Is there a PST equivalent to run on Ray's LCD screens?
Don M
Posts: 1,653
I would like to be able to display what I have been displaying on PST on my pc to the LCD display instead. How does one go about this? Is there already some code out there for this?
I may not have a scrolling text example exactly like you want, but the "PSB_VGA_Demo" on this page:
should be fairly easily adapted to do what you want...
I tried adding this method to get it to print a string from the dat section (I added the str method from FDS) your print method was already there:
but it doesn't work right. In the beginning section of your demo you write to the screen like this:
but I was hoping to make it work more like FDS in that when it hits a zero terminated string it quits etc....
To get smaller text, you have to work magic on the assembly language driver and provide any necessary font tables ... doable, but not a trivial change.
Mike- I didn't see any str method in his demo or driver. The str method is what I added and treated the print as if it were tx.
I got it working but I'm curious as to why the text does not stay on the screen after it is displayed unless there is a repeat loop or a long pause it will disappear.
I'm trying to make this work as though it is a terminal. And just like FDS & PST if I send the charachters to it they remeain on the screen. Help me understand this object.
So 2 questions-
1. Why is a repeat needed after the strings are sent?
2. Why doesn't the message from dat trigger a newline with the embedded $10D?
As for the display disappearing, the LCD driver sets some pins in the context of the caller's cog which - when you exit (no repeat) - return to their default state(s) therefore turning off the display.
Thanks. Gets me every time... changed the code to this. Changes marked (and it works):
I don't quite understand this. Can you explain it in a different way?
Effectively, in order to keep the display switched on, you have to keep cog A alive.
A I'm aware it's conditional but given the described behaviour it's most likely active.
Does it have to be done this way?
Thanks for the suggestion. That works for now.
Thanks for your help.
run through this method:
somehow equates to a color from this:
I have found the little program that Ray has on his website to configure the longs in the dat table for specific colors but I don't understand how they are referenced by the code above.
Well, the parameter is $113 which will trigger in the case statement ($113 is within $110..$11F). The code will extract a 3 ($113 & $00F) from the parameter and therefore select color 3 for subsequent output.
Given that the selectable colour is in the range of 0..15 it suggests long indices into the colour table.
Ok now that helps a ton. I tried what you mentioned and my table looks like this:
the characters are red on black background but there is a funky background all around it. I don't know where that comes from. If I can get this figured out then I should have enough to get along on my own.
Here's what it looks like:
Thanks again.