DE0-Nano and DE2-115 add-on boards for Prop2 emulation are ready!

For those of you who are using a DE0-Nano or a DE2-115 board for Prop2 emulation, we now have our Prop2 add-on boards ready which provide the SPI flash chip, 4 DACs, a VGA connector, 4 phono jacks, a PropPlug header, a signal header, and a breadboard.
If any of you would like one of these boards, please private message me with which one you need and your shipping address. I don't think that there are more than a dozen of you, so we'll just send you the board for free.
If any of you would like one of these boards, please private message me with which one you need and your shipping address. I don't think that there are more than a dozen of you, so we'll just send you the board for free.
Pictures please
Thanks Chip. PM sent.
Here's the DE2-115 board:
The DE2-115 version is tiny! Can't wait to play with it.
We need these asap and will sent through our Fedex account details. If anyone else in AU/NZ/Indonesia wants to hitch a ride just say so.
Please send DE2-115 add-on boards to Eric Smith and Dave Hein as well.
It is nice to see who is playing with these. So, FWIW, my DE0 is included in tubulars group.
As for the spare, time to start working on persuading Dr Acula...
Great! I'm glad to hear Ross will be getting one of the DE0-Nano add-on boards. Now what do we need to do to convince Dr_Acula to try the P2? Does he already have an FPGA board or do we need to get him one of those too?
I think I'll get a spare DE0 to match up with the spare DE0 DAC breakout. That way it can perhaps travel around like we already talked about (to Drac, or local agent Ron Nollet who gets around, or whoever else may be interested). Then there can be no excuses
I think the nano will only give me one cog though. Can I do VGA output with one cog?
Thanks Chip!
Thanks Chip and Parallax!
Yes. One of the PropGCC demos is a pong game that uses only one COG.
There is also a VGA demo that puts up random color/size rectangles.
No one has attempted an LMM only VGA program that I know of.
Could something really crude work with LMM ? Guess we'll never know
That may depend on what "LMM Only" means, exactly.
If someone really has used all the 7 other COGS for 'something else', then the new P2 threading feature, may be enough when combined with the better HW, to have 'a corner of a LMM COG' manage the VGA timing. LMM performance would be down on the peak, but that may be tolerable.
Was referring to Rayman's question about doing VGA on the DE0 Nano board.
Today the only VGA programs that run in one COG are Propeller-GCC COG programs (or some PASM ony thing which I haven't seen but probably exists - Chip?). The thought is that one COG could be used to run the LMM interpreter which would manage the VGA output. Of course that is impossible only because no one has done it yet
Can coginit work on the cog calling it?