Stepper motor controlers
Do all three of these work the same way ? Especially the sparkfun controller ?
But I am not going to visit all the web sites, collect all the technical data, and read all the fine print for you.
That's the way you can be sure. It is a DIY hobby.
Sorry if I seem curt, I don't mean to be insulting.
I do strongly suggest you always buy the L298D that has a board provided with it. The pins won't line up with a regular perf board. So it will cost you more than it is worth to design and build a custom board.
I do see your caption above is "Stepper motor controllers",
the L298D will do that as well, but the boards are configured mainly for two H-bridges.
It may or may not require modifications to work as a stepper motor controller. Read everything if you need to be sure.
The L298 has been around a long time and can be gotten cheapest on EBay. There are the L298D and several other version letters. So documentation details can be a tedious research product.
And the truth is these all have been replaced by MOSfet devices that run much cooler. Pololu sells those on very tiny boards competitively priced, and they are easier to use for low voltage DC motors.
Be wary of anything that Arduino supports in larger quantity. It seems much of it is old solutions that have a backlog of inventory that nobody in the industry used. Newer and better h-bridges exist for very reasonable prices.
Sparkfun? Well, I haven't found much savings there.
I would have purchased Pololu except by the time Ive paid postage they end up over $25.
I agree with Loppy's suggestion of getting the chip on a board but it is possible to fit the bare chip into a breadboard.
The above (taken from this post) shows the L298N chips in a breadboard. As you can see, the wiring is a mess.
Now don't pay more than $2.57...
Pololu or Parallax, I have similar high shipping cost problems as I live in Taiwan. But I usually just think, save, and wait until I get a big enough order so that the shipping is spread over several items.
It is a different world for Parallax users outside the USA... parts may be harder to afford and so on. And of course for many there is a language barrier.
The SN754410 is an alternative to the L293. It is NOT a MOSfet device, so it has the same voltage drop and heat issues of the L293 and L298. It really doesn't matter if the internal logic is MOSfet when the final power stage is BJT. I think that is the case with this, but I can't find the details to confirm.
In general, all the MOSfet H-bridge and stepper motor devices that are newer technology are sold only in SMD packages, not DIPs or other through-hold configurations.
Yeah, the guy that dies with the most expensive toys is the winner. Right?
Gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pure, compulsive insanity.
I actually paid about $35USD each for my L298 chips with board in kit form... long, long ago from Solarbotics... plus shipping.
I enjoyed them at the time and they are worth exploring. But for a tiny robot they get extremely hot and quickly go through batteries. I have moved on to wanting better. So I ignore the L293, the L298, and their clones.
So Ive been soldering up a few parts on the robot im making from bits off ebay and bitds from PJ.
My Motor Controller l298n did not come with any drawings as i guess most dont . But this evening Im having trouble fiding a schematic. Ive decided to use the Arduino intstead of The prop board or the Pi. Never Used the Arduino before so i opened up the box and powered it up. I think I can just download the code easily.
The motor mcontroller seems to need to power sources, 5V (i think the arduino can provide that )and 12 volt , I can supply that 12 volts but I a think 6 volts should power the motors. I already have fitted 4 x AA battery box to thre robot platform. Im not positive how to wire it up.
The three screws are power inputs I guess one is for the the 5V and One for the 6 or 12 volt. The third must be ground ?
The other two pair of screws are obviously for the motors.
If you have a the time and a fast internet can you post me a schematic or drawing of some kind ?
my Motor controller
Im in for a late night and i hope ive got it all going by midnight !
Ill give it a rest for awhile but I hope someone can explain some of this to me. Ive typed a message in the picture if you do click on it !
Thx, Mike.
Just a couple of photos before i head to bed
On my Rover 5 projects I use the 5V from one of the regulators to power the QuickStart board. I always disconnect the 5V line when programming the QuickStart but I leave a ground line connected to the motor controller since the microcontroller and motor controller need to have a shared common line (as do the sensors and almost anything else one would use with a microcontroller).
I haven't looked at the connection diagram yet. I'll look at it and let you know if there are any changes needed.
i FOUND THIS DIAGRAM FOR THE SAME MOTOR CONTROLER. tHE WIRING LOOKS different this time. One ground is going to the Raqspberry and it looks like the Raspberry is suppliying the 5V screw connecter. As its only driving one motor, it looks like theyu are only connecting the in1, in2 to the Raspberry and the yellow wires look like they might be going to the ENA. Unfortunatly, when i google my device most schematics are so detailed and big that they dont help me much at my stage of understanding.
As I mentioned earlier, the 5V line can be used to power other low current devices. The RPi diagram you posted is not a good solution. The Pi pulls too much power and it's not a good idea to parallel voltage regulators like that.
The two jumpers on the right side of the photo are used when driving stepper motors or when using drive/brake PWM technique (bad idea with L298). These two jumpers should be removed. The rear pins under the jumpers are 5V sources and may be used to power low current 5V devices.
The two forward pins under these jumpers are the enable pins (ENA and ENB). These are the pins that get pulsed to control the speed of the motors.
To make motors turn use these pins states:
A similar table could be made for motor B.
What you want the program to do is to hold the 'IN" pins high or low depending on which direction to travel and pulse the enable ("EN") pin to control the speed.
Pololu makes and sells good stuff IMO.
I've currently using their MC33926 dual driver board in a couple of projects.
My encoder plus PWM code can drive these h-bridges but if you're not using encoders, it's a bit overkill.
There are lots of ways to generate a PWM on a Propeller (and other microcontrollers).