Social Network Use Poll - Please Take
Maddie the Intern
Posts: 81
Hi everyone,
I was hoping to take a quick poll to get an idea of which Social Networks you frequent (if at all).
Please take the quick survey, we value your input!
If you use more than one, please choose the one you frequent most often!
Thank you very much!
I was hoping to take a quick poll to get an idea of which Social Networks you frequent (if at all).
Please take the quick survey, we value your input!
If you use more than one, please choose the one you frequent most often!
Thank you very much!
Parallax Forums
Savage Circuits Forums
Facebook (ashamed to confess)
Savage Circuits Forums
Savage Circuits Forums
Those are all I need.
I use all of these equally often: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Parallax Forums, and Savage Circuits Forums.
I am way too verbose to regard Twitter as anything but a useless novelty.
I deleted my Facebook account when I found out they gave a bunch of money toward the effort to legalize marijuana in California.
I hate the TOS for most of those sites .
I am on savage circuits . Here , Devaint art . or on A costume forum ..
that is all I have time for or a need .
Occasionally the other Parallax forums (<<1 per day)
Nothing else on a regular basis although I check the RepRap forums maybe 1 per week.
Never looked at Facebook or Twitter and not interested!
Do you think I am obsessive and need help ???
Home Machinist Forum, Parallax, Astronomy Forums, John Stimson's High Standard forum, and Cloudy Nights.
In this SF future about 5% of the population are fitted with a "Zoe implant" which records everything they ever see and hear. After you die, the implant is used to build a "Rememorial," basically a first-person movie of the best moments of your life for your survivors to admire. The job of the "Cutter" is to go through all the data selecting the good and deleting the bad. Many people are fitted with Zoes at birth and not told until their adolescence or later; it's an expensive high-end luxury item favored mainly by the vain and wealthy.
Much of the horror that builds up as the movie unfolds is that the Cutter learns everything about you. He knows everyone you ever had sex with, reads your porn through your eyes, knows about the guy you killed in that drunken hit-and-run you got away with, sees every time you beat your wife, and so on. It's his job, in the face of this intimate knowledge, to pick out the good stuff and turn you into a saint. "You make saints out of monsters," one character accuses Robin Williams, and he just shrugs.
Facebook and Google+ are a lot like the Eye corporation in the story. They are in a position to learn a bunch of stuff nobody has any business knowing, and the fact that they use this for things we like doesn't mitigate the fact that they are acquiring an awesome and potentially devastating power. I'm sure they don't worry about people like me, since I'll be interacting with people and companies that do use their service and with enough of that interaction, they can still build up a saleable or otherwise useful description of me. Google is at least being honest that the real purpose of Google+ is to be an "identity service;" I think this tells a little too plainly the truth that you are not their customer, but rather their product. Facebook is trying to pretend very vociferously that it's all just good clean fun and why would anybody care about your fond appreciation for tentacle manga or Nazi concentration camp photos or My Little Pony cartoons.
Then one day they make My Little Pony cartoons illegal, and you are screwed. And just like the other 95% in the movie, who never know if one of the people looking at them has an implant, you never know if one of the other people who visited that MLP:FIM meetup mentioned you in his profile. After all, it's just good clean fun and a way to meet like-minded perverts^Wpeople, right?
DISCLAIMER FOR FACEBOOK USERS: The examples used in this post are taken at random and do not imply that I personally have an interest in Japanese animation, the Holocaust, or insufferably cute toys turned into even more insufferably cute cartoons.
Parallax Forums
I have to admit that I use facebook but it's to keep in contact with friends that I've had for close to fifty years (family too). We literally grew up together, so it's nice to keep in touch and facebook makes that very easy to do.
I do not have Facebook, just ditched it more than a year ago. Reason is simple, I don't feel like using it.
I'm still contactable, however.
I visit some similar forums, and vintage computer forums, and, if time, some musical instrument forums, and, if even more time, one book reader forum. I used to frequent RMMGA on Usenet and would have continued to do so if it hadn't taken too much of my time. I'm technically on G+, but I haven't really done anything there yet. I'm not on FFB and won't ever be.
You might want to do a seperate poll on ages that use social networking. Kids might have 600 friends whereas most adults over fifty probably have 27.
As a parent, I just don't have time and it doesn't make me any money. My other dislike is that there are a lot of people who use social networks and they are only in it for their site or their own selves instead of the people whom they connect with.
I read some other forums, and twitter, as a kind of news reader.
Cannot find a use for facebook.
Not exacly social network, but as a side note the best tool when I work with other people is Skype. The file transfert and the chat/voice call make it a great working tool.
I do have accounts on LinkedIn and Facebook, however, I never participate on LinkedIn and only use FB to communicate with my daughter who lives in Montana. Basically, I find them annoying and extremely disruptive so I "connect" when I want to use them, then "disconnect" when I am done.
I don't even like Office Communicator and keep it off at work - it IS the most aggravating and disruptive application to me - every time I get into something, up pops "the window" with something someone wants NOW! Plus, I have had my fill of undocumented conversations - seems some people use for that very reason - and I don't necessarily want to talk to THEM anyway!
I associate social networks with blogs like Facebook. This is a message board and I don't have a blog here or anywhere. I'm not sure people would appreciate my non Parallax projects so I don't post them here out of respect. There was nothing "great" plus it takes a lot of time as I would have to take something like 30 pictures for the perfect photos and make the same project over at least three times to make it look "the best". I'm just not into it and going outside or spending time with family is more enjoyable than trying to make someone say "wow" on the internet whom I can't see.
The people I know have a limited interest in my hobbies or my writings so I might be able to get some page views but it isn't worth it to me.
Savage Circuits
Parallax Forums
Jimmy, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're under 40?
I personally use the Parallax forums much more than any other site.
I go to Facebook about once a month to accept "friendships" from my nieces and nephews who have extended the offer. I have found a couple of valued friends through Facebook. It is strange because all we have done is to say "It's good to find you!" and then we continue to ignore each other because of our busy lives.
I've also had a few offers from people I've worked hard to lose track of.
I visit other forums occasionally. Some German RC forum when I was trying to figure out the communication protocol on a RC transmitter. SparkFun's forum on occasion. Let's Build Robots is a fun forum. (I think I actually have and account on that one.) I recently visited the very disappointing Roomba forum (they mostly wanted to know how to clean their floors not make laser guided sucking robots of terror).
It looks like I'll need to check out Savage Circuits.
In order to be successful, I would have to blog 2-3 times a week or people wouldn't come back to my blog which I don't have. I might go two to three months between projects because I get busy with other things and I have to order through the mail.
My social network is the phonebook and the only ones who call are family, friends and telemarketers (mostly telemarketers).
Seriously though, I've been on bulletin boards before there was an internet back in 1983 and I don't see the value in blogging for several reasons. A relative of mine went to another state, hung out with people who were in the chat room and then came back home and the person he hung out with didn't remember him. It shows me the value of the internet really well and it spells the last 28 years I had online. I can't remember more than 200 names so having 600 friends on facebook isn't worth it to me and I couldn't handle having that many friends in real life because I wouldn't get anything done.
To be honest, being just 19, I'm tiring of Facebook very quickly and have deactivated it twice in an effort to not use it anymore. The problem is: some of my other online accounts only work if I'm on Facebook! When I deactivate it, several other online accounts get messed up...
I only signed up for Twitter for the news. I only follow businesses, just for product updates, new articles, etc.