Where are you at?
Posts: 3,629
So, I know there are people from all over the world on this forum. Most seem to be in the US and some from the UK, a couple Aussies and at least one from Taiwan. I am just curious, where in the world are you located and what type of projects do you mostly work on? I would like to put together a "geographical" map of all Parallaxians based on location and interests. Myself, I am in Federal Way, WA. I mostly just dabble with robotics stuff but if it has to do with electronics I like to tinker along those lines also. Self taught everything I know (electronics, Computer and CCTV wise) which that in itself is sometimes scary!!!!
My projects are mostly whever i feel i could benefit from learning. Originally i just wanted to understand computer hardware at a deeper level than plugging things in to a mother board so building micro computers and operating systems is a huge intrest. More recently robotics becuase I feel like a robot is kind of a jack of all trades project theres so many seperate systems in a robot that its really a well rounded starting point for electronics it involves everything fro everything from power managmet to rf and digital optics
Most of my Propeller projects end up being a conceptual testing exercise. I love to learn.
I hope to start helping at a few local high schools and elementary schools in the near future.
And then determine how many of us are nocturnal!!
[ near Cambridge, UK, many and varied projects ]
Judging by all the confederate flags around here, I'd say I'm somewhere in the deep south circa 1863.
But judging by all the Gadsden flags I see on bumper stickers, I'd say I'm somewhere in Philadelphia circa 1770's.
Taking into account the sound of gunfire in the woods on weekends, I might say Syria.
Judging by all the fat guys I see at Walmart carrying their hand guns on their hips, I'd say I'm somewhere inside an episode of The Biggest Loser.
Based on observations of chewing tobacco purchases at the grocery store, I'm most definitely within a regional IQ average above 42.
As for what I do - I study photosynthesis and evolution.
The Honda Nighthawk group, mine's an '83 CB550SC (pretty rare), has a google map showing where we all are.
To get it "real time" would require something at the Parallax server, I would presume.
I've seen real time maps on some other forums though.
White Bear Lake, MN USA
Scratch built Props, although I have done a bunch of others too.
Solar trackers, direct and heliostats.
Anything electronics, especially analog, but also digital.
Electric vehicles.
A really wide variety of interests.
Duane J
I'm just learning about the Basic Stamp and Propeller with a Boe Bot, Stingray and then got interested in the ELEV-8. I'm a boater (32' Carver Aft Cabin) and want to develop some instrumentation for the boat. I'd also like to build an autonomous model boat some day.
So many things to do, so little time.
Self taught in electronics from my first 8080 based Altair clone way back.....took a break in the 80's through late 2000's.
Educated in computers through some school (no degree) and 10 month program for new graduates through Sperry (now, sadly, Unisys) - ended up as a mainframe OS internalist/developer/fly&fix guy. From there it's been downhill, technically.
As for projects and interests? Robots, propellers, languages (Forths)....I'm finding project seem to get in the way of me getting things done!! :0)
This sounds interesting but is a little beyond my programming abilities at this time.
How close are you to Kenosha? I was born there!!! Left shortly after. The only time I was ever back was December of 1980. Took a bus trip from Hinesville, GA (80 degrees) to Billings, MT. Stopped there and it was 20 below zero!!! And of course, I had no coat!!!
Electronics and robotics. (Duh!)
Geology... with the obligatory mineral collection, rock pick and geiger counter.
Amateur radio... all tube type Hallicrafters gear.
Computers... programming and repair with 8 Macs, 4 peecees (winderz & linux), 2 SGI boxes and a Sun Micro.
Astronomy/astrophotography with 5 telescopes and two video cameras
Image and audio editing
World war 2 history and gaming
and a fascination with chemistry and quantum physics.
I have a difficult time finishing projects! :-|
Never stop learning,
Formal education in electronics mid to late 1960's (yep - valves!)
Away from it for many years and a recreational return in the last decade.
Started out designing and building tesla coils then learning about microprocessors.
Robotics seemed to be a fun way to move from theory to the real world and let the little beasties do something.
Got very familiar with "Basic" then onto the C's.
Currently stuck there with high levels of confusion, frustration and occasional breakthroughs.
Progression to Parallax Forum seemed unavoidable.
I'm looking forward to learning a lot more here.
I tried to encourage people to use the "location" feature when we switched forum software a while back. I still think it would be nice to see where people are living.
Interests? Do I have time for those? Lets see...
First: Jesus. Period. 'Nuff said!
Then, in no particular order:
I use forth for teaching little kids about technology by building robots.
Projects. Right now it is all about learning Forth on the Propeller. I am not so much a builder as a reader and enjoy learning. It is rather difficult to build things as I live in a small place in Taiwan and parts are not easily gotten on the level that they are in the USA.
Experience with Basic Stamps, SX Chips, the Propeller, and other items that are non-Parallax. I like CANbus a lot and I'd say my most interesting creation was a board to control start up and stopping of daily air cooling for a pig farm in Northern Thailand that used bio-methane from the pig waste to power a Nisan truck motor adapted to driving huge fans that blow air across a wall that drips water. That had inputs for humidity and temperature monitoring (dew point becomes an issue) and real time clock that adjusts the on/off periods to the time of day and season of the year. This wasn't discussed here as it depended on a non-Parallax uC and a competitor's product. A pair of relays was set up to toggle ignition of the auto motor and to turn over the starter motor. All this ran off the 12VDC car battery as there was not AC mains available.
Another interest was monitoring green house climate and ambient light for orchid growers in Taiwan with data recording and periodic reports sent via email to an off site computer.
Interests? Electronics, programming, and anything related to that. I love to invent and build things, so I often just build anything that comes to mind. I don't have any specific category that I stick to.
in no particular order:
Photography - Digital as well as film (yes, you can still get film and the tools to process it with! ) Which of course includes vintage cameras of all types.
Woodworking - temporary hiatus while my workshop is deconstructed and relocated. I really enjoy turning wood on a lathe and making pens and such small things.
Stained glass - it's a simple road to relaxation that lets you play with light and color. It's fun to see how intricate a curve you can cut into a sheet of glass before you whimp out and use a grinder.
Astronomy - old and rusty skills but I have a nice 10" primary mirror in a box ready to be built into a telescope.
Learning - I'm just naturally curious which leads to distraction which leads to poor time management which leads to frustration which leads to the dark side......
History - Why are things as they are, why did things happen as they did and why weren't the entire stories told.
Military History - people have always fought and always will -
Reading - fueled by all of the above.
The one thing I really have no interest in is my paying profession. Sad but true, it's a means ($$) to an end.
I'm your next door neighbour, but not living in Johore. I'm staying in the Kuala Lumpur suburbs.