You completely lost me.......
1. Can't figure if you are at all serious.
2. I am beginning to wonder what Parallax actually does on Donut Day.
3. What is in those donuts.
You completely lost me.......
1. Can't figure if you are at all serious.
2. I am beginning to wonder what Parallax actually does on Donut Day.
3. What is in those donuts.
I had pondered this too as I was following along with the serious contention of suggestions and then something happened as Donut Day arrived. As to answer the questions above, 1) Donut Day is very serious, 2) On donut day, someone is playing with the donut holes and the leftovers are saved in a hole donut jar, 3) the donuts are only used for their hole value. Apparently the choice for the name is a hole lot of curiosity too. It must be an inside joke without a hole punch line.
I like the name ELEV8. While the term shows up quite a lot with a google search, a search on something like "parallax elev8" should bring people to the right place pretty quickly.
Right now, the first thing google returns for "parallax elev8" is this thread.
Central Committee is handing down it's verdict (as I type this...)
Situation: Unrest and disharmony amongst Forumistas over name selection for new flying machine.
Original Name Selected by Central Committee: "ELEV8".
Reporter: Have you reached a verdict?"
CC: "Yes we have."
Reporter: "And what is your Answer?"
CC: "We stand by our selection of 'ELEV8' "
Reporter: "Is that your Final Answer?"
CC: Yes.
Reporter: "Could you give our listening audience a little more reasoning behind your decision?"
CC: "No."
CC: "errr...I mean yes. Yeah, yes. Yeah, I mean sure..."
Although several other good names came up in the selection process, "Elev8" appealed to those who had no idea what the product was going to be (non-geeks), but knew by implication that it must be something that goes "up".
The "8", aside from being the cutesy completion of the full word (elevate) is also a hidden code (almost daVinci like) to the Faithful underground Forumistas who understand the super-powers of the "Circle of Cog's" within the preferred controller system.
Yes! This name is a tribute to these Faithful, as well as to the 14 year old boy that may not understand the difference between a Cog and a Frog, but over time can be lured from darkness into the light.
It is you, the Forumistas - the Faithful if you will, that must put down your Arms, rise above this disharmony - and usher in a whole new era of Cog-verts, through this Wonderful, Uplifting, yes - even ELEV8ing, pastime and profession that we all know and lov..."
(microphone cable mysteriously cut)
"Sorry, we seem to be experiencing audio difficulties".
Now come on everybody! How about a big round of applause for lanternfish!
(LF - PM me to claim your prize!)
I think people were looking forward to voting for their favorites. It was a clever way to announce the winner, in the same way that Lucy is clever by pulling the football away at the last moment.
Elev8 is a fine name. Not my favorite, but good none the less. Congrats laternfish!
As you may recall, the "Give us new Product Ideas Contest" had some neat little *benefits* - even for those that may not have initially won.
One such benefit was that if we ever did create (and offer for sale, of course) something that was put forth as an "idea" in that thread, the the Poster would get one of those thingy's.
Well, (unless I'm mistaken) I think mindrobots was the first to suggest this type of device for a Parallax product. (If I'm wrong, please let me know!)
So how about another round of applause for mindrobots!
PS: Because of what I can see from within, the "Give us new Product Ideas Contest" is going to come back to haunt us for a long, long time ;-)
Did you mean ELEV8 con Carne??
Well, like Matt said, he has voted.
b 3l33t fly ur ELEV8!
1. Can't figure if you are at all serious.
2. I am beginning to wonder what Parallax actually does on Donut Day.
3. What is in those donuts.
I had pondered this too as I was following along with the serious contention of suggestions and then something happened as Donut Day arrived. As to answer the questions above, 1) Donut Day is very serious, 2) On donut day, someone is playing with the donut holes and the leftovers are saved in a hole donut jar, 3) the donuts are only used for their hole value. Apparently the choice for the name is a hole lot of curiosity too. It must be an inside joke without a hole punch line.
Elev8 must be something I don't recognize because it could be confused for elevator.
Technically speaking, you voted FOR us, instead of WITH us.
At least, a choice for NEITHER would be applicible.
We thought it was perfect! Such dissention...
We had (5) on our "short list" - but two were to easily mis-construable.
"Elev8", elevate is what the thing does - the '8' is for the oh, hummm oh yeah, - # of cogs (propeller connection) - as if you didn't know?
Google it, and nothing "inappropriate" come up. (not so with some of the other suggestions...)
Ok, all that being said - we'll crawl back into our little hole and "re-visit" the final decision :-)
Last place we want to be is in a vacuum...
Regardless, "Elev8" will still be a winner!
And none voted for Elvis. I'm crushed.
On the other hand, Elev8 is a good name. It sure whips dWeebWhacker any day.*
*Well, um, with the exception of Donut Day, maybe.
I disagree - I doubt they actually used twenty three months on the comprehensive diagnostic name selection process while spending $3.6M doing it.
i still love OpenFly, but it isn't my educational company.
Thanks! At least we're not on *their* level :-)
Still debating...(Phil, somebody, anybody! How about an old fashioned *TV color test pattern* while we wait for the central committee's results?)
Right now, the first thing google returns for "parallax elev8" is this thread.
itz alwayz dogz fault.
There are plenty of TV test patterns:
Except when it's not.
Parallax save money If them have Vote on in house name
Central Committee is handing down it's verdict (as I type this...)
Situation: Unrest and disharmony amongst Forumistas over name selection for new flying machine.
Original Name Selected by Central Committee: "ELEV8".
Reporter: Have you reached a verdict?"
CC: "Yes we have."
Reporter: "And what is your Answer?"
CC: "We stand by our selection of 'ELEV8' "
Reporter: "Is that your Final Answer?"
CC: Yes.
Reporter: "Could you give our listening audience a little more reasoning behind your decision?"
CC: "No."
CC: "errr...I mean yes. Yeah, yes. Yeah, I mean sure..."
Although several other good names came up in the selection process, "Elev8" appealed to those who had no idea what the product was going to be (non-geeks), but knew by implication that it must be something that goes "up".
The "8", aside from being the cutesy completion of the full word (elevate) is also a hidden code (almost daVinci like) to the Faithful underground Forumistas who understand the super-powers of the "Circle of Cog's" within the preferred controller system.
Yes! This name is a tribute to these Faithful, as well as to the 14 year old boy that may not understand the difference between a Cog and a Frog, but over time can be lured from darkness into the light.
It is you, the Forumistas - the Faithful if you will, that must put down your Arms, rise above this disharmony - and usher in a whole new era of Cog-verts, through this Wonderful, Uplifting, yes - even ELEV8ing, pastime and profession that we all know and lov..."
(microphone cable mysteriously cut)
"Sorry, we seem to be experiencing audio difficulties".
Now come on everybody! How about a big round of applause for lanternfish!
(LF - PM me to claim your prize!)
Elev8 is a fine name. Not my favorite, but good none the less. Congrats laternfish!
As you may recall, the "Give us new Product Ideas Contest" had some neat little *benefits* - even for those that may not have initially won.
One such benefit was that if we ever did create (and offer for sale, of course) something that was put forth as an "idea" in that thread, the the Poster would get one of those thingy's.
Well, (unless I'm mistaken) I think mindrobots was the first to suggest this type of device for a Parallax product. (If I'm wrong, please let me know!)
So how about another round of applause for mindrobots!
PS: Because of what I can see from within, the "Give us new Product Ideas Contest" is going to come back to haunt us for a long, long time ;-)