Propeller Tool font
Hi all, I was wondering- every once in awhile, the font in Propeller Tool gets corrupted somehow so as to be unreadable. For the life of me I cannot remember how I fixed it other than to say that uninstalling and reinstalling Prop Tool is NOT the answer. I'll post a pic.
Increasing and decreasing the size using "Text Bigger" and "Text Smaller" don't do it. Restarting the computer (including turning it all the way off) didn't do it.
Uninstalling and reinstalling Propeller Tool doesn't fix it.
Anybody have any ideas? Thanks -bryan
Increasing and decreasing the size using "Text Bigger" and "Text Smaller" don't do it. Restarting the computer (including turning it all the way off) didn't do it.
Uninstalling and reinstalling Propeller Tool doesn't fix it.
Anybody have any ideas? Thanks -bryan
According to Widows SDK, specifying DEFAULT_CHARSET to iCharSet parameter of CreateFontA(), for example, to create logical font, causes unexpected behavior when system locale's character set differs to font's character set. Parallax font is ANSI character set, maybe. If so, iCharSet parameter is to be set to ANSI_CHARSET.
Maybe you need administrator privileges to install the font...
Perhaps installing the prop tool as admin would have worked...
Of course there are other things to consider.
Mascot asleep.
By the way, is Propeller Tool not included in Parallax Open Source repository ?
As for the Parallax font, for me it always works in PropTool, but when using it in other programs, certain font sizes will have extremely messed up kerning. I recall hearing of a modified version of it that fixes that?
"is Propeller Tool not included in Parallax Open Source repository ?" I said earlier,
but it mightbe coming something in the future:
"For now, this repository serves as a place holder for future source and a repository of current releases and issues.
Updated 12/15/2020"