I don't get it either. Quartus ran in an equally boring manner on Debian the last time I tried it. That was before adopting the Debian Jessie release so perhaps something has gone broken with that.
I'd be giving it a spin here and now if it weren't for the fact that it's going to be a 7 hour download over my 3G connection.Which is certainly going to fail at some point.
Quartus II V15.0.2 runs fine and works well in Debian Jessie amd64.... I just wonder if it will stop with two annoy minor issued --- no libcanberra-gtk-module and being unable to get Help screens to reach the Altera servers.
Altera officially will only support Red Hat Linux installations in their documentations and statements at their download sites But tons of people are happy with Quartus II on all sorts of Linux distributions.
I suppose it is a question of what one defines as acceptable and working.
OK, back on topic.....sorry for trying to help someone get Quartus running so they can work on the P1V. The forum is no place for that!!!!
You know what really annoys me about Windows 8.1???? I'm TRYING to get it to nag me about updating to Win X on my HP Stream 7 tablet and it won't. I've registered, I've told HP's app I want to upgrade and Microsoft doesn't seem to care!!! Talk about being insensitive to a customer's wants and needs!!!!
Loopy, somehow, I'm surprised that anyone used to Linux would would find Windows 7 "daunting". But I'm all for never giving Microsoft another dime. Luckily there is free and often open source software available to do just about anything most people need to do, no matter what operating systems you use.
Personally, I always install and run Windows 7 without registering or activating it. The less interaction between me and Microsoft the better off I think I am. Maybe even you would have fewer problems that way.
Not that there is any desire or need to do so, but to offer the option to you all....
Does anyone mind, agree, or disagree, with renaming this thread or starting a new one that links to this existing one and carries on a new long life; a kind of 1-stop place for OS chatter.... perhaps the "The UnOfficial OS War Thread" ?, or any other ideas...
Now that I've seemingly accidentally squeezed the OS debate into one thread, might it make sense to create such a more general title, whilst keeping all the existing user-content together. This thread needn't be just for bashing, baby (-jikes, was that Arnie or Austin?)
Together you'll all overtake the JWT post count in record time!
Also, I am currently running Diet-Pi, which is somewhat slim, and very active dev.
...once you open a public thread, you shouldn't be able take your ball and go home
Ha, yes. "Mommy, the boys in the play ground are saying bad things. Make them stop."
I raised this point with VonSzarvas above, not sure what the policy on thread "ownership" is yet.
Mostly this is the most well behaved, orderly, instructive, educational and inspiring forums on the internet. At least as far as I have found so far. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.
Yes, agree and to be clear not trying to slate Erco. TBH, I can see getting annoyed when it went of the rails.
Maybe we should just have a generic Linux and Prop thread?
Maybe we need the oS wars thread and also an off topic thread. On the off topic thread, beyond following the forum guidelines, the only rules is that whatever you post can only be tangentially related to the post before yours...most of us should be able to do that in our sleep!!
...the only rules is that whatever you post can only be tangentially related to the post before yours
Did you know that Disney started the whole myth of the mass suicidal tendency of lemmings by shooting a "nature documentary" in which they pushed hundreds of lemming off a cliff to their death in the sea? Nice guys the Disney corporation.
Oh shoot, the above paragraph is exactly related to your post by virtue of trying not to be, as your post suggests. I can't do it.
Would an 'off-topic thread' be perpetually on the topic or off the topic?
Parallax creates the guide-lines, not us. Chaining validity to the immediately above entry is just plain denial of ignoring any effort to adhere to the threads original purpose.
I do remember Disney's lemming documentary. But are you asserting that Windows 10 users are being pushed off a cliff?
I'd be giving it a spin here and now if it weren't for the fact that it's going to be a 7 hour download over my 3G connection.Which is certainly going to fail at some point.
Post thoughtfully, or OSes may be added to the banned from discussion list along with religion & politics.
One can always hope...
Quartus II V15.0.2 runs fine and works well in Debian Jessie amd64.... I just wonder if it will stop with two annoy minor issued --- no libcanberra-gtk-module and being unable to get Help screens to reach the Altera servers.
Altera officially will only support Red Hat Linux installations in their documentations and statements at their download sites But tons of people are happy with Quartus II on all sorts of Linux distributions.
I suppose it is a question of what one defines as acceptable and working.
Oh yes, don't get me started on Ubuntu
You know what really annoys me about Windows 8.1???? I'm TRYING to get it to nag me about updating to Win X on my HP Stream 7 tablet and it won't. I've registered, I've told HP's app I want to upgrade and Microsoft doesn't seem to care!!! Talk about being insensitive to a customer's wants and needs!!!!
I want to upgrade and it appears to be preventing me. I'm near outraged! (well, mildly annoyed, bordering on miffed!)
Personally, I always install and run Windows 7 without registering or activating it. The less interaction between me and Microsoft the better off I think I am. Maybe even you would have fewer problems that way.
Does anyone mind, agree, or disagree, with renaming this thread or starting a new one that links to this existing one and carries on a new long life; a kind of 1-stop place for OS chatter.... perhaps the "The UnOfficial OS War Thread" ?, or any other ideas...
Now that I've seemingly accidentally squeezed the OS debate into one thread, might it make sense to create such a more general title, whilst keeping all the existing user-content together. This thread needn't be just for bashing, baby
Together you'll all overtake the JWT post count in record time!
We can bash on the Mac as well...
Well, then another thread gets hijacked.
Just rename it and make some rule like no religion, no politics and OS debates just in the OS war thread.
Maybe moving posts from other threads over here as soon as they start to derail.
I personally really dislike the tendency that almost ALL threads sooner or later end up in windows versus Linux debates.
It is getting old.
Also, I am currently running Diet-Pi, which is somewhat slim, and very active dev.
Yes, agree and to be clear not trying to slate Erco. TBH, I can see getting annoyed when it went of the rails.
Maybe we should just have a generic Linux and Prop thread?
Thanks for the link. I'll try and find time to give it a spin.
I'll second/third/fourth this suggestion.
But, when can we open up the Official thread?
Oh shoot, the above paragraph is exactly related to your post by virtue of trying not to be, as your post suggests. I can't do it.
Parallax creates the guide-lines, not us. Chaining validity to the immediately above entry is just plain denial of ignoring any effort to adhere to the threads original purpose.
I do remember Disney's lemming documentary. But are you asserting that Windows 10 users are being pushed off a cliff?
So that adds MOS to the lucky bag of OS's, and !OS's
Well, seems the concensus is to close this down and combine non-specific OS chatter to one thread.
New thread coming soon...... As fast as I can write the rules about no rules. :-)