Optical Encoder on a compass
Posts: 1,464
So I was looking around and you can find compass modules for dirt cheap on ebay although im not sure how well they work or if there easy to use with a prop. I had this idea quite some time ago and was wondering if it should theoretically work. I want to somehow mount a cheapo compass and then hit the lines with two reflective sensors i.e quadrature encoding. Seems like this may a viable way of making a "digital" compass
quick example imagine two ir sensors though
quick example imagine two ir sensors though
I see alot of hmc5883l digital compass modules on ebay for dirt cheap, there even cheap on spark fun but I dont really see any objects on obex for them. It makes me wonder how easy they actually are to use. Do you have any recommendation on some type of inexpensive compass?
It might be usable if the robot stops to take a reading but it will not be of much use on a moving robot since any movement will affect it. If the compass disk has an index mark of some kind at one position you could use that to get your initial heading by rotating the disk with a solenoid and then releasing it. Another option would be to have the robot turn until the index mark is found.
With three holes each 90 degree quadrant. One to indicate index and two to indicate quadrant. Need never go much over 90 degrees in any direction to "home" the devive. Or just one to require max one full revolution to find "home".
Is there a reason to not use an electronic compass chip similar to what is in tablets, smartphones etc.
There's Spin code on Parallax's product page.
If you do want to try a rotating disk compass, then have a look at Single Track Gray Code designs.
Those use multiple sensors, all looking at different sections of one single, special slotted pattern.
One example :
They tend to be studied equally spaced around 360' if you are a mathematician, and spaced around just over 180', if you are an engineer who also worries about how to assemble things...
You could use two slots, and twice as many sensors, to square the resolution.
There is even a right angle Optical - Photointerrupters - Slot Type - Transistor Output the TCST5250
The entire installation package is attached below. It includes the color wheel image.
It looks like your boe-bot has a big air filter and breather on it Pretty cool looking actually. With a couple of artificial air intakes, it would almost look like ram air.
Tip your waiters, thanks, I'll be here all week...
Totally great compass project.
Great thanks a bunch!