QuickStart Board PASM Toggle with Buttons

A while back I was working through the manual and the assembly language example. Tonight I modified the original AssemblyToggle.spin to work with the QS board and it built in buttons. The new code toggles the LED at P16 slowly ramping down and up the toggle rate. Pressing any of the buttons on the QS Board changes the active LED to the corresponding LED.
Forgive me if someone else has already done something like this.
Forgive me if someone else has already done something like this.
{{ QS_Buttons_ AssemblyToggle.spin alternate version of AsseblyToggle using QS board's buttons to select a pin to toggle }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR long thePin, theCog PUB Main | sameVal thePin := 16 theCog := cognew (@Toggle, @thePin) 'start with LED on P16 repeat sameVal := thePin 'set var for checking if thePin value has changed GetButton 'check buttons if sameVal <> thePin 'if thePin value has changed b/c a button press cogstop (theCog) 'then stop the current cog and start again with new pin waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) theCog := cognew (@Toggle, @thePin) PUB GetButton | buttonPressed dira [7..0]~ buttonPressed := ina [7..0] case buttonPressed %10000000: thePin := 23 %01000000: thePin := 22 %00100000: thePin := 21 %00010000: thePin := 20 %00001000: thePin := 19 %00000100: thePin := 18 %00000010: thePin := 17 %00000001: thePin := 16 DAT {Toggle LED on selected pin} org 0 'Begin at Cog RAM addr 0 Toggle rdlong ScratchMem, par shl Pin, ScratchMem mov dira, Pin 'Set Pin to output mov ScratchMem, cnt 'Calculate delay time add ScratchMem, #9 'Set minimum delay here Increment waitcnt ScratchMem, Delay 'Wait add Delay, IncValue 'Increment Delay value max Delay, MaxDelay wc 'Set Maximum Delay xor outa, Pin 'Toggle Pin if_nc jmp #Decrement 'jump to Decrement loop jmp #Increment Decrement waitcnt ScratchMem, Delay 'Wait sub Delay, IncValue 'Increment Delay value min Delay, IncValue wc 'Set minimum Delay xor outa, Pin 'Toggle Pin if_c jmp #Increment 'jump to increment loop jmp #Decrement Pin long 1 'Pin variable Delay long 1_000_000 'Clock cycles to delay IncValue long 50_000 'increment value MaxDelay long 20_000_000 'maximum delay ScratchMem res 1 'System Counter Workspace
That's it, I'm too tired now.
Neat little program Paul!
Too bad your patient's paws are too big to keep them occupied in the waiting room