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Propforth v5.5 is available for download - Page 20 — Parallax Forums

Propforth v5.5 is available for download



  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2015-06-16 18:36
    it worked for me just now
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-06-23 22:30
    I wrote code for MLX90614ESF-BAA[supply volt typ=3V](IR Temp sensor).
    This use SMBus.
    SMBus is like i2c, not same.
    MLX90614 don't operate by using i2c_utility.
    RepetedStart(Sr) occure Timeout error on SMBus.
    I modified Sr.

    I will update i2c_utility to be able to use on i2c and SMBus.
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
    00: 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    50: 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5A -- -- -- -- --
    60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    [0 - 7] and [h78 - h7F] are reserve-address
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    Address Contents        Writable
    00      9984            yes       To_max
    01      62E3            yes       To_min
    02      201             yes       PWMCTRL
    03      F71C            yes       Ta range
    04      FFFF            yes       emissivity correction coefficient
    05      1FB3            yes       config register1
    06      8864            no        Melexis reserved
    07      8864            no        Melexis reserved
    08      8A07            no        Melexis reserved
    09      8F0F            no        Melexis reserved
    0A      A13C            no        Melexis reserved
    0B      0               no        Melexis reserved
    0C      8643            no        Melexis reserved
    0D      A8              no        Melexis reserved
    0E      5A              yes       SMbus address (LSB only)
    0F      0               yes       Melexis reserved
    10      0               no        Melexis reserved
    11      7E0F            no        Melexis reserved
    12      0               no        Melexis reserved
    13      800A            no        Melexis reserved
    14      0               no        Melexis reserved
    15      1C2C            no        Melexis reserved
    16      90              no        Melexis reserved
    17      338C            no        Melexis reserved
    18      0               no        Melexis reserved
    19      0               yes       Melexis reserved
    1A      244A            no        Melexis reserved
    1B      60B6            no        Melexis reserved
    1C      A               no        ID number
    1D      74              no        ID number
    1E      24              no        ID number
    1F      82              no        ID number
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    Address Contents
    00      Melexis reserved:2BE5
    01      Melexis reserved:AF
    02      Melexis reserved:45FA
    03      Melexis reserved:19D8
    04      Raw data IR ch 1:1
    05      Raw data IR ch 2:0
    06      Tambient (16bit format, $27AD=10_157=-70C to $7FFF=32_767=382C):3ACA
    07      Tobject1 (16bit format, $27AD=10_157=-70C to $7FFF=32_767=382C):3ACE
    08      Tobject2 (16bit format, $27AD=10_157=-70C to $7FFF=32_767=382C):15CA
    09      Melexis reserved:E4A
    0A      Melexis reserved, Ta1_PKI:3ACA
    0B      Melexis reserved, Ta2_PKI:3A6E
    0C      Melexis reserved:50F
    0D      Melexis reserved:0
    0E      Melexis reserved:45FB
    0F      Melexis reserved:461
    10      Melexis reserved:CF
    11      Melexis reserved:1
    12      Melexis reserved:0
    13      Melexis reserved, Scale_Alpha_Ratio:8
    14      Melexis reserved, Scale_Alpha_Slope:C
    15      Melexis reserved, IIR_Filter:4
    16      Melexis reserved, Ta1_PKI_Fraction:23
    17      Melexis reserved, Ta2_PKI_Fraction:0
    18      Melexis reserved:0
    19      Melexis reserved:3A
    1A      Melexis reserved:511
    1B      Melexis reserved, FIR_Filter:5
    1C      Melexis reserved:14
    1D      Melexis reserved:13A
    1E      Melexis reserved:557
    1F      Melexis reserved:1B0
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    h5C set_SA
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    After power cycle
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
    00: 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    50: 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5C -- -- --
    60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    [0 - 7] and [h78 - h7F] are reserve-address
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    Address Contents        Writable
    00      9984            yes       To_max
    01      62E3            yes       To_min
    02      201             yes       PWMCTRL
    03      F71C            yes       Ta range
    04      FFFF            yes       emissivity correction coefficient
    05      1FB3            yes       config register1
    06      8864            no        Melexis reserved
    07      8864            no        Melexis reserved
    08      8A07            no        Melexis reserved
    09      8F0F            no        Melexis reserved
    0A      A13C            no        Melexis reserved
    0B      0               no        Melexis reserved
    0C      8643            no        Melexis reserved
    0D      A8              no        Melexis reserved
    0E      5C              yes       SMbus address (LSB only) <--- Changing to h5C
    0F      0               yes       Melexis reserved
    10      0               no        Melexis reserved
    11      7E0F            no        Melexis reserved
    12      0               no        Melexis reserved
    13      800A            no        Melexis reserved
    14      0               no        Melexis reserved
    15      1C2C            no        Melexis reserved
    16      90              no        Melexis reserved
    17      338C            no        Melexis reserved
    18      0               no        Melexis reserved
    19      0               yes       Melexis reserved
    1A      244A            no        Melexis reserved
    1B      60B6            no        Melexis reserved
    1C      A               no        ID number
    1D      74              no        ID number
    1E      24              no        ID number
    1F      82              no        ID number
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
            Raw             degreeC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15103           28.91degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15098           28.81degC
    Tobj1=  15100           28.85degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15098           28.81degC
    Tobj1=  15102           28.89degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15298           32.81degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15298           32.81degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15322           33.29degC    <---- Hand over sensor
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15324           33.33degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15317           33.19degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15302           32.89degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15278           32.41degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15289           32.63degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15289           32.63degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15285           32.55degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15284           32.53degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15100           28.85degC
    Tobj1=  15275           32.35degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15102           28.89degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15099           28.83degC
    Tobj1=  15103           28.91degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15102           28.89degC
    Tobj1=  14972           26.29degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15102           28.89degC
    Tobj1=  14941           25.67degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15102           28.89degC
    Tobj1=  14937           25.59degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15101           28.87degC
    Tobj1=  14859           24.03degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15101           28.87degC
    Tobj1=  14605           18.95degC      <---- Ice over sensor
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Tamb=   15101           28.87degC
    Tobj1=  14605           18.95degC
    Tobj2=  5578            -161.59degC
    Prop0 Cog6 ok
    250 x 200 - 16K
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-06-24 23:55
    Updated MLX90614_SMBus.
    Adding 'reset', 'sleep', 'wakeup', 'flag'

    Updated i2c_utility.
    Not yet checked it by using other i2c-device.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2015-06-28 08:01
    Today's call:

    Sal reports all the Propforth 6.0 builds are now cleaned up and reliable on his windows machines.
    This week week he plans to move the build process onto the Mac, and sent me a copy to run on Linux.
    We will be creating the Propforth 6.0 physical prop 1 development kernels for this step.

    After we get the build hardware ware set up, Sal will add the FPGA prop 1 build steps. The FPGA material will be optional, but will be available to anyone with the hardware as more steps in the same build process. The prop 1 FPGA will be one or more of: FPGA emulation of the full prop1; FPGA emulation of the prop 1 with the unused (by PropForth) resources removed; FPGA emulation of the prop1 optimized for propforth with increased cogs (CPU cores), increased cog memory (core private memory), and increased hub memory (shared by all cogs). Ideally we would all three of these, and instructions to change between one and the next, but we'll see how time and testing work out.

    Sal has all his material in git, and plans to make it available to the public on github.

    My task was to get propforth 5.5 on github, but I got stuck halfway through the Udacity course, and did not figure out how to do sub-directories in the git repository yet. Sal and I will walk through the git process in the next couple weeks, hopefully I can get straightened out enough to contribute.

    So our development path looks like:
    * post PropForth 5.5 on github
    * Prop 1 build and test on Windows, Mac, and Linux
    * post interim PropForth 6.0 on github
    * FPGA prop build and test on all platforms
    * post PropForth 6.0 on github
  • HI.
    I cannot download all uploaded files at all.
    I must be something setting on my PC?
  • Hi.
    Operated SinglePhaseStepperMOtor inside clock.

  • Refer [http][/http] about motor inside clock.

  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-16 06:07
  • New Forum is Buggy?
    Or my PC is wrong?
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-16 06:07
    Pasted code because cannot downlod file.




    PropForth 5.5

    2015/07/12 10:33:36

    220ohm -- SinglePhaseSteppMotor Coil -- P1






    0 wconstant out1

    1 wconstant out2

    clkfreq constant 1second

    d220 wconstant cw_pulse




    variable flag




    lockdict create a_delay100us forthentry

    $C_a_lxasm w, h11C  h113  1- tuck - h9 lshift or here W@ alignl h10 lshift or l,

    z1SyZKN l, z3[yPSJ l, z1SyLI[ l, z1SV01X l, z2WiP[R l, z20iPak l, z3ryPW0 l, z1SV000 l,

    z1vi l,


    Initial setting

    ( -- )

    : init

    out1 pinout out2 pinout

    -1 flag L!


    Check flag

    ( -- )

    : check flag L@ invert flag L! flag L@ ;

    Rotate to cw

    ( -- ) 

    : cw



         out1 pinhi     

         d220 a_delay100us

         out1 pinlo     


         out2 pinhi     

         d220 a_delay100us

         out2 pinlo     



    Rotate to ccw

    (  -- )
    : ccw



         out1 pinhi

         d70 a_delay100us

         out1 pinlo


         out2 pinhi     

         d140 a_delay100us

         out2 pinlo


         out2 pinhi

         d70 a_delay100us

         out2 pinlo


         out1 pinhi     

         d140 a_delay100us

         out1 pinlo



    Moving clock needle to cw/ccw

    ( -- )

    : demo


    d60 0 do cw d200 delms loop

    d60 0 do ccw d200 delms loop

    d10 0 do cw d1000 i d100 * - delms loop

    d10 0 do ccw d1000 i d100 * - delms loop



    Delay word for unit 100usec

    ( n1 -- ) Delay time = n1 x 100usec




    build_BootOpt :rasm


         jmpret  __100usret , # __100us

         djnz    $C_stTOS , # __1





         mov       $C_treg1 , __100usec

        add       $C_treg1 , cnt

         waitcnt   $C_treg1 , # 0                               







    ;asm a_delay100us


  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-14 03:13
    Second-needle stop during 20seconds.

  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-16 06:18
    This is png-file.
    Where is uploaded file?

    Someday, I wish this file can download as text-file not png-file.
    Text.file can display.
    But when downloading,  it is another file-name.
    This Forum is bad UI.  Edit-date also don't be displayed. Posts still is 0. Abatar is small. etc,etc.
    I think previous Forum is better than now.
    I wish to back to previous Forum.

  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-18 12:29
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-18 12:31
    I try to write code for WS2822.
    I have a question about address.
    There is table'set up address' in page6 on PDF.
    (This table on PDF is alittle incorrect.)
    WS2822 have 3072channel(LED:1024pcs) on PDF.

    But there are 1784channnel(255 X 7 - 1) on table'set up address'.

    What am I misunderstanding?

    When there is attached files, comment don't posted.
    This Forum is bad UI.

  • Comment are limitted?
    Charactewrs below is not posted.

    I think previous Forum is better than now.
    I wish to back to previous Forum.
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-21 08:15
    I wrote WS2822 code.
    But it cannot set address.
    GrayControl cannot also control well.
    Anybody is successful to contril WS2822?

  • This forum cannot post both comments and attached files.
    Always only file. Always only comments.

    I think previous Forum is better than now.
    I wish to back to previous Forum.
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    caskaz - I just tested that, and it worked for me (post with comment and attachment): See

  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-21 14:51
    Setting of addres is ok.
    WS2822 also operate finely.
    Value of 2nd ch(1+m) aand 3rd ch(2+m).
    I refered Arduino code.
    I back to value on PDF.
    I try to test about more than 256channel.
    Text sometimes cannot copy/paste .
    I think previous Forum is better than now.
    I wish to back to previous Forum.
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-22 06:51
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-22 06:52
  • Hi caskaz!

    I've cleaned up a few of the empty comments for you. Obviously you've had some issues posting, so I will notify the forum techs to check this thread.

    I can't say when they will be available, as we are all in different timezones! In the meantime...... Please keep creating and posting!

    Don't let a few empty text boxes get in the way of ws2822 success!!

    All the best.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    This forum cannot post both comments and attached files.
    Always only file. Always only comments.

    I think previous Forum is better than now.
    I wish to back to previous Forum.

    Hmm, maybe it is browser dependent ?I posted a Binary file, and a comment, with no special effort here, in Firefox
  • caskazcaskaz Posts: 957
    edited 2015-07-28 09:26
    Updated WS2822 code

    My browser cause strange in this forum?
    Filename is changed another  when downloading file from forum.
    This also is caused by browser?
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    edited 2015-07-23 07:42
    @caskaz - I don't think it's your browser. The same happens for me. The dowlink filename becomes different from what's shown when I hover the mouse over the attachment. It becomes some long hash string or something. Another forum issue to report..

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