Has anyone tried
these out yet? I am thinking about ordering a couple just to play with but the price is a little much for just playing with. However, if they are small enough they could definitely save on space over using a Prop just to control some LED's.
If you're planning on building a lot of something (including one offs) starting making your own boards now, I don't think it makes sense to not do it. There are millions of tutorials and you don't need much to get started.
I'm hoping to make nine of these on a 10cm x 10cm board a lot of fab houses offer.
I looking for an inexpensive way to add Propeller to projects.
The I/O pin headers are arranged the same as Jazzed's TetraProp board.
These $2.20 boards can both program and power the boards (there's a 3.3V regulator on the back too).
I'll probably at least sell the bare PCBs if I get the okay from Steve (he designed the TetraProp). From the previous exchange I had with him he seemed okay with it.
The only why I'll sell these assembled is if I get a reflow oven figured out. I've used toaster ovens controlled by Propellers to dry ore samples so I'm pretty sure I can get the reflow oven working.
I've hoping to make these for $15 each (with surface mount parts populated). The bare PCBs will be a couple dollars.
It will be at least a month before I have any to sell (if I sell them).
Hopefully I have enough allowed pins to let me make use of the empty section.
Each of the squares are 1.3" x 1.3" (minus whatever the saw blade removes). Thinking about the saw blade make me think one of the empty squares should be the center one so no one square has to have all its edges cut.
Edit: Sorry for hijacking the thread Andy. I was actively working on this board when the talk about the cost of Propeller came up here. My main reason for making this board was to keep the cost low to add Propeller to my projects.
I purchased several of Steve's great TetraProp boards and cut several of them up into one or two Prop boards.
Not entirely kidding. If there aren't a lot of external components and it were a true one-off I'd go DIP and perf board all the way.
Duane those boards looks awesome! I have a feeling my kitchen toaster oven is going to be re-purposed soon.
I'd like to purchase a couple of these boards assembled. Or blank if that works better for you. This would save me the cost & time of making PCBs that only have a few jelly bean components. Also gets a major honey-do off my list.
Gosh, I felt bad so looked at the item. Haven't used it but it looks like a nice little do-dad and their website has it for $17 instead of $18. It really does a lot and considering it's assembled, 1 year warranty, tech support, and overall had a pretty good feeling about the seller.
Now you know what I want for Christmas. Bye the weigh, we aren't that far apart so you could just drop it off.
It seems to me it's more of a DMX converter that will also accept a microcontroller signal. I could be wrong but even looking at the components on it and a glance at the data sheet doesn't really say much as far as stand alone anything goes.
Years ago we lived in Bothell when I was stationed at Sandy Point.