Congrats, Lanterfish. The best man won. We had a lot of fun thinking up clever names, but much as I liked OpenFly, I realize it was not quite what parents might approve of.
What I am now wondering is for how much and when can I buy one of these ELEV8s.
...looks like Matt did pick the lesser of the evils
CogAir has 4 votes
Dragonfly has 4 votes
OpenFly has 3 votes
IcarUS has 3 votes
Hover Prop has 2 votes
...all the other contenders have one vote each.
There you go Matt, the people have spoken, the revolution is over.
You could put those five into a poll over the weekend to see if any of them REALLY win by popular demand.
who are the runner-ups?
Got it Phil and Mind - thanks for a job-well-done!
- ok new thread to vote for the "Runner up" is here...
SOAR has a different meaning here...
It was Saturday here and we went and visited two of our boys and their wives and the grandkids :-) Now it is 4:45am here!
Just had a big storm blow through and had to check the boa, soon may as well check the forum too - and my Motorola XOOM :-)
I'll keep out of the controversy and see if wifey will buy me the plate for Xmas.
What I am now wondering is for how much and when can I buy one of these ELEV8s.