How close are you to Kenosha? I was born there!!! Left shortly after. The only time I was ever back was December of 1980. Took a bus trip from Hinesville, GA (80 degrees) to Billings, MT. Stopped there and it was 20 below zero!!! And of course, I had no coat!!!
Kenosha is about as far away from me as you can get and still be in Wisconsin. Actually, I think Kenosha is a suburb of Chicago...
And, it gets even colder here!
I wonder who is residing farthest from their place of birth. I was born in San Francisco and am now in Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan - 8 time zones away from home (not 12, I corrected this) and quite a bit south.
What would be really interesting is to dynamically generate the map. You have everybody's location information as part of their profile, so you could write a script to scan the forums (perhaps all posts from the last 30 days?) and add the locations to the map.
I had something like that setup to run on my website however a few members expressed concerns about privacy and not wanting to have to opt-out so instead I went with a voluntary system as shown below.
Distance from origins to current location: I lose - Indianapolis, IN to Medina, OH (outside of Cleveland, OH)
Route to get there?
Indianapolis, IN
Chicago, IL
Kansas City, MO (summers in Beulah, MI up to this point)
Topeka, KS
Minneapolis, MN
Topeka, KS
Minneapolis, MN
Des Moines, IA
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Years in journey: 52
Longest stay: Cleveland, OH area - 28 years
Shortest Stay: Des Moines, IA (5 months)
Farthest point from home: Chita, Russia (Siberia)
Regarding longest stay, it has been my living in Taiwan since July of 1994 and I'll be 65 in December. I left San Francisco for univeristy at 17, stayed in the Northwest of the USA - Oregon and Washington state for 15 or so years, went back to S.F, and then on to Taiwan.
Being a Westerner in Taiwan is a wonderful lifestyle. One lives cheaply and gets treated well.
I live in San Jose, Ca. and have called Silicon Valley my permanent home for 25+ years. I grew up in Muscle Shoals, Alabama (Music there was a big influence on me). My longest trip abroad and furthest too was a year at Diego Garcia, BIOT (deceptive advertising here). My shortest trip abroad was a 6 hour shopping trip near Osan AFB Sonton, Korea (an R&R relief from the winter in Adak, Ak). Of all the places I've been, I loved Misawa, Japan and it's yellow brick road area the most.
Someone on the forum used to have a map that showed where all the Prop Heads lived.
I tried to encourage people to use the "location" feature when we switched forum software a while back. I still think it would be nice to see where people are living.
I live in Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK , work as a studio lighting technician, 17 years at the BBC's Television Centre West London and currently working for 13 years for another television broadcaster in the UK named Sky.
Still dabbling around with Basic Stamp and Prop reading manuals and experimenting.
Would you know it? I already forgot all about putting ZiCog on Oldbitcollectors map. Now I know where I am. Could of guessed, it's getting very dark and cold around here.
Well, if I knew where I was at I would not be here. Now would I?
I thought this was along the lines of never being lost. I am not lost because I always know where I am. I am here, therefore I am not lost. Being lost means you do not know where you are at!!!!
Near Paris,France.
Retired biologist.
Meet a group of kids on wednesday afternoons to build simple robots. (with Propellers !).
It is in a network called "La main a la p
Oh yeah, I remembered you John but I had the impression you're in Indonesia, my memory needs to be de-fragmented ...
Ah, no worries! I wanted to come over to Singapore again and check out the Sim Lim square plus going around in the Universal Studios! Right now, tied to my work, so hoping I can complete the postgraduate work this year so I can take a vacation.
Born in Minneapolis, MN, traveled around the country with my parents during WWII, Washington state to Florida to Oklahoma, then back to Webster, WI, where we had a little cabin on a lake. We eventually moved back to the Minneapolis suburbs from 1958 until I left home in 1963. I spent time in Texas, then Edinborough, Scotland (Air Force), Glasgow, MT (Air Force), Missoula, MT , back to Minneapolis/St. Paul area and then the last 25 years in New Richmond, WI.
I have never been lost. Sometimes I don't know exactly where I am, but if you go one direction for long enough, you're bound to hit a road, lake, ocean or something...
- Home: Livermore, CA (in the Tri-Valley, about 30 miles East of San Francisco Bay).
- Recently retired from Apple Inc. after 23 years, working on Mac operating systems (6.2 - 10.8)
- Currently volunteering for audio/visual services (sound engineering, video recording/editing, musician)
- Interested in robotics, automation, music, sound technology
- Started computing on DEC PDP-11 (1975), Apple ][ (1979), Mac (1984)
- Professional programming on IBM MVS, DEC PDP, Mac OS and Unix systems, since 1982
- Taught community college courses on personal computing for 7 years
I believe I still have a fully functional PDP 11/34 with dual 5MB platter disk drives (about the size of two washing machines) collecting dust that would love to find a caring home.
If you check out some of the used medical imaging junk places, you may find some interesting devices. For example, Siemens in the late 80s used to use pdp 11/?? And on a device called the polytron, they used a microVAX. It may have been GE that used a Data General mini in some of the oldest CT systems. Just a thought should you need ideas of where to find something that is either collecting dust or for some reason has not been tossed.
I believe I still have a fully functional PDP 11/34 with dual 5MB platter disk drives (about the size of two washing machines) collecting dust that would love to find a caring home.
If you check out some of the used medical imaging junk places, you may find some interesting devices. For example, Siemens in the late 80s used to use pdp 11/?? And on a device called the polytron, they used a microVAX. It may have been GE that used a Data General mini in some of the oldest CT systems. Just a thought should you need ideas of where to find something that is either collecting dust or for some reason has not been tossed.
In 1981 I toured an Air Force medical facility that had a lot of scanners with Hewlett Packard HP2100 minicomputers built into them -- the original embedded controller. These were about the size of a large microwave oven and are probably the sort of thing OBC is looking for; most people would have to upgrade their electrical service to boot up a PDP11. A PDP8 or one ofthe later VAX stations would be a little more manageable.
I believe I still have a fully functional PDP 11/34 with dual 5MB platter disk drives (about the size of two washing machines) collecting dust that would love to find a caring home.
currently lurking about straight across the highway from Timbuctoo California (yep its a real place). Trying to revive my hobby which was for a time blown to smithereens due to a "the love of my life "going nuts and running off with another woman" and leaving me to foot the bill for it all. Such is my otherwise normal life in the sure-as-heck-anything-goes-california (for better or worse, say what?). During the day I work on down-in-the-guts-of-the-matter system code for the medical device industry (the currentmost place where I hang-my-hat-there on this long meandering vagabond journey of a modern software engineer). I tinker a lot on many different things -- and have lots of tinker toys scattered about the place in some half done stage of completion or another. I am constantly on the look out for a better mouse trap but if the world came beating to my door I may to have move even further into the country. I've lived all around the world and sometimes the usa tempts me to look toward costa rica where the living is cheaper and, where I hear that, the women are more tan than here in NorCal, but darn it if I haven't come to like bumbling about the states so much that I unpack my suitcase as much as I pack it....
well there you go, that is little ole me coming out of my nut shell. I'll climb back in now and tell myself its all going to work out in the end.
Kenosha is about as far away from me as you can get and still be in Wisconsin. Actually, I think Kenosha is a suburb of Chicago...
And, it gets even colder here!
I had something like that setup to run on my website however a few members expressed concerns about privacy and not wanting to have to opt-out so instead I went with a voluntary system as shown below. Again, for privacy reasons you can't see it unless you're logged in, however I see a few members here so...
Route to get there?
Indianapolis, IN
Chicago, IL
Kansas City, MO (summers in Beulah, MI up to this point)
Topeka, KS
Minneapolis, MN
Topeka, KS
Minneapolis, MN
Des Moines, IA
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Years in journey: 52
Longest stay: Cleveland, OH area - 28 years
Shortest Stay: Des Moines, IA (5 months)
Farthest point from home: Chita, Russia (Siberia)
Being a Westerner in Taiwan is a wonderful lifestyle. One lives cheaply and gets treated well.
I live in San Jose, Ca. and have called Silicon Valley my permanent home for 25+ years. I grew up in Muscle Shoals, Alabama (Music there was a big influence on me). My longest trip abroad and furthest too was a year at Diego Garcia, BIOT (deceptive advertising here). My shortest trip abroad was a 6 hour shopping trip near Osan AFB Sonton, Korea (an R&R relief from the winter in Adak, Ak). Of all the places I've been, I loved Misawa, Japan and it's yellow brick road area the most.
If you don't know where you are, then you might know how fast you are going...
Still dabbling around with Basic Stamp and Prop reading manuals and experimenting.
OK. I did not know that. All I know is that the "kids" on "That 70's Show" always seem to go to Kenosha for concerts!!!!
I thought this was along the lines of never being lost. I am not lost because I always know where I am. I am here, therefore I am not lost. Being lost means you do not know where you are at!!!!
Retired biologist.
Meet a group of kids on wednesday afternoons to build simple robots. (with Propellers !).
It is in a network called "La main a la p
Ah, no worries! I wanted to come over to Singapore again and check out the Sim Lim square plus going around in the Universal Studios! Right now, tied to my work, so hoping I can complete the postgraduate work this year so I can take a vacation.
I have never been lost. Sometimes I don't know exactly where I am, but if you go one direction for long enough, you're bound to hit a road, lake, ocean or something...
Nerdy details about Oldbitcollector
- Home: Livermore, CA (in the Tri-Valley, about 30 miles East of San Francisco Bay).
- Recently retired from Apple Inc. after 23 years, working on Mac operating systems (6.2 - 10.8)
- Currently volunteering for audio/visual services (sound engineering, video recording/editing, musician)
- Interested in robotics, automation, music, sound technology
- Started computing on DEC PDP-11 (1975), Apple ][ (1979), Mac (1984)
- Professional programming on IBM MVS, DEC PDP, Mac OS and Unix systems, since 1982
- Taught community college courses on personal computing for 7 years
I note you are looking for an old mini mainframe.
I believe I still have a fully functional PDP 11/34 with dual 5MB platter disk drives (about the size of two washing machines) collecting dust that would love to find a caring home.
Might that be of interest to you?
Peter (pjv)
In 1981 I toured an Air Force medical facility that had a lot of scanners with Hewlett Packard HP2100 minicomputers built into them -- the original embedded controller. These were about the size of a large microwave oven and are probably the sort of thing OBC is looking for; most people would have to upgrade their electrical service to boot up a PDP11. A PDP8 or one ofthe later VAX stations would be a little more manageable.
When I get to work on Monday I'll have a peek for it and get you some details.
Peter (pjv)
Well that machine has been located so please PM me so we can check out shipping, and end hijacking this thread.
Peter (pjv)
well there you go, that is little ole me coming out of my nut shell. I'll climb back in now and tell myself its all going to work out in the end.
Thanks for the laughs guys.