SDram_Controller --- Question to Chip?
Posts: 2,964
Hi Chip.
As I don't understand Yours control of SDRAM.
I have one question if You look on posted files and describe how much Yours control difer from that?
Ps This modules don't use Alteras code and use no more that about 350 LTE's
As I don't understand Yours control of SDRAM.
I have one question if You look on posted files and describe how much Yours control difer from that?
Ps This modules don't use Alteras code and use no more that about 350 LTE's
My laptop is not letting me open those files tonight. Meanwhile, my big, fast desktop has Windows 8 on it, and it has never liked the internet for more than 15 seconds at a time, once every month, or so. I don't even ask why, anymore.
Would you be able to extract the verilog and put it into a code window in this thread? It shouldn't be more than a page or two of code.
I think you mean an Upgrade to more functionality .
The whole SDRAM driver is software-based... HW are only the registered outputs, as far as I know...
use 7zip to open them
All files needed to compile it to look as JPG file in first post.
FILES attached.
Top file -- sdr_sdram.v
File 2: -- sdr_data_path.v
File 3: -- PLL1.V
File 4: -- control_interface.v
File 5: -- altclklock.v
File 6: -- Command.v
I_File : -- Params.v
`include "command.v"
`include "sdr_sdram.v"
`include "control_interface.v"
`include "sdr_data_path.v"
`include "pll1.v"
`include "altclklock.v"
In another thread I postulated use 1.5 frequency divider for SDRAM-
You said that can give problems with synthesies.
So I have question if that solution still can give problems?
First divide Frequency by - 3 --- Then multiply it by 2 with that circuity I post as attachment.