21-Cent Lasers
Posts: 20,257
At 10 for $2.11, shouldn't every project have at least one laser on it?
No more cannibalizing pocket laser pointers, fellas. Man up and pony up. Buy ten and stash 'em until you need 'em. "Christmas in September", I can hear PhiPi already.
No more cannibalizing pocket laser pointers, fellas. Man up and pony up. Buy ten and stash 'em until you need 'em. "Christmas in September", I can hear PhiPi already.
If you combine the streams of all ten, you get nuclear fusion!
NEVER cross the streams!
Looks like they have the resistor on board from the photo. Plug and Play!
I'm In.
EDIT: How can they do these for 20 cents? AND free shipping. Would not fit my business model.
Yes you can.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/M-100pcs-Tactile-Push-Button-Switch-Momentary-Tact-6x6x5mm-DIP-Through-Hole-4pin-/281176710717?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4177701e3d
I can only hope. According to the website, it could be as late as October. Anyway, these will come in handy for my students' class project this year: a floating ROV that photographs the bottom in shallow water. The lasers will point straight down, the red dots in the photos being used as a yardstick.
Sold! This button-pushing control freak loves pushbuttons.
I'm stocking up just in case LA gets snowed in any time soon.
Not to mention 3 or 4 orders of magnitude lighter and 5 times the power.
Now all I need is some very small sharks.
Anyone know the coherence length of laser diodes? Can they actually be used for making white light holograms like the old HeNe? I guess google knows somewhere.
Precisely the hoarding spirit I praise and promote!
100 of these:
500 of these:
1000 of these:
But with safety in mind, I also bought a pair of these. As Norm always reminds us about woodworking, the same applies to lasers!
Dang Phil, will this madness ever stop?
Those are pretty sexy. The price and free shipping just made another login to PayPal.
Aw nuts! $28 I really didn't need to spend.
I'm guessing the coherence length is millimeters or less. They generally have bandwidths measured in nano-meters instead of the sub-pico-meter bandwidth of a HeNe.
All is not lost though. A few inexpensive parts (for optics anyway) and you can build an external cavity diode laser that matches the bandwidth of a HeNe with FAR more tuning range.
See page 33 for a bit of nostalgic fun:
Several sources quote millimeters to maybe 20 cm for coherence length, but as these are most assuredly factory rejects (unstable output, weak output, etc), I wouldn't expect much. Your HeNe laser, if not outgassed, would still be the choice for interferometry, holograms, and other experiments of yesteryear.