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[PUZZLE] Binary-to-decimal Golf Challenge (fixed; please retry) - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

[PUZZLE] Binary-to-decimal Golf Challenge (fixed; please retry)



  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-06 23:27
    Here are my new v3 results (I had downloaded this morning v2 before the extra 2 tests)...

    First is small size
    Then is fast
    And last is faster
    bin2dec code size: 25 longs
    Success after 7916 tests.
    Number of instructions needed per conversion:
      Best:  163
      Worst: 275
      Avg:   185
    bin2dec code size: 94 longs
    Success after 7916 tests.
    Number of instructions needed per conversion:
      Best:  35
      Worst: 183
      Avg:   82
    bin2dec code size: 128 longs
    Success after 7916 tests.
    Number of instructions needed per conversion:
      Best:  35
      Worst: 103
      Avg:   68

    Of course, I have taken some of your ideas presented here ;)

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-06 23:47
    And a slightly smaller that is actually faster again...
    bin2dec code size: 21 longs
    Success after 7916 tests.
    Number of instructions needed per conversion:
      Best:  123
      Worst: 347
      Avg:   181
    movs      loop,#comp1             ' setup msd comparison
                  mov       ndigits,#10             'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
    next_digit    mov       digit,#"0"              'Initialize next digit. 
    loop          cmpsub    x,0-0           wc,wz   ' at least 1?
            if_c  add       digit,#1                ' y: +1
     if_c_and_nz  jmp       #loop
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  add       loop,#1                 ' setup for next msd comparison
                  djnz      ndigits,#next_digit     'Go back for next digit.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2012-05-07 00:45
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    And a slightly smaller that is actually faster again...

    faster ?? only if you ignore the worst column, which to most users, is the most important column.
    Saves 4 longs, but jumped from 275 to 347 cycles.

    Or did you mean relative to #31, not your SMALL: ?

    There may be users who consider the gain of 4 longs, more precious than the trade off in MAX times.

    The appeal of a single loop, is adding Leading Zero Blanking, has the smallest added-code cost.
    I think here, it adds 3 lines of PASM ?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-07 04:49
    yes - relative to small.
    The best and worst are the variances, but the average "should" be more relevant. However, during some timing of the various digits, I noticed the values are not truly random, because the same code changes in some of the msd digits produce opposite results for the lsd digits !!

    I thought about running for every combination of 0-$FFFF but that would take many days from my rough calcs.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2012-05-07 13:54
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    yes - relative to small.
    The best and worst are the variances, but the average "should" be more relevant.

    It depends - usually in embedded design, deterministic limits are quite important, especially in time, and that makes MAX more important, but average is going to be useful for power-usage calculations, provided it is an actual usage average.
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    However, during some timing of the various digits, I noticed the values are not truly random, because the same code changes in some of the msd digits produce opposite results for the lsd digits !!

    I thought about running for every combination of 0-$FFFF but that would take many days from my rough calcs.

    Worst case / best case test patterns vary with code design, but the simplest/smallest loop will have the longest flight times for the most adds, which means the most BCD 9 digits output

    Here, any average is highly value sensitive, and yet a final use will not expect to see random values - a user will be working on a measurement to some numbers of digits, and they may even be sitting on a 10,000,000 // 9,999,999 boundary and never actually 'see' an average outcome.

    If the MIN is to be valid, then a test value of 0000000 needs to be in the test pattern.

    As a reality check, even 347 instructions is fast - a result in 17.35us, or a conversion bit rate of 2.4MBaud based on BCD data, or 4.8MBd based on ASCII data.

    One possible use for fast/small Decimal streaming, is to write a CSV logging file directly to serial memory.

    I see Spansion mentioned 1.5MB/s write speeds, (call that the cutting edge), so to feed to that limit, indicates around 107 instructions/conversion.
    Right in the ballpark of these results. ( #31 meets that, if at a largish code size, and less LZS friendly )

    Note also that a Prop II will easily outpace present Spansion best write speeds, even in the smallest-size variant.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-08 04:06
    To me, the worst and/or the size is the most important parameter.
    The average would be quite a bit less important.
    If I had to score each methoid, I'd give them something like worst speed=40%, size=40%, average speed=20%

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-10 05:38
    Here is my new submission.
    Here is what is reported

    Code size 19 longs

    Things to note:
    Unique use of djnz in the digit loop
    Moved "res" variables to init code
                  mov       ndigits,#10             'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
                  mov       digit,neg_ascii_zero    'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,first_comp wc, wr     ' Do first digit as special case
           if_c   djnz      digit,#:first_digit     ' As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  mov       digit,neg_ascii_zero    'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,second_comp wc, wr    'Main digit loop
           if_c   djnz      digit,#:next_digit_loop 'As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  mov       comp,x                  'x = x * 10 
                  shl       x,#2
                  add       x,comp
                  shl       x,#1
                  djnz      ndigits,#:next_digit    'Go back for next digit.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-05-10 09:01
    Hmm, nice: small and fast! You can eliminate the neg_ascii_zero constant, though. Just use neg digit,#"0".

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-10 09:22
    Thanks Phil. And good point about not needing the constant. That brings the size down to only 18 longs.

    Size=18 longs
                  mov       ndigits,#10             'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,first_comp wc, wr     ' Do first digit as special case
         if_c     djnz      digit,#:first_digit     ' As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,second_comp wc, wr    'Main digit loop
        if_c      djnz      digit,#:next_digit_loop 'As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  mov       comp,x                  'x = x * 10 
                  shl       x,#2
                  add       x,comp
                  shl       x,#1
                  djnz      ndigits,#:next_digit    'Go back for next digit.
    '-------[End Your Golf Code]---------------------------------------------------
    end_code      add       timer,cnt               'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  wrlong    timer,time_addr         'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  mov       x,#0                    'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  wrlong    x,par                   'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  jmp       #main_lp                'DO NOT MODIFY.
    begin_var                                       'DO NOT MODIFY.
    '-------[Begin Your Golf Variables]--------------------------------------------
    first_comp    long      1_000_000_000           'Initial digit compare values.
    second_comp   long      0_100_000_000
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-10 20:20
    Bean: Nice job. I like the way you used the -"0" and the djnz to tighten the loop :)

    It's great to see the little tricks everyone has come up with.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-05-10 20:49
    Bean wrote: »
    Thanks Phil. And good point about not needing the constant. That brings the size down to only 18 longs.

    Size=18 longs
    Re-investing the saved long can get you down to 127/311/175, a further 3 (22) result in 127/307/175. Minor restructuring (20) will get us down to 125/305/173.

    20: 125/305/173
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]mov       ndigits,#9{+1}[/COLOR]          'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,first_comp wc         ' Do first digit as special case
         if_c     djnz      digit,#:first_digit     ' As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
    :again        add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,second_comp wc        'Main digit loop
        if_c      djnz      digit,#:next_digit_loop 'As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  mov       comp,x                  'x = x * 10 
                  shl       x,#2
                  add       x,comp
                  shl       x,#1
                  [COLOR="#FF0000"]neg       digit,digit[/COLOR]             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  [COLOR="#FF0000"]wrbyte    digit,digit_addr[/COLOR]        'Write the digit to the string.
                  djnz      ndigits,#:again         'Go back for next digit.

    21: 121/301/169
    mov       ndigits,#9{+1}          'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,first_comp wc         ' Do first digit as special case
         if_c     djnz      digit,#:first_digit     ' As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  jmp       #:skip
    :again        mov       comp,x                  'x = x * 10 
                  shl       x,#2
                  add       x,comp
                  shl       x,#1
    :skip         add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
                  cmpsub    x,second_comp wc        'Main digit loop
        if_c      djnz      digit,#:next_digit_loop 'As each subtract succeeds, digit will advance (more negative)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  djnz      ndigits,#:again         'Go back for next digit.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-10 22:59
    Adding Bean's trick of -"0" brings my smallest code down to
    21 longs: 123/275/164
                  movs      loop,#comp1             ' setup msd comparison
                  mov       ndigits,#10             'Do ten digits.
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     'Initialize digits hub pointer.
    next_digit    neg       digit,#"0"              'Start with -"0"
    loop          cmpsub    x,0-0           wc,wz   ' at least 1?
        if_c      djnz      digit,#loop             ' y: -(digit+1)
                  neg       digit,digit             'Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        'Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           'Increment digit pointer.
                  add       loop,#1                 ' setup for next msd comparison
                  djnz      ndigits,#next_digit     'Go back for next digit.
    '-------[Begin Your Golf Variables]--------------------------------------------
    comp1         long      1_000_000_000           
                  long      0_100_000_000
                  long      0_010_000_000
                  long      0_001_000_000
                  long      0_000_100_000
                  long      0_000_010_000
                  long      0_000_001_000
                  long      0_000_000_100
                  long      0_000_000_010
                  long      0_000_000_001

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-11 04:06
    Cool. Only 11 instructions.
    In a large program some (maybe most) of the constants could be reused since they are common values.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-05-11 08:11
    Great going, guys! I hadn't dreamed that things could be taken this far. There is one more trick that could be spun on Cluso's code to reduce its hub footprint. Although my test template does not accommodate one-time initialization, I believe Cluso's table of ten constants can be pre-computed using fewer than ten instructions, thus moving it to the RES area. Saving hub space like this does have a trade-off in requiring more cog space, though.

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-05-12 05:15
    Based on bin2dec_golf_v3_cluso[smaller2].spin: 21/122/270/162. Size could be one less if you are prepared to relocate the table to a suitable location where test loop, #%1111 wz gives you a usable end condition.
    movs      loop,#comp1             ' setup msd comparison
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     ' Initialize digits hub pointer.
    next_digit    neg       digit,#"0"              ' Start with -"0"
    loop          cmpsub    x,0-0 wc                '  at least 1?
        if_c      djnz      digit,#loop             '  y: -(digit+1)
                  neg       digit,digit             ' Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        ' Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           ' Increment digit pointer.
                  [COLOR="orange"]cmp       loop,base wz[/COLOR]            ' 10 digits done?
        if_nz     djnz      loop,#next_digit        ' Go back for next digit.
    base          cmpsub    x,comp0 wc
    comp0         long      0_000_000_001
                  long      0_000_000_010
                  long      0_000_000_100
                  long      0_000_001_000
                  long      0_000_010_000
                  long      0_000_100_000
                  long      0_001_000_000
                  long      0_010_000_000
                  long      0_100_000_000
    comp1         long      1_000_000_000           
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-12 18:50
    Phil: I did in fact start on this method to create the values in code. I am also going to create the comparison code too. 1 is *10, so the logic is simple. But I ran out of time - it's Mothers Day here so we have been out since Friday evening with the kids and today my brother is bringing my mum over. I have been amazed at the little tricks that each of us have contributed. We have versions throughout the scale from fast to small. What a group of people can do is really inspiring.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-13 11:42
    These types of challenges are fun, and should be held by Parallax with some inexpensive prizes.
    It might generate some interest in the propeller.

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2012-05-13 11:48
    In trying to work out the possibility of the code generating the decimal number table, I noticed an interesting pattern between the binary digits and the decimal value.
    Not sure that I can do much with it, but an interesting pattern emerging none the less... especially the LSB of the Binary compared to the Decimal
    |<---------Binary--------------->|   |-Decimal-|
    1110111001101011  00 10 1000000000 = 1000000000
     0010111110101111  00 00 100000000 =  100000000
      0000100110001001  01 10 10000000 =   10000000
       0000000111101000  01 00 1000000 =    1000000
        0000000001100001  10 10 100000 =     100000
         0000000000010011  10 00 10000 =      10000
          0000000000000011  11 10 1000 =       1000
                             11 00 100 =        100
                              00 10 10 =         10
                               00 00 1 =          1
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-05-13 12:38
    Here's Kuroneko's code with my brain-dead initialization of the table, saving one hub long:
    '-------[Begin Your Golf Initialization]---------------------------------------
    'Insert any initialization code here.
                  mov       comp,#1
    store_comp    mov       comp0,comp
                  add       store_comp,_512
                  mov       digit,comp
                  shl       digit,#2
                  add       comp,digit wc
                  shl       comp,#1
            if_nc jmp       #store_comp 
    '-------[End Your Golf Initialization]-----------------------------------------
    end_init                                        'DO NOT MODIFY.
    main_lp       rdlong    x,par wz                'DO NOT MODIFY.
            if_z  jmp       #main_lp                'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  neg       timer,cnt               'DO NOT MODIFY.
    begin_code                                      'DO NOT MODIFY.
    '-------[Begin Your Golf Code]-------------------------------------------------
    '       Upon entry, x contains a 32-bit binary value, and
    '       dec_addr contains the hub address of the first byte of the result string.
    '       Your golf code must write ten ASCII digits to the result string.
                  movs      loop,#comp1             ' setup msd comparison
                  mov       digit_addr,dec_addr     ' Initialize digits hub pointer.
    next_digit    neg       digit,#"0"              ' Start with -"0"
    loop          cmpsub    x,0-0 wc                '  at least 1?
        if_c      djnz      digit,#loop             '  y: -(digit+1)
                  neg       digit,digit             ' Negate digit value to get ascii
                  wrbyte    digit,digit_addr        ' Write the digit to the string.
                  add       digit_addr,#1           ' Increment digit pointer.
                  cmp       loop,base wz            ' 10 digits done?
        if_nz     djnz      loop,#next_digit        ' Go back for next digit.
    '-------[End Your Golf Code]---------------------------------------------------
    end_code      add       timer,cnt               'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  wrlong    timer,time_addr         'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  mov       x,#0                    'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  wrlong    x,par                   'DO NOT MODIFY.
                  jmp       #main_lp                'DO NOT MODIFY.
    begin_var                                       'DO NOT MODIFY.
    '-------[Begin Your Golf Variables]--------------------------------------------
    base          cmpsub    x,comp0 wc
    _512          long      512
    comp0         res       9
    comp1         res       1
    comp          res       1
    digit         res       1
    digit_addr    res       1
    '-------[End Your Golf Variables]----------------------------------------------

    And the results:
    bin2dec code size: 20 longs
    Success after 7916 tests.
    Number of instructions needed per conversion:
      Best:  122
      Worst: 270
      Avg:   162

    Attached is a new template that allows for initialization code.

  • StephenMooreStephenMoore Posts: 188
    edited 2012-05-13 16:19
    This has been great to follow along with and I have learned a lot about cog register reuse. But I have a question: in Bean's code he reassigns cog registers

    specifically the second register of cog memory
    comp       add     time_addr, #4

    gets reassigned as as temporary register for computing x = x * 10.

    Doesn't this violate the Rules of Golf?

    I am also wondering and attempting to figure out if the log tables can be used to play a round with the equivalent of only a four iron in my bag.

    Good fun!

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-05-13 16:32
    ... gets reassigned as as temporary register for computing x = x * 10. Doesn't this violate the Rules of Golf?
    Strictly speaking, I guess it does. But it doesn't affect the results, since my code doesn't count RES variables anyway, only hub space.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-13 20:18
    While it's Phil's challenge, my interpretation is there are two things normally in play in the propeller...

    1. Hub space

    2. Speed

    With both these in mind, there is likely 3 solutions...
    smallest and fastest are the obvious ones
    and a mid solution(s) that are a result of trading hub and speed.

    While the original challenge was to keep the code identical, if there is a solution by re-arranging Phil's code, I definately think it would be worthwhile posting and letting Phil decide its merrits.

    It is really great to see all the ideas being fleshed out.

    And, yes, it is a great tool for others to follow along and see different ideas in the ways the prop can be exploited.

    Now, back to trying to attain almost the fastest (~68) with a minimum of code ;)
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-05-14 00:43
    Here's Kuroneko's code with my brain-dead initialization of the table, saving one hub long.
    Same timing and one less instruction (as we don't need _512 anymore):
    neg     comp,#1
    store_comp      neg     comp0,comp [COLOR="red"]wc[/COLOR]
                    addx    store_comp,#511
                    neg     digit,comp
                    shl     digit,#2
                    sub     comp,digit wc
                    shl     comp,#1
            [s]if_nc   jmpret  par,#store_comp wc,nr[/s]
            if_nc   jmp     #store_comp
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-14 04:50
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    While it's Phil's challenge, my interpretation is there are two things normally in play in the propeller...
    1. Hub space
    2. Speed

    I always try to minimize COG space. This is why I used the init code for my variables. (I know I broke the rules, but hey...I'm a rule breaker)

    Cog space is much more limited, and the hub space can be reclaimed after the cog is loaded.

    I think there should be three categories:
    Minimum Space (however you want to define it)
    Maximum Speed (however you want to define it)
    Overall-Small and Fast (however you want to define it)

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-05-14 07:59
    Too clever, Kuroneko!
    store_comp      neg     comp0,comp wc
                    addx    store_comp,#511

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2012-05-14 11:20
    This entire challenge has very clever techniques that would be valuable in other applications.

    There is one line that makes me a little nervous....
    if_nc   jmpret  par,#store_comp wc,nr

    ... although it never writes to the par register, the function of the "golf challenge" still works if you change that line to read...
    if_nc   jmp  #store_comp

    ... also you can reduce the res count down by two if you alias 'digit' and 'digit_addr'.
    digit         {<-Aliased}
                  neg       comp,#1
    digit_addr    {<-Aliased}              
    store_comp    neg       comp0,comp wc
                  addx      store_comp,#511
                  neg       digit,comp
                  shl       comp,#2
                  sub       comp,digit wc
                  shl       comp,#1
            if_nc jmp       #store_comp
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2012-05-14 13:25
    Bean wrote: »
    I always try to minimize COG space. This is why I used the init code for my variables.

    I'd agree, and this sort of code block/library, is likely to be included into a COG that is already doing many other things, and so COG size of such LIBs is very important.
    The size that is counted also needs to be the total memory footprint, not just the inner loop.

    Another candidate for a shrink effort, would be a Scaled Ratio Mathlib, that does result = Scale.32 * Num.32/Denom.32
    - ie takes 3 32 bit values a,b,c , and does a32*b32->64 then 64/c32->r32
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-05-14 16:44
    There is one line that makes me a little nervous....
    if_nc   jmpret  par,#store_comp wc,nr

    ... although it never writes to the par register, the function of the "golf challenge" still works if you change that line to read...
    if_nc   jmp  #store_comp
    Yes, now that you mention it, the jmpret is from an earlier attempt to set the carry flag which suffered from a missing carry-set condition for the first loop cycle (would have cost an extra instruction). Now the carry is set by the second neg so all is fine. That said, there is nothing to get nervous about. Perfectly normal way to set the carry flag :)
  • StephenMooreStephenMoore Posts: 188
    edited 2012-05-15 20:57
    OK this may seem tangential. I thought that use of the log lookup tables might be a way to do divide by powers of 10 associated with bin to dec conversion. Here is my program... pretty much right from the manual. I never got it to the Rules of Golf template beacuase the program does a really lousy job. It could be condensed I think but it still lacks interpolation and so is lousy.

    Is this worth pursuing or should it be relegated to the I really do not know what to do with these tables category.

    (So much for playing golf with only a four iron).


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-05-15 21:30
    OK, here is a new version.

    Postedit: Note I reorganised Phil's code to gain some additional speed ;)

    Total cog (hub) space = 69 longs total (Phil's code uses 12 longs, so for previous comparisons, this is 57 longs)
    times 83/83/83

    My code generates the code and tables into res longs in the cog memory. Total cog usage is now 240 longs. I am sure there are a few tricks left to shring the generation code to lower the cog/hub usage by a few longs here and there. Better code generation could yield times to 35/103/67 but I haven't bothered with this for now.

    I could not think of a way to report the "res" usage. Any ideas???

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