). This often reduces the amount of registers that need to be saved to the stack (and the amount of cogRAM allocated overall)
And another one. Unneeded doubling up on zero extending when the rdbyte has already zero extended the value in arg01.
This is reading an uint8_t byte from hubRAM and directly used as an uint32_t pinfield in a _pinstart() function:
PS: Flexspin
Version 6.9.0-beta-v6.8.1-23-g501f4855 Compiled on: Mar 15 2024
Probably should update it ...
Compiler lock-up bug. It don't finish compiling with -O1 or -O2. Compiles with -O0.
You can narrow it down further by disabling individual features - try
(those two are the candidates for infinite looping passes that come to mind, anyways)Cool, compiles and runs with -O1,~cordic-reorder. Which makes sense because the bug happened the moment I added the _muldiv64();
Two optimizations where undoing each other (the CORDIC wanted to put a wrlong after a qmul, but that put it next to a rdlong, so another optimization moved it back before the qmul). Fixed now in github.
Working, thank you Eric.
That other pass is pretty much pointless on P2 to begin with (and on P1 cogexec (LMM doesn't care) you really want 2+4n other ops inbeteween RDxxxx/WRxxxx, not just 1 (but it's better than 0)).
If hub RAM slice is the same, three instructions between RDxxxx and WRxxxx take no more cycles than two, one or none.
I'm trying to convert a rp2040 CAN bus implementation to the P2, see https://github.com/kentindell/canis-can-sdk/blob/main/canapi.h
After some initial success I end up with this code
giving me this error:
I'm confused as to what's going on there. Is returning structs in general not supported?
@deets ,
Whoa even Visual Studio complains about that one.
That always gets me. If a structure is on the stack and you return it why doesn't the stack eat it.
Returning structs is certainly supported, but not all of C++ is supported.
The line in question is:
which is not valid C code (it probably is valid C++ code, but flexspin only implements a small subset of C++). gcc also complains about that line, although g++ is OK with it.
If you re-write it as:
then it will work.
Thanks, that helped me move further. C++ is in fact my main driver, so I guess I'm not really aware of quite a few of these subtle pitfalls. Maybe this one is similar:
I'm now struggling with a global variable that's used as null-initializer.
This is the original declaration:
it's used e.g. here:
When I use it as-is, I get the error
I see in the stdlib.h for example that there is some usage of the extern keyword, e.g. in time.h, but I'm not really enlightened what to do here.
So looking a bit more into this I see that canapi.h is included several times, and it appears as if the include guard it clearly has is somehow now working?
In my avionics.cpp, I include canapi.h:
This declares a function inside mcp25xxfd.c
The .c includes canapi.h again:
When I add this to this include
I would've expected this essentially to be a no-op, because the canapi include guard should've kicked in, no? But it isn't, I've added
to canapi.h, and the error is triggered.
Ok, I looked a bit deeper, and this circular dependency is somehow a problem. I also get warnings like
where the same typedef is re-evaluated it appears.
Is there an example of a bigger code base for flexcc I can study? I've read the .md-files a couple of times but haven't found anything.
Or is this __fromfile something reserved for the standard library somehow, and I need to run my compiler invocation differently?
You probably shouldn't be using __fromfile at all, unless you have a very specific need. Normally you'd either use the command line version of flexcc and put all the files on the command line, use a Makefile, or else create a project file (.fpide file) that includes all the files that you want to compile. __fromfile is non-standard and is intended for implementing libraries.
Feature request ...
I've found I can use the LOC instruction, in inline pasm, for embedding an immediate hubRAM reference to variables/arrays/structs, which is nice. But it can't handle me also embedding an offset to that reference. I would love to say I want the address of the second byte of the third longword in array
int32_t resp[10];
. eg:loc pb,#resp[2]+1
. Or, maybe simpler like this:loc pb,#resp+9
While trying to port the EtherCAT slave stack code to the P2 I've stumbled across this... Flexspin seems to not like if all functions in a .c file are completely empty. It exits with error code 1 after compiling P2_HAL.c. As a first step I'm about to remove all calls to PIC32 system libraries until everything compiles without errors. Then I plan to implement all hardware dependant things like interrupts for the P2, again. Please ignore the ugly code, I know it is full of errors. It would just be good if the compiler gave a message where it found a problem instead of just exiting.
Looks like similar issue to what Deets hit above. There is a
__fromfile ("P2_HAL.c");
in theP2_HAL.h
header.That did the trick, I have working code now. Thanks. I do get these warnings:
I can't observe any immediate negative side-effects so far, but wonder if this is somehow fixable.
The code is difficult to share (at least half a dozen files), but if needed I can of course do that.
loc pb,#resp+9
is supported nowIt was crashing rather than exiting
. That crash should be fixed now in 6.9.7, which is on github. Thanks for the bug report.
Way to go! Thanks Eric.
Probably using some typedefs or perhaps even putting names on structs (so
struct foo { ...
instead ofstruct {
) will fix it.If it's just a matter of figuring out which files to share, flexspin has a
file to create a zip of the project. Just compile as you normally would but add a--zip
to the command line, and it should produce a .zip file with everything in it.Oh, darn, it's broken. The dat offset is wholesale replaced instead of being added to.
The old code still works:
It produces this inline pasm:
Changing to the newer feature:
Produces this inline pasm:
Aargh! It should be fixed now in the github sources. Thanks for catching this.
Thanks again. Funnily, now that I've made it into a function, which it hadn't been prior to posting here, it's become apparent what I've got is a straight forward big-endian byte-swap loading function. The address offset is important too but that kind of goes with the territory of the function interface. End result is I probably won't use the new LOC feature here. It would still save an instruction on each use though.