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Problem - EasyBT-001 - Commands — Parallax Forums

Problem - EasyBT-001 - Commands

Mohd NoorMohd Noor Posts: 3
edited 2012-03-01 09:33 in Accessories
I have an EasyBT Bluetooth Module EasyBT-001

I have made a connection using my Laptop and the module to my PIC16F877A
and it worked fine.

But now I want to, say change its name, or search for another EasyBT
I alerady know how the command is made and have read the user manual

If I understood it correctly, when the bluetooth is ON, and not yet have made a connection, it is supposed to be in the Idel, Automatic mode
so the UART is already in the "Command Mode"

But when I send a command, it dose not confirm or even done
Like when I cahnge the name it dose not change nor it cinfirm

I already checked that the bluetooth module is not connected to any other devices
So it it supposed to be in the Idel Automatic mode

What I am doing wrong so for?
Please Help, and THANKS in advance :)


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-02-29 13:32
    Are you sure you have it connected correctly and are sending it correct data?
  • Mohd NoorMohd Noor Posts: 3
    edited 2012-03-01 09:18
    Franklin wrote: »
    Are you sure you have it connected correctly and are sending it correct data?

    Thanks for your replay :)

    and yes I am sure, it is sendinig and receiving correct data
    to and from the PC and I even excuted compled funtions

    But still I can't figured it out
  • Mohd NoorMohd Noor Posts: 3
    edited 2012-03-01 09:33
    I have found some thing that I can not understand

    The command format said to have (Little_Endian) format, that's means the order of bits ti to be sent from Least to Most
    So my question now, is the End delimiter is the least byte so I have to send it first??

    I dose not make any sense!!
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