AMA and aeromodelers everywhere outraged at terrorists plan to attack Pentagon, Capi
This might be of interest to future quad flyers, everyone for that matter.
Soon anyone with a half decent IQ will come under suspicion because the media always paints it as somehow the terrorists are "smart" and only "smart" people could pull of terrorists attacks. The world will only be safe after we are all dumbed down and just sit around the TV watching American Idol eating non-fat, low sodium, no sugar added tofu chips. So....I'm going to the farm this weekend to exercise my God given rights and blow the heck out of some inanimate objects, just for fun, and to make 'em sweat.
From that Idiocracy link:
Every morning I walk through a gigantic local shopping center here. It totally convince me that the mentioned "future society" is already here.
Of course straying off the Parallax forums into the great wide Word Wide Web or paying any attention to a lot of the mail I receive only reinforces that feeling.
Yep, we could all end up in deep doo just like this guy:
You were a fun hobby ...............
There's no way any of those could have carried a large enough amount of explosives to do much damage, unless he set it off in the middle of a group of people.
Smacking a RC-plane against a building and setting it off just won't do much beyond breaking a few windows as there's nothing to contain the explosion.
As for his supposed plans to make them fly by GPS, yeah...
First of all, most GPS units will have problems updating the course and position fast enough to be usable at the speeds those machines fly at. (Especially as he would need very high accuracy to do any damage with the models. )
Some commercial units will actually stop outputting if they're in an 'airplane environment'
(Altitude/speed calculations in the 'wrong range')
The idea that it can be done, though, is why new users gets heavily frowned upon here if they start asking about autonomous aircraft, especially if there's any indication of long range or substantial carrying capacity.
And I believe that's the general consensus in most RC clubs, too.
The same with fitting rockets to RC planes, too.
Retailers like Tower may also be required to institute much tighter security in their shipping departments, to prevent mixing controlled and non-controlled items in one shipment. Obviously this can add significant costs to their business. It may also mean controlled items may have to ship separately, adding to freight charges for consumers.
And yet the public would be royally ticked if the government had the means to stop some bomb going through the mail, but didn't.
-- Gordon
The powers that be would have you believe the "has to have" portion of that statement. We are at a tipping point were we need to decide if we want to be a nation of free people or animals in a cage. If we want to stay free we need to start demanding that government deal with those that want to do evil and cause harm to others instead of banning everything that *might* be used as a weapon and basically punishing the whole class for the misdeeds of one student.
A huge plane crashed into the Pentagon, loaded with fuel, and just open a hole (official history).
What will make a toy airplane?
Does not seem like a stupid story?
In refused to sell ARM micros, because these would be exported to the Dominican Republic. I bought them somewhere else, but I must answer several questions stupid.
I do not know why we signed a free trade agreement, it seems a breach and an insult.
Actually, the National Association of Rocketry and the Tripoli Rocketry Assocation (the two national organizations in the United States) sued to have Ammonium Perchlorate removed from the BATF list of regulated explosives. I'm no chemist, but at least in rocket motors - even ones with some pretty hefting lifting ability - AP composite propellant is not explosive.
About 2-1/2 years ago the rocketry community won that lawsuit, and our propellant is currently unregulated.
Shipping, however, is an entirely different matter. I can legally possess motors that I cannot ship. The proposed change in regulations will be a big financial burden, but it's (mostly) unrelated to the lawsuit we won a few years back.
The model aircraft story is utterly asinine. Obviously.
From what I read, this terrorist was trying to deploy 11 kilos of C4. That is quite a bit to life by model R/C. But as Richard Nixon said, "Even the paranoid have real enemies."
Frankly, I am more concerned that the price of rare earths is going to destroy the model R/C airplane market more than government control. Model rocketry is quite a limited market.
Here in Taiwan, ownership of one bullet is a felony and there seems not to be any habeas corpus. China goes even further with thugs and kidnapping political opposition. And yet, the USA still seems to want to abdicate world leadership.
It seems to me that the USA either has to control the electronics or control the chemistry involved in the delivery of a terrorist bomb. I'd prefer they control the chemistry of explosives, munitions, and propellant.
It's pretty simple.
Free trade is not free.
Such arrangements do not eliminate government involvement in trade but they do create multinational entities to regulate it.
Good luck with that. It`s a big and very profitable business and with the number of folks they have in Washington it will never happen regardless of who gets elected.
I had bookmarked this guy years ago and nothing more came of the project or the govt. 'conspiracy' to silence him. (I sense a paradox coming on).
And our local library has book titled 'The Forever Airplane - ?? Rankin' which I read many years ago before GPS and inertial guidance systems could be bought at hobbyist prices, if at all. Now it is so within reach of any learned backyard boffin!
It was probably my allusion to boiling flasks that set off all the alarms. Fer sho we all tagged now.
Active Citizen, eh?
Now.... uh... Mr. Pilgrim... that wouldn't happen to be some kindha code words wouldit? I mean.... such as... code words fer some kindha terrorist pinko remote-controlled ultrasonically-imaged flask-boiler brotherhood, now, wouldit?
Speak into the microphone, Mr. Pilgrim, so all America can hee-arh what you, and all your pointy-earred cat-lovin comrades and DV8 or ELEV8 or whatchamacallit forumistas, have to say for yourselves....
-Phil (or for that matter, Phil?)
P.S. Cat's real name is Browser, and he's a proud, card-carrying Felinista.
Things really seems to be going nuts the past ten years.
Intelligence Test For those planning to move their research facilities to Texas. For which of the following do you need a permit to purchase?
Hint: you can use it for a goldfish bowl.
Well of course it's the Pyrex glassware that needs a permit in Texas. You can't commit science with those firearms.
Now I understand why killings occur in U.S. schools every year: they change the glassware for weapons.
Is it really possible to buy automatic weapons without a permit?
I second the +1 above. Nicely said.
Fear based policy doesn't have any good ends.
The AR-15 shown above is not automatic. It is semi-automatic, which means it can shoot only as fast as you can pull the trigger.