What Happened To The Forum?

This place was once alive and happening, with regular post and projects, but lately, this place seems more like a funeral parlor. From my perspective, I would have to say that the spotlight was taken away from the BASIC Stamp and the Propeller much too quickly. I believe all the P2 hype, FPGAs, and verilog have stolen the life blood 
Prop me up beside the jukebox

Prop me up beside the jukebox
If it wasn't for the post about P1V there would be little activity on the forums. Unfortunately, I don't find the P1V that interesting unless it would lead to a chip. If we see progress on the P2 by Christmas then things might perk up again on the forum. If not, then maybe there should be some serious discussion about turning P1V into a chip. Parallax needs something new to keep people from jumping ship and using other solutions.
There goes the neighborhood! - inviting the likes of these guys to where the real fun is?
As far as making a chip from P1V -- I'd love to see a P1+ that ran at 200 MHz with 512K of hub RAM, Port B, 4K of cog RAM, and hardware multipliers. Hopefully, we'll see a P2 FPGA image by Christmas and we can start playing around with that with the hopes that a P2 chip will be coming out before the end of 2015. If not, then maybe a P1+ would help to satisfy us.
I'm the same, a lot of my business driven Propeller projects are not suitable for a public forum but I'm just as active.
Sadly I just don't get the time for fun projects much these days.
I don't think the public P2 discussion has been at all healthy for P1, perhaps it would have been if it had been realised a few years ago.....
That is an understatement.... A snails pace would be more like it.
I suspect the what might be happening is that people have more technology options than previously which dilutes the users among different platforms and their respect forums.
My own output has been reduced due to work pressure, otherwise I have plenty of BS2 and Propeller project ideas in the pipeline.
I mean, why aren't those people out there doing anything?
Or...we can get on with stuff and come back and report on it.
I don't feel as if I got much mind share with my efforts to "program a Propeller from your Raspberry Pi" or "program a Propeller from you browser" or even weirder "program a Propeller from your WIFI router".
But I will continue tinkering with Props in my own way.
But, yes, I do think the P2 and P1V stuff has drawn the interest of our more talented developers away from the P1. I also believe that the ascendency of GCC has caused the Prop community to splinter, siphoning off some of the Spin/PASM talent to areas that don't interest the rest of us. In both cases, less community cohesion entails less critical mass in any one area to sustain lively group activity.
Features that would be nice...
512KB hub if possible
12-16 Cogs P1 based
A few new instructions such as MUL, AUGxx etc
Two cogs with 8KB and VGA, rest with normal 2KB and no VGA (saves die space)
64 I/O
Simple Analog if possible
Small 4-8KB flash on board if process can support this (with simple monitor and security). This would permit booting from whatever SPI/I2C/SD.
This would solve the current P2 (minimum) user requirements (speed, hub ram, security, etc) AND it could be done quickly with little chance of failure. Call it the P2.
Some reasons could be that a lot of the early development has been done. However, I fear a lot of activity has gone to other micros, most likely the Arduino and the Raspberry-Pi.
I have a number of new board designs but I just don't see enough activity to warrant getting them done.
Building and shipping a P1+ could help existing P1 user to keep their existing product line running with Propeller Chips instead of going to another controller.
Feature creep does not just did exist in the P2 forum. It also applies to the 'normal' product cycle of almost all products out there.
Every year more bling needs to be added and the constrains of the P1 will hit more and more projects.
I do not do Verilog but I still follow them threads with excitement. There are a lot of different ideas pondered - as in those P2 threads - but its IMPLEMENTED not just talked about.
The most positive thing about that is that @Chip does not get distracted and is able to do his wonders. But I am pretty sure he reads the Verilog threads and follows them, once in a while.
A slightly modified P1 may be a good step between now and when the P2 will be finalized. Keep it simple. Just ROM as preloaded RAM so existing tools can use it and existing software will run without modification. Port B. Maybe more cogs? Keep the existing Instruction set and encoding so SW/OBEX can just be used without concern.
Add the security part of the P2 and things are golden.
Adding as less as possible of the new features is the goal here to make sure the first shuffle is a success and customers can use it without new tools or reprogramming the applications to fit 2 different chips.
So basically the P8X32B as announced some decade ago...
To go back to the topic, I think that all the excitement over the P2 FPGA has stopped a lot of people - believing there is a P2 soon - to just use the P1. Then the P2 was too power hungry and now everybody is either waiting for news or just proceeding with the P1 as before.
Another point is that thanks to the tanking economy's of US and EU all people I know have to work harder, faster and longer hours without getting paid more in fear of loosing their income if they do not.
So less Play Time and less Money to play with basically results in less forum activity.
Which hurts me bad as I am addicted to the Parallax Forums since some years. I somehow need to read threads about stuff I do not own or use but MAY use in the future with another project or so.
And while working those 10-16 hour days I peek into the forums once in a while to get myself distracted from the current problem, relax a moment and attack the problem again.
my 2 cents
Any P1+ would significantly delay a P2 release, as it will suck testing and verify time, right when P2 needs them.
The MASK and NRE costs in this are very large, it is not like running up a PCB.
Using P1V to verify branch ideas for P2 makes more sense, and it also gets more seats "P2 ready" with FPGA systems.
I run a few forums and you can see this in all of them (i.e. my 4wd forum gets slow in the winter because there isn't much activity to post about)
This is why I think MrBi11 is on to something. Once the cellar door of winter clangs shut, and darkness emvelopes us at 4:30 p.m., things will be different: the forum will, once again, buzz with the creative ferment that our more indoor forumistas are jonesing for.
Philosophy might be the talk on a cereal box, or it might what is killing the forum, maybe both.
It seems that GCC is a heretical tongue not to be spoken in the presence of the priests of PASM and Spin.
From my point of view if the existence of GCC is seen as a problem then the forum has much larger issues than GCC.
You were crystal clear, only my statement was misleading. My apologies for the misleading statement. I believe everything you said, as you stated it, but it is "my" belief that participation has declined since the creation of GCC. However please do not misunderstand me, because I believe GCC is a good course of action, although not my cup of tea. And even though I agree with GCC, I miss the old forum.
Too many options with too many opinions.
At some point, we do learn enough to not have to seek on-line mentoring for every detail. There are a lot of support materials and there are a lot of other web sites that focus on paticular interests.
I still do quite a bit of reading and it helps to read replies to new users -- they often revisit topics that I haven't completely mastered.
I do suspect that the world of on-line positngs has matured and many have just grown weary of spending long hours at a keyboard when there are other modes of study that are equally or more productive.
I suspect that when Parallax finally releases the Propeller Two, there will be a surge of activity as the new interest will bring the informationally greedy begging for someone to explain all and everything to them.
I'll just re-emphasize --- Quality seems to be important to everyone. So try to contribute accordingly. Users are more sophisticated than ten years ago. They don't care to repeat challenges that are easy. They want new interesting ones. That's why I am interested in Inertial Management Units now. For me, it is new and fun.
I still like Forth, waffle between Catalina C and GCC, and want to learn more of PASM. I am just very finished with the blinky LED and "Hello World". There are tons of stuff here that is well-documented. Not so much reason to chat or debate.
Once we see the P2 FPGA image there will be a resurgence of activity on the forum. I'm looking forward to some exciting times when that happens.
Dave... Please wake me up when it gets here