Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform USB - Going Away?
I see there are only 8 Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform USB cards available here, and none available at Gadget Gangster. I assume that means this card is going away. That's too bad, I have used that card in a few robots and it is one of my favorites. It has USB built in, screw terminals or transformers for plugs, and a number of useful shields. Oh well. I guess I will start using Quick Start boards when they are back in stock. I am making a new autonomous combat robot for Robogames 2012 and I am trying to find the right controller board.
Here's two sources who have them in-stock right now.
BTW, if you've got one of those QS boards handy there is also this..
Jeff - when do you expect more in stock at GG and Parallax?
As I have a few quickstartboard pcb ideas lined up I was gone make them compatible with GG if possible.
But if the "new standard" gone be Quickstart, I probably wont.
We have six other boards currently in the pipeline so I don't have a restock estimate yet..
What I understand is that GG is shooting toward stocking three different Propeller boards. A small, medium, and large board. The Propeller Platform layout is our "large" board, we are adopting the Quickstart as the medium, and the jury is still out on the small. (Although I've got an idea.) By the time we are done, there should be excellent offerings on all three levels.
That sounds interesting. At the moment I'm experimenting with protocols to get more I/O pins and I have ended up with a motherboard that has the GG footprint in the middle, and then on the outside the same 32 prop pins are brought out, plus another 8 to select 8 groups of 32 pins. It is quite a large board - eurocard 160x100mm. Maybe it could be added to the "small medium large" as a "giant" board?
I finished building my entry for the walking robot race. I am so proud of it but I am not going to show pictures until the event. But it has mounting holes for the GG USB, the propeller servo controller, and the development board. Of those boards the GG USB is my favorite so I really hope that board will remain replaceable.
We're adding the Propeller QuickStart board to our offerings and will have several modules coming out for it. This addition fills the role of a 'medium-sized' development board - a board that can conveniently be mounted in smaller projects, like an R/C car or maybe a model rocket. Less features, but smaller and lower cost.
For us, the Propeller Platform fills the role of a larger development board - fuller featured (and more expensive) and larger. The kit is an active stock item, but we don't currently have a production run scheduled for the USB version.
I think there's also a need for a smaller footprint development board, although we haven't yet done any work on design or requirements gathering for that type of product.
The Quickstart is great in a lot of respects, but not so much for connecting SIP board or testing SIP boards...
Sure, the Propeller can do timing with out one but that takes up
counter resources that is more important for other things.
Placing a DS3234 on the board is pretty trivial compared to
earlier chip. It's DS1307 code compatible. And it could be
an 8 pin DIP for the user to install (or a ChronoDot board,
but that's a wider pinout. Although it could span something
Think about it, Nick?
I'm shocked, oh me, oh my........I see there is an end of life displayed on the Parallax item for your USB platform prop boards I was finally going to order today. Is this really the end of the USB? I see there are none listed on your site either.
We had intended on using this board for several present and future projects. I had been doing design work based on this board. It's like the proverbial rug pulled out from under the project.
We were looking for a reliable long term available off the shelf board, although I don't want to continue the design with what's left over on the market as an obsolete product. The kit version is too large and lacks the uSD slot.
Will this be returning or something replacing it with a new revision with the same footprint and features for uSD and for use with stacking modules?
Don't let it 911, CPR, Is there a Doctor in the house....someone do something! Pretty Please?
One of my current projects is relying on using this board.
With Parallax producing the PropBOE it could be that they do not want/need to stock a development board with "overlap" with their own products, so from their perspective it is an "End of Life," and does not necessarily have to do with Gadget Gangster's current stock status. That would be something that maybe Parallax themselves could clarify. I would think that GG will continue to produce the Propeller Platform in the future, based on their previous responses.
As Nick/OBC had mentioned their site lists a lot of Quickstart-based modules, which is their current focus.
Plus, I have a new HDMI/DVI output board that is designed for it...
Worst case, I'll make some myself (I really don't want to though...)
Are any more planned or has the board been "discontinued"? I already have one but if it helps keep production going I'd be happy to buy another one! :-)
But, the Propeller Platform USB will not longer be in production (has reached EOL)?
I think there really is a need for a prop board that is simple and cheap like the quickstart, but instead of touchpads and leds it should have simple 5v regulation. Ideally it would have a uSD slot too.
I suspect you will see Propeller Platforms continue and perhaps even PPUSB in the future, but for now it's been placed in a "holding" status.
Yes, I can solder a uSD slot to a board, but silly using point to point wiring protoboards on potential runs of 10-15 boards.
Too much risk with the leftovers of boards that may or may not be available long term with nothing in process to replace them and no production plan in sight from a high quality reliable source.
We are not a board producers here. Open source it may be, so let's talk numbers. How large a run of these boards is required to get and keep them in the $49ea retail price range. Our projects are small time start-up stuff and at the mercy of happenstance against all odds.
I'm not sure who to turn to to produce full custom boards of our own design. I liked the idea of a base platform and placing the custom section in the stack.
Disappointing to say the least!
Gadget Gangster does have the Quick Adapter Module for the Quickstart (, and the revision of that board that I purchased from there includes an (un-populated) uSD card slot. It might not be exactly what you are after, but it could work. Granted, it does not remove the risk factor of designing around what could become a discontinued board, although really, that could happen with any product (even the Quickstart, although hopefully that would be less likely).
I really like the PPUSB footprint and features, but the market tends to split on the high-end (Prop BOE) or low-end (QuickStart) with less demand in the middle. For the 18 months we've been offering PPUSB, sales volume just hasn't been large enough to cover the costs of selling the product. We were hoping that volume would increase with the holidays, but that didn't happen.
I can't offer to go broke making PPUSB's, but I can give you the design files and bill of materials if you'd like to build one (or a hundred) yourself. We can still offer Propeller Platform kits (and modules) because they have much lower inventory costs. It is a decision we intend to revisit as the overall Propeller market grows (especially with the release of the Prop 2), but I can't commit to another production run or timeline.
@Martin - Not that you need my permission, but full steam ahead! A link to the BOM and design files is in this thread.
In fact there are 6 designs on the SmorgasBoard that use the PP connector footprint, including
* JonnyMac's original Propeller Platform
* Ariba's PropinoPP
* Roadster's PropGFXLite
* my PPLCI
* Max72's board which is based on a narrow version of the PP connector footprint
* Gadget Gangster/Nick's PPUSB
In other words the PP footprint is very well represented.
I have a kapton solder paste stencil (for the entire smorgasboard) from Ohararp in case anyone wants to bake their own.
Also, the last one I got is red! I guess that is the last edition...
For the record, what I love about the USB module is the USB port, the microSD card slot, the barrel-jack and voltage regulator, and of course the headers and all the other modules. Ultimately, my project will be moving onto a custom board, but the gadget gangster USB module was perfect for the development and operation of my apparatus. I'm like totally heart-broken... But at least the propeller isn't being discontinued, right guys? How awful would that be?
I would also love to see the platform continue because I have two projects in my queue (that are way behind) that are based on the same platform. One is actually a fully Propeller Platform compatible board that fits perfectly into the Polycase AG-43 case for handheld or desktop usage. It is a result of my desire to have a Propeller based board that fits into an off-the-shelf case that can be modified and/or silkscreened easily.