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PropBasic - shiftin/shiftout "speed" parm 5 - definition requested — Parallax Forums

PropBasic - shiftin/shiftout "speed" parm 5 - definition requested

pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
edited 2012-11-27 08:25 in Propeller 1
In a statement "shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed" I can plug values into so_speed and increasing numbers definitely speed up the SPI transaction in an ascending manner to a certain point where the MCP3208 ADC chip doesn't respond. I'm not particularly fluent in PASM and see that changing that fifth parameter changes a couple of waitcnts in the emitted code. I've searched far and wide but am unable to find a definitive description of what unit this parameter is in. I can use up to 33 in a cog mode code task and 5 in the same task but running LMM mode; this matches Bean's statement elsewhere that LMM is 5-6 times slower than the equivalent cog mode code. Can anyone help me?



  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-11-25 16:39
    Until someone comes up with a number (I'd assume baud but this doesn't seem to fit), can you post the emitted code? Should be easy to figure out.

    Then again, it could be table driven, 0 meaning lowest speed and going up from there.
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2012-11-25 17:22
    Here's the emitted code with a value of 33 dec:
    PUB Init(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      Return ((pv_DataStart >> 2) << 18) + ((@__INIT >> 2) << 4)
      ORG 0                                                     
                      mov           dira,__InitDirA             
                      mov           outa,__InitOutA             
                                                                 '	'        *************************************
                                                                 ''        **      SPI INTERFACE DETAIL       **
                                                                 ''        *************************************
    ' SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0 'SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0
    ' SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1 'SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1
    ' SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2 'SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2
    ' SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX 'SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX
    ' SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX 'SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX
    ' SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves 'SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves
                                                                 '' ADC0 Details
                                                                 '' MAP			ADC0.0
                                                                 '' IAT			ADC0.1 - Post turbo
                                                                 '' CLT			ADC0.2
                                                                 '' BARO		ADC0.3
                                                                 '' O2			ADC0.4
                                                                 '' TPS			ADC0.5
                                                                 '' EGT			ADC0.6
                                                                 '' IAT2		ADC0.7 - Pre turbo
                                                                 '' ADC1 Details
                                                                 '' ADC1.0
                                                                 '' ADC1.1
                                                                 '' ADC1.2
                                                                 '' ADC1.3
                                                                 '' ADC1.4
                                                                 '' ADC1.5
                                                                 '' ADC1.6
                                                                 '' ADC1.7
                                                                 '' ADC2 Details
                                                                 '' ADC2.0
                                                                 '' ADC2.1
                                                                 '' ADC2.2
                                                                 '' ADC2.3
                                                                 '' ADC2.4
                                                                 '' ADC2.5
                                                                 '' ADC2.6
                                                                 '' ADC2.7
                                                                 ''        **    SPI INTERFACE DETAIL END  **
    ' 	  chan var long                                           '	  chan var long
    ' 		adcchip var long                                         '		adcchip var long
    ' 		adchubvar var long                                       '		adchubvar var long
    ' 		adc_cnt var long                                         '		adc_cnt var long
    ' 		c1 var long                                              '		c1 var long
    ' 		c2 var long                                              '		c2 var long
    ' 		so_speed con 33 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec '		so_speed con 33 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec
                                                                 '		'so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 474 Hz, 2108 usec
    __DO_5                                                       '		do
                      mov           c1,cnt                       '		c1 = cnt
                      mov           adcchip,#0                   '		for adcchip = 0 to 2
                      mov           chan,#0                      '			for chan = 0 to 7
                      cmps          adcchip,#0 WZ, WC            '				if adcchip = 0 then
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_24                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					high spi_cs0
                      or            outa,SPI_CS0                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					low spi_cs0
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS0                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 1 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#1 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_25                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					high spi_cs1
                      or            outa,SPI_CS1                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					low spi_cs1
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS1                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 2 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_26                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					high spi_cs2
                      or            outa,SPI_CS2                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					low spi_cs2
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS2                
    __ELSE_26                                                    '				endif
                      mov           adchubvar,#0                 '				adchubvar = 0
                      mov           adchubvar,adcchip            '				adchubvar = adcchip * 8
                      shl           adchubvar,#3                
                                                                 '				adchubvar = adchubvar + chan
                      adds          adchubvar,chan              
                      cmps          chan,#0 WZ, WC               '				if chan = 0 then
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_27                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#24                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0029            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 1 then
                      cmps          chan,#1 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_28                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11001\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#25                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0030            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 2 then
                      cmps          chan,#2 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_29                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11010\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#26                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0031            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 3 then
                      cmps          chan,#3 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_30                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11011\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0032            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 4 then
                      cmps          chan,#4 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_31                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11100\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#28                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0033            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 5 then
                      cmps          chan,#5 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_32                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#29                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0034            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 6 then
                      cmps          chan,#6 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_33                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11110\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#30                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0035            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 7 then
                      cmps          chan,#7 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_34                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11111\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#31                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0036            
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 8 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10000\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=+, 1=-
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 9 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10001\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=-, 1=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 10 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10010\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=+, 3=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 11 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10011\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=-, 3=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 12 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10100\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=+, 5=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 13 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10101\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=-, 5=+	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 14 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10110\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=+, 7=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 15 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10111\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=-, 7=+	
    __ELSE_34                                                    '				endif
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_RX               '				shiftin spi_rx, spi_clk, msbpost, adc_cnt\13, so_speed
                      andn          dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#0                  
                      mov           __temp4,#13                 
                      mov           __temp5,cnt                 
                      add           __temp5,#24                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#24                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#24                 
                      and           __temp1,ina NR, WC          
                      rcl           __temp3,#1                  
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0037            
                      mov           adc_cnt,__temp3             
                      or            dira,SPI_CLK                 '				low spi_clk
                      andn          outa,SPI_CLK                
                                                                 '				'adc_cnt = spi_rx
                      mov           __temp1,adchubvar            '				wrlong adc(adchubvar), adc_cnt
                      shl           __temp1,#2                  
                      add           __temp1,__adc_adr           
                      wrlong        adc_cnt,__temp1             
                      adds          chan,#1                      '			next
                      cmps          chan,#7 WZ, WC              
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_chan_12              
                      adds          adcchip,#1                   '		next
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_adcchip_11           
                      mov           c2,cnt                       '		c2 = cnt - c1
                      subs          c2,c1                       
                      wrlong        c2,__h_adc_loop_cnt_adr      '		wrlong h_adc_loop_cnt, c2
                      jmp           #__DO_5                      '		loop
                      mov           __temp1,#0                   'ENDTASK
                      waitpne       __temp1,__temp1             
    __InitDirA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00101111
    __InitOutA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000111
    SPI_CS0          LONG 1 << 0
    SPI_CS1          LONG 1 << 1
    SPI_CS2          LONG 1 << 2
    SPI_TX           LONG 1 << 3
    SPI_RX           LONG 1 << 4
    SPI_CLK          LONG 1 << 5
    ____STRING_adr   LONG 0
    __clkfreq_adr    LONG 0
    __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr LONG 0
    __adc_adr        LONG 4
    __verpm_adr      LONG 100
    __veload_adr     LONG 180
    __ve_table_adr   LONG 260
    __ign_table_adr  LONG 1060
    __h_rpm_adr      LONG 1860
    __h_load_adr     LONG 1864
    __h_ve_interp_adr LONG 1868
    __h_ign_interp_adr LONG 1870
    __calc_us_h_adr  LONG 1872
    __ECUUP_adr      LONG 1876
    __VERSION_adr    LONG 1885
    __OOPS_adr       LONG 1943
    __CMD_LIST_adr   LONG 1966
    __REBOOTING_adr  LONG 2100
    __ADC_TXT_adr    LONG 2172
    __ADCL_TXT_adr   LONG 2205
    __ADC0_TXT_adr   LONG 2254
    __ADC1_TXT_adr   LONG 2263
    __ADC2_TXT_adr   LONG 2272
    __US_TXT_adr     LONG 2281
    __HZ_TXT_adr     LONG 2301
    __ULINE_TXT_adr  LONG 2308
    __VE_adr         LONG 2314
    __IGN_adr        LONG 2323
    __temp1          RES 1
    __temp2          RES 1
    __temp3          RES 1
    __temp4          RES 1
    __temp5          RES 1
    __param1         RES 1
    __param2         RES 1
    __param3         RES 1
    __param4         RES 1
    __paramcnt       RES 1
    chan             RES 1
    adcchip          RES 1
    adchubvar        RES 1
    adc_cnt          RES 1
    c1               RES 1
    c2               RES 1
    FIT 492
      LSBFIRST                         = 0
      MSBFIRST                         = 1
      MSBPRE                           = 0
      LSBPRE                           = 1
      MSBPOST                          = 2
      LSBPOST                          = 3
      HOME                             = 1
      GOTOXY                           = 2
      CRSRLF                           = 3
      CRSRRT                           = 4
      CRSRUP                           = 5
      CRSRN                            = 6
      BEEP                             = 7
      BKSP                             = 8
      TAB                              = 9
      LF                               = 10
      CLREOL                           = 11
      CLRDN                            = 12
      CR                               = 13
      GOTOX                            = 14
      GOTOY                            = 15
      CLS                              = 16
      so_speed                         = 33
    PUB _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                       
      __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr += pv_DataStart                      
      __adc_adr += pv_DataStart                                 
      __verpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __veload_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ve_table_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ign_table_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __h_rpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __h_load_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __h_ve_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                         
      __h_ign_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                        
      __calc_us_h_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ECUUP_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __VERSION_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __OOPS_adr += pv_DataStart                                
      __CMD_LIST_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __REBOOTING_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ADC_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __ADCL_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC0_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC1_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC2_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __US_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __HZ_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ULINE_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __VE_adr += pv_DataStart                                  
      __IGN_adr += pv_DataStart                                 

    and with value 5:
    PUB Init(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      Return ((pv_DataStart >> 2) << 18) + ((@__INIT >> 2) << 4)
      ORG 0                                                     
                      mov           dira,__InitDirA             
                      mov           outa,__InitOutA             
                                                                 '	'        *************************************
                                                                 ''        **      SPI INTERFACE DETAIL       **
                                                                 ''        *************************************
    ' SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0 'SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0
    ' SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1 'SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1
    ' SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2 'SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2
    ' SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX 'SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX
    ' SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX 'SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX
    ' SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves 'SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves
                                                                 '' ADC0 Details
                                                                 '' MAP			ADC0.0
                                                                 '' IAT			ADC0.1 - Post turbo
                                                                 '' CLT			ADC0.2
                                                                 '' BARO		ADC0.3
                                                                 '' O2			ADC0.4
                                                                 '' TPS			ADC0.5
                                                                 '' EGT			ADC0.6
                                                                 '' IAT2		ADC0.7 - Pre turbo
                                                                 '' ADC1 Details
                                                                 '' ADC1.0
                                                                 '' ADC1.1
                                                                 '' ADC1.2
                                                                 '' ADC1.3
                                                                 '' ADC1.4
                                                                 '' ADC1.5
                                                                 '' ADC1.6
                                                                 '' ADC1.7
                                                                 '' ADC2 Details
                                                                 '' ADC2.0
                                                                 '' ADC2.1
                                                                 '' ADC2.2
                                                                 '' ADC2.3
                                                                 '' ADC2.4
                                                                 '' ADC2.5
                                                                 '' ADC2.6
                                                                 '' ADC2.7
                                                                 ''        **    SPI INTERFACE DETAIL END  **
    ' 	  chan var long                                           '	  chan var long
    ' 		adcchip var long                                         '		adcchip var long
    ' 		adchubvar var long                                       '		adchubvar var long
    ' 		adc_cnt var long                                         '		adc_cnt var long
    ' 		c1 var long                                              '		c1 var long
    ' 		c2 var long                                              '		c2 var long
                                                                 '		'so_speed con 33 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec
    ' 		so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 474 Hz, 2108 usec      '		so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 474 Hz, 2108 usec
    __DO_5                                                       '		do
                      mov           c1,cnt                       '		c1 = cnt
                      mov           adcchip,#0                   '		for adcchip = 0 to 2
                      mov           chan,#0                      '			for chan = 0 to 7
                      cmps          adcchip,#0 WZ, WC            '				if adcchip = 0 then
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_24                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					high spi_cs0
                      or            outa,SPI_CS0                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					low spi_cs0
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS0                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 1 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#1 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_25                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					high spi_cs1
                      or            outa,SPI_CS1                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					low spi_cs1
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS1                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 2 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_26                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					high spi_cs2
                      or            outa,SPI_CS2                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					low spi_cs2
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS2                
    __ELSE_26                                                    '				endif
                      mov           adchubvar,#0                 '				adchubvar = 0
                      mov           adchubvar,adcchip            '				adchubvar = adcchip * 8
                      shl           adchubvar,#3                
                                                                 '				adchubvar = adchubvar + chan
                      adds          adchubvar,chan              
                      cmps          chan,#0 WZ, WC               '				if chan = 0 then
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_27                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#24                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0029            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 1 then
                      cmps          chan,#1 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_28                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11001\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#25                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0030            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 2 then
                      cmps          chan,#2 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_29                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11010\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#26                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0031            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 3 then
                      cmps          chan,#3 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_30                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11011\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0032            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 4 then
                      cmps          chan,#4 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_31                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11100\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#28                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0033            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 5 then
                      cmps          chan,#5 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_32                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#29                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0034            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 6 then
                      cmps          chan,#6 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_33                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11110\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#30                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0035            
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_27                  '				elseif chan = 7 then
                      cmps          chan,#7 WZ, WC              
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_34                  
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11111\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#31                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#106                
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#106                
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0036            
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 8 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10000\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=+, 1=-
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 9 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10001\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=-, 1=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 10 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10010\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=+, 3=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 11 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10011\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=-, 3=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 12 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10100\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=+, 5=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 13 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10101\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=-, 5=+	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 14 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10110\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=+, 7=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 15 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10111\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=-, 7=+	
    __ELSE_34                                                    '				endif
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_RX               '				shiftin spi_rx, spi_clk, msbpost, adc_cnt\13, so_speed
                      andn          dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#0                  
                      mov           __temp4,#13                 
                      mov           __temp5,cnt                 
                      add           __temp5,#160                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#160                
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#160                
                      and           __temp1,ina NR, WC          
                      rcl           __temp3,#1                  
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0037            
                      mov           adc_cnt,__temp3             
                      or            dira,SPI_CLK                 '				low spi_clk
                      andn          outa,SPI_CLK                
                                                                 '				'adc_cnt = spi_rx
                      mov           __temp1,adchubvar            '				wrlong adc(adchubvar), adc_cnt
                      shl           __temp1,#2                  
                      add           __temp1,__adc_adr           
                      wrlong        adc_cnt,__temp1             
                      adds          chan,#1                      '			next
                      cmps          chan,#7 WZ, WC              
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_chan_12              
                      adds          adcchip,#1                   '		next
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_adcchip_11           
                      mov           c2,cnt                       '		c2 = cnt - c1
                      subs          c2,c1                       
                      wrlong        c2,__h_adc_loop_cnt_adr      '		wrlong h_adc_loop_cnt, c2
                      jmp           #__DO_5                      '		loop
                      mov           __temp1,#0                   'ENDTASK
                      waitpne       __temp1,__temp1             
    __InitDirA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00101111
    __InitOutA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000111
    SPI_CS0          LONG 1 << 0
    SPI_CS1          LONG 1 << 1
    SPI_CS2          LONG 1 << 2
    SPI_TX           LONG 1 << 3
    SPI_RX           LONG 1 << 4
    SPI_CLK          LONG 1 << 5
    ____STRING_adr   LONG 0
    __clkfreq_adr    LONG 0
    __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr LONG 0
    __adc_adr        LONG 4
    __verpm_adr      LONG 100
    __veload_adr     LONG 180
    __ve_table_adr   LONG 260
    __ign_table_adr  LONG 1060
    __h_rpm_adr      LONG 1860
    __h_load_adr     LONG 1864
    __h_ve_interp_adr LONG 1868
    __h_ign_interp_adr LONG 1870
    __calc_us_h_adr  LONG 1872
    __ECUUP_adr      LONG 1876
    __VERSION_adr    LONG 1885
    __OOPS_adr       LONG 1943
    __CMD_LIST_adr   LONG 1966
    __REBOOTING_adr  LONG 2100
    __ADC_TXT_adr    LONG 2172
    __ADCL_TXT_adr   LONG 2205
    __ADC0_TXT_adr   LONG 2254
    __ADC1_TXT_adr   LONG 2263
    __ADC2_TXT_adr   LONG 2272
    __US_TXT_adr     LONG 2281
    __HZ_TXT_adr     LONG 2301
    __ULINE_TXT_adr  LONG 2308
    __VE_adr         LONG 2314
    __IGN_adr        LONG 2323
    __temp1          RES 1
    __temp2          RES 1
    __temp3          RES 1
    __temp4          RES 1
    __temp5          RES 1
    __param1         RES 1
    __param2         RES 1
    __param3         RES 1
    __param4         RES 1
    __paramcnt       RES 1
    chan             RES 1
    adcchip          RES 1
    adchubvar        RES 1
    adc_cnt          RES 1
    c1               RES 1
    c2               RES 1
    FIT 492
      LSBFIRST                         = 0
      MSBFIRST                         = 1
      MSBPRE                           = 0
      LSBPRE                           = 1
      MSBPOST                          = 2
      LSBPOST                          = 3
      HOME                             = 1
      GOTOXY                           = 2
      CRSRLF                           = 3
      CRSRRT                           = 4
      CRSRUP                           = 5
      CRSRN                            = 6
      BEEP                             = 7
      BKSP                             = 8
      TAB                              = 9
      LF                               = 10
      CLREOL                           = 11
      CLRDN                            = 12
      CR                               = 13
      GOTOX                            = 14
      GOTOY                            = 15
      CLS                              = 16
      so_speed                         = 5
    PUB _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                       
      __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr += pv_DataStart                      
      __adc_adr += pv_DataStart                                 
      __verpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __veload_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ve_table_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ign_table_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __h_rpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __h_load_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __h_ve_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                         
      __h_ign_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                        
      __calc_us_h_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ECUUP_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __VERSION_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __OOPS_adr += pv_DataStart                                
      __CMD_LIST_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __REBOOTING_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ADC_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __ADCL_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC0_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC1_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC2_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __US_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __HZ_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ULINE_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __VE_adr += pv_DataStart                                  
      __IGN_adr += pv_DataStart                                 

    The PropBasic code is:
    ' ======================================================================
    ' TASK Code - ADC_LOOP
    ' ======================================================================
    TASK adc_loop
    	'        *************************************
    '        **      SPI INTERFACE DETAIL       **
    '        *************************************
    SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0
    SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1
    SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2
    SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX
    SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX
    SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves
    ' ADC0 Details
    ' MAP			ADC0.0
    ' IAT			ADC0.1 - Post turbo
    ' CLT			ADC0.2
    ' BARO		ADC0.3
    ' O2			ADC0.4
    ' TPS			ADC0.5
    ' EGT			ADC0.6
    ' IAT2		ADC0.7 - Pre turbo
    ' ADC1 Details
    ' ADC1.0
    ' ADC1.1
    ' ADC1.2
    ' ADC1.3
    ' ADC1.4
    ' ADC1.5
    ' ADC1.6
    ' ADC1.7
    ' ADC2 Details
    ' ADC2.0
    ' ADC2.1
    ' ADC2.2
    ' ADC2.3
    ' ADC2.4
    ' ADC2.5
    ' ADC2.6
    ' ADC2.7
    '        **    SPI INTERFACE DETAIL END  **
    	  chan var long
    		adcchip var long
    		adchubvar var long
    		adc_cnt var long
    		c1 var long
    		c2 var long
    		so_speed con 33 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec
    		'so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 474 Hz, 2108 usec
    		c1 = cnt
    		for adcchip = 0 to 2
    			for chan = 0 to 7
    				if adcchip = 0 then
    					high spi_cs0
    					low spi_cs0
    				elseif adcchip = 1 then
    					high spi_cs1
    					low spi_cs1
    				elseif adcchip = 2 then
    					high spi_cs2
    					low spi_cs2
    				adchubvar = 0
    				adchubvar = adcchip * 8
    				adchubvar = adchubvar + chan
    				if chan = 0 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 1 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11001\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 2 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11010\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 3 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11011\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 4 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11100\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 5 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 6 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11110\5, so_speed
    				elseif chan = 7 then
    					shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11111\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 8 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10000\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=+, 1=-
    				'elseif chan = 9 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10001\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=-, 1=+
    				'elseif chan = 10 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10010\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=+, 3=-	
    				'elseif chan = 11 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10011\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=-, 3=+
    				'elseif chan = 12 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10100\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=+, 5=-	
    				'elseif chan = 13 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10101\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=-, 5=+	
    				'elseif chan = 14 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10110\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=+, 7=-	
    				'elseif chan = 15 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10111\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=-, 7=+	
    				shiftin spi_rx, spi_clk, msbpost, adc_cnt\13, so_speed
    				low spi_clk
    				'adc_cnt = spi_rx
    				wrlong adc(adchubvar), adc_cnt
    		c2 = cnt - c1
    		wrlong h_adc_loop_cnt, c2

    My scope, the timing measurements I've placed in there and, I think, the PASM code tells me it increases the SPI clock and data rate. I'm just curious what multiplier/divider this parm is in relation to what base. Hope that makes sense...

    Thank you -Mike
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-11-25 17:50
    pmrobert wrote: »
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX   ' shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#24                 
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,[COLOR="#FF0000"]#20[/COLOR]                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,[COLOR="#FF0000"]#20[/COLOR]                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,[COLOR="#FF0000"]#20[/COLOR]                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0029            
    This is the basic output loop. It uses (so_speed = 33) 3*20 cycles to transfer a single bit (the other example does the same in 3*106 cycles). I couldn't find any clock setup in the code, what speed are you running at? Also, could you produce those cycle numbers for some other speed values (just to have a few more data points)?
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2012-11-25 18:21
    I'm running at 5x16, just a standard PPDB. With a value of so_speed=4 that waitcnt value is #133, if 8 then #66, if 16 then #33, if 32 then #20. I have since tightened that code up a bit so as not to have that convoluted "if..then" structure, I just want to be clear on what I'm presenting to you. That should not have made any difference, but....
    PUB Init(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                         
      Return ((pv_DataStart >> 2) << 18) + ((@__INIT >> 2) << 4)
      ORG 0                                                     
                      mov           dira,__InitDirA             
                      mov           outa,__InitOutA             
                                                                 ''        *************************************
                                                                 ''        **      SPI INTERFACE DETAIL       **
                                                                 ''        *************************************
    ' SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0 'SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0
    ' SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1 'SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1
    ' SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2 'SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2
    ' SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX 'SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX
    ' SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX 'SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX
    ' SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves 'SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves
                                                                 '' ADC0 Details
                                                                 '' MAP			ADC0.0
                                                                 '' IAT			ADC0.1 - Post turbo
                                                                 '' CLT			ADC0.2 - Radiator In
                                                                 '' BARO		ADC0.3
                                                                 '' O2			ADC0.4
                                                                 '' TPS			ADC0.5
                                                                 '' EGT			ADC0.6 - Pre turbo
                                                                 '' IAT2		ADC0.7 - Pre turbo
                                                                 '' ADC1 Details
                                                                 '' EGT2		ADC1.0 - Post turbo
                                                                 '' CLT2		ADC1.1 - Radiator Out
                                                                 '' OIL			ADC1.2 - Oil Cooler In
                                                                 '' OIL2		ADC1.3 - Oil Cooler Out
                                                                 '' KNK			ADC1.4 - Knock Sensor
                                                                 '' ACLZ		ADC1.5 - Accelerometer Z
                                                                 '' ACLX		ADC1.6 - Accelerometer X
                                                                 '' ACLY		ADC1.7 - Accelerometer Y
                                                                 '' ADC2 Details
                                                                 '' ADC2.0
                                                                 '' ADC2.1
                                                                 '' ADC2.2
                                                                 '' ADC2.3
                                                                 '' ADC2.4
                                                                 '' ADC2.5
                                                                 '' ADC2.6
                                                                 '' ADC2.7
                                                                 ''        **    SPI INTERFACE DETAIL END  **
    ' 	  chan var long                                           '	  chan var long
    ' 		adcchip var long                                         '		adcchip var long
    ' 		adchubvar var long                                       '		adchubvar var long
    ' 		adc_cnt var long                                         '		adc_cnt var long
    ' 		c1 var long                                              '		c1 var long
    ' 		c2 var long                                              '		c2 var long
    ' 		adc_cmd var long                                         '		adc_cmd var long
    ' 		so_speed con 32 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec '		so_speed con 32 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec
                                                                 '		'so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 560 Hz, 1784 usec
    __DO_5                                                       '		do
                      mov           c1,cnt                       '		c1 = cnt
                      mov           adcchip,#0                   '		for adcchip = 0 to 2
                      mov           chan,#0                      '			for chan = 0 to 7
                      cmps          adcchip,#0 WZ, WC            '				if adcchip = 0 then
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_24                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					high spi_cs0
                      or            outa,SPI_CS0                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS0                 '					low spi_cs0
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS0                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 1 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#1 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_25                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					high spi_cs1
                      or            outa,SPI_CS1                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS1                 '					low spi_cs1
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS1                
                      jmp           #__ENDIF_24                  '				elseif adcchip = 2 then
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_NE         jmp           #__ELSE_26                  
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					high spi_cs2
                      or            outa,SPI_CS2                
                      or            dira,SPI_CS2                 '					low spi_cs2
                      andn          outa,SPI_CS2                
    __ELSE_26                                                    '				endif
                      mov           adchubvar,#0                 '				adchubvar = 0
                      mov           adchubvar,adcchip            '				adchubvar = adcchip * 8
                      shl           adchubvar,#3                
                                                                 '				adchubvar = adchubvar + chan
                      adds          adchubvar,chan              
                      mov           adc_cmd,chan                 '				adc_cmd = chan+%11000
                      adds          adc_cmd,#24                 
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_TX               '				shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, adc_cmd\5, so_speed
                      or            dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,adc_cmd             
                      mov           __temp4,#5                  
                      shl           __temp3,#27                 
                      mov           __temp5,#20                 
                      add           __temp5,cnt                 
                      shl           __temp3,#1 WC               
                      muxc          outa,__temp1                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#20                 
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0029            
                                                                 '				'if chan = 0 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 1 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11001\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 2 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11010\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 3 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11011\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 4 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11100\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 5 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 6 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11110\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 7 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11111\5, so_speed
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 8 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10000\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=+, 1=-
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 9 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10001\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=-, 1=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 10 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10010\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=+, 3=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 11 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10011\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=-, 3=+
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 12 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10100\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=+, 5=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 13 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10101\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=-, 5=+	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 14 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10110\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=+, 7=-	
                                                                 '				'elseif chan = 15 then
                                                                 '				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10111\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=-, 7=+	
                                                                 '				'endif
                      mov           __temp1,SPI_RX               '				shiftin spi_rx, spi_clk, msbpost, adc_cnt\13, so_speed
                      andn          dira,__temp1                
                      mov           __temp2,SPI_CLK             
                      or            dira,__temp2                
                      mov           __temp3,#0                  
                      mov           __temp4,#13                 
                      mov           __temp5,cnt                 
                      add           __temp5,#25                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#25                 
                      xor           outa,__temp2                
                      waitcnt       __temp5,#25                 
                      and           __temp1,ina NR, WC          
                      rcl           __temp3,#1                  
                      djnz          __temp4,#__L0030            
                      mov           adc_cnt,__temp3             
                      or            dira,SPI_CLK                 '				low spi_clk
                      andn          outa,SPI_CLK                
                                                                 '				'adc_cnt = spi_rx
                      mov           __temp1,adchubvar            '				wrlong adc(adchubvar), adc_cnt
                      shl           __temp1,#2                  
                      add           __temp1,__adc_adr           
                      wrlong        adc_cnt,__temp1             
                      adds          chan,#1                      '			next
                      cmps          chan,#7 WZ, WC              
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_chan_12              
                      adds          adcchip,#1                   '		next
                      cmps          adcchip,#2 WZ, WC           
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_adcchip_11           
                      mov           c2,cnt                       '		c2 = cnt - c1
                      subs          c2,c1                       
                      wrlong        c2,__h_adc_loop_cnt_adr      '		wrlong h_adc_loop_cnt, c2
                      jmp           #__DO_5                      '		loop
                      mov           __temp1,#0                   'ENDTASK
                      waitpne       __temp1,__temp1             
    __InitDirA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00101111
    __InitOutA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000111
    SPI_CS0          LONG 1 << 0
    SPI_CS1          LONG 1 << 1
    SPI_CS2          LONG 1 << 2
    SPI_TX           LONG 1 << 3
    SPI_RX           LONG 1 << 4
    SPI_CLK          LONG 1 << 5
    ____STRING_adr   LONG 0
    __clkfreq_adr    LONG 0
    __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr LONG 0
    __adc_adr        LONG 4
    __verpm_adr      LONG 100
    __veload_adr     LONG 180
    __ve_table_adr   LONG 260
    __ign_table_adr  LONG 1060
    __h_rpm_adr      LONG 1860
    __h_load_adr     LONG 1864
    __h_ve_interp_adr LONG 1868
    __h_ign_interp_adr LONG 1870
    __calc_us_h_adr  LONG 1872
    __ECUUP_adr      LONG 1876
    __VERSION_adr    LONG 1885
    __OOPS_adr       LONG 1943
    __CMD_LIST_adr   LONG 1966
    __REBOOTING_adr  LONG 2100
    __ADC_TXT_adr    LONG 2172
    __ADCL_TXT_adr   LONG 2205
    __ADC0_TXT_adr   LONG 2254
    __ADC1_TXT_adr   LONG 2263
    __ADC2_TXT_adr   LONG 2272
    __US_TXT_adr     LONG 2281
    __HZ_TXT_adr     LONG 2301
    __ULINE_TXT_adr  LONG 2308
    __VE_adr         LONG 2314
    __IGN_adr        LONG 2323
    __temp1          RES 1
    __temp2          RES 1
    __temp3          RES 1
    __temp4          RES 1
    __temp5          RES 1
    __param1         RES 1
    __param2         RES 1
    __param3         RES 1
    __param4         RES 1
    __paramcnt       RES 1
    chan             RES 1
    adcchip          RES 1
    adchubvar        RES 1
    adc_cnt          RES 1
    c1               RES 1
    c2               RES 1
    adc_cmd          RES 1
    FIT 492
      LSBFIRST                         = 0
      MSBFIRST                         = 1
      MSBPRE                           = 0
      LSBPRE                           = 1
      MSBPOST                          = 2
      LSBPOST                          = 3
      HOME                             = 1
      GOTOXY                           = 2
      CRSRLF                           = 3
      CRSRRT                           = 4
      CRSRUP                           = 5
      CRSRN                            = 6
      BEEP                             = 7
      BKSP                             = 8
      TAB                              = 9
      LF                               = 10
      CLREOL                           = 11
      CLRDN                            = 12
      CR                               = 13
      GOTOX                            = 14
      GOTOY                            = 15
      CLS                              = 16
      so_speed                         = 32
    PUB _Fixup(pv_DataStart, pv_VP_Watch)                       
      __h_adc_loop_cnt_adr += pv_DataStart                      
      __adc_adr += pv_DataStart                                 
      __verpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __veload_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ve_table_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ign_table_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __h_rpm_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __h_load_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __h_ve_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                         
      __h_ign_interp_adr += pv_DataStart                        
      __calc_us_h_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ECUUP_adr += pv_DataStart                               
      __VERSION_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __OOPS_adr += pv_DataStart                                
      __CMD_LIST_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __REBOOTING_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __ADC_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                             
      __ADCL_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC0_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC1_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __ADC2_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                            
      __US_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __HZ_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                              
      __ULINE_TXT_adr += pv_DataStart                           
      __VE_adr += pv_DataStart                                  
      __IGN_adr += pv_DataStart                                 
    ' ======================================================================
    ' TASK Code - ADC_LOOP
    ' ======================================================================
    TASK adc_loop
    '        *************************************
    '        **      SPI INTERFACE DETAIL       **
    '        *************************************
    SPI_CS0				PIN 0		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 0
    SPI_CS1				PIN 1		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 1
    SPI_CS2				PIN 2		HIGH		' SPI Chip Select - MCP3208 - 12 bit, 8 channel ADC 2
    SPI_TX				PIN 3		LOW		' SPI master out serial in to slave - TX
    SPI_RX				PIN 4		INPUT	' SPI master in serial out from slave - RX
    SPI_CLK				PIN 5		LOW		' SPI clock from master to all slaves
    ' ADC0 Details
    ' MAP			ADC0.0
    ' IAT			ADC0.1 - Post turbo
    ' CLT			ADC0.2 - Radiator In
    ' BARO		ADC0.3
    ' O2			ADC0.4
    ' TPS			ADC0.5
    ' EGT			ADC0.6 - Pre turbo
    ' IAT2		ADC0.7 - Pre turbo
    ' ADC1 Details
    ' EGT2		ADC1.0 - Post turbo
    ' CLT2		ADC1.1 - Radiator Out
    ' OIL			ADC1.2 - Oil Cooler In
    ' OIL2		ADC1.3 - Oil Cooler Out
    ' KNK			ADC1.4 - Knock Sensor
    ' ACLZ		ADC1.5 - Accelerometer Z
    ' ACLX		ADC1.6 - Accelerometer X
    ' ACLY		ADC1.7 - Accelerometer Y
    ' ADC2 Details
    ' ADC2.0
    ' ADC2.1
    ' ADC2.2
    ' ADC2.3
    ' ADC2.4
    ' ADC2.5
    ' ADC2.6
    ' ADC2.7
    '        **    SPI INTERFACE DETAIL END  **
    	  chan var long
    		adcchip var long
    		adchubvar var long
    		adc_cnt var long
    		c1 var long
    		c2 var long
    		adc_cmd var long
    		so_speed con 32 ' cog only, non-LMM max speed, 2881 Hz, 347 usec
    		'so_speed con 5   ' LMM max speed, 560 Hz, 1784 usec
    		c1 = cnt
    		for adcchip = 0 to 2
    			for chan = 0 to 7
    				if adcchip = 0 then
    					high spi_cs0
    					low spi_cs0
    				elseif adcchip = 1 then
    					high spi_cs1
    					low spi_cs1
    				elseif adcchip = 2 then
    					high spi_cs2
    					low spi_cs2
    				adchubvar = 0
    				adchubvar = adcchip * 8
    				adchubvar = adchubvar + chan
    				adc_cmd = chan+%11000
    				shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, adc_cmd\5, so_speed
    				'if chan = 0 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11000\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 1 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11001\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 2 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11010\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 3 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11011\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 4 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11100\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 5 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11101\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 6 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11110\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 7 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %11111\5, so_speed
    				'elseif chan = 8 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10000\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=+, 1=-
    				'elseif chan = 9 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10001\5, so_speed	'Diff - 0=-, 1=+
    				'elseif chan = 10 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10010\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=+, 3=-	
    				'elseif chan = 11 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10011\5, so_speed	'Diff - 2=-, 3=+
    				'elseif chan = 12 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10100\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=+, 5=-	
    				'elseif chan = 13 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10101\5, so_speed	'Diff - 4=-, 5=+	
    				'elseif chan = 14 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10110\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=+, 7=-	
    				'elseif chan = 15 then
    				'	shiftout spi_tx, spi_clk, msbfirst, %10111\5, so_speed	'Diff - 6=-, 7=+	
    				shiftin spi_rx, spi_clk, msbpost, adc_cnt\13, so_speed
    				low spi_clk
    				'adc_cnt = spi_rx
    				wrlong adc(adchubvar), adc_cnt
    		c2 = cnt - c1
    		wrlong h_adc_loop_cnt, c2
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2012-11-25 18:32
    Here's something strange - with values of so_speed = 32 or 33 the waitcnt value is #20. However, so_speed=32 runs the loop in 344 usec, so_speed=33 runs it in 338 usec even though both have the waitcnt=#20 in the emitted code.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-11-25 19:03
    pmrobert wrote: »
    Here's something strange - with values of so_speed = 32 or 33 the waitcnt value is #20. However, so_speed=32 runs the loop in 344 usec, so_speed=33 runs it in 338 usec even though both have the waitcnt=#20 in the emitted code.
    That's certainly odd. Is the generated code exactly the same?

    Anyway, I came up with a preliminary equation: baudrate = (clkfreq/1600)*speed. Note that this is clipped for n = 1 as we can only fit 511 into a literal parameter (533.3 required @80MHz). Other values are OK. Going towards higher numbers it's clipped as well (most likely in the code generator), 20 cycles seems to be the lower limit here (around speed = 26). HTH

    Note that this equation works for 80MHz, it reacts to changes (40MHz has half the cycle count) so there may be some work required in that department (too lazy to check, 50k*speed seems to fit the bill). But this should work for you.
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2012-11-25 19:20
    I found the difference - the compiler seems to limit the generated value to <= #20 for shiftout. Shiftin on the other hand is generated with a slightly higher set of waitcnts (#23 vs #20) so that accounts for the observed speed difference. Thanks for your time, I hope Bean can weigh in on this. It's pretty much academic but I do like to understand what the code and chip are doing. I need to learn PASM!
    PS: My daughter was looking over my shoulder and said something about a black cat...

    Thanks again,
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-11-26 04:22
    Mike, Yes there is a minimum limit to make sure the code can get through the loop before the next waitcnt instruction. If it doesn't it will hang until "cnt" wraps around (about 56 seconds).
    ShiftIn and ShiftOut have different instructions inside the loop, so the minimum is different for each of them.

    If I remember correctly the default speed is 100KHz and gets scaled from there until the minimum is hit. So speed "2" would be about 200KHz etc.

  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2012-11-27 08:25
    Bean, thanks for the info. That roughly matches what the scope shows. Kuroneko, thank you for your analysis as well. I'm heading off to teach myself PASM now :-)
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