i was looking for ways to operate relay boards and by accident i watched a youtube video of a bloke showing everystep of wiring up that same L298n motor contrller. it had a rather ambiguous title and i would never have found it. it was excellent except thanks to yor post i didnt need to see it but i did anyway. he turns out to be the author of that diagram you were not at all that fond of( i had been using google images to find a drawing i might understand as id given up oon youtube.
He does connect the 5volt screw via the arduino without saying why , a little bit sus as he explained every other connection as he went along. it was 18 min, i stopped after 14 min and no point posting it here as you wont learn anything frm it. Oh hell., here it is u dont have to click on it
I tried numerous types of search phrases short and long without coming up with a clean and simple video like this. Considering the number of these units being sold(iguess) it started to get under my skin.
I found a four month old post pointing out the error (which could easily destroy a RPi). It's very disturbing this guy has made such a serious error without correcting it.
you could maybe upload your own video, and give it a title and tags that make it easier to actually find , or post a video response. like a ten min vid,, 18 min almost put me off clicking on it !
edit; didn't he say that the most the Pi could supply on its own was 3,3 volts, then later he said to use the pi to supply the 5volts to the motor contoller so that it would work? I dont know ive got the attention span of something like a bee
in the last couple of years my eyes have gone from seeing like a hawk to finding it hard to read the captions on a tv show. i couldnt make out what the connectors were i had to use on the ena enb, till i loked at your diagram again and you said "remove the jumpers " haa, thx.
you could maybe upload your own video, and give it a title and tags that make it easier to actually find , or post a video response. like a ten min vid,, 18 min almost put me off clicking on it !
I agree with your suggestion about my making a video. I'll try to do this next week (I have family reunion stuff going on this week). I'll show an example of controlling the h-bridge by just setting the various pins high or low (discussed below) and I'll also have some simple Spin code to show how to control the L298N with a Propeller.
edit; didn't he say that the most the Pi could supply on its own was 3,3 volts, then later he said to use the pi to supply the 5volts to the motor contoller so that it would work?
The RaspberryPi board has to be powered with 5 Volts but I believe the chip on the board uses 3.3V. The board has a regulator to reduce the 5V to 3.3V. The "general purpose input/output" (GPIO) pins can output 3.3V. When the GPIO pins are used as inputs instead of outputs, they can only tolerate 3.3V (I doubt the Pi can tolerate 5V when set to an output so in either state connecting it to 5V is bad). So when the PiGuy connected 5V to the GPIO pin he was putting more voltage on the pin than it was intended to take. Since the pin was set as an output it was probably sinking more current than the pin could safely use (I think the RPi can source or sink between 40 and 50mA (I don't know the exact figure)). It's a bad idea all the way around to connect a 5V source to a RPi's GPIO pin.
It's also a bad idea to connect 5V to a Propeller's I/O pin unless you use a resistor to safely limit the current. Unlike the RPi, the Propeller can tolerate 5V on a pin being used as an input as long as the current is less than 500uA (half a milliamp). Connecting the 5V line directly to a Propeller I/O pin is also a bad idea.
As I said, the RPi board is powered by 5V. The RPi has pins on the board which allows one to access this 5V source so it can be used to power other lower current devices. ThePiGuy used one of these 5V sources to power the logic portion of the L298N chip. If he had used the "5V enable" jumper (the one I said to leave in place(in post #27)), he wouldn't have needed to power the board with 5V since the regulator on the h-bridge board would have provided the 5V.
The L298N (like many h-bridges) needs two power sources. One source is used to power the motors (around 12V in this case) and the other source powers the logic (or brains) of the chip (5V in the case of the L298N). Some h-bridge chips use 3.3V for the logic portion.
The 5V output (or input if you don't use the on board regulator) is connected to the two pins behind ENA and ENA. I tried to show this with the yellow lines.
These two 5V output pins can be used to tie the enable pins (ENA and ENB) high (with the jumpers). You would want to tie the enable pins high if you were to use the h-bridge board with a stepper motor (since stepper motors are controlled differently (only one stepper motor could be controlled with this h-bridge board)).
Normal DC motors (which, based on the photo you posted, I assume you are using) work better (IMO but there is debate about this) if you pulse the enable pin (with PWM) to control the speed. The INX (where X can be the number 1 through 4) pins are used to control the direction of the motors (IN1 and IN2 to control motor A and IN3 and IN4 to control motor as I explained a bit in post #27.
Are you using the Arduino with this h-bridge? If you want to try the h-bridge with the Propeller, I could probably find some demo code (in Spin) for you to try.
One way to familiarize oneself with a h-bridge is to control the h-bridge with just wires before using a microcontroller. Connect ENA to ground to "turn off" the motor to start with. Connect IN1 to a 3.3V source and connect IN2 to ground. See which way the motor turns when you "turn the motor on" by connecting ENA to 3.3V. Turn the motor off again (by connecting ENA to ground) and switch the IN1 and IN2 connections so the one which was connected to 3.3V is now connected to ground and vice versa.
I'll attempt to make these same points when a make a video on this topic. Most of my videos are self serving "look at me" videos so I can show off what I've done or what I'm working on. It's about time I made a video with some educational content. Who knows, maybe I'll even edit out my long pauses? Just don't expect any background music.
It's been a while since I've been called "young Duane."
My first and last name (and middle initial) are the same as my father's but since our middle names are different, I'm not a junior. I was often called "little Duane" or "young Duane" at family gatherings. The "young" version became more popular once I was taller than my father.
BTW, I'm only a couple of years younger than you old Eric.
I'm not sure if I will be able to sway TheRPiGuy over to the way of the Propeller, or as they call it on Let's Make Robots the "Cult of the Propeller". I have successfully persuaded several LMRian's to try the Propeller. I think Gareth's many amazing projects using the Propeller and Chris the Carpenter's Propeller projects made my efforts much easier.
[QUOTE=Duane Degn;1276717
The L298N (like many h-bridges) needs two power sources. One source is used to power the motors (around 12V in this case) and the other source powers the logic (or brains) of the chip (5V in the case of the L298N). Some h-bridge chips use 3.3V for the logic portion..[/QUOTE] I dint get much of a chance today. But I've only got the 6 volt battery pack ? Just to check my memory, did you say I should take the jumpers of the enable pins on each side, then I can just use one pin of each set high to enable it, then say to drive ENA -high to spin the wheel in one direction INA1 -high, INA2-low ? Anyway, ignore that Im not looking at the pic or post but yes if you do put some spin code up I will give it a run ? Thx
Those premade L298N modules have a built-in 5V regulator, FYI. If you keep the motor input voltage below ~18V, it works fine and you don't need a separate 5V supply. Too high and it goes boom, there's a jumper you can remove if you want to provide separate 5V. I learned the hard way. I love the smell of magic smoke in the morning!
/*######################### ENCODER DC MOTOR CONTROL ############################
This sketch takes the encoder code from Episode 35 and uses it to control
a the speed and direction of a DC motor. Turning the encoder clockwise
starts the motor in the clockwise direction and turning the encoder more
makes the motor run faster.
Turn the encoder counter clockwise to slow it down to a stop. Keep going
to have the motor go in reverse, keep turning to increase the speed.
For the sample code, show notes, contact information and many more
videos, visit the show page at http://tech-zen.tv/letsmakeit
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel or our netcasts at any of
your favorite netcast / podcast outlets.
We normally record Let's Make It live on Monday evenings around
9pm eastern. You can watch it live by going to tech-zen.tv and clicking
the live link at the top of the page.
We also have a community setup for our viewers and listeners. You can
join the community by going to community.tech-zen.tv.
We love input on what you would like to know or if you have an idea for
a new Let's Make it episode, you can contact us via email or phone at
the show information page.
#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>
#define encoderPinA 53
#define encoderPinB 51
int motorspeed = 0;
int encoderPinALast = LOW;
int encoderPinBLast = LOW;
int n = LOW;
if (motorspeed > 10) {
if (motorspeed > 200)
motorspeed = 200;
} else if (motorspeed < -10) {
if (motorspeed < -200)
motorspeed = -200;
} else {
Encoder Stepper Motor Control
/*######################### ENCODER TO STEPPER MOTOR ############################
This sketch takes the encoder code from Episode 35 and uses it to control
a stepper motor. We turn the encoder clockwise and the stepper motor turns
clockwise as well. Same thing for turning the encoder counter clockwise.
For the sample code, show notes, contact information and many more
videos, visit the show page at http://tech-zen.tv/letsmakeit
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel or our netcasts at any of
your favorite netcast / podcast outlets.
We normally record Let's Make It live on Monday evenings around
9pm eastern. You can watch it live by going to tech-zen.tv and clicking
the live link at the top of the page.
We also have a community setup for our viewers and listeners. You can
join the community by going to community.tech-zen.tv.
We love input on what you would like to know or if you have an idea for
a new Let's Make it episode, you can contact us via email or phone at
the show information page.
#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>
#define encoderPinA 53
#define encoderPinB 51
int encoderPos = 0;
int encoderPinALast = LOW;
int encoderPinBLast = LOW;
int n = LOW;
AF_Stepper motor2(200, 2);
// wrappers for the motor!
void forwardstep2() {
motor2.onestep(FORWARD, SINGLE);
void backwardstep2() {
motor2.onestep(BACKWARD, SINGLE);
// Motor shield has two motor ports, now we'll wrap them in an AccelStepper object
AccelStepper stepper2(forwardstep2, backwardstep2);
Due to a mix up by the eBay seller, I have a spare one of these infamous controllers. Got 4 of them now. no extra charge to me. I’m happy to post it to anybody in Australia, I don’t think i;ll ever use 4 !
I'm not sure how these ebay sellers can send these things for so little. My guess is it would cost you about the same amount to ship them locally as it would cost to purchase them from ebay.
It's very easy to use 4. These can be used with stepper motors and normal DC motors. While a L298N can control two DC motors, the L298N can only control a single stepper motor.
You can also use them to power high current LEDs (not a very efficient way to power LEDs but I'm pretty sure it would work).
I use two on my Mecanum wheeled robot and two on my Rover 5 with treads.
I wrote a two motor, all Spin driver yesterday. I've been collecting the parts I need to shoot a video and I'll likely shoot the video sometime today. I might not get it uploaded onto YouTube until tomorrow.
Sure, thanks for the update. and you'd correct about the postage but i was feeking generous and would not mind if anyone asked me to post one ; and then if i later regretted it, it'd only cost me another 3 or 4 bucks to get from ebay.
Does anyone know who or how the chineese can sell so cheap with little or no postage ?
And looking forward to your vid if you get around to it today
Ive been trying to fix a laptops broken recharge/power port , replace ot. not easy at all but it was a great dell lappy so ill have to make it work. and right now im trying /about to ....fix the bootloader onmy pc to get back win and mint.
Ive been trying to fix a laptop’s broken recharge/power port , replace ot. not easy at all but it was a great dell lappy so ill have to make it work. and right now im trying /about to ....fix the bootloader onmy pc to get back win and mint.
...and this pertains to stepper motor controllers how?
Is it just me, or do you seem to just have a LOT of rotten luck????
Well I hope you don't tear up too much, but a couple of years ago i had a very bad accident. So yea, i do have lots of bad luck. I wrote of an XR8, on a long straight road that needed fixing yup but i was flying, not sure what the eqivalant V8 is in the US. Now I walk with difficulty and can easily trip. erog (erco) I should not leave things lying around on the floor. I won't go into the depression and all that, I used to have theraspy or counselling but it was just lots of talking and boared me !I cant go back to my line of work it is way too physical but i do need to find work because my bank balance keeps going down !!
And looking forward to your vid if you get around to it today
I just shot the video. It's late here so I doubt I'll get it uploaded until tomorrow. I'll want to edit it a bit before making it public but once it's uploaded I'll post a link to the unlisted version.
I have two different PWM programs, each using a different PWM technique. I'll post these programs tomorrow.
Im looking forward to the final edit !!! I’ve been attempting to take apart a Dell Vostro laptop, its been out of action for months because I wrecked the power jack. The best a PC repair store could do for me was $125 plus $50 for the jack. I looked up the jack for my laptop model on ebay and it was around 10 dollars. Sorry , gone of the track here but that’s what I’ve been doing instead of powering up the motors !!!!
Great to see your Video and to see you using the QuickStart, I have one still sealed in its packet. I think when you've re-posted I will drive the L298N and my robot skeleton with it. So I took a one minute video to show you I have just got it working.
He does connect the 5volt screw via the arduino without saying why , a little bit sus as he explained every other connection as he went along. it was 18 min, i stopped after 14 min and no point posting it here as you wont learn anything frm it. Oh hell., here it is u dont have to click on it
I tried numerous types of search phrases short and long without coming up with a clean and simple video like this. Considering the number of these units being sold(iguess) it started to get under my skin.
Either I'm wrong about how the board works of TheRaspberryPieGuy is wrong. He's got the enable pins all confused.
Ug! This guy showed a third of a million people the wrong way to wire these boards!
I'm going to dig an unused board just to double check I'm correct and then leave a comment on the YouTube video.
edit; didn't he say that the most the Pi could supply on its own was 3,3 volts, then later he said to use the pi to supply the 5volts to the motor contoller so that it would work? I dont know ive got the attention span of something like a bee
in the last couple of years my eyes have gone from seeing like a hawk to finding it hard to read the captions on a tv show. i couldnt make out what the connectors were i had to use on the ena enb, till i loked at your diagram again and you said "remove the jumpers "
I agree with your suggestion about my making a video. I'll try to do this next week (I have family reunion stuff going on this week). I'll show an example of controlling the h-bridge by just setting the various pins high or low (discussed below) and I'll also have some simple Spin code to show how to control the L298N with a Propeller.
The RaspberryPi board has to be powered with 5 Volts but I believe the chip on the board uses 3.3V. The board has a regulator to reduce the 5V to 3.3V. The "general purpose input/output" (GPIO) pins can output 3.3V. When the GPIO pins are used as inputs instead of outputs, they can only tolerate 3.3V (I doubt the Pi can tolerate 5V when set to an output so in either state connecting it to 5V is bad). So when the PiGuy connected 5V to the GPIO pin he was putting more voltage on the pin than it was intended to take. Since the pin was set as an output it was probably sinking more current than the pin could safely use (I think the RPi can source or sink between 40 and 50mA (I don't know the exact figure)). It's a bad idea all the way around to connect a 5V source to a RPi's GPIO pin.
It's also a bad idea to connect 5V to a Propeller's I/O pin unless you use a resistor to safely limit the current. Unlike the RPi, the Propeller can tolerate 5V on a pin being used as an input as long as the current is less than 500uA (half a milliamp). Connecting the 5V line directly to a Propeller I/O pin is also a bad idea.
As I said, the RPi board is powered by 5V. The RPi has pins on the board which allows one to access this 5V source so it can be used to power other lower current devices. ThePiGuy used one of these 5V sources to power the logic portion of the L298N chip. If he had used the "5V enable" jumper (the one I said to leave in place(in post #27)), he wouldn't have needed to power the board with 5V since the regulator on the h-bridge board would have provided the 5V.
The L298N (like many h-bridges) needs two power sources. One source is used to power the motors (around 12V in this case) and the other source powers the logic (or brains) of the chip (5V in the case of the L298N). Some h-bridge chips use 3.3V for the logic portion.
The 5V output (or input if you don't use the on board regulator) is connected to the two pins behind ENA and ENA. I tried to show this with the yellow lines.
These two 5V output pins can be used to tie the enable pins (ENA and ENB) high (with the jumpers). You would want to tie the enable pins high if you were to use the h-bridge board with a stepper motor (since stepper motors are controlled differently (only one stepper motor could be controlled with this h-bridge board)).
Normal DC motors (which, based on the photo you posted, I assume you are using) work better (IMO but there is debate about this) if you pulse the enable pin (with PWM) to control the speed. The INX (where X can be the number 1 through 4) pins are used to control the direction of the motors (IN1 and IN2 to control motor A and IN3 and IN4 to control motor
Are you using the Arduino with this h-bridge? If you want to try the h-bridge with the Propeller, I could probably find some demo code (in Spin) for you to try.
One way to familiarize oneself with a h-bridge is to control the h-bridge with just wires before using a microcontroller. Connect ENA to ground to "turn off" the motor to start with. Connect IN1 to a 3.3V source and connect IN2 to ground. See which way the motor turns when you "turn the motor on" by connecting ENA to 3.3V. Turn the motor off again (by connecting ENA to ground) and switch the IN1 and IN2 connections so the one which was connected to 3.3V is now connected to ground and vice versa.
I'll attempt to make these same points when a make a video on this topic. Most of my videos are self serving "look at me" videos so I can show off what I've done or what I'm working on. It's about time I made a video with some educational content. Who knows, maybe I'll even edit out my long pauses? Just don't expect any background music.
H-bridges might not be what you want - what motor are you thinking of?
Low impedance bipolars need chopper drivers, high voltage unipolars only
need ULN2803 (which can drive two motors!).
It's been a while since I've been called "young Duane."
My first and last name (and middle initial) are the same as my father's but since our middle names are different, I'm not a junior. I was often called "little Duane" or "young Duane" at family gatherings. The "young" version became more popular once I was taller than my father.
BTW, I'm only a couple of years younger than you old Eric.
I'm not sure if I will be able to sway TheRPiGuy over to the way of the Propeller, or as they call it on Let's Make Robots the "Cult of the Propeller". I have successfully persuaded several LMRian's to try the Propeller. I think Gareth's many amazing projects using the Propeller and Chris the Carpenter's Propeller projects made my efforts much easier.
The L298N (like many h-bridges) needs two power sources. One source is used to power the motors (around 12V in this case) and the other source powers the logic (or brains) of the chip (5V in the case of the L298N). Some h-bridge chips use 3.3V for the logic portion..[/QUOTE] I dint get much of a chance today. But I've only got the 6 volt battery pack ? Just to check my memory, did you say I should take the jumpers of the enable pins on each side, then I can just use one pin of each set high to enable it, then say to drive ENA -high to spin the wheel in one direction INA1 -high, INA2-low ? Anyway, ignore that Im not looking at the pic or post but yes if you do put some spin code up I will give it a run ? Thx
When Ive had breaky Ill get this motor going.
Don't trust that one.
What they are calling "motor grounds" should not be connected to ground.
The board is significantly different from the one your have.
I still think the diagram in post #27 is correct.
edit" would not !!!!
/*######################### ENCODER DC MOTOR CONTROL ############################
This sketch takes the encoder code from Episode 35 and uses it to control
a the speed and direction of a DC motor. Turning the encoder clockwise
starts the motor in the clockwise direction and turning the encoder more
makes the motor run faster.
Turn the encoder counter clockwise to slow it down to a stop. Keep going
to have the motor go in reverse, keep turning to increase the speed.
From: Mike Myers (http://mikemyers.me) @netnutmike
Let's Make It Episode 36 at http://tech-zen.tv
For the sample code, show notes, contact information and many more
videos, visit the show page at http://tech-zen.tv/letsmakeit
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel or our netcasts at any of
your favorite netcast / podcast outlets.
We normally record Let's Make It live on Monday evenings around
9pm eastern. You can watch it live by going to tech-zen.tv and clicking
the live link at the top of the page.
We also have a community setup for our viewers and listeners. You can
join the community by going to community.tech-zen.tv.
We love input on what you would like to know or if you have an idea for
a new Let's Make it episode, you can contact us via email or phone at
the show information page.
#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>
#define encoderPinA 53
#define encoderPinB 51
int motorspeed = 0;
int encoderPinALast = LOW;
int encoderPinBLast = LOW;
int n = LOW;
AF_DCMotor motor(1);
void setup()
pinMode(encoderPinA, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoderPinB, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
n = digitalRead(encoderPinA);
if ((encoderPinALast != n )) {
if (((n == HIGH) && (digitalRead(encoderPinB) == LOW)) ||
((n == LOW) && (digitalRead(encoderPinB) == HIGH))) {
motorspeed = motorspeed - 10;
} else {
motorspeed = motorspeed + 10;
//Serial.println(" ");
} else {
n = digitalRead(encoderPinB);
if ((encoderPinBLast != n )) {
if (((n == HIGH) && (digitalRead(encoderPinA) == LOW)) ||
((n == LOW) && (digitalRead(encoderPinA) == HIGH))) {
motorspeed = motorspeed + 10;
} else {
motorspeed = motorspeed - 10;
//Serial.println(" ");
encoderPinALast = digitalRead(encoderPinA);
encoderPinBLast = digitalRead(encoderPinB);
if (motorspeed > 10) {
if (motorspeed > 200)
motorspeed = 200;
} else if (motorspeed < -10) {
if (motorspeed < -200)
motorspeed = -200;
} else {
Encoder Stepper Motor Control
/*######################### ENCODER TO STEPPER MOTOR ############################
This sketch takes the encoder code from Episode 35 and uses it to control
a stepper motor. We turn the encoder clockwise and the stepper motor turns
clockwise as well. Same thing for turning the encoder counter clockwise.
From: Mike Myers (http://mikemyers.me) @netnutmike
Let's Make It Episode 36 at http://tech-zen.tv
For the sample code, show notes, contact information and many more
videos, visit the show page at http://tech-zen.tv/letsmakeit
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel or our netcasts at any of
your favorite netcast / podcast outlets.
We normally record Let's Make It live on Monday evenings around
9pm eastern. You can watch it live by going to tech-zen.tv and clicking
the live link at the top of the page.
We also have a community setup for our viewers and listeners. You can
join the community by going to community.tech-zen.tv.
We love input on what you would like to know or if you have an idea for
a new Let's Make it episode, you can contact us via email or phone at
the show information page.
#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>
#define encoderPinA 53
#define encoderPinB 51
int encoderPos = 0;
int encoderPinALast = LOW;
int encoderPinBLast = LOW;
int n = LOW;
AF_Stepper motor2(200, 2);
// wrappers for the motor!
void forwardstep2() {
motor2.onestep(FORWARD, SINGLE);
void backwardstep2() {
motor2.onestep(BACKWARD, SINGLE);
// Motor shield has two motor ports, now we'll wrap them in an AccelStepper object
AccelStepper stepper2(forwardstep2, backwardstep2);
void setup()
pinMode(encoderPinA, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoderPinB, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
n = digitalRead(encoderPinA);
if ((encoderPinALast != n )) {
if (((n == HIGH) && (digitalRead(encoderPinB) == LOW)) ||
((n == LOW) && (digitalRead(encoderPinB) == HIGH))) {
motor2.step(100, BACKWARD, MICROSTEP);
} else {
motor2.step(100, FORWARD, MICROSTEP);
} else {
n = digitalRead(encoderPinB);
if ((encoderPinBLast != n )) {
if (((n == HIGH) && (digitalRead(encoderPinA) == LOW)) ||
((n == LOW) && (digitalRead(encoderPinA) == HIGH))) {
motor2.step(100, FORWARD, MICROSTEP);
} else {
motor2.step(100, BACKWARD, MICROSTEP);
encoderPinALast = digitalRead(encoderPinA);
encoderPinBLast = digitalRead(encoderPinB);
I'm not sure how these ebay sellers can send these things for so little. My guess is it would cost you about the same amount to ship them locally as it would cost to purchase them from ebay.
It's very easy to use 4. These can be used with stepper motors and normal DC motors. While a L298N can control two DC motors, the L298N can only control a single stepper motor.
You can also use them to power high current LEDs (not a very efficient way to power LEDs but I'm pretty sure it would work).
I use two on my Mecanum wheeled robot and two on my Rover 5 with treads.
I wrote a two motor, all Spin driver yesterday. I've been collecting the parts I need to shoot a video and I'll likely shoot the video sometime today. I might not get it uploaded onto YouTube until tomorrow.
Does anyone know who or how the chineese can sell so cheap with little or no postage ?
And looking forward to your vid if you get around to it today
This was where i got the latest diagram from
...and this pertains to stepper motor controllers how?
Well I hope you don't tear up too much, but a couple of years ago i had a very bad accident. So yea, i do have lots of bad luck. I wrote of an XR8, on a long straight road that needed fixing yup but i was flying, not sure what the eqivalant V8 is in the US. Now I walk with difficulty and can easily trip. erog (erco) I should not leave things lying around on the floor. I won't go into the depression and all that, I used to have theraspy or counselling but it was just lots of talking and boared me !I cant go back to my line of work it is way too physical but i do need to find work because my bank balance keeps going down !!
Whoops nothing, I just remembered to take it round to the shop neasr me to ensure i buy the right port.
Ive forgot my password so ive logged in as an alter ego.
Finally, I got got the string right, i must be nearly as smart as a robot .
I just shot the video. It's late here so I doubt I'll get it uploaded until tomorrow. I'll want to edit it a bit before making it public but once it's uploaded I'll post a link to the unlisted version.
I have two different PWM programs, each using a different PWM technique. I'll post these programs tomorrow.
For now, here's the video.
I'll probably make a few adjustment to the captions but I hope it helps you understand how to use these h-bridges better.
I started a thread in the robot forum on this topic.