jet plane on conveyor

I'm not sure if this long running question has been asked before on this forum but here goes.
You have a jet plane sitting on a runway which happens to be a conveyor belt, the wheels of the jet plane has encoders that relay wheel speed to the conveyor runway which instantaneously matches the speed but in the reverse direction to the way the jet plane is facing, Ignoring any friction in the wheel bearings would the jet be able to take off? And no it's not a VTOL
For those just joining this thread an amended scenario has been posted in post #135
Please refer to this before posting.
You have a jet plane sitting on a runway which happens to be a conveyor belt, the wheels of the jet plane has encoders that relay wheel speed to the conveyor runway which instantaneously matches the speed but in the reverse direction to the way the jet plane is facing, Ignoring any friction in the wheel bearings would the jet be able to take off? And no it's not a VTOL
For those just joining this thread an amended scenario has been posted in post #135
Please refer to this before posting.
No. Wings don't lift without air flowing over them. No lift, no takeoff. Ladies and gentlemen, our departure will be delayed......
The only thing I see happening is the wheels will spin twice as fast as normal.
OTOH, if you asked the same question about a truck pulling a glider to launch it, the answer would be no, since its wheels are powered, and it would basically be on a treadmill.
BUSTED! (The plane took off normally)
King Arthur: We found them.
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!
King Arthur: What do you mean?
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: Well, this is a temperate zone
King Arthur: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
King Arthur: Not at all. They could be carried.
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: What? A swallow carrying a coconut?
King Arthur: It could grip it by the husk!
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.
King Arthur: Well, it doesn't matter. Will you go and tell your master that Arthur from the Court of Camelot is here?
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?
King Arthur: Please!
1st soldier with a keen interest in birds: Am I right?
All I will say is I have seen this cause heated arguments on other forums so I will say if all could keep it civil everyone is entitled to give their explanation no matter how flawed,
edited to include name reply was intended for as other comments were posted before I replied
skylight, can you explain how the plane can take off without violating the conditions you presented in your first post?
Since the plane is "sitting" on the runway. It is not moving so the conveyer is not moving either.
The answer is Nothing happens because nothing is happening!
Duane J
The conveyer belt would have to go 99 times faster than max thrust of the planes engine to stop the plane from moving forward
So nearly unlimited speed of the conveyer belt is needed.
I'm not trying to be cruel or condescending in any way but can I leave the explanation a bit longer so those that doubt it would take off can have a chance to elaborate on their thinking.