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LMM P2 Debugger - Uses Serial Tx & Rx for debugging single cog programs - Page 4 — Parallax Forums

LMM P2 Debugger - Uses Serial Tx & Rx for debugging single cog programs



  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-15 06:10
    Hi Cluso.

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Was not as difficult as I thought, so here is v0.48

    New DEBUG commands...

    aaa$dddddddd<cr> stores long "dddddddd" into cog address "aaa"

    aaaaa#dddddddd<cr> stores long "dddddddd" into hub address "aaaaa"
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-15 20:31
    Hi Cluso.

    Thanks for all additions.

    One Question?

    It is possible to add PROMPT > else like on input line ?. So any know if it hangs else Wait for next input !
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-16 01:09
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    Thanks for all additions.

    One Question?

    It is possible to add PROMPT > else like on input line ?. So any know if it hangs else Wait for next input !

    Great suggestion. But I added it as an option _PROMPT to _RXSTRING.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 01:48
    Hi Cluso.

    Nice --- And work as wanted !!!


    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Great suggestion. But I added it as an option _PROMPT to _RXSTRING.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 02:48
    Hi Cluso.

    I now have sampled all info on command's that "LSD_049.spin" have.
    And merged them in my spin file.
    Can You in future update that in Yours revisions?. And even look if I dont have any error in it.
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' | Cluso's LMM_SerialDebugger for Propeller II (DE0-Nano Emulator)    v0.xx |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Authors:       (c)2013 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                          |
    '' |  License:       MIT License - See end of file for terms of use           |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Acknowledgements: Bill Henning - original LMM methodology               |
    '' |                    Andy (Ariba) - help with LMM call format              |
    '' |                    Chip Gracey  - original P2 ROM Monitor                |
    '' |                    Chip & Parallax - P2 and DE0 emulation & expansion pcb|
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ''        p2load -b 115200 -v -s LSD_049.obj -h -T
        Direct DEBUG commands... prompt ">"
           xxx,<cr> Display (DUMP) COG longs
               <cr> Display (repeat DUMP) next 4 COG longs <cr> = repeat last command {addr} is incremented
        xxxxxx.<cr> Display (DUMP) HUB longs
               <cr> Display (repeat DUMP) next 4 HUB longs <cr> = repeat last command {addr} is incremented
                     Dump code now also displays hex and hex reversed in addition to the instruction format.
                  Works for both cog and hub.
           xxx'<cr> will display the cog address (instruction) code, and
        xxxxxx"<cr> will display the hub address (instruction) code.
             A <cr> will display the next address.
                 Note leading zeros may be omitted in the addresses.
          aaa$DDDDDDDD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into COG address "aaa"
        aaaaa#DDDDDDDD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into HUB address "aaaaa"
        xxx!<cr> resumes (RUN) user code at cog address xxx (i.e. goto). xxx may be omitted for addr=0.
        Ctl-Z<cr> now passes control to the Rom Monitor (was <esc> but that conflicts with p2load Terminal mode)
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 04:52
    Hi Cluso.

    New Question ?

    Can You free ' and " characters by replace them with ( and [.

    And made with ' and " Input string in COG and HUB in same manner as Input LONG values?

    You have Input string --- But it need every time I will use it write some moving routines that it is now AS next command destroy that.
    But I not have so much COG space now for that. So it can be handy to diverse test's.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-16 06:00
    My current decoding method limited the special chars $21-$2F. I have to change this, but am thinking that the whole command structure needs a rethink. An alpha char G-Z makesmore sense and possibly as the first char in the sequence/string.
    Something more like the old micro monitors seems more attractive. What do you think?
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 06:13
    Hi Cluso

    For Input strings ' and " make correct sense ---- As them are used even In languages to mark that it is string.

    on other command's.

    R ---> RUN
    M --> Monitor.
    d ---> Dump COG
    D --> Dump HUB
    h----> Input and store long "dddddddd" into COG address "aaa"
    H----> Input and store long "dddddddd" into HUB address "aaa"
    > Input and store string "This String" into COG address "aaa"
    " ----> Input and store string "This String" into HUB address "aaa"
    b ---> Show COG address (instruction) code
    B ---> Show HUB address (instruction) code

    It Is How I see it.


    Cluso99 wrote: »
    My current decoding method limited the special chars $21-$2F. I have to change this, but am thinking that the whole command structure needs a rethink. An alpha char G-Z makesmore sense and possibly as the first char in the sequence/string.
    Something more like the old micro monitors seems more attractive. What do you think?
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 06:47
    Hi Cluso.

    How much work it is to modify Instruction showing to that.
           Instr  ZCR I CCCC Des Src
      014- 011000 001 0 1111 1D3 00F - 60BFA60F 0FA6BF60
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 12:14
    Hi Cluso.

    I made some changes that maybe can be of interest.

    1. Moved Strings to END of HUB code. That spare many Long's in COG

    Part 1
    ' display hub string
                    mov     lmm_y, #_TXSTRING        '\ set string mode
                    mov     lmm_x, MadeByL            '| set string hub address
                    call    #LmmFun         wz,wc           '/
                    jmp     #donestring
    MadeByL        long     @MadeBy            ''Addres to Yours "Cluso's P2 Debugger v0.49",$0D,$0D,0
    RMonitorL    long    @RMonitor            ''Addres to Yours "To Rom Monitor - hit <space>",$0D,0
    QHOW_txt    long     @QHOW_txt_p                            ' the HUB address of string1
    Bit_txt        long     @Bit_txt_p                            ' the HUB address of string1

    Part 2
    '           'FRET    SP--                ' \ 
             sub     lmm_sp, #4            ' | SP--
             rdlong     lmm_w, lmm_sp            ' | POP PC...
             add     lmm_w, #8            ' | ...PC++2...        (reposn retn adr -skips rdlong/long)
             mov     lmm_pc, lmm_w            ' / ...RET
    MadeBy         byte    "Cluso's P2 Debugger v0.49",$0D,$0D,0    ' this will be displayed from hub
    'MadeByL    long     @MadeBy                ''Need be in COG ' the hub address of string1
    RMonitor    byte    "To Rom Monitor - hit <space>",$0D,0
    'RMonitorL    long    @RMonitor                ''Need be in COG
    Bit_txt_p    Byte    "       Instr  ZCR I CCCC Des Src    0 1 2 3  3 2 1 0",$0d,0
    ''               011- 100001 110 1 1100 1D2 03A  - 0CFF1E0D 0D1EFF0C
    'Bit_txt        long     @Bit_txt_p            ''Need be in COG ' the HUB address of string1
    QHOW_txt_p    Byte    $0D," HOW",$0D,0,0    ',$0D -->not used
    'QHOW_txt    long     @QHOW_txt_p                            ''Need be in COG ' the HUB address of string1
                    byte    "*"[16-(($ & 3)*4)]             ' fill to next quad long
    ''=======[ Hub LMM Buffers ]===================================================
                    byte    "=== HUB STACK =="              ' 16 byte identifier     (maybe removed to save space)
    _hub_buf    byte    0[128]                ' hub buffer        (maybe reduced to save space)
    _hub_buf3    byte    0[64]                ' hub buffer3        (maybe reduced to save space)
    _hub_stack      long    0[32]                ' hub stack        (maybe reduced to save space)
                    byte    "=== HUB  END ==="              ' 16 byte identifier     (maybe removed to save space)

    2. Edited this routine and added some code in USER area

    Part 1
    ' display the instruction code from cog/hub
    ''' TX: <cr>
                      mov     lmm_x, #$0D                     '\ <cr>
                      call    #LmmTx          wz,wc           '/ call LmmTx routine (saves and restores Z & C flags)
    ' display hub string
            mov     lmm_y, #_TXSTRING        '\ set string mode
            mov     lmm_x, Bit_txt            '* set Bit's value info
            call    #LmmFun         wz,wc           '*
            mov    lmm_y, #_DUMP+_COG+_CODE    ' set dump cog code
            mov    lmm_x, D7            ''#:InstDebug        ' set hub/cog address
            call    #LmmFun        wz,wc
                    mov     count, D6                       ' do n lines
    :loop3        call    #LmmFun        wz,wc
                    djnz    count,#:loop3
    D6           Long    $0
    D7           Long    $0


    Part 2 ...... Bloks that are betwen ''00000000000-- and ''11111111111- NEED be placed at Start and end of code
    ............. That anyone will show
    ''************    Start of MAIN code **************************
    ''--- $01000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    ORG     0
    ''00000000000------------------------ To place before Instruction's to Show ---------------------
    InstDebug    MOV    D7,InstD
    ''        MOV    _DLines,D6    '' Debuged Lines to Show
            MOV    D6,_DLines
    InstD        LONG    $+1        '' Runs AS NOP
    'the following is a 0.5 sec delay mechanism only (allows PST to start)
                    getcnt  wait
                    add     wait,delta0
                    waitcnt wait,0
                    add     D5,delta0
                    add     D5,delta0
            jmp    #ENDS
    START        org    $
    ''11111111111----------------------- To place after last Instruction to Show ---------------------
    _DLines        LONG    $-3
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-16 17:17
    Sapieha: Just read your posts so have not had time yet to look at your changes.

    Note though that the demo running in user cog can be completely removed. It is just an example. Only the lmm_.... section is required in user cog, and this has to be refined to reduce the number of longs required. For now, each time I need a new variable in cog, I just add it here. Later I will use the push/pop to save the variables without requiring them in cog so that will reduce the footprint.

    I also have various footprint longs so I can easily see where the code is. These are not required either. There is a lotI can do to free up hub usage, but for now I am more interested in getting the maximum flexibility in the code. Later I will revisit it to reduce the footprints in both cog and hub.

    I need to check and see if pnut can use objects because I could then split the code. However, I am also wanting to try GAS, as that should permit me to use macros for the push/pop/fcall code.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-16 17:27
    Hi Cluso.

    Thanks for explanation.

    Before You do that --- Made if You can String's Input.

    I will never use GAS --- So for me it was not good news

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Sapieha: Just read your posts so have not had time yet to look at your changes.

    Note though that the demo running in user cog can be completely removed. It is just an example. Only the lmm_.... section is required in user cog, and this has to be refined to reduce the number of longs required. For now, each time I need a new variable in cog, I just add it here. Later I will use the push/pop to save the variables without requiring them in cog so that will reduce the footprint.

    I also have various footprint longs so I can easily see where the code is. These are not required either. There is a lotI can do to free up hub usage, but for now I am more interested in getting the maximum flexibility in the code. Later I will revisit it to reduce the footprints in both cog and hub.

    I need to check and see if pnut can use objects because I could then split the code. However, I am also wanting to try GAS, as that should permit me to use macros for the push/pop/fcall code.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-17 03:06
    Next installment includes some of Sapieha's suggestions and ideas...

    The dump code now includes ascii output as well.
    A heading string in hub is available for the user to display using TXSTRING.
    Debug mode now displays a prompt "*".
    In Debug mode,
    Ctl-Q quits and starts the Rom Monitor.
    Ctl-Z returns to the user program.
    RxString has an extra option _PROMPT to display prompt character(s) in lmm_x.
    _MONITOR is a new call that starts the Rom Monitor (reduces the cog footprint).

    There is more user sample code included.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-17 03:44
    Hi Cluso.

    Nice additions.
    More that I wanted

    One thing --- If it was possible RxString have one more variable on entry that change STRING Input position.
                    mov     lmm_y, #_RXSTRING+_ECHO        '\ set rxstring mode: options _ECHO
                    mov      lmm_x,?????                    '/ SET Buffer addres with address of the hub string, <nul> terminated <---- If omitted original ADDRES
                    call    #LmmFun         wz,wc           '| call LmmFun  routine (saves and restores Z & C flags)
    ????         mov     ?????, yyyyy                    '/ Bytes returned 

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-17 05:24
    Hi Cluso.

    Can You wait with that? else have 2 Versions.

    I USE Stack intensively --- And don't have place to LMM for that !!!

    '' RR20130417    0.51    Ctl-Z returns to user cog program
    ''                       Ctl-Q quits & goto rom monitor
    ''[SIZE=3] [COLOR=#ff0000][B]To Do: Use stack to reduce long requirements in cog[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-17 08:34
    Sapieha: Could you please explain post 105 better?

    I don't intend to use the clut. This refers to my hub stack where I will put things like lmm_y instead of lmm_mode, etc.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-17 09:03
    Hi Cluso.

    My thinking are --- Made RXSTRING so it can take 2 parameters.

    First one are Yours standard one "lmm_y, #_RXSTRING+_ECHO".

    Second "lmm_x,?????" -- where "?????" are HUB address that that strings will be placed.

    Return value from RXSTRING " ?????, yyyyy"
    "?????" = My temp variable to hold character counter.
    "yyyyy" = "lmm_x" character counter -1 (0 position) returned from RXSTRING

    with that I can made routine to input XX = Lines of text (Basic) code that can be placed in HUB at any place.
    And no need return to debugger before all text are colected

    I have already next clear routine to save and reload that to FLASH for use with tests

    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    Nice additions.
    More that I wanted

    One thing --- If it was possible RxString have one more variable on entry that change STRING Input position.
                    mov     lmm_y, #_RXSTRING+_ECHO        '\ set rxstring mode: options _ECHO
                    mov      lmm_x,?????                    '/ SET Buffer addres with address of the hub string, <nul> terminated <---- If omitted original ADDRES
                    call    #LmmFun         wz,wc           '| call LmmFun  routine (saves and restores Z & C flags)
                   mov     ?????, yyyyy                    '/ Bytes returned 

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-17 14:44
    What I did with RxString was to use lmm_x for holding the prompt char(s) if the _PROMPT option was used. This actually permits a prompt of up to 4 chars because it uses the Tx routine to display the prompt. These char(s) could be <cr>*>: or in fact any 1..4 characters.

    What you would like is to pass a hub ptr to store the string, and a place to return the count of the number of characters entered -1. Not sure that the -1 would be useful to most, but I can see that it would be preferable to be able to pass the address ptr to a hub location to be used. Currently I don't check limits, so the hub buffer can be overflowed, or underflowed by backspacing too far - this needs to be done. So how do we ensure that the buffer is not overflowed - you would need to pass the max length of the buffer also.

    Now, looking at further uses of this debugger...

    Would a move/copy hub to hub be useful? It could have a string version (ie nul terminated) that could also return the length of the string.

    I guess where I would like to take this is a set of useful routines plus debugger that a program can use which resides in hub and uses LMM. So ultimately, the I/O need not be serial, but could use a substitute I/O driver.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-17 21:55
    Hi Cluso.
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    What I did with RxString was to use lmm_x for holding the prompt char(s) if the _PROMPT option was used.
    This actually permits a prompt of up to 4 chars because it uses the Tx routine to display the prompt.
    These char(s) could be <cr>*>: or in fact any 1..4 characters.

    1. I don't say You shall change that.
    That function very good

    But what I ask is if You can use "lmm_x" else any other "lmm_?????" to pass that ADDRESS to it on entry

    ... mov . lmm_y, #_RXSTRING+_ECHO .... '\ set rxstring mode: options _ECHO
    ... mov . lmm_x,????? ................ '/ SET Buffer addres with address of the hub string, <nul> terminated <---- If omitted original ADDRES
    ... call .#LmmFun wz,wc .............. '| call LmmFun routine (saves and restores Z & C flags)

    ... mov . ?????, yyyyy ................ '/ Bytes returned
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    What you would like is to pass a hub ptr to store the string, and a place to return the count of the
    number of characters entered -1. Not sure that the -1 would be useful to most, but I can see that it would
    be preferable to be able to pass the address ptr to a hub location to be used. Currently I don't check limits,
    so the hub buffer can be overflowed, or underflowed by backspacing too far - this needs to be done.
    So how do we ensure that the buffer is not overflowed - you would need to pass the max length of the buffer also.

    2. Look HEX dump end
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Now, looking at further uses of this debugger...

    Would a move/copy hub to hub be useful? It could have a string version (ie nul terminated)
    that could also return the length of the string.

    3. Can be very usable

    REM Test_Text
    REM 026E0.
    30 Print "to destroy ",#1,K," Klingons in 30 stardates."
    35 GOSUB 160:C=0,H=K
    50 I=1:IF N FOR J=1 TO N:GOSUB 165:NEXT J
    REM That's all.

    3D 3D 3D 20 48 55 42 20 20 45 4E 44 20 3D 3D 3D '=== HUB END ==='
    00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 52 45 4D 20 '............REM '
    54 65 73 74 5F 54 65 78 74 0D 0A 52 45 4D 20 30 'Test_Text..REM 0'
    32 36 45 30 2E 0D 0A 33 30 20 50 72 69 6E 74 20 '26E0...30 Print '
    22 74 6F 20 64 65 73 74 72 6F 79 20 22 2C 23 31 '"to destroy ",#1'
    2C 4B 2C 22 20 4B 6C 69 6E 67 6F 6E 73 20 69 6E ',K," Klingons in'
    20 33 30 20 73 74 61 72 64 61 74 65 73 2E 22 0D ' 30 stardates.".'
    0A 33 35 20 47 4F 53 55 42 20 31 36 30 3A 43 3D '.35 GOSUB 160:C='
    30 2C 48 3D 4B 0D 0A 35 30 20 49 3D 31 3A 49 46 '0,H=K..50 I=1:IF'
    20 4E 20 46 4F 52 20 4A 3D 31 20 54 4F 20 4E 3A ' N FOR J=1 TO N:'
    47 4F 53 55 42 20 31 36 35 3A 4E 45 58 54 20 4A 'GOSUB 165:NEXT J'
    0D 0A 52 45 4D 20 54 68 61 74 27 73 20 61 6C 6C '..REM That's all'
    2E 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    .......|..| number of characters entered
    .......| number of characters entered -1.

    How I will use it

    mov . lmm_!!,03000 ....... ????? - My buffer position
    mov . ????? ,03000 ................ '/ Next line position
    yyyyy ................ '/ Bytes returned
    1-80 in one line if more -->- ERROR MAYBE cut to 80 else return in bytes counter -1
    mov . ?????, yyyyy ................ '/ Bytes returned


    ......... mov . MyTemp,X .....................' Lines to return
    ......... mov . lmm_y, #_RXSTRING+_ECHO ..... '\ set rxstring mode: options _ECHO
    loop..... mov . lmm_!!,????? ................ '/ SET Buffer addres with address of the hub string, <nul> terminated <---- If omitted original ADDRES
    ........ call .#LmmFun wz,wc ................ '| call LmmFun routine (saves and restores Z & C flags)

    ......... cmp . yyyyy,#1 .................... '/ If Bytes =1 returned (Only <cr> entered END Loop
    ......... add . ?????, yyyyy ................ '/ ADD Bytes returned NEXT line position
    ......... mov . lmm_!!, yyyyy ............... '/ Bytes returned
    ........ djnz . MyTemp,#loop ......... Loop for next line

    Cluso99 wrote: »
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 01:00
    Hi Cluso.

    one proposal to You. To future Versions
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' | Cluso's LMM_SerialDebugger for Propeller II (DE0-Nano Emulator)    v0.xx |
    '' |                                             (DE2-115  Emulator)    v0.xx |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Authors:       (c)2013 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                          |
    '' |  License:       MIT License - See end of file for terms of use           |
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' |  Acknowledgements: Bill Henning - original LMM methodology               |
    '' |                    Andy (Ariba) - help with LMM call format              |
    '' |                    Chip Gracey  - original P2 ROM Monitor                |
    '' |                    Chip & Parallax - P2 and DE0 emulation & expansion pcb|
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ''    Compile in PNut.exe and load with
    ''    p2load -b 115200 -v -s LSD_0xx.obj -h -T
    '' for: Terasic DE0-Nano Prop2 Emulator
    '' Works correct on DE2-115
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-18 01:09
    Yes, it seems that a 3rd parameter is in order. That would therefore usually be for a hub pointer.

    'on input
    lmm_x = char(s) if _PROMPT option
    lmm_y = #_RXSTRING [+_PROMPT] [+_BUFPTR] [+_ECHO]
    lmm_z = hubptr if _BUFPTR option
    'on return
    lmm_x = no of chars in string
    lmm_y = -same-
    lmm_z = hubptr to string (either user supplied on entry, or internal buffer)

    Do you think 80 characters is sufficient, or should we allow 128 characters? If the user supplies a buffer, it will need to be this length including the $0 terminator and <cr> too.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 01:28
    Hi Cluso.

    I see You now understand me. Thanks

    "Do you think 80 characters is sufficient, or should we allow 128 characters? If the user supplies a buffer, it will need to be this length including the $0 terminator and <cr> too."

    1. 80 characters is sufficient. <cr> need be always included and line terminated with $0. but "lmm_x = no of chars in string" need point to $0D as it is only entire TEXT that need be terminated with $0.

    It is why I need "no of chars in string" that if I input next line I add it to my Variable and place that in "lmm_z = hubptr if _BUFPTR option" on next round in LOOP without return to debugger.

    That give possibility to use CUT (from and editor) and PASTE .to terminal window any text that be correctly placed IN buffer with lines separated with $0D

    'on return
    lmm_x = no of chars in string else -1 if error (to many characters)

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Yes, it seems that a 3rd parameter is in order. That would therefore usually be for a hub pointer.

    'on input
    lmm_x = char(s) if _PROMPT option
    lmm_y = #_RXSTRING [+_PROMPT] [+_BUFPTR]
    lmm_z = hubptr if _BUFPTR option
    'on return
    lmm_x = no of chars in string
    lmm_y = -same-
    lmm_z = hubptr to string (either user supplied on entry, or internal buffer)

    Do you think 80 characters is sufficient, or should we allow 128 characters? If the user supplies a buffer, it will need to be this length including the $0 terminator and <cr> too.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-18 02:09
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    I see You now understand me. Thanks

    "Do you think 80 characters is sufficient, or should we allow 128 characters? If the user supplies a buffer, it will need to be this length including the $0 terminator and <cr> too."

    1. 80 characters is sufficient. <cr> need be always included and line terminated with $0. but "lmm_x = no of chars in string" need point to $0D as it is only entire TEXT that need be terminated with $0.
    Yes, the count includes the <cr> but not the <nul>.
    It is why I need "no of chars in string" that if I input next line I add it to my Variable and place that in "lmm_z = hubptr if _BUFPTR option" on next round in LOOP without return to debugger.

    That give possibility to use CUT (from and editor) and PASTE .to terminal window any text that be correctly placed IN buffer with lines separated with $0D
    Yes I understand.
    'on return
    lmm_x = no of chars in string else -1 if error (to many characters)
    Do you think I should return with -1 rather than just wait for backspace to correct the input?

    I have been thinking about the Dump Code call from my debugger (unsure about when called from the user program)...
    Do not do <cr> once the line is displayed and wait for input which can be...
    <cr> = go dump next location
    "......<cr> inputs a string of text characters and stores as bytes at from the first address (variable length, not checked)
    'xxxxxxxx<cr> inputs a long at the location (xxxxxxxx can be 1-8 hex digits)
    `xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx...<cr> inputs a string of hex bytes and stores as bytes from the first address (variable length, not checked) (' is backquote)
    All the above may be interspersed on the one line.
    any other leading character is interpreted as a new command, and will cause a <cr> followed by the display (echo) of that character.

    Your comments?
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 02:10
    Hi Cluso.

    New Question.

    It is possible to modify that INPUT routines that can use more that one HEX value ---- Separated by ","
          aaa$DDDDDDDD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into COG address "aaa"
        aaaaa#DDDDDDDD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into HUB address "aaaaa"
          aaa$DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DD DD DD DD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into COG address "aaa"
        aaaaa#DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DDDDDDDD,DD DD DD DD<cr> Input and store long "dddddddd" into HUB address "aaaaa"

    .That need be to decoded as one LONG ----> DD DD DD DD
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-18 03:03
    What I thought is this example...

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *`12 34 56 78 9A<cr>
    would enter hex bytes 1000=$12, 1001=$34, 1002=$56, 1003=$78, 1004=$9A

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *'88889999 AAAABBBB<cr>
    would enter hex longs 1000=$88889999 (ie reversed as 99 99 88 88), 1004=$AAAABBBB

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *"fox!<cr>
    would enter ascii bytes 1000="f", 1001="o", 1002="x", 1003="!"

    I am unsure about mixing them on the above on the one line.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-18 03:17
    Thinking further, any address >$1FF is hub and anything <= is cog. There is no reason we need to look at lower hub rom because this can be done with the rom monitor, and it is published anyway. This may simplify things a bit.

    For the "goto" commands, maybe...
    where G can also be lower case
    xxx if omitted, is a normal return to the user code
    xxx is otherwise 1-3 hex address in cog to goto.
    So 0G<cr> is effectively a restart without initialising any cog registers/variables.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 04:48
    Hi Cluso.

    Looks good for me.

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Thinking further, any address >$1FF is hub and anything <= is cog. There is no reason we need to look at lower hub rom because this can be done with the rom monitor, and it is published anyway. This may simplify things a bit.

    For the "goto" commands, maybe...
    where G can also be lower case
    xxx if omitted, is a normal return to the user code
    xxx is otherwise 1-3 hex address in cog to goto.
    So 0G<cr> is effectively a restart without initialising any cog registers/variables.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 05:00
    Hi Cluso.

    That look good But.

    Why not use for enter Longs in same manner as them are displayed.

    for enter to COG use

    .............Long 1........Long 2.....Long 3..
    . 100- 01 02 03 04 0004 0004 00000008<cr>
    COG enter
    0100- 01 02 03 04 0004 0004 00000008<cr>
    HUB enter

    for enter to HUB use ADDRESS Need be specified as 4 to 8 HEX values

    That give possibility for CUT and PASTE from PNut
    ctrl-L window option

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    What I thought is this example...

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *`12 34 56 78 9A<cr>
    would enter hex bytes 1000=$12, 1001=$34, 1002=$56, 1003=$78, 1004=$9A

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *'88889999 AAAABBBB<cr>
    would enter hex longs 1000=$88889999 (ie reversed as 99 99 88 88), 1004=$AAAABBBB

    01000 - 111111 111 1 1111 1FF 0A5 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *"fox!<cr>
    would enter ascii bytes 1000="f", 1001="o", 1002="x", 1003="!"

    I am unsure about mixing them on the above on the one line.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2013-04-18 06:01
    Hi Cluso.

    I have be thinking more on it.

    If You have possibility to test address for $E80 and bigger maybe it is possible to made it in same time --->
    Starting any COG from HUB ???

    0xxxG<cr> --- GoTot COG program
    0xxx if omitted, is a normal return to the user code

    0Exx else bigger
    0Exx 0-7S<cr> --- Start from HUB COG 0-7

    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Cluso.

    Looks good for me.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-04-18 13:22
    Any address $200+ has to be hub, and any address <$200 has to be cog. Therefore there is really no need to use a different command.
    For inputting hex values, 1 or 2 digits should be byte, 3 or 4 digits should be word and 5-8 digits should be longs. This therefore takes care of endian issues (I think). Any number of bytes/words/longs can be strung on a line with spaces between. There is no need for a leading zero. Strings could be intermixed using double quotes to surround the text.

    For initialising/loading a cog we could use the G command as follows:
    xxxxxGpppppppp c<cr>
    where pppppppp is the long parameter passed to the cog and c is the cogid (if omitted, it is the current cog)
    G<cr> returns to the user program
    xxxG<cr> goes to the user program at cog address xxx (0G<cr> does a restart without initialisation)

    Commands can be upper/lower case alpha G-Z & g-z. (A-F & a-f are reserved for hex values)

    Command V for copy/fill (ie V for paste)
    xxxxxVsssss llll<cr> copies from sssss to xxxxx, length = llll (length in bytes for hub, longs for cog)
    xxxxxV$zzzzzzzz llll<cr> fills xxxxx with byte/word/long zzzzzzzz for length = llll. If length omitted, just one byte/word/long
    xxxxxV"the fox" $0D $00<cr> copies a string to xxxxx

    Could you post an example of what you want to paste from pnut?

    M could be for examining (dumping and optionally changing) memory...
    xxxxxM[zzzzz]<cr> displays memory (new instruction format) where xxxxx is the first address and zzzzz is an optional last address.
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