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LMM P2 Debugger - Uses Serial Tx & Rx for debugging single cog programs - Page 6 — Parallax Forums

LMM P2 Debugger - Uses Serial Tx & Rx for debugging single cog programs



  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-21 04:17
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    Look in next post.

    In zip file You can find any TXT file.

    To that: I use Windows CUT by ctrl-C from that TXT file.

    Then PASTE it in DEBUGER window by pushing RHGHT mouse button.
    In this zip file You can find lang_en shortcut that starts DEBUGER with all needed option's SET For that PASTE option
    Are you trying to paste all the lines at once? If so, that will not work as I execute one line at a time, and so I will miss some of the following characters because my receive routine is not buffered - it is truly half-duplex and worse because when I am doing something I do not look at the receive line.

    As for your following post...
    I have work to do to incorporate string inputs to memory. Also I need to fix the inputting just <cr> that I broke.

    The last couple of days were to re-do the dump command completely, particularly now you/we wanted a few display options. You will note the short dump that does not display the ascii characters at the end.
    INPUT end's only if else NUL (Maybe 3xNUL-$0D) string entered ---> That give PASTE of any text to Starting position $2000.
    Do you mean terminate with <cr> or terminate with <nul> or both?
    I will strip <lf> on input as you suggest. I normally do this in other programs.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-21 04:43
    Hi Cluso.

    Are you trying to paste all the lines at once?
    I can't input one line in that mode

    But that is later problem.

    If You look in dump I provide
    > It don't input that single line to.

    == Cluso's P2 Debugger v0.57 == Chj ==
    *010- aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd
    010- 80 C0 FF A0 3A C2 BF A0 D8 BF FF 1F 73 C0 FF A0 '....:.......s...'
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-21 04:54
    Hi Cluso.

    I found why it give problem. !!
    > Look on first dump line --- for at it shall function You need after "-" test if it is number else " " and if " " skip it before Collecting rest of line.

    My Input format:
    000- aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd

    Yours Input format:
    010-aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd

    Both formats need be suported.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-21 05:04
    Hi Cluso.

    Now as I found what give problems.

    I can say to You.
    > INPUT multiple line function correctly.

    == Cluso's P2 Debugger v0.57 == Chj ==
    *0- aa bb cc dd
    000- 0D 78 FC 0C 3D 78 BC 80 00 78 BC FC 0D C2 FF A0 '.x..=x...x......'
    *0- 11 22 33 44
    ?*0- 1122 3344
    ?*010-aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd
    *000-0D A4 FF 0C D3 A5 BF 80 00 A4 BF FC 9B 01 7C 1C
    *010-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
    *020-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
    *030-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
    *040-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
    *050-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

    NOW only that even support my format with <space> betwen $00- and first Number

    And collect 4 11 22 33 44 to one long
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-22 00:24
    Here is the latest code. It complies with the new calling conventions as stated in post #151.

    Note that TxString and RxString now use the lmm_p parameter for the hub address pointer, and that lmm_c returns the count of chars entered in RxString (excluding the <nul>).
    Two new options exist for RXSTRING and are _ADDR = address of string buffer in hub supplied, and _NOLF = strips any <lf> characters. Bounds checking are now also done, such that <bs> is prevented from backspacing beyond the initial address of the string, and characters are ignored beyond the default buffer size _HUBBUFSIZE=80. In fact it is limited to 78 to permit the <cr> and <nul>.

    Sapieha's request for inputting (cut & paste) data to hub is not yet done (needs to ignore " " after the xxx- address). This is now next on my list.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-22 01:56
    Sapieha's request for inputting (cut & paste) data to hub is now done (needs to ignore " " after the xxx- address).
    However, I think this will cause problems because my code is half duplex and the input is for multiple lines is sent too fast. Perhaps a lower baud will fix this.
    Note, cog does not work as expected because each hex pair (byte) is placed into a cog long. It does place into hub correctly.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 03:12
    Hi Cluso.

    Thanks -- For update
    And for pointer and Char-count in RXSTRING

    But it is possible You remade Input HEX-groups so them function as in code example
        ---- If Leading Space (Input routine need test for it and if present SKIP)
        |-- LONG ---| ------------ Shall colects as Long's
        |           |-- LONG ---|
        |           |           |-- LONG ---|
        |           |           |           |-- LONG ---|
        |   0 - 3   |   0 - 3   |   0 - 3   |   0 - 3   |
        |           |           |           |           |
    000- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    010- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
        ---- If Leading Space (Input routine need test for it and if present SKIP)
        |- LONG -| ------------ Shall colects as Long's
        |        |- LONG --|
        |        |         |- LONG --|
        |        |         |         |- LONG --|
        | 0 - 1  |  0 - 1  |  0 - 1  |  0 - 1  |
        |        |         |         |         |
    000-0001 0203 0405 0607 0809 0A0B 0C0D 0E0F

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Here is the latest code. It complies with the new calling conventions as stated in post #151.

    Note that TxString and RxString now use the lmm_p parameter for the hub address pointer, and that lmm_c returns the count of chars entered in RxString (excluding the <nul>).
    Two new options exist for RXSTRING and are _ADDR = address of string buffer in hub supplied, and _NOLF = strips any <lf> characters. Bounds checking are now also done, such that <bs> is prevented from backspacing beyond the initial address of the string, and characters are ignored beyond the default buffer size _HUBBUFSIZE=80. In fact it is limited to 78 to permit the <cr> and <nul>.

    Sapieha's request for inputting (cut & paste) data to hub is not yet done (needs to ignore " " after the xxx- address). This is now next on my list.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 03:14
    Hi Cluso.

    I think previous post are --- cross post.

    Will test LSD_058.spin to see
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 03:26
    Hi Cluso.

    For give rid of Leading Space.

    But look in this post.

    Groups of HEX are not colected correctly.
    *000- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    need be
      000- 03 02 01 00 07 06 05 04 0B 0A 09 08 0F 0E 0D 0C
    == Cluso's P2 Debugger v0.59 ==
    *000- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    *010- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
    BUT looks that way
      000- 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  '................'
      010- 10 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 13 00 00 00  '................'
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 04:39
    Hi Cluso.

    Thanks for place me in.
    That was not wanted -- But appreciated.
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' | Cluso's LMM_SerialDebugger for Propeller II (DE0-Nano Emulator)    v0.xx |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Authors:       (c)2013 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                          |
    '' |  License:       MIT License - See end of file for terms of use           |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Acknowledgements: Bill Henning - original LMM methodology               |
    '' |                    Andy (Ariba) - help with LMM call format              |
    '' |                    Chip Gracey  - original P2 ROM Monitor                |
    '' |                    Chip & Parallax - P2 and DE0 emulation & expansion pcb|
    '' |                    Chris (Sapieha) - help with features & testing        |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-22 17:19
    Here is v0.60...

    New/updated debug commands..

    xxxxxM<cr> displays memory as per the rom monitor, xxxxx is the cog or hub address - same as _DUMP_MON call
    xxxxxM1<cr> displays short mode (without ascii) - same as _DUMP+_SMON call
    xxxxxM2<cr> displays code mode - same as _DUMP+_CODE call
    xxxxxM3<cr> displays long mode - same as _DUMP+_LONG

    command L is no longer required and is removed.

    xxxxx- xx xx....<cr> input to hub or cog
    any extra spaces no longer cause an error.
    Note that 1-2 hex chars are treated as bytes, 3-4 hex chars are treated as words, 5-8 hex chars are treated as longs for inputting to cog/hub
    There is still an error in cog mode.

    Sapieha: Hub mode should be correct and you can also paste in a dump from long mode. But, as I said it is half ducplex so overun is likely - may have to lower the baud.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 20:49
    Hi Cluso.

    Nice ditions to Dump mode.

    But that need be one long
    000- 0D A4 FF 0C

    Not 4 longs as Yours input routine remade it to -->
    000- 0D 00 00 00 A4 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 '................'

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Here is v0.60...

    New/updated debug commands..

    xxxxxM<cr> displays memory as per the rom monitor, xxxxx is the cog or hub address - same as _DUMP_MON call
    xxxxxM1<cr> displays short mode (without ascii) - same as _DUMP+_SMON call
    xxxxxM2<cr> displays code mode - same as _DUMP+_CODE call
    xxxxxM3<cr> displays long mode - same as _DUMP+_LONG

    command L is no longer required and is removed.

    xxxxx- xx xx....<cr> input to hub or cog
    any extra spaces no longer cause an error.
    Note that 1-2 hex chars are treated as bytes, 3-4 hex chars are treated as words, 5-8 hex chars are treated as longs for inputting to cog/hub
    There is still an error in cog mode.

    Sapieha: Hub mode should be correct and you can also paste in a dump from long mode. But, as I said it is half ducplex so overun is likely - may have to lower the baud.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 22:26
    Hi Cluso.

    I traced problem to this routine.
    ' lmm_w = addr, lmm_x = hex-data, lmm_c=digits lmm_f = _HUB/_COG
            cmp    lmm_w, #$1FF        wz,wc    ' z+c if =<$1FF = cog mode?
            if_be    add     lmm_pc, #(:wrcog-($+1))*4    '> br fwd  (y: write to cog)  -----------------------
    ' write byte/word/long in lmm_x to hub addr in lmm_w -------------------------------- Sample 1 - 4 longs to temp_buffer
    '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> if end of line --- Go Move it in place
                cmp    lmm_c, #3        wc    ' c if 1-2 digits
        if_c    wrbyte    lmm_x, lmm_w            ' write byte to hub
        if_c    add    lmm_w, #1            ' W++
        if_c    add     lmm_pc, #(:more-($+1))*4    '> br fwd
                cmp    lmm_c, #5        wc    ' c if 3-4 digits
        if_c    wrword    lmm_x, lmm_w            ' write word to hub
        if_c    add    lmm_w, #2            ' W++
        if_c    add     lmm_pc, #(:more-($+1))*4    '> br fwd
                wrlong  lmm_x, lmm_w            ' write a long to hub
                add    lmm_w, #4            ' W++
    ''-----------------------------------------------------------------> It is in this phase it need test
    '------------------------------------------------------------------> then if COG addres ---- MOVE x longs from HUB_buffer to COG
    '------------------------------------------------------------------> then if HUB addres ---- MOVE x longs from HUB_buffer to HUB destination address
                    add     lmm_pc, #(:more-($+1))*4    '> br fwd
    ' write long in lmm_x to cog addr in lmm_w
    :wrcog        rdlong  lmm_op2, lmm_pc                 '\ store the following instr in lmm_op2
                  mov     lmm_x, lmm_x                    '| initially has no effect
                  movd    lmm_op2, lmm_w            '| movd lmm_x(srce)into lmm_op2(dest) - "the cog addr"
            ' now lmm_op2 moves the value in lmm_x to the addr pointed to by lmm_w between each instruction...
                  mov     lmm_op2, #0                     '/ disable instr at lmm_op2 (make a "nop")
                  add    lmm_w, #1            ' W++
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 22:39
    Hi Cluso.

    It is possible to add one more parameter to this command.
        xxxxxMn<cr>                Display (DUMP) COG/HUB; optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
        xxxxxMn+n<cr>            Display (DUMP) COG/HUB; optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
       +n --- Stands for Lines to display 
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-22 22:55
    Next installment..
    The M command has been extended...
        xxxxx[.yyyyy][,cc]M[n]<cr>  Display (DUMP) from cog/hub
          xxxxx is 'from addr' 
          yyyyy is optional 'to addr'
          cc    is optional 'count'
          n     is optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
    If you select either the .yyyyy or ,cc then a heading will automatically be added.

    and the DUMP command has been extended...
    ''     _DUMP  = 3 << 5 ' dump a line (1/4 longs)   from cog/hub
    ''       _ADDR2 = 1 << 4 ' 1= use lmm_c as a to-adress
    ''       _COUNT = 1 << 3 ' 1= use lmm_c to display 'n' lines (counter)
    ''       _HDG = 1 << 2 ' 1=display heading for opcode format
    ''       _MON = 00  ' \ Format 0: 4 longs, rom "MON"itor format
    ''       _SMON = 01  ' |        1: 4 longs, "S"hort rom "MON"itor format (no ascii)
    ''       _CODE = 10  ' |        2: 1 long,  code format
    ''       _LONG = 11  ' /        3: 4 longs, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Sapieha)
    so there are 2 methods to display multiple lines, either by setting lmm_c to a count or to a to-address.


    Sapieha: I am aware that the cog input is not what you require - I am still thinking about this since there is really no byte/word in cog address.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-22 23:00
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    It is possible to add one more parameter to this command.
        xxxxxMn<cr>                Display (DUMP) COG/HUB; optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
        xxxxxMn+n<cr>            Display (DUMP) COG/HUB; optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
       +n --- Stands for Lines to display 
    Beat you to it ;) use xxxxx,ccMn<cr> where cc=decimal count of number of lines. A heading wil automatically appear in count/addr2 modes.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 23:02
    Hi Cluso.

    That answer my Questions.

    Like new Dump mode

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Next installment..
    The M command has been extended...
        xxxxx[.yyyyy][,cc]M[n]<cr>  Display (DUMP) from cog/hub
          xxxxx is 'from addr' 
          yyyyy is optional 'to addr'
          cc    is optional 'count'
          n     is optional n=1/2/3 for smon/code/long else mon
    If you select either the .yyyyy or ,cc then a heading will automatically be added.

    and the DUMP command has been extended...
    ''     _DUMP  = 3 << 5 ' dump a line (1/4 longs)   from cog/hub
    ''       _ADDR2 = 1 << 4 ' 1= use lmm_c as a to-adress
    ''       _COUNT = 1 << 3 ' 1= use lmm_c to display 'n' lines (counter)
    ''       _HDG = 1 << 2 ' 1=display heading for opcode format
    ''       _MON = 00  ' \ Format 0: 4 longs, rom "MON"itor format
    ''       _SMON = 01  ' |        1: 4 longs, "S"hort rom "MON"itor format (no ascii)
    ''       _CODE = 10  ' |        2: 1 long,  code format
    ''       _LONG = 11  ' /        3: 4 longs, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Sapieha)
    so there are 2 methods to display multiple lines, either by setting lmm_c to a count or to a to-address.


    Sapieha: I am aware that the cog input is not what you require - I am still thinking about this since there is really no byte/word in cog address.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 23:25
    Hi Cluso.

    Can that use now new DUMP to show.
    '' display the above instructions...
            mov    lmm_f, #_TXSTRING        '\ set string mode
            mov    lmm_p, strptr_code        '| set hub addr of string (code header)
            call    #LmmFun        wz,wc        '/
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  mov    count, #(IEnd-IStart)        '  set n lines
            MOV    LMM_c, #(IEnd-IStart)        '  set n lines
            mov    lmm_f, #_DUMP+_CODE        '\ set dump cog code
            mov    lmm_p, #IStart            '| set cog address
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:loop5        call    #LmmFun        wz,wc        '/
            call    #LmmFun        wz,wc        '/
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|djnz    count, #:loop5
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-22 23:31
    Hi Cluso.

    Why You renamed "L" to "M"

    In most of debugers

    "L" ---- stand for LIST
    "M" --- stands for MOVE from - to
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-23 00:27
    I started with M for memory and L came later. I might have a look around again and see what some debuggers are using. It is simple enough to change. And I probably want a move/fill command anyway.

    BTW your example in #169 is missing the _COUNT option
            MOV    LMM_c, #(IEnd-IStart)        '  set n lines
            mov    lmm_f, #_DUMP+_COUNT+_CODE        '\ set dump cog code
            mov    lmm_p, #IStart            '| set cog address
    can also be done like this
            mov    lmm_f, #_DUMP+_ADDR2+_CODE        '\ set dump cog code
            mov    lmm_p, #IStart            '| set cog start address
            MOV    LMM_c, #IEnd        '/ set cog end address
    You can also include a heading with +_HDG
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 00:45
    Hi Cluso.

    As I added some extra Variables at end of LMM.
    I use it in little other way.

    My LMM looks like that: - That give me LMM always in same place in COG and some extra Variables I need for automated Displaing of DATA
    ''    COG LMM hard coded to        $1D4 + 16 byte identifier     (maybe removed to save space)
            long    "C"[$1D8-$]            ''Hard coded COG LMM position -------- Chj filler for cog size
    '                            ''    byte    "*"[(($+3)/4*4-$)*4]
    '                                ' fill to next quad long
                    byte    "=== COG LMM ===="              ' 16 byte identifier     (maybe removed to save space)
    ''########### the above "=== COG LMM ====" may be deleted to save space ##########################
    ''############# the above is example code and may be deleted ####################################
    ''#                                                #
    LMM_Pos        org    $        'LMM_Pos-1 Points to last COG long that can be used    #
    ''#                                                #
    ''=======[ Cog LMM execution unit & parameter(s) ]=============================
    '    saves & restores Z & C flags
    '    must be in users cog (16++ longs) - Note: cog requirements will be reduced in a later version
    ''-------[ LMM entry points ]---------------------------
    LmmFun          add     lmm_pc, #4                      ' inc PC (skips _LmmRx jump instr)
    LmmRx           add     lmm_pc, #4                      ' inc PC (skips _LmmTx jump instr)
    LmmTx                                                   '
    ''-------[ LMM execution loop ]-------------------------
    LmmLoop         rdlong  lmm_opcode, lmm_pc              ' rdlong        (read LMM hub instr into OPCODE using PC)
                    add     lmm_pc, #4                      ' PC++          (inc PC to next LMM hub instr)
    lmm_op2         nop                                     ' rdlong delay  (optional 2nd instruction execution)
    lmm_opcode      nop                                     ' rdlong result (execute the LMM hub instr)
                    jmp     #LmmLoop                        ' loop
    ''-------[ LMM return address ]-------------------------
                    nop                                     ' stores user cog return addr + Z & C flags (11 bits)
    ''====11========================== Pointer to User Variables =========================================
    ''====11==================== Place it at start of Yours Variables area ===============================
    Vars_P        org    $        ' --- After RUN user can Change to Theirs own
    ''                    ' by modify COG position for it else use -
    ''                    ' --- MOV Vars_PL,XXX    "First Var position to show
    ''====00========================== LMM_Variables ====================================================
    ''-------[ LMM parameters ]------- $1E4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    lmm_f           long    0                               ' parameter passed to      LMM routine (function options; returns unchanged)
    lmm_x           long    0                               ' parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a value)
    lmm_c        long    0                ' parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a count)
    lmm_p        long    0                ' parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a hub pointer)
    ''-------[ LMM workareas ]-------- $1E8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '  Following are workareas used by the LMM routines. Later, many of these will be shifted to hub or stack to save cog space.
    lmm_pc          long    @_LmmCogReturn + 4              ' LMM PC (program counter)
    lmm_sp          long    @_hub_stack                     ' LMM SP (stack pointer)
    lmm_v           long    0                               ' workarea value
    lmm_w           long    0                               ' workarea for LMM_call
    lmm_z        long    0                ' workarea for DumpCode
    lmm_mode        long    0                               ' saved in dump
    lmm_bittime     long    _bitrate                        ' bit rate for baud
    ''----------------------------------- 0_Dump Help Variables -------------------------------------------
            long    LMM_Pos-1
    '                            long    LMM_Pos
    'LMM_Pos        org    $
    Showp_        org    $
    ''                $1F2
    I_Start        long    0                    ''IStart
    I_countL    Long    10                    ''(@I_End - @I_Start+1)    ''IEnd - IStart
    Vars_PL        long    Vars_P                    ''Have same position as     BYTE    "INDA"
    Vars_C        long    8                    ' hub address to dump (executes as "NOP")
            long    0            ''Spare Long's
    count           long    5
            BYTE    "INDA"
            BYTE    "INDB"
    I now temporary re-edited Your's :cmd3 to that. ---> And it function.
    So now I need only incorporate in it Yours "," option to have both possibilitys
    ' now check if "," follows...
    '        rdbyte    lmm_w, lmm_p            ' read next char
    '        cmp    lmm_w, #","        wz    ' z if ","
    '    if_nz    add    lmm_pc, #(:cmd09-($+1))*4    '> bra fwd (n)
    '        add    lmm_p, #1            ' PTR++
    '           'PUSH    lmm_x                ' \            < push: 'addr' #1 >
    '         wrlong     lmm_x, lmm_sp            ' | PUSH
    '         add     lmm_sp, #4            ' / SP++
    ' get param (dec/count)
    '           'FCALL    SP++, @_ParseDec        ' \            < call: parse decimal >
    '         wrlong     lmm_pc, lmm_sp            ' | PUSH PC
    '         add     lmm_sp, #4            ' | SP++
    '         rdlong     lmm_pc, lmm_pc            ' | CALL...
    '         long     @_ParseDec            ' / ...PC = ADDR
    ' returns: lmm_x=dec/count, lmm_c=digitcount, lmm_p=ptrnextchar
    ''    I_countL     = My Lines count                '   
            mov    lmm_c, I_countL            ' save 'count'
    '        mov    lmm_c, lmm_x            ' save 'count'
    '           'POP    lmm_x                ' \            < pop:  'addr' #1 >
    '         sub     lmm_sp, #4            ' | SP--
    '         rdlong     lmm_x, lmm_sp            ' / POP
            mov    lmm_f, #_COUNT+_HDG        ' set 'count' option

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I started with M for memory and L came later. I might have a look around again and see what some debuggers are using. It is simple enough to change. And I probably want a move/fill command anyway.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 00:51
    Hi Cluso.

    Ps. to previous post.

    Changes to part after LMM ---- That made correct place for HUB part
                    byte    "== $1F8 CODE ==="                      ' Place holders for $1F8 (COG I/O registers) Don't remove
                    byte    "== $1FC CODE ==="                      ' Place holders for $1FC (COG I/O registers) Don't remove
                    byte    "=== HUB CODE ==="                      ' 16 byte identifier  (maybe removed to save space)
    ''########### the above "=== HUB CODE ===" may be deleted  ##################################
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-23 01:01
    I have just been having a little play with getting my debugger to work on P1. Apart from requiring FullDuplexSerial, it is fairly straight forward. I tried not to use any P2 instructions in my code, with the main exception being the serial driver in Tx and Rx. Found I left one cmpr in the code, so I will fix that.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 01:24
    Hi Cluso.

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I have just been having a little play with getting my debugger to work on P1. Apart from requiring FullDuplexSerial, it is fairly straight forward. I tried not to use any P2 instructions in my code, with the main exception being the serial driver in Tx and Rx. Found I left one cmpr in the code, so I will fix that.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-23 01:43
    Here is my testing with cut & paste for cog memory - uses xxxM3<cr> to display in longs. Then that can be copied and pasted to the debug input
     addr-  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
      000- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      004- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      008- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      00C- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
    *  000- 0CFCC00D    80BCC061    FCBCC000    A0FCEA0D
    *  004- 1FFCE66E    A0FCE880    A0BCEE5B    1FFCE66C
    *  008- A0FCEA37    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA38    1FFCE66E
    *  00C- A0FCEA39    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA0D    1FFCE66E
     addr- ----0---    ----1---    ----2---    ----3---
      000- 0CFCC00D    80BCC061    FCBCC000    A0FCEA0D
      004- 1FFCE66E    A0FCE880    A0BCEE5B    1FFCE66C
      008- A0FCEA37    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA38    1FFCE66E
      00C- A0FCEA39    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA0D    1FFCE66E
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 01:45
    Hi Cluso.

    Look's Very good !!!

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Here is my testing with cut & paste for cog memory - uses xxxM3<cr> to display in longs. Then that can be copied and pasted to the debug input
     addr-  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
      000- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      004- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      008- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
      00C- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  '................'
    *  000- 0CFCC00D    80BCC061    FCBCC000    A0FCEA0D
    *  004- 1FFCE66E    A0FCE880    A0BCEE5B    1FFCE66C
    *  008- A0FCEA37    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA38    1FFCE66E
    *  00C- A0FCEA39    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA0D    1FFCE66E
     addr- ----0---    ----1---    ----2---    ----3---
      000- 0CFCC00D    80BCC061    FCBCC000    A0FCEA0D
      004- 1FFCE66E    A0FCE880    A0BCEE5B    1FFCE66C
      008- A0FCEA37    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA38    1FFCE66E
      00C- A0FCEA39    1FFCE66E    A0FCEA0D    1FFCE66E
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 01:49
    Hi Cluso.

    But that input need 4 groups as LONG's.

    I need it to collect instead --- 4 group's 4x2 -- AA BB CC DD ---

    As It is not CUT from debuger I use
    But CUT from PNut
    using option Ctrl-L in PNut
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-23 01:52
    I am not sure what you mean with your posts. Would you prefer that I make the cog lmm code fixed at the end of the cog?

    Currently I am using 19 longs although I am hoping to reduce this to 16 longs. Would it help if I started the LmmFun at cog $1E0 for the time being???
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 01:53

    In PNut use option ---- Ctrl-L
    And then look at end of file
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-23 01:58
    Hi Cluso.

    That You decide.
    > BUT I will in time all functions work place LMM_Debuger in Flash.
    That needs COG_LMM in fixed space ----> Else I can't CUT and paste snippets to COG as that will overwrite COG_LMM itself if snippet are more LONGS that place of COG_LMM

    With FAST place of COG_LMM I always know how many free LONG's I have for MY program to test

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I am not sure what you mean with your posts. Would you prefer that I make the cog lmm code fixed at the end of the cog?

    Currently I am using 19 longs although I am hoping to reduce this to 16 longs. Would it help if I started the LmmFun at cog $1E0 for the time being???
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